eddyiewriting · 3 days
Yooooooooo! I woke up today and saw I had more than 500 followers! Honestly, that's crazy as fuck for me, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Hope we can hit another milestone soon enough. Thank you all again, this is crazy lmao.
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eddyiewriting · 10 days
Writing Update #8
Alright, let's get back to work. I updated the game last week and I took some time to read the feedback. I got back to writing this week and I've decided to work on the siege in Chapter 2. The next update will be a small rewriting, with new added scenes in Chapter 2, and a few scenes in Chapter 1. So far, this is what I have planned:
Add an option to "sortie" the enemy camp. Sortie was a tactic used in siege warfare, where the defenders raided the besiegers to harass the enemy. This will be the first engagement that the MC can lead and will have different outcomes depending on the MC's abilities.
Since the siege will be longer, there will be more scenes with characters, including ROs, but I also wanted to develop a few more secondary characters.
I want to add more references to the lore that will explain more about the world around you.
And I want to add more variations between Male and Female MC.
So far I added more than 5000 words this week, making the project have around 162.000 words in total (excluding command lines.) The next update won't take too long since it will not be a full chapter, but I want to add these changes before I jump to Chapter 3. Thank you all for reading and for the feedback.
Here's Freddy trying to be intimidating:
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eddyiewriting · 16 days
You still have a super lengthy ask coming from me but i just wanted to say... that damn Owain kiss... you are so wrong for that!!!
Mxm. I fucking loved it then i hated it... then i loved that i hated it and then i blamed u. So there.
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eddyiewriting · 17 days
Hello! so I was planning on asking this after playing the first part of the ch2 but I kind of forgot until I saw the update (which I still haven't played yet, I'm preparing myself mentally...😅). Is the mc supposed to always hate/ be reluctant/ lack confidence? about becoming the heir when presented to those nobles? because it felt like that to me in that scene and personally I will have wanted to become the heir by any means necessary to take revenge for my family if that happened to me especially after bonding with the brother before he dies 😅 speaking of that, I don't know if anyone mentioned it but if we decide to speak with our brother then forgive him, if we choose the Owain outing later there's options to ask about him and it's like the mc still think he hates them even though he said he didn't.
Lol, I heard a lot about this in the forum. I wanted MC to gradually gain confidence. For me, it didn't make sense for MC, who was never expected to be a ruler, to already know what to do and be so confident. In the next chapter, I wanted to make MC finally start growing stronger and be able to fight his own fights.
I might rewrite this as well, but since this is how I envision the story, I can't make any promises that this will change, sorry.
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eddyiewriting · 17 days
Sorry, I'm not sure if it was asked but I noticed some difference in RO response after playing a Fmc and Mmc and I was wondering if an mc can romance someone of the same gender or not? since when I chose a romance option with someone of the same gender as my mc, even the mc acted like it wasn't serious? as if the flirting was just a joke and checking them out wasn't intentional? because to be honest, right now I only like Cerys and I mostly play as Fmc and I'll be devastated if she thought I wasn't serious after flirting with her plenty of times by the end of the game...😅😂 imagine the mc finally taking revenge against the empire after countless obstacles then telling Cerys she loves her and getting told that joke is getting old...😂 Mc may as well pass the throne to someone trustworthy and bury herself alive from embarrassment.😅😅😂
Lol, yes you can romance someone of the same gender. If you feel that way then it's my fault. I'm going back right now and rewriting some things so I'll make sure to fix this if it's an issue.
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
Não acredito que você é br! Isso levanta muitas questões sobre a relação de brs com dark fantasy. The Bastard Crown, Blood Legacies, e The Abyssal, são minhas wips preferidas e sao escritas por brs! Parece que a gente achou o nosso cantinho na comunidade
Parabéns pelo trabalho!
O Brasil é uma dark fantasy da vida real, por isso, kkk. Mas falando sério, acho que dark fantasy seja o subgênero mais popular não só no Brasil, mas no mundo e muitos escritores br são do gênero. Pelo menos os que eu curto como Leonel Caldela, André Vianco, MP Neves.
Aliás, é uma honra ter meu WIP como os seus favoritos, espero continuar no podium, kk.
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
Heya!! Firstly, I am Loving the update!!
Secondly, I was wondering if you could think about marking when there's a POV change?? Maybe even the location of where that POV is occurring.
Right now, it just kinda jumps onto a new person, with no info on where or when their pov is taking place.
That's a good idea that I haven't thought about yet, I'll make sure to add that.
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
I think the emotional and Stoic stat might be mixed up or imbalanced somewhere, i'm not sure.
I've been choosing stoic choices, yet somewhere between hanging with Oswain, walking around the city and checking defenses- I noticed emotional somehow jumped all the way up to 90%; though I can't be sure which scene or choices exactly caused it.
I did fight in the bar, so idk if that's the cause, but even still, i feel like that is quite a big jump from the 60% I had on Stoic.
Thanks for telling me! If anyone reading this finds any other mistakes or bugs, you can let me know so it'll be easier for me to fix them.
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
Is there no way to stop losing the city and castle? I am going crazy going back and choosing different options but nothing seems to stop it.
It's part of the story, unfortunately. Some of the choices you make, such as choosing to defend the castle or the city will impact your number of soldiers in the next chapter, but the city is required for the rest of the story.
