edenmartinez · 3 months
Performed felled
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Related infections
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*Miltrex Instrument
*Surgery cleaner
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*Germicide[ Glutaraldehido; peroxido de hidrogeno y acido peritico
Cloruro mg
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Silicato ppm
Valor ph
Acido citrico
Peroxido de hidrogeno
Acido peracético
Miltex instrument
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Destinacion por metodo
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Monitorizing Drug with inmunohilatores to antibodys of immunogenocity..
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PIFX Dose Dashboard
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GERD = Infectious System To prevent rejection of organ transplant recipients
Hermozone: Cream with metamethazone conicoids: gel fusicor
Gel fusico GERD = Infectious System To prevent rejection of organ transplant recipients
What are antibodys - Drug congugates monoclonal antibodys Linked to a cytotoxic drug des to -n the therapeulic window by focusing a delivery to specifics cells.
*Tumor antigen *binding site
*monoclonal antibody
* selective for antigeno
with high copy numbers in target tumor celk with minimal inmyngenic response.
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associated factors) or non-cleavable (via tumor associated factor of monel cavable (Lysosomalal degration
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Antibody bind target antigeno. Internalized → → payload releas +
bystander gel
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free payload
ACDS Reach tumors via capiliares releasing somepayload in micro
enviroment ass diffuse toward target
Any's independing tacles
Antibody engagement payload -
independent antitumor activity
Disruption o receptor dimerization and
funtion leads to disruption ofdownstream signaling
Antibody Drug congugates: Mechanism of action
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•Antibody binds target antigen Internalized 7 Payload release ADCS may circulate as dynamic mixture of context congujate, naked antibodys,
Conjugate, naked antibody, and free payload
ADCS reach tumors via capiliares releasing some payload in tumor micro enviroment aa diffuse toward target
ADCS: More than the Sum of their parts
Efective in heavily pretreated patient of those who have resistance to treatment antibody or chemotherapy components may be due to a superior therapeutic index Components vary, eg, FDM1 vs I-Dxd! vs Additive benefit from best. bystander Effect
Identifying the mechanist of effacey is challenging given multiple contributing part
ACDS toxicityies
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THC imunohistochemistry
predictive biomarkers for ADCs hard to establish
•Where will ADCs for within the current
treatment Porading for lung cancer?
• Consideration of ADCs in combination with agent thar increase APC delivery modulate target antigen any or for internalization Promove antitumor immunity,
in comon, up Be complex bypass infysion guideline Opideline (ACD proteins)
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Anticipate a role for non biomarker select in therapies in setting of osirmertinib resistance
Progresion Oh Osimertinib subpectos
• obtein brain MRI and chest/abdomen/ pelvis Ct
•Radiographic progressing lesion and submit for biomarker testing consider Liquid biopsy if tissue biopsy not feasible
but less sensitive for fusion/
• Oligome ometastatic continue TX with addition of log ablative
•Slows and/or asymptomatic. Continue to beyond progression
CNS only. If Limited, continue tx with addition
if diffuse transition to CNS-penetrant Systemic
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less sensitive for fusion/ transformation
bypass pathways
⚫met amplification
⚫clinical trial of Combined EGFR/MET
• Osimetinib + Met inhibitor (eg, crizotinibtinib, capmatinib
Fusion clinical trial
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Ret Inhibitor (eg, Pralsetinib selpercatinib
ARK: Osimertive +ALK TIKE
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maintenance Therapy observation
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Pembrolizumab - Carboplatin /
permetraxes.co alone in Advanced NSCLC Vs Chemotherapy add EGFR mutations with L858R or del19 EFRG mutations after EGFR IKI Therapy
mechanism or fusion of therapy
transformation of histology teatretment, follow up with, X Ray, abdomen of confirmed Progress
1First chemotherapy
2 on therapy I will aproximing
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4 Metastasis
trombotic Nervious sistem
Adjuvant treatmen in deumatic diseases o Spookify your armets, Juvenile reumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic Osteoarthritis, etc.) or in exacerbation of rheumatoid psoriatic arthrit.
