ecubuilders 3 years
Celebration Inventor 19s Month August 2021
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The printing press. The automobile. The internet. Electricity. Penicillin. Glasses. Sliced bread! All of these things and thousands more are inventions made my ingenious inventors that may have lived thousands or hundreds of years ago, or may even still be alive today, that we benefit from every single day.
But do we ever take the time to think about just how much out-of-the-box thinking went into inventing these things, or how brave those inventors must have been to dare to dream up and create something nobody had ever heard of before? Probably not! And that 19s why Inventor 19s month was 26invented!
The History of Inventor 19s Month
National Inventors Month began was started in 1998 by the United Inventors Association of the USA (UIA-USA), the Academy of Applied Science, and Inventors 19 Digest magazine. As Joanne Hayes-Rines, editor of Inventors 19 Digest and a sponsor of National Inventors Month, put it: 1CWe want to recognize those talented, brave individuals who dare to be blatantly creative, and therefore different, and whose accomplishments affect every facet of our lives. 1D
When we think of inventors, we usually think of people like Alexander Graham Bell or Henry Ford, and there 19s nothing wrong with that 14those people had an enormous impact on what life looks lie today, having invented the telephone and the automobile, respectively.
However, in an age of gadgets, gizmos and electronics, it 19s easy to forget that there is still incredible progress being made in technological innovation. Need proof? Shunpei Yamazaki, without whom our LCD screens would not be able to work. Mark Zuckerberg, who created the most effective way to share pictures our cats ever. Stephen Hawking, whose insightful thories in cosmology have shaped the way humanity sees the universe.
Inventor 19s Month is dedicated to recognizing the creativity of inventors everywhere, dead and alive, and of course encouraging everybody to get inventive.
How to Celebrate Inventor 19s Month
There are a couple of great ways to celebrate Inventor 19s Month. One is to think about what your own favorite inventions are, and how much you appreciate the person who came up with them. Maybe you have bad eyesight and could not live your life the way you do without your trusty contact lenses? Maybe you work long hours and your microwave is your superhero? Or maybe you 19re a housewife/husband who would go crazy without that dishwasher? Whatever your personal favorite invention is, take some time to find out a little about who was behind it. If his or her invention makes your life so much better the least you could do is show the inventor some respect by finding out a bit about its history.
Another way to go about celebrating this month would be to look into patenting an invention of your own. It is estimated that the average person has one or two ideas every month that could make them rich if they just had the courage to make their dreams reality! So what are you waiting for? Inventor 19s Month is time to get those creative juices flowing and see what you are capable of! Nobody is saying you have to be the next Alexander Fleming, so don 19t worry too much about what will happen if your invention doesn 19t turn out to be a game-changer.
What 19s important is that you had the courage to go where no man has gone before, and that would definitely make all of the inventors before you proud!
Special offers for Inventor 19s Month celebration!
Shopping Promotions: Get $50 Off on Linen Sectional Sofa Couch w/ Chaise Lounge, Reversible Ottoman Bench at Best Choice Products -
Teeth Night Guards Promo Codes: Free 3 Month Premium on Dental Guard Cleaner at Teeth Night Guard -
Vitamins & Supplements Promo Codes: Save $7 Off on Smarter Skin Collagen at Smarter Nutrition -
Footwear Deals: Save 15% Off on All Sale Styles at Harley-Davidson Footwear -
Shopping Offers: Get $50 Off on Linen Sectional Sofa Couch w/ Chaise Lounge, Reversible Ottoman Bench at Best Choice Products -
Teeth Night Guards Promo Codes: Free 3 Month Premium on Dental Guard Cleaner at Teeth Night Guard -
Women's Clothing Coupons: Save Up to 80% Off on Sale Items at Splendid -
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ecubuilders 3 years
Timeline National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month June 2021
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National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month timeline
0BChina and India produced the most broccoli
0BGlobal production was 24.2 million tons, with the two nations accounting for 74% of the total.