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
Oiê, bem eu fiz duas descobertas recentemente: seu wip e que tu é br (o que é legal pq conheci poucos de nós aquikkk), só gostaria de dizer que tô amando a história e desejar que as coisas melhorem aí no sul. Um beijo e um abraço aqui de MG ❤️
Kkkk, sempre bom encontrar outro br nas profundezas da internet. Que bom que está gostando da história, isso me deixa bastante feliz. E obrigado pela mensagem, felizmente não fui atingido pela enchente, mas ela atrapalhou bastante a escrita (e a vida em geral). Mas as coisas estão melhorando, felizmente. 🖤
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eddyiewriting · 23 days
Hey, I tried accessing the cog link, but it says it doesn't exist. Is this a mistake or was it on purpose? I imagine it's a mistake, so I thought I should let you know.
That said, any minor spoilers? I'm looking forward to the update!!
You are writing something fascinating and very engaging, congratulations on your creativity and effort!
Hi, I know you already solved this, but I saw some people saying that the page for my WIP didn't exist, so I thought of answering this.
If you click on the link and you see that the page doesn't exist check if you are part of the Adult Reader's group. My WIP is checked for adult audience so you need to be part of this group to see the page.
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eddyiewriting · 24 days
Ooooh i hateeeee you. Really. That's how we start chapter 2????
You made me cry so much oooooooomg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
*throws paper at you* bad writer! Bad! Bad!!
Why would you do that to me. 😭😭😭😫💔
This is only the beginning...
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eddyiewriting · 24 days
Game update #2
It's here! Didn't think I would do it, but I did. The game is finally updated again with the rest of chapter 2. May have been an awful month. I apologize for the delay and the time it took. Even the topic in the forum was closed, lol.
I playtested the hell out of this game this week looking for bugs, so I think we should be good. However, something might have escaped my eyes so be aware.
Thank you all so much for waiting and I hope you enjoy this one. I'm gonna be honest, I'm really excited to see your reaction to this part.
I have some college things to do now, bye and have fun.
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eddyiewriting · 1 month
Writing Update #7
Here I am again with another update! This time an exciting one. Kinda.
Let me start by saying that I finished writing the update. But it is done yet? Not quite. I still need to edit, do some revision and rewriting, as well as going over a few things that I might've missed. Now, I will go back to the previous chapter and fix some things that have been bothering me and use the feedback y'all gave me. I hope I can fix some of the problems with the writing and add more variations regarding the "background" of your MC.
I will also start building the army management system that will start appearing in the next chapter. When this update comes I recommend that you start a new save due to some variables that are going to change. I'm not really familiar with this so I'm not sure if this is going to break the game or not.
Right now we are at 142946 words (excluding command lines).
Thank you so much for sticking with me. I'm really excited for this next update, but also a litte worried, lol. Hope you guys like it.
It's been pretty cold these past few days and the rain is still pouring. That gave Freddy an excuse to sleep in my parent's bed while they weren't looking. He's also extra cuddly.
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eddyiewriting · 2 months
Writing Update #6
Hey, everyone. Writing, but also life, update here.
Worst things first, sorry for being silent for a while. College has been keeping me busy with projects and exams, and it's been a lot to handle. Why do professors always choose to give us assignments in the same week?
Besides that, God has decided to give Brazil the round two of the Flood and now half of my state is underwater. There's been some power and water shortage, but overall my family and I are fine, just a little scared. Some folks got hit pretty hard though. Also there's a river next to my house at risk of overflowing so... yeah, fun times. My family is considering staying with my aunt for a while, at least until all the rain stops.
Now, unto the good news. I was able to write a good chunk of the story so far. I managed to speedrun some parts and I'm almost at the end of the chapter. So, hurray to me! No promises on when the next update will be, but I'm aiming for sometime in the next weeks. I'm REALLY excited for you guys to read. I was able to fix some of the issues with the previous update, so I hope this one is better. Also, I'm actually thinking I'm improving as a writer. Who would've thought?
I hope these few days when I was gone didn't scare you away and you guys are still with me.
Shit, that was one depressing update. So here's Freddy with his head held back. (Don't worry, he doesn't mind). Thanks for the patience, Iloveyou.❤
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eddyiewriting · 2 months
hii! for the height range, what is classified as the boundaries tall, average & short ty <3
Okay, I'm gonna be honest and admit I didn't put much thought behind customization. It's bad, I know, after all this is a pretty important part for some people. Maybe I'll change it once I start the rewriting.
Anyway, I'll try to answer the best I can. Also, I'm using centimeters because, in all honesty, feet are such a confusing unit for me, and I don't want to convert from feet to centimeters.
Tall: I'd say the MC can range from 185 to 190cm for men (which is your father's height) and 180 to 186cm for women.
Average: Around 175cm for men and 165cm for women.
Short: From 160cm to 165cm for men and around 150cm for women.
Also, if anyone is wondering about the ROs' height:
Owain: Is taller than average, around 177 and 180cm.
Cerys: She's the average for a woman, 160cm.
Arthur: Is the tallest character in the game, between 198 and 200cm.
Teagan: She's taller than the average woman, around 170cm, so as tall as average male MC.
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eddyiewriting · 2 months
Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
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Very romantic and passionate when it comes to kisses or other physical activities. Unknown to most, he is a very fan of romantic books and sometimes he likes to imitate what these characters do, like kissing at sunrise over a field of flowers. He would kiss all over you, but he would focus on where you like the most and he doesn't have a preference where you kiss him.
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When I think of Cerys I think of a passionate and adventurous woman and her personality reflects on her relationships. She's not as experienced as him and wants to try different things and is passionate as Owain, but not so much of a romantic. The neck.
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She's not very touchy, to be honest. Hugs and cuddles are okay, but other kisses and other stuff? Not so much.
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