Peace dose gradually avoid disease High doses decrease song every 1-2 days Weeks up to 18mg gay 19 Average dose 20-60mg day decreasdz by 5mg by 5.g
Starting at 10 ming day, decrease by 2,5 mg every 1-2 weeks.
mild dermal and Join Outbreaks Can be enough Short Courses of Cortecosteroids evidence how to be the construction in future of organ trasplnt in benefic of surge
What Phase no Have metatasis.
Classic Indications
Vasculitis Sistemicas con afectation and organs remopulmonary syndrome
Nefropatia Lupica Tipo III, IV Alveolitis fibrosane of multiple sclerosis sistemica
In monarche patient with hormone receptor (HR)-positive/HER2-mode- positive high risk EBC and previous
surgery and radiotherapy an indicated and adjuvant chemotherapy were randomize to receive adjuvant endocrine Therapy with or without adjuvant abemaceclir for two year. After a median follow of 19.1 month
treatmen with aberacidib up plus endocrine therapy significantly reduced the risk of an invasive desease-free
survival (IDFS) event hazan ratio 0,71, 95% Cl: 0,58-082; P=01) The benefit was even greater in patient with a Ki-67=20% (Harzard ratio 0.69, 95% CI: 052-092
Lon biopsy confirms invasive ductal carcinome estrogen receptor (ER) Positive, progesterone keeptor PR positive and HER2 negative Ki-67- Scome was 60% Germline mutation testing confirms no patogeny Vananita She plans to underjo Meoadjuvant Chemotherapy followed by
Guideline Recommended Biomaker testing For Breast Cancer
[on biopsy confirms invasive ductal carcinome estrogen receptor (ER) positive, progesterone keeptor positive and HER2 negative K1-67- Scone was 60% Germline noutation testing confins no patogeny Varianita She plans to undergo
Medadjuvant Chemotherapy followed by
Guideline Recommended Biomarker testing For Breast Cancer
Breast cancer receptor status Should be determinated as part of the diagnostic Workup for patient worth newly aliagnosed or current breast cancer, including Here statue by inmonohistochemistry with or witho Fluorescence in situ hybridization if needed and HR Status including ER and PR F3. several gene expres assays are avalaible that can help predict risk of recurrence and response to systemic therapy More recently germine mutation resting has been incorporated"
manregements of £BC, especif booking for BREA mutation To quide at uvant Herapy Select For patient with Her 2 negative breast cancer. "Las
me asurement of the Ki-67 antigen can be helpful when Considery specific targeted the rapies Such as aberma why the begen of breast tumlr like drive to cancer
Among pation with metas
breast cancer approximately 50% will desselop brain To F
metastaser managing brain metastases is a critical Before the last year
part of caring the population - There were no agent that Where no feven to be to treat central nervous metastases and result improved outcome me
Optimising systemic therapy for patient with Herz Pos. The early breast cancer
based den deseas charac-
terist and risk
0 notes
edenmartinez · 3 months
I gained useful experience when I began my pre-practice as a pharmacy assistant while training for three years with the American Society of Gastroenterology and an agreement. with the clinicaloptions.com website regarding those who saw the medication in front of the children's clinic in the entrance area of ​​the pharmacy was on the front line in the development of specific treatments for the newborn and his chronic illness. I was a distributor of the country Saudi Arabia, my father was the king and I send of tools and goods that I can monitor and investigate what and why they need them, then I trained in medicines and sequencing of too many children and survivors when it we can speak else of him demographics within the hospital and the population that is responsible My husband at work
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0 notes
edenmartinez · 4 months
Triage III
Angelo Dominguez
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Patien subjeted to Therapy physical and Micro Surgery
Patient says:
"My injury is how like new it feels very good i need the six months of Therapy the latest what afected me is the stomach i has stomachache during two weeks"
Therapy Physical therapy can be helpful for some types of arthritis. Exercises can improve range of motion and strengthen the muscles around the joints. In some cases, the use of a splint or immobilization devices may be warranted. Surgery If traditional methods don't help, doctors may suggest surgery, such as:
Joint repair. In some cases, joint surfaces can be repaired or realigned to reduce pain and improve function. These types of procedures are usually performed arthroscopically, through small incisions in the joint.