Japanese scientists developed seedless watermelons
They now make up nearly 85% of the total watermelon sales in the U.S.
0B 0BBrussels sprouts came to the U.S.
0B 0BProduction of brussels sprouts in the U.S. began when the French brought them to Louisiana.
0B5000 BC
0BBananas are really, really old
0BRecent archaeological and paleoenvironmental evidence in the Western Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea suggests that banana cultivation there goes back 7,000 years.
Celebrate National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables month this June with these colorful and tasty foods. Fruits and vegetables provide a variety of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber 14 while remaining naturally low in calories, fat and sodium. In addition, they lower your risk of developing certain chronic diseases 14 and help you maintain a healthy weight. Whether you fancy a market, or just grow the fruits and veggies at home, enjoy any combination of these delectable delights to kick off your summer right.
Special offers for National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month celebration!
Grocery & Food Deals: Save 20% Off on Select Smokin' Cuts at D'Artagnan -
Computers & Accessories Coupon Codes: Get 50% Off on 14 1D ThinkPad T14s Laptop with Ryzen 5 Pro, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD at Lenovo -
Arts, Crafts & Sewing Offers: Free Shipping on Orders Over $45 at Blick -
Arts, Crafts & Sewing Promo Codes: Free Shipping on Orders Over $45 at Blick -
3D Printers Discounts: Save $10 Off on Mega Zero 2.0 at Anycubic -
Grocery & Food Coupon Codes: Save 20% Off on Select Smokin' Cuts at D'Artagnan -
Skin Care Promotions: Save 20% Off on Lips at Physicians Formula -
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ecubuilders 3 years
Why Do We Celebrate National Men's Health Month June 2021?
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How to Observe National Men's Health Month
Tweak your diet
Men's Health Month is a great opportunity to change the way you eat. Cut back on alcohol this month or up your intake of healthy fermented foods like sauerkraut and kefir. You can do anything for a month, and if you do it for a month, you can do it for life!
Set some goals
Use this month to take stock of your health now and think about where you want it to be. Do you want to lose weight? Gain muscle? Simply eat more vegetables? Set small and achievable goals and work with your doctor to make them a reality.
Get educated
Take this opportunity to read about the common health issues that are specific to men and how you can prevent yourself from getting hurt! Check out the CDC for information on health issues that men face.
Why National Men's Health Month is Important
That checks out
If you're stressing about a symptom 14a busted knee, a persistent headache 14it can be easy to get in a cycle of worrying about it. But going to the doctor can do two incredible things: one, it can figure out what's wrong, but two, it can keep you from worrying! Men's Health Month encourages you to get yourself checked out so you can feel better 14and stop worrying.
A conversation starter
Men's Health Month gets people talking about health, which gets people acting about health. Gyms get joined, appointments get made, and resolutions get promised. It's a beautiful thing. Join in!
An excuse for pampering
Lots of things that are good for your body are also good for your soul! Play some golf, get a massage, take an extra long nap. It's all healthy, and if anyone asks the occasion, you've got an answer at the ready: Men's Health Month!
June is National Men 19s Health Month! This month is all about encouraging the men in your life (including you, men out there!) to take care of their bodies by eating right, exercising, and working to prevent disease. The official symbol for the month is a blue ribbon and the purpose of Men 19s Health Month is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of diseases including cancer, heart disease, and depression.
Special offers for National Men's Health Month celebration!
Flower Delivery Coupon Codes: Save 12% Off on 12 Roses Orders Over $75) at Roses Only -
Grocery & Food Coupon Codes: Save 20% Off on Select Smokin' Cuts at D'Artagnan -
Men's Boots Promotions: Save 25% Off on Sale Items at Bogs Footwear -
Flower Delivery Offers: Save 12% Off on 12 Roses Orders Over $75) at Roses Only -
Motorcycles & Powersports Coupon Codes: Save 5% Off on 49cc Pocket Bike at Mega Motor Madness -
Pet Health Supplies Discounts: Save 12% Off on Select Items at CanadaPetCare.com -
Beauty & Personal Care Offers: Get $25 Off on Orders Over $100 at Vegamour -
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ecubuilders 3 years
Celebration Care For Your Grandparents Month June 2021
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EIJING 14Confucius described old age as a 18good and pleasant thing 19 which caused you to be 18gently shouldered off the stage, but given a comfortable front stall as spectator 19. This honorable sentiment paints a melancholic image of how senior citizens should be treated, given peace in their twilight years while able freely to dispense their wisdom to younger generations.
