edge-of-innocence · 7 days
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D Gray Man Russ K Commercial
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edge-of-innocence · 8 days
[RELEASE] D.Gray-man Chapters 249 & 250
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Releases 150-151 // [04.22.24]
⚠️ Important Announcement ⚠️
This is a reminder that we desperately need SFX letterers and redrawers. These chapters have been majorly delayed due to having insufficient help. Please click here to apply especially if you want faster DGM updates, thank you so much!
Grab copies to support Hoshino if you can: — JUMP SQ. RISE October 2023 — JUMP SQ. RISE January 2024
Chapter 249
Mangadex | Mirror
Chapter 250
Mangadex | Mirror
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edge-of-innocence · 8 days
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What the hell, man? I thought you were counting the cards! We’re getting played. This kid should have been easy pickings! Who the hell is he?
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edge-of-innocence · 2 months
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edge-of-innocence · 2 months
About using pictures from the newest chapter of DGM (Hoshino Katsura on Threads, 27/02)
Again, I'm not here to do morals. But, if you don't want to be blocked by Hoshino-sensei on Instagram, you know what to do...
Original post (From Threads)
"I always have mixed feelings when I see accounts from overseas posting pictures of the newest chapter.
I know they love DGM, but should I block them ..?
Maybe they are just trying to share the new chapter with as many people as possible, but I wish they could think about my feelings: I'm doing my very best each time, so of course, my feelings are discomposed..
I would like them to think that, each time they post an image from the new chapter, there is a loss (of money) for the mangaka.
I don't really feel good saying this, and actually, I don't want to say it, but I can't help it. I'm so happy they enjoy my work ..that's why it's hard for me.
Mangakas have to live. If they read it for free, it means I get no salary, and i can't keep writing. I just want to be paid for my work."
To be honest, I also have mixed feelings about it. Posting pictures or excerpts of a manga is illegal and it is indeed a loss of money for a mangaka, but from overseas, people do not really buy the magazine anyway (actually, you CAN, and please do it to support the mangaka!) so, I don't know if it has a real impact on the sales of the magazine because the sales of the magazine are mostly in Japan...
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edge-of-innocence · 2 months
D.Gray-man playing cards merch♠️♣️♥️♦️
As it has been announced in the SQ.Jump released today in Japan, there will be a lottery to win a new D.Gray-man playing cards game!
There are special illustrations for the Joker (the Earl) the King (Allen) and apparently, the queen and the jack as well.
There will be only 50 winners..I really hope they will sell it as normal merch after the lottery 🥹
Hoshino sensei on Threads (04/03)
As a present, a DGM playing cards set has been made. If it's DGM, it has to be in black and white, right? I think it turned out to be a calm monochrome set which can be used even by adults! However, I made the Joker card red, ahaha.
I was asked by my editor: "Is there any merch you want to create? Maybe we'll make it." So, I asked for a trump cards set and a calendar, but they actually made the trump cards set!
I do not often get asked what merch I want to make so I really pushed it ahaha."
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edge-of-innocence · 2 months
About using DGM illustrations from Hoshino Katsura as profile picture/header
During her stream on February, 19th , Hoshino sensei spoke a bit about how she felt when people used her illustrations as profile pictures (last 10 minutes of stream). Here is a small sum-up.
Disclaimer: I'm not here to do some moral lessons or legislative talks, really. I am just translating what she said, feel free to read and please do not get mad at me, I'm just the one writing this in English
"I really want to thank people who still use the official profile pictures provided by the DGM Exhibition account. However, I still see some fans who use the illustrations I posted on Instagram as their profiles pictures, for instance people from overseas...
I have mixed feelings when I see it. Of course, I am not mad or anything like this! But, this is a clear violation of copyrights. I know I don't put the mention "please do not use my art" under my posts, but I didn't say you could use it either.
Why I'm not writing it, you ask? Because I don't have the courage. I can't feel like saying it out loud. I would prefer a world where everyone could notice it's wrong. I think the word "manner" is a bit strong here, but when I post my illustrations, I really hope the world can become a better place where people can respect that.
(she answered some comments)
I know that outside of Japan, they do not have the same consideration about copyrights. Yes, I noticed it is often foreign fans who use my illustrations as their profiles pictures. I'm sure they have no bad intentions, they just liked the drawing so that why they used it. It's for this reason I don't warn them. Maybe I should..but you know, if I had to tell it, it would never end, that's why I don't say anything. You might think "Do it! Tell them" but honestly, I feel it would never end and I would make them feel bad.
That's why I prefer to act strong and pretend I don't really care, but actually I do. (She answers some comments)
Yes, anyway, it's a really difficult problem. "I did it because I liked the illustration, not cool to warn me like that", that's how they would feel if I told them right? I don't want people to get mad at me.
Besides, I know they respect my work, they just do it because they don't know the law...yeah, it's really difficult. That's why it's better when the official account gives free headers and profile pictures. It's the best for me. When I post illustrations, I just want you to be happy, not to use it as a profile pictures.
