edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Dominic had been pushed into submitting a date box for the festivities by a coworker and he had regretted it from the moment he had submitted it. He didn’t want end up with someone he didn’t care for and he found that most people didn’t interest him in a romantic way. As much as he wanted a family and a loving relationship he just couldn’t seem to find anyone that he looked at that way. He had been thankful when he saw that it was Edgar who had gotten him. He was a good friend and Dominic felt he could be himself around him. At his arrival he couldn’t resist smiling at the statement. “I got you flowers.” He held out the bouquet that was filled with yellows and blues with a small smile. “I’m happy that you got my box. I was scared that it would be someone I didn’t get along with.”
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“Flowers?” Edgar couldn’t say that he’d ever gotten flowers before. He knew that they were supposed to be a sign of well wishes, tangible proof that someone had thought of you, but they always reminded him of mistakes. Xavier had always flooded the house with flowers when he did something particularly awful to Daiyu as if dying plants were enough to stave off anger. But that was definitely not what Dominic had been thinking when he’d bought these. “I think you’re the first to ever bring me flowers,” he said, setting the bouquet off to the side with a small smile. “So, where would you like to start?”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Sofie couldn’t help but smile up to him. She wanted his house to be a home for him, in a way that the house they grew up in never was. A place of comfort for Nagini and their horror movie marathons. If she was honest she was looking for the same in her place. Something that was more cozy. “We should and I’m thinking, since you have a yard, we can build a nice little place for him to hibernate out there rather than him being in my fridge. Maine winters are a bit more consistent than in New York. Like you said, he deserves a comfy place to hibernate” 
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“My house is Frank’s house.” There was a smile in Edgar’s voice. He enjoyed his own space, but he would do anything for his sister, including but not limited housing her tortoise in his backyard. “What are brothers are,” he asked eyebrow raised. 
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
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The Fortier Siblings
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Elena hated having to congratulate anyone but herself, but here she was trying to do the right thing despite it practically killing her inside. When he bent down to her level she lifted the grown off his head and readjusted it to the correct place. “Why? If anything you should be excited. People like you and wanted you to have this.” To her this was an honor; one that was respected and that she wanted more than anything. “If we’re being honest Edgar I don’t think you could ever blend in.” She told him with a laugh. “I mean look how tall you are. Practically a damn giant.” She added before gesturing to his height. “I’m pretty sure I experience enough on my own and don’t need your help.” Giving a half smile back to him. “Oh really? Well, feel free Bodyguard.” Gesturing for him to take the time off. “Who am I to stop you. I mean I’ve only been trying to fire you for a bit here so sounds like this is perfect. This way I can show you that in fact I can handle everything myself. You know like I always do.”
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They’d have to agree to disagree because Edgar wanted nothing more than to throw the blasted crown away and never think of this moment again, but if Elena’s pouting and attitude were anything to go by, this loss clearly meant something. Edgar couldn’t relate. “I don’t know how to tell you this,” he began, straightening up to his full height once again. “But no one likes me.” No one outside of his sister, and she was more or less required to like him. “You’re such a hot shot, princess, but sorry to break it to you. It’s hardly considered handling everything yourself when there are no threats present. This job is a step above babysitter and you know it.”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Rose had a long day at the office. She enjoyed her job most of the time. Though at times she found it draining trying to help others to sort out their problems. She needed to unwind and relax and she couldn’t think of a better way than to meet with a friend and just drink some wine and chill. That was why she was more than happy to meet with Edgar that night at the wine bar. 
She arrived just a bit late but she wanted to change before coming. She didn’t dress up often but when going out she liked to look at least halfway decent. She was shown to his table and she took the seat across from him with a smile. “Hey Edgar. Sorry I’m late but you know me and time don’t mix.”
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Edgar's gaze drifted up at the voice. He was sure that his expression was a cross between exasperation and amusement. Rosalie had that affect on him. “It’s a good thing I don’t mind waiting,” he deadpanned. He reached over to the center of the table where the bottle had been set and uncorked it. No fuss. No hassle. Just one quick motion that freed up the mouth of the bottle. “Malbec,” he offered, raising the bottle in her direction.