Retirement homes are highly uncommon in rural areas of China where traditional entrenchment about the nuclear family is mainstream. 18Placing your parents in retirement homes will see you labeled as uncaring or a bad son. To abandon one 19s family is considered deeply dishonorable 19, said Zhou Rui, a Guangxi native living in Beijing. Even in extreme circumstances, there seems to be little deviation from this belief. When tackling such degenerative illnesses as Alzheimer 19s disease, most families would prefer hiring a permanent caregiver than to place their relative in a nursing home. 18But since I live in Beijing for my work, and I am an only child, my mother has accepted to go into a home. Better to go against tradition than leave my mother all on her own 19, says Zhou Rui.
Western societies have become increasingly uncomfortable with the view that retirement is the end of one 19s useful contribution to society. In such settings, Confucius 19 words may find a little hold. In China, however, taking care of one 19s parents is a lot of all children 13 failure to do so would mean a major loss of face for any family. From all sections of society, children receive consistent reminders that they owe everything to their parents and that they must repay this debt in full. This responsibility and the ties it creates is never better illustrated than in the massive human migration seen during the Spring Festival and National Day holidays when people across this vast country visit their parents.
While this unity between the generations may seem eternal, two looming factors might disrupt it. The first is a direct result of the Communist Party of China 19s (CPC 19s) 18one-child 19 policy. Traditionally, parents were taken care of through having many offspring: sons and daughters who would all contribute to looking after their parents when they got old. Now, with only one child per family in towns and cities, or two in rural areas, the social attitudes of China are rapidly changing. Already, national media deplore the self-centered attitudes of the 18xiao Huang di 19 (little emperors) generation who have been raised as only children and apparently have little respect or time for tradition, preferring instead to focus on improving their own standing.
The second potentially disrupting factor is simply that people are living longer than before. At the end of 2005, China counted 144million people over the age of 60 13 that 19s 11 percent of its total population. While longer and healthier life is, of course, something to celebrate, and a testament to advances made in Chinese society in recent years, such a rise in the number of elderly people will also put a strain on the economy and society, both of which will have to readjust to compensate. While the 18ageing question 19 is rising the world over, China must also address problems all of its own. Recent efforts by the CPC to bolster rural healthcare and establish a better social security system have in part been motivated by a single realization: many Chinese families are no longer able adequately to provide for their older members.
Special offers for Care For Your Grandparents Month celebration!
Pet Health Supplies Deals: Save 12% Off on Select Items at CanadaPetCare.com -
Skin Care Offers: Free Deluxe Samples on Bergamot Plus Eucalyptus Deodorants Orders Over $40 at Malin + Goetz -
Pet Health Supplies Promotions: Save 12% Off on Select Items at CanadaPetCare.com -
Cell Phone Accessories Promo Codes: Buy One & Get One 50% Off on Phone Case at Tech21 -
Flashlights & Floodlights Discounts: Save 20% Off on Elite Series Cerakote Flashlights at Fenix Store -
Skin Care Deals: Free Deluxe Samples on Bergamot Plus Eucalyptus Deodorants Orders Over $40 at Malin + Goetz -
Photo Printing Services Coupon Codes: Save Up to 89% Off on All Canvas Prints at Canvas on Demand -
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ecubuilders 3 years
Get the latest Bluetooth headphones from Jay Bird
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ecubuilders 3 years
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ecubuilders 3 years
Celebration Autism Awareness Month April 2021
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This is not a condition that we can run from nor are there cures right around the corner, but we can learn through the eyes of those who deal with it every day. Many amazing people have grown up facing the prejudice of the world because they were different, but didn 19t let it dampen nor demean who they were. Autism Awareness Month helps us learn that while they face certain challenges, those who face the world are people just like you and me.