Joint replacement. This procedure consists of removing the damaged joint and replacing it with an artificial one. The joints most frequently replaced are the hips and knees.
Joint fusion. This procedure is most often used for smaller joints, such as those in the wrist, ankle, and fingers. The ends of the two bones at the joint are removed and then the ends are fixed together until they heal and form a rigid unit.
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0 notes
edenmartinez · 5 months
A 45-year-old premenopausal woman with underlying inflammatory bowel disease underwent lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, with surgical pathology demonstrating a 3.5-cm invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3, with 2 of 3 sampled nodes positive. Her biomarkers are estrogen receptor 80%, progesterone receptor 30%, and HER2 negative (immunohistochemistry [IHC] 0). Germline BRCA testing is negative. She receives adjuvant chemotherapy with dose‑dense AC-T (doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide followed by paclitaxel) followed by radiation therapy.
In addition to ovarian suppression, which of the following adjuvant therapies would you recommend for this patient?
Aromatase inhibitor (AI) only
AI + abemaciclib 
AI + olaparib
AI + ribociclib
 Your Answer: B
Correct Answer: D
Adjuvant endocrine therapy plus a CDK4/6 inhibitor is recommended for this patient because her nodal positivity and high disease grade increase her risk of recurrence. Phase III trials have shown that adding abemaciclib or ribociclib to adjuvant endocrine therapy significantly prolongs invasive disease–free survival (iDFS) in patients with high-risk HR-positive/HER2-negative EBC. She is eligible for abemaciclib per the label and ribociclib per NATALEE eligibility criteria, but ribociclib would be preferred in a patient with an underlying bowel comorbidity because diarrhea is more common with abemaciclib (occurred in 83.5% of monarchE participants) than with ribociclib (occurred in 14.5% of NATALEE participants). She is ineligible for adjuvant olaparib because she is negative for a germline BRCA mutation.
Abemaciclib vs robiciclib
win robiciclib because Abemaciclib Has 83,5% of monarche participants happened a underlying bowel comorbidity and Diarrea is common with abemaciclib
0 notes
edenmartinez · 5 months
En oncología solemos escuchar distintos objetivos o desenlaces (endpoints) tanto primarios como secundarios, en los ensayos clínicos que se realizan en el tratamiento para tumores urológicos ya sean citotóxicos (quimioterapia clásica) o inhibidores de los puntos de control inmunitarios (checkpoint inhibitors) o “inmunoterapia”. Estos términos pueden ser intuitivos como la “supervivencia global” o confusos como la supervivencia libre de progresión (progression free survival).
La importancia de comprender estos conceptos radica en que no todos ellos son igual de relevantes para el paciente al momento de decidir sobre su tratamiento, ni para el médico al momento de decantarse por un tratamiento u otro.
La evidencia es basta y confusa, y la clara influencia de la industria farmacéutica en la redacción de las publicaciones científicas obliga al médico (y pacientes) a instruirse en la interpretación de la información aportada en los resultados para poder sacar sus propias conclusiones.
Es por ello que un tratamiento que haya demostrado una mejoría en la supervivencia global 12 meses siempre deberá ser elegido antes que un tratamiento que ha demostrado una supervivencia libre de progresión de 13 meses y que no reporte supervivencia global. La supervivencia libre de progresión es un desenlace sustituto que no necesariamente implica que se prolongue la vida ni la calidad de esta, que son las dos principales cosas que le importan al paciente que padece cáncer (living longer and living better)
En la siguiente tabla explicamos lo términos más frecuentes con su interpretación simplificada, ventajas y desventajas.Desenlace (endpoint)DefiniciónInterpretaciónSupervivencia global  
(Overall survival / OS)Tiempo desde la aleatorización (inclusión en el estudio) hasta el fallecimiento por cualquier causa.Históricamente es el desenlace más importante en oncología (gold standard), con vistas a prolongar la vida, siempre y cuando se consiga mantener una buena calidad de vida.  