With the other hand, he held the wine glass. It looked fragile in his hands and he knew that if he pressed too hard the delicate stem would snap. The expensive glasses always seemed to be the most delicate. “So, how was your day?”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
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Corinna tilted her head slightly, a laugh sitting in her throat. She didn’t know Edgar too well, but from the look on his face when it was announced that he was Mr. Maywood, even she could tell he wasn’t too thrilled with it. “It’ll blow over in a week or two,” she reassured. “Finding a wife in the midst of all this?” She sunk her teeth in her bottom lip. “Sounds like one hell of a feat. Could always just hide out at the beach where nobody’s gonna be this week,” she pursed her lips in thought. It wouldn’t be the worst suggestion she’s made.
A wife. Just the word was enough to send a chill down his spine. If Daiyu had had her way, Edgar would have been married with at least three children by now. The idea made him balk. “Oh, it’s not an active search,” he clarified. “I simply agree to it to make my mother happy and then proceed to do the exact opposite.” It had been his style for years. Daiyu would fall into her give me grandchildren moods, Edgar would simply nod as if that was something he too wanted, and ride out the storm until she forgot. It was tedious, but there was very little he wouldn’t do for his mother at this point. “I know at least one person who would be at the beach,” he answered. “Though the idea isn’t half bad.” 
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
“I’m your sister I’m allowed to have a biased view.” She winked up to him playingwith his chin a little before dropping her hand. She didn’t mind physical affection, atleast she didn’t shy away from it as much as she used to. Granted as she got older she got much more used to faking that she didn’t want to flinch when someone grabbed her arm or touch her shoulder. “Indeed. We can hit the local pet store and see about making her own expansive aquarium. We should also go to Lindy. I’m sure there are a few pieces of her art that would look great on your walls” 
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He couldn’t argue with that. To him, Sofie was perfect and while he knew that a bit of that perception had to do with the fact that she was his older sister, much of it was based on her own laurels. She was brilliant and strong and he adored her, had adored her for as long as he could remember. “Whatever you want,” he agreed. “I’m less concerned about what the place looks like than I am with how the place feels.” It was a strange sentiment, but he was sure that Sofie understood. “And while we’re at it, we should redo Frank’s space as well.” He winked in Sofie’s direction. If he was redoing his place, he was hellbent on roping her in to redoing hers as well. “Poor guy deserves a comfy place to hibernate.” 
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
who: @dominicsamuels when: founders’ week, date boxes
Founders’ Week was a flurry of activity. Between the duties of being Mr. Maywood, the baking competition, and judging the dance-a-thon Edgar hadn’t had a moment to breathe. He hadn’t wanted to participate in any of those activities, not really, but somehow had found himself involved. In the same way that he’d found himself involved in the date boxes. Edgar had breathed a sigh of relief when it’d been announced that he’d won Dominic’s box. It could’ve been so much worse, he knew, but it seemed as if there was someone somewhere who realized that all he needed was a break. He was grateful for it. “All right, pal,” he said, clapping Dominic on the back. “Let’s do this. Rock my world.”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Nathaniel certainly didn’t want to cause any trouble, or make anything awkward by being in town… but it wasn’t that large of a city, and it made sense that he and Edgar were going to run into each other. If the other wanted them to ignore each other, he would do that, and frankly, that was what he’d been expecting. But, he wanted to hear that from him, before he assumed anything for real. “That, or people just think you’re hot.” He tried to joke, shrugging slightly. “Whichever makes you feel better about the situation.”
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“Well,” Edgar began. He allowed the word to trail off, a half grin spreading across his face. “They wouldn’t be wrong there.” Edgar wasn’t a social person. These events always brought out a different side of Edgar -- the side that Xavier had cultivated. He was the pristine prince, smiling and saying all the right words, even though he hated every moment of it. “Is your first Founders’ Week living up to your wildest dreams?”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
“Nooo, I wouldn’t believe that for a second!” But this was why Zahra tended to stay as far from any kind of function like this as possible. Hell, she hadn’t even gone to her own senior prom simply because she didn’t get the point of it. Anything that involved flocking about was seen as pointless to her. “Yanno, I’m right there with ya ‘cause it just seems like they’re tryin’ to find a way to blow some coin. Or get donations considerin’ I’ve seen people walking around with buckets. Milking something is what makes people not want to come the following year. I mean… if they managed to book Beyonce for the ball, it kind of makes me question where that money is coming from ‘cause Beyonce is far from cheap.”