History of Autism Awareness Month
The Society for Autism founded in 1965 by Dr. Rimland, to promote research and help as well as guidance for those who lived with this condition, and to support those living with the people who face the world with Autism gain a better understanding of what was going on with their loved ones. The Society for Autism went to bat for Autism sufferers by helping to establish legislation in Section 504 of the disabilities act to recognize and protect them.
Their campaigns started in the early 1970 19s and are still going today; Autism Awareness Month was established to promote a better understanding between those with Autism and be a part of the world they live in, not stand outside looking in. The face of Autism isn 19t set in stone, and there are multiple ways it can manifest. Every person who lives their life with this condition faces different challenges depending on where they lay on the Autistic Spectrum, and which facets of the condition the experience most severely.
How to celebrate Autism Awareness Month
Go out to a seminar or conference to gain a better understanding of how to recognize and support those with the illness is a great way to start. You can also take some time out of your life to run or walk a marathon to support the Research. You can start by buying a ribbon to help fund research into this condition, and to help the world understand the lives of those that live with this condition.
Support for those with this condition can begin with donations and wear the jigsaw ribbons, to attending conferences, sending letters to your congressmen and watching seminars. If you know someone with Autism or are an Autism sufferer yourself, there 19s a month set aside to help the world better understand you, and for you to celebrate your successes living life with Autism.
Special deals to celebrate Autism Awareness Month!
Insight Vacations Coupon Code: $50 Off Booking - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Clothing Discount: 15% Off Mid Season Sale + Free Shipping on $89+ - Get 15% Off Mid Season Sale + Free Shipping On $89+
Coffee Blenders Promotion: 10% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Walgreens Promo Code: Today Only! Free Next Day Delivery on Order - Get Free Next day delivery on your order. Offer ends on 04/28/2021 at 10 pm
Alcohol Coupon: 40% Off Sitewide + Free Shipping - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Alcohol Promotion: 40% Off Sitewide + Free Shipping - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Home And Garden Coupon: 10% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
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ecubuilders 3 years
Celebration Biological Clock Day April 28, 2021
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The words 18biological clock 19 may conjure up images of dancing babies, but there 19s much more to the biological clock than that last minute urge to make babies that supposedly kicks in at a certain point in a woman 19s life.
For a start, both men and women have a biological clock, as being celebrated by Biological Clock Day, and it affects their behaviour and mood on a daily basis. It maintains a sleep-wake pattern that fits in with the light and dark of a day on Earth. More formally known as the circadian rhythm, it monitors light, temperature and other environmental factors to influence things like alertness, energy levels, hunger and motivation.
The technology of today 19s world can upset the balance of the biological clock, so celebrate Biological Clock Day by setting aside some time to re-regulate it; create a regular bedtime routine, minimise naps and eat regularly.
Special deals to celebrate Biological Clock Day!
Australia Coupon: Buy 1 Traditional Or Premium, Get 1 Traditional Or Value Free - 2 For 1 Tuesdays! Buy One Traditional or Premium, Get One Traditional or Value Free - Pickup (participating stores)
Home And Garden Coupon Code: 10% Off Sitewide - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Walgreens Promo Code: Today Only! Free Next Day Delivery on Order - Get Free Next day delivery on your order. Offer ends on 04/28/2021 at 10 pm
My12VoltStore Deal: Up to 25% Off Select Refrigerators - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
Triumph Motorcycles Deal: $40 Off Your Neosensory Buzz Order - Labor Day Sale! Get $40 Off Your Neosensory Buzz Order. Terms and Conditions Apply
Wedding Promo Code: Up to 50% Off Personalized Gift Sale + Additional 15% Off - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Events Promo Code: Up to 50% Off Personalized Gift Sale + Additional 15% Off - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
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ecubuilders 4 years
Celebration Clean Up Your Computer Month January 2021
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Computers 13 we have all had to deal with them one way or another. From video games to social media, these technological creations also come with an important note. If we want to keep our computers running at optimum capacity, we have to keep them clean.