Incluye muertes no asociadas al cáncer o al tratamiento.  
Se puede alterar si los pacientes reciben líneas de tratamiento posterior o se realiza “crossover” en el estudio.Tiempo hasta progresión del tumor
(Time to tumor progression / TTP)Tiempo desde la aleatorización hasta la progresión objetiva del tumor.    Esta definición no incluye los fallecimientos.  
Sigue criterios radiológicos.
Es de poco interés para los pacientes.­Supervivencia libre de progresión
(Progression free survival / PFS)Tiempo desde la aleatorización hasta la progresión objetiva del tumor o el fallecimiento.Contrario al TTP, esta definición incluye el fallecimiento.  
Es un desenlace que se correlaciona con la supervivencia global (aunque no necesariamente es así)Tasa de respuesta objetiva  
(Objective response rate / ORR)Proporción de pacientes con una reducción en el tamaño del tumor durante un periodo de tiempo, ambos pre-definidos.  
Se suele sumar la respuesta completa y la respuesta parcial (actividad anti-tumoral).Esta medida busca medir la actividad del fármaco ante el tumor per se, sin embargo, no es un desenlace de interés directo para el paciente.  
Se utilizan herramientas radiológicas como los criterios RECIST.
La enfermedad estable (no progresión pero no regresión) no entra dentro de esta definición.Tiempo hasta fracaso del tratamiento  
(time to treatment failure / TTF)Desenlace compuesto, se define como el tiempo desde la aleatorización hasta la discontinuación del tratamiento por cualquier motivo (toxicidad, fallecimiento, progresión).No se considera un desenlace valido para medir efectividad ya que se ve contaminado por otros motivos, incluyendo la preferencia del paciente  (deseo de suspender el tratamiento por cualquier motivo).Desenlaces reportados por pacientes
(Patient reported outcomes / PRO)Estos son desenlaces referidos por los pacientes, asociados a la calidad de vida.Son de interés directo para el paciente.  
No existen elementos validados para medirlos.Tiempo hasta el siguiente tratamiento  
(Time to next treatment / TTNT)Tiempo desde el final del tratamiento primario hasta el inicio del siguiente tratamiento.Puede ser de utilidad en enfermedades incurables.  
No es utilizado con frecuencia.Duración de la respuesta  
(Duration of response / DoR)Tiempo desde que se documenta respuesta del tumor hasta la progresión del mismo.No es de interés directo para el paciente.  
Valora la respuesta del fármaco sobre el tumor y puede evaluarse en ensayos de un solo brazo (sin grupo control).Supervivencia libre de enfermedad   (Disease free survival / DFS)Tiempo desde la aleatorización hasta la recurrencia del tumor o fallecimiento por cualquier causa.    Habitualmente utilizado en adyuvancia (tratamiento tras cirugía radical o radioterapia con intención curativa) .
Útil en escenarios en los que la supervivencia es larga o en los que la mayoría de los pacientes alcanzan la respuesta completa.