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“I’m sure the Mayor could answer that question. Maybe you should bring it up at the next town meeting. It may be beneficial to hear how they convinced one of the biggest names in all of music to come to small town Maine.” Edgar may have been employed by the Mayor herself but that didn’t mean that he didn’t sometimes question the things she did. “Or you could just be like everyone else and feel lucky that the town decided to pull out all the stops for this event.” 
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Ava couldn’t help but smirk. “Glad someone agrees with me.” she nodded.It was nice having another person understand her lack of excitement for the event. “I mean really who needs a week long event?”
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“There are a few week long events that are completely worth it,” Edgar noted. “Carnival, for one. I once went to a wedding to was nearly a week long. That was worth it. This is hardly comparable.”  
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Nathaniel was only attending the event because he’d been told that he had to, as a newcomer to Maywood. It’s important town culture, his friends told him, you’ll have fun. It was exciting, he supposed - but certainly not how he would have chosen to spend his day. He was off to the side of the crowd, purchasing a bottle of Coke from one of the street vendors for the event, before looking up when he heard a familiar voice. “It just means people like you.” He pointed out, shrugging as he opened the bottle and took a sip. “I’m sure they just want to see you appreciated.”
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Edgar hadn’t seen Nathaniel since their run in at the hardware store. It was surprisingly, honestly, considering the fact that Maywood wasn’t the biggest city in the world. It was hardly even worth mentioning, in the conversation of important cities. So, the fact that they were encountering one another now shouldn’t have come as a surprise, but considering the fact that Edgar was already out of sorts after being paraded around, this development wasn’t one he appreciated. “I’m sure that’s it,” he answered. There was only a hint of sarcasm in his voice. “Clearly, I’m the most likable man in the 30s age group.”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
“Well then we know why you won. Your face is way prettier than mine.” He smirked sighing softly as he thought of how many parades they would have to be in. “Have you seen Diego and Antony though? They’re prettier than I am and somehow I still have to wear this crown all week. It might be fun to see you get in trouble with Sofie though. I will encourage you to boycott just one of the parades so I can see you get in trouble.”
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“Can’t disagree there.” There was a teasing lilt in his voice as he rested his hand on Dominic’s shoulder. “I like you. I think you make a great king of the 40s, but if you insist of suggesting that I go up against my sister, I’m going to have to disappear you.”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
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“Oh, I’m so sorry, Edgar.” Thalia couldn’t understand why Edgar didn’t want to win Mr. Maywood. He was obviously the best candidate for the position. She’d personally voted for him. “I’m sorry you’re going to have the whole town’s attention and get to wear a pretty crown. Really, sucks.” Sarcasm laced her every word. “Hey, you shouldn’t stand for this. You should sue for emotional damages.”
“I should.” Edgar knew that she was being sarcastic, but he didn’t quite feel like playing along. “If I felt like being someone’s trophy to show off, I’d just go home,” he muttered, mostly under his breath. “At least the crown isn’t ridiculously over the top.” 
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
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“You sure ‘bout that?” Corinna snorted as she tilted her head. “What’s wrong with being voted in, anyway? Just gotta wave a few times here and there, wear some stupid crown and be pampered to,” at least that was what she imagined. “I mean…correct me if I’m wrong. I’ve never been a part of this thing,” lips pursed in curiosity. “Is it gonna kill ya?”
“Believe me, it sounds better than it is.” Not that Edgar had any kind of personal experience with being Mr. Maywood. “Probably. If it doesn’t, the texts from my ma will.” Daiyu had someone found out about all of this. Knowing her, she probably had alerts for whenever her children appeared in the news. “She’s already texted three times to say how proud she is, and how she’s hoping that this will be the thing that helps me find a spouse.”
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edgarfortiers-a · 4 years
Antony can’t help but laugh hearing Edgar’s response. “Come on, you had to know you’d draw more attention to yourself by asking people not to vote. You can’t tell people not to do something and expect them to actually not do it. Besides I’m waiting for someone to suggest that the Yangs rigged the election..granted neither of you were really looking to get it and I’m pretty sure Sofie said she’d toss her crown like a bouquet for those who really want it” 
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“I should have guessed that most people are still children mentally. Of course, telling them not to do something would force them to do it,” Edgar sneered. He was mostly upset at the irony of the entire situation. There were so many other things he could have been doing this week. Instead, he was now supposed to parade around like a prize pony. “If Sofie’s doing that, then I’m joining it. No way am I going to be the only Yang suffering this week.”
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