Both the components and the internal memory have to be cleaned regularly if we want our machines to operate properly. So, on that note, let us look into the ideals of Clean Up Your Computer Month!
History of Clean Up Your Computer Month
The first substantial computer was the giant ENIAC machine, created by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the University of Pennsylvania. ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) used a word of 10 decimal digits instead of binary ones like previous calculators/computers. ENIAC was also the first machine to use more than 2,000 vacuum tubes, using nearly 18,000 vacuum tubes instead.
Storage in those vacuum tubes require the machinery to keep cool, taking up over 167 square meters (1800 square feet) of floor space. Nonetheless, it had punched-card input and output. It also arithmetically had 1 multiplier, 1 divider-square rooter, and 20 adders employing decimal 1Cring counters, 1D which served as adders and quick-access (0.0002 seconds) read-write register storage. ENIAC was productively used from 1946 to 1955. The 1960 19s saw large mainframe computers become more common in large industries, the US military, and space program. IBM became the unquestioned market leader in selling these large, expensive, error-prone, and very hard to use machines.
A veritable explosion of personal computers occurred in the early 1970s, starting with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak exhibiting the first Apple II at the first West Coast Computer Faire in San Francisco. The Apple II boasted built-in BASIC programming language, color graphics, and a 4,100 character memory for only $1,298. Programs and data could be stored on an everyday audio-cassette recorder. Before the end of the fair, Wozniak and Jobs had secured 300 orders for the Apple II and from there Apple took off.
Also introduced in 1977 was the TRS-80. This was a home computer manufactured by Tandy Radio Shack. In its second incarnation, the TRS-80 Model II, came complete with a 64,000 character memory and a disk drive to store programs and data on. At this time, only Apple and TRS had machines with disk drives. With the introduction of the disk drive, personal computer applications took off as a floppy disk was a most convenient publishing medium for distribution of software.
IBM, which up to this time had been producing mainframes and minicomputers for medium to large-sized businesses, decided that it had to get into the act and started working on the Acorn, which would later be called the IBM PC. The PC was the first computer designed for the home market which would feature modular design so that pieces could easily be added to the architecture.
Most of the components surprisingly came from outside of IBM, since building it with IBM parts would have cost too much for the home computer market. When it was introduced, the PC came with a 16,000 character memory, keyboard from an IBM electric typewriter, and a connection for tape cassette player for $1,265.
By 1984, Apple and IBM had come out with new models. Apple released the first generation Macintosh, which was the first computer to come with a graphical user interface(GUI) and a mouse. The GUI made the machine much more attractive to home computer users because it was easy to use.
Sales of the Macintosh soared like nothing ever seen before. IBM was hot on Apple 19s tail and released the 286-AT, which with applications like Lotus 1-2-3, a spreadsheet, and Microsoft Word, quickly became the favorite of business concerns.
That brings us up to about ten years ago. Now people have their own personal graphics workstations and powerful home computers. The average computer a person might have in their home is more powerful by several orders of magnitude than a machine like ENIAC. The computer revolution has been the fastest growing technology in man 19s history.
How to celebrate Clean Up Your Computer Month
To celebrate, all we have to do is turn off our computers and makes sure that the inside is clean and free from dust. Afterwards we need to reactivates our computers and clear up any space on the hard drives that we possibly can, and let 19s not forget to close up our computers after cleaning out the interior.
Special deals to celebrate Clean Up Your Computer Month!
The Perfect Rug Coupon Code: 15% Off Custom Dining Room Area Rugs + Free Shipping - No coupon code needed. Tap to shop the sale now.