Finalemente, incluimos una tabla que explica las ventajas y desventajas de la supervivencia global vs la supervivencia libre de progresión como desenlaces en los ensayos oncológicos.DesenlaceVentajasDesventajasSupervivencia global (OS) – Medido con precisión. – Clínicamente significativo cuando se acompaña de una preservación de la calidad de vida. – Puede verse afectado por crossover y terapias posteriores. – Puede implicar estudios más grandes y un seguimiento más largo. – Incluye muertes no cancerígenas. – Sujeto a censura de derechos.Supervivencia libre de progresión (PFS) – Incluye la medición de enfermedad estable. – Requiere un tamaño de muestra más pequeño. – Requiere un seguimiento más corto. – Generalmente basado en objetivo y evaluaciones cuantitativas. – No se ve afectado por el crossover o terapias posteriores. – Las definiciones varían entre los estudios. – Requiere evaluaciones radiológicas u otras evaluaciones frecuentes. – Implica un calendario equilibrado de evaluaciones entre los brazos de tratamiento. – No se mide con precisión; sujeto a sesgo de evaluación particularmente en estudios de etiqueta abierta (open label). – Sujeto a censura por intervalos. – No está validado estadísticamente como un sustituto para la supervivencia en todos los entornos.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER). Guidance for industry: clinical trial endpoints for the approval of cancer drugs and biologics. http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/…/Guidances/ucm071590.pdf. Published May 2007. Consultado 10/12/2018.
Villaruz LC, Socinski MA. The clinical viewpoint: definitions, limitations of RECIST, practical considerations of measurement. Clin Cancer Res. 2013 May 15;19(10):2629-36. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-2935.
Pazdur R. Endpoints for assessing drug activity in clinical trials. Oncologist. 2008;13 Suppl 2:19-21. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.13-S2-19.
https://www.biooncology.com/clinical-trials/efficacy-endpoints.html . Consultado 10/12/2018
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edenmartinez · 6 months
List of medicament dispensory for phase III trial ERA.223 with ABIRATERONE fractura with or without Radium 223- MRCPC and <2 bone mets
Prescription in complementing of my clases agree
phase III of triage.pdf
nombre comercial dispensa de medicamento.pdf
0 notes
edenmartinez · 6 months
hree days ago I requested the MRI image.
tuestday, 28 de march de 2024
Andres Yacelga Teerán
Age 32,
weigth: 86.5 Kg
zize: 1.86 m
Atrophia: Is Degenerative use of muscle Caused because a issue endovenue
It is a very complicated operation and in my country they told me that there is a 25% percentage of recovering sensitivity if it is the case of the operation. What percentage of recovery could I have and if a specialist doctor would arrive in this country1?
to improve with MRI image:
4 elementos
4 elementos
0 notes
edenmartinez · 6 months
Our Lady of La Candelaria University Hospital. Tenerife. Study for undergraduate and its results in Rheumatology Service. University Hospital Complex of Orense. Objectives: The involvement of large vessels in cellular arteritis giants (ACG), especially of the aorta and/or its main branches, It is frequent. Tocilizumab (TCZ) has demonstrated efficacy and safety in GCA and other large vessel vasculitis. Our objetive was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of TCZ in patients with GCA with involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches. Methods: Multicenter observational study of 196 patients with GCA and involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches treated with TCZ. GCA was diagnosed by: a) ACR criteria, and/or b) biopsy of the temporal artery, and/or c) imaging techniques. The presence of aortitis was performed using imaging techniques, mainly PET and angio-MRI. Maintained remission was considered according to EULAR definitions1 . Results: The main characteristics of the 196 patients were shown in the table. Polymyalgia rheumatica, constitutional syndrome and headache were the most frequent clinical manifestations at the start of TCZ. Six months after starting TCZ, 20% of patients achieved a sustained remission, which gradually increased progressively (FIGURE). A steroid-sparing effect was observed from month 1 of TCZ initiation (FIGURE). They were observed relevant adverse effects in 12 per 100 patient-years, with serious infections documented in 4.8 per 100 patient-years. Main characteristics of 196 patients with GCA with involvement of the aorta and/or its main branches treated with TCZ
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edenmartinez · 6 months
XLVIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Reumatología Granada, 10-13 de mayo de 2022
Resultados: Se incluyeron 166 pacientes con AIJs (edad media al diagnóstico de 5 años) y 194 pacientes con ESIA (edad media al diagnóstico de 41 años). La prevalencia de fiebre, erupción cutánea, artralgia, dolor abdominal, SAM, enfermedad pulmonar parenquimatosa y aumento de los reactantes de fase aguda y la ferritina fueron comparables entre las dos cohortes. Los pacientes con AIJs tenían una mayor prevalencia de artritis, mientras que los pacientes con ESIA presentaron con mayor frecuencia leucocitosis y afectación de órganos extraarticulares (tabla 1).Los pacientes con ESIA recibieron corticosteroides a dosis bajas con mayor frecuencia, mientras que los FAME biológicos se administraron en primera línea con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con AIJs (tabla 2). Conclusiones: Se encontraron diferencias significativas en la prevalencia de algunas manifestaciones clínicas entre las dos enfermedades. En el manejo terapéutico también hubo diferencias. Se necesitan grandes estudios prospectivos de cohortes que incorporen los criterios recientemente propuestos para AIJs para obtener más información sobre la relación entre las dos condiciones.
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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In Older adults treatment for Diabetes 1 non alcoholic
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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IN PEDIATRIC treatment for pancreatic insufficiency according to guided clinical practice
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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Key Takeaways
Patients with peripheral neuropathy but otherwise normal organ function are candidates for BCMA-targeted CAR T-cell therapy.
Current studies are addressing time limited therapy strategies for some patients to reduce the need for indefinite treatment.
There is no difference in response to CAR T-cell therapy between men and women with multiple myeloma, but preliminary results suggest potential differences by race and ethnicity.
Antiviral prophylaxis is recommended for everyone receiving BCMA-targeted therapy in multiple myeloma.
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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edenmartinez · 1 year
To give continuity to the previous topic, we thought it prudent to place the differences between venous and arterial ulcers, since the treatment is completely different, along with the history collected in the clinical history, physical examination, and other complementary examinations, but on some occasions it is not easy to establish the origin, since a high percentage of venous ulcers have an arterial component. Next we leave you a table where the main differences between them are exposed.
Differences between venous and arterial ulcer To give continuity to the previous topic, we thought it prudent to place the differences between venous and arterial ulcers, since the treatment is completely different, along with the history collected in the clinical history, physical examination, and other complementary examinations, but on some occasions it is not easy to establish the origin, since a high percentage of venous ulcers have an arterial component. Next we leave you a table where the main differences between them are exposed. image
. DEFINITION OF VASCULAR ULCER It is a lesion with the deterioration of the solution of continuity with loss of substance, epithelium and/or conjunctiva produced by a pathological process of vascular origin, have a chronic evolution and little or no tendency to spontaneous healing. They are painful lesions that hinder mobility and alter one's own body image. The pain is frequent and can be severe or continuous and disabling. They have a chronic and relapsing character with a high rate of recurrence.
ETIOLOGY The ulcer originates from a deterioration of the cutaneous microcirculation. According to its etiology, it is classified as:
•: arteriosclerosis obliterans 90%, vasculitis, thromboangiitis obliterans, Raynand's disease, discreet smoking, dyslipidemia, arterial hypertension
. VENOUS ULCERS: skin and vascular alterations according to the degree of venous insufficiency. Grade I It is the initial phase. There are superficial varicose veins that affect the plantar arch, malleolar areas, and ankles. He The patient reports a feeling of heaviness and pain at the end of the day
. Grade II It may appear:
Edema purpuri
Increase in thickness, being able to reach elephantiasis in the extremity Area of ​​whitish skin located in the peri-malleolar area Eczema of ecstasy, which causes intense itching. It is frequent that small erosions by scratching can turn into ulcers.
Thrombophlebitis Bleeding that can be important due to rupture of very dilated veins Grade III In addition to the above symptoms, open ulcers appear, with a sudden onset (trauma direct, rupture of a varicose vein, infectious agents on the skin...) or insidious (persistent scab, profuse desquamation, slight abrasions…) ulcerative scar
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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edenmartinez · 1 year
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