Workout Music Discount: 15% Off The Biggest Loser Workout Mix - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
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ecubuilders 4 years
Celebration Hobby Month January 2021
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Hobbies 13 we all have one or more. From reading to gaming, we all have something that keeps our minds busy. So join us as we delve into the pages of the book that is Hobby Month!
History Of Hobby Month
Since humans became sentient we have always had hobbies. It started out with smaller hobbies, such as swimming, hunting, and drawing on cave walls. We have always done things to keep ourselves busy during the long days, but where did the word hobby come from?
The origins of the word hobby suggest that initially it was the word given to pursuits that others thought somewhat childish or trivial. However, as early as 1676 Sir Matthew Hale, in Contemplations Moral and Divine, wrote 1CAlmost every person hath some hobby horse or other wherein he prides himself. 1D He was acknowledging that a 1Chobby horse 1D produces a legitimate sense of pride. By the mid-18th century hobbies flourished as working people had more regular hours of work and greater leisure time.
They spent more time to pursue interests that brought them satisfaction. However, there was concern that these working people might not use their leisure time in worthwhile pursuits. The hope of weaning people away from bad habits by the provision of counter-attractions came to the fore in the 1830 19s. This has rarely waned since. Initially, the bad habits were perceived to be of a sensual and physical nature and the counter attractions, or perhaps more accurately alternatives, deliberately cultivated rationality and intellect.
How to celebrate Hobby Month
All month long, this celebration is one of the easiest things to do. All we have to do, is enjoy our hobbies. Now, there are hundreds of hobbies that people have in this world, so we will add in a few of them as an example of what hobbies there are around the world:
Collecting: Collecting is seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying and storing antiques, and other valuable items that people want to keep in their possession.
Cooking: Cooking is the preparation of foods in a manner to create a dish from different food combinations. It is a great way to learn different cultural dishes as well.
Gardening: Gardening is the care and maintenance of flowers and plants in a row of tilled soil around a home or in a plant pot.
Special deals to celebrate Hobby Month!
Dawn Levy Coupon Code: Free Shipping on Sitewide Orders - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
Doggie Couture Shop Deal: Up to 30% Off Sweaters + Free Shipping With Minimum - Up to 30% Off All Sweaters - One Day Only + Free US Shipping on All Orders over $99
Monster Gardens Promotion: 7% Off Sitewide Order - Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.
Allstate Banners Corp Offer: 5% Off Banners - Get 5% Off Banners.
Best Window Treatments Offer: Free Shipping on Orders of $100+ - Get free Shipping on Orders Over $100
Supermaggie Coupon: Up to 59% Off Mystery Tees - Get up to 59% off mystery tees
Dawn Levy Promo Code: Free Shipping on Sitewide Orders - No coupon code needed. Prices as marked. Tap to shop the sale now.
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ecubuilders 4 years
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ecubuilders 4 years
April, 2020 is National Child Abuse Prevention Month 2020. - What are the types of elder abuse? - Free Child Abuse Resource NCAC has free online resources for child abuse professionals
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ecubuilders 4 years
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ecubuilders 4 years
Reason to celebrate: April 24, 2020 is National Pig In A Blanket Day. Pig Inside A Blanket Day encourages the intake of pigs in blankets small pork sausages (or chipolatas) covered with sausage or pastry, and cooked until crispy. Chinese and eastern types more carefully resemble small sausage comes.To have an alternative method of honoring Pig In A Blanket Day, you may consider wrapping your farm creatures in layers of protective fabric whichever you want.
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ecubuilders 4 years
Reason to celebrate: April 24, 2020 is National Pig In A Blanket Day. Pig Inside A Blanket Day encourages the intake of pigs in blankets small pork sausages (or chipolatas) covered with sausage or pastry, and cooked until crispy. Chinese and eastern types more carefully resemble small sausage comes.To have an alternative method of honoring Pig In A Blanket Day, you may consider wrapping your farm creatures in layers of protective fabric whichever you want.
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ecubuilders 4 years
Deals on Friday, April 24, 2020
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