(A comment said "Maybe if you tell them to stop, they will") hmmm....I should, but I don't know how to tell it and when to tell it. (...)
Anyway, it's a very difficult problem.
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edge-of-innocence · 2 months
DGM Future announcement?
Link :
Next month, please check out the official account of SQ JUMP and my SNS account, you might be surprised !
I was suggesting it without hope because I thought it would not make it, but it actually became true (please look forward to it!)
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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This has gone way too far with the spread of misinformation.
D.Gray-man was never in danger of being cancelled, what the fuck are you people talking about. The only thing that was cancelled were the BD/DVD release, partially bc Hoshino didn't have time to supervise them.
their source: I made it the fuck up.
The actual translation of Hoshino's words re poster incident:
In any case the anime wasn't going to be cancelled bc of Yullen. 🙃 Yullen as a ship is going to exist regardless, she just doesn't want OOC depictions on dishonest fujobait. Stop overblowing this into a huge lie.
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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Kanda and Allen reached 100% synchronization in Timothy's arc
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
About the pillow...(D.Gray-man chapter 250)
So, some of you might have seen the whole thing about the pillow in Mana's coffin. Basically, when Mana was in the coffin, his head was over a pillow. However, when Kanda opened the coffin, the pillow is not here anymore (while the flowers are still there).
A lot of theories have been going on about the meaning of this. I personally thought it was IMPOSSIBLE for Hoshino sensei to make such a big mistake in an important scene.
A fan asked her during a stream and her answer was....
"Please think the pillow has never existed".
Apparently, when she was drawing the scene with the coffin opened, she realised that the flowers would not stand out if the pillow was there. She hesitated a lot, talked with her assistants and eventually, they took the decision to delete it from the scene.
So, it's more an artistic/design reason than a plot-reason 🤣
Let's forget about the pillow. We have been apocryphosed 🤣
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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i love allen so much...
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
Hi, DGM fandom! I'm jeidafei. You may have seen me in Kougeki-scans' scanlation of D.Gray-Man.
I know Kougeki releases have been delayed for these past few chapters. And people have taken to releasing their own translations on Reddit and MangaDex as early as a few days after the Japanese release. We at Kougeki have asked people to wait if they could. People have told us to, basically, go d*e.
And of course, you are perfectly entitled to say so. You are perfectly entitled to release your own translations and not wait. After all, we at Kougeki are just fans of D.Gray-Man, similar to you. We have zero claim over the series.
I normally stay out of the fray when it comes to quarrels with these 'snipers' until now. When I saw the quality of the translations some of these people are putting out.
(Specifically, Chapter 250 on MangaDex)
Japanese is a difficult language. D.Gray-Man is a difficult manga to translate due to its ongoing status, complex nature and plot twists. I have made mistakes myself that others have pointed out. I have my own interpretations that might be different. I readily forgive mistakes I understand are due to the complex Japanese grammar, and the confusing mysteries of the D.Gray characters.
But these are not it. These are just blatant laziness and lack of basic knowledge of even the most recent developments in D.Gray-Man. Or even simple logic. These are the results of people dishing out sub-par work quickly just to get the most exposure possible.
So while we wait for Kougeki's version, I am going to point out these egregious mistakes. We need transparency so that going forward, you can make your own decisions on whether it is speed or accuracy you are looking for.
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The original Japanese text says "7,000 years ago" (七千), not "17 years"(十七). A difference any beginner Japanese learner would notice. Even most D.Gray-Man fans without Japanese knowledge would probably realize something is off based on what we know of the story so far.
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The original text says "The more the human you reincarnated into resemble Nea, the deeper the passions/sentiments" (the word 'regret' is simply not there). It's more compatible considering earlier theories about Tyki, the Noah of Pleasure.
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Jasdevi is saying they were at their limits anyway and wouldn't be able to keep restraining Apocryphos for long. When Wisely orders them to dispose of Apo, they scream "Oni!" (Demon) which is quite similar to "Onii-san" (Elder brother), but most people would probably know which one is more fitting in this scenario, even without Japanese knowledge.
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When Desires asks Wisely if he is just going to set Apo free like that, Wisely explains that this way, Apocryphos (not Desires or Wisely as in the translation), can keep searching for the Heart for them. Again, basic story knowledge.
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Wisely didn't say "Fine, enough already"; this bubble is a continuation of the earlier bubble, spoken by Desires. Together, he is saying "Wouldn't you just spit it out already!?"
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In Japanese, many words sound the same and the meaning can only be determined by context or the Chinese characters (kanji) used. In this case, "kikai" can mean either "machine" (機械) or "opportunity" (機会) or "strange" (奇怪), among a dozen others.
Yes, it's difficult, I know. But, you see the kanji. You know the context. I'm sure you can take a guess.
There are a couple more minor mistakes (ones that don't impact your understanding of the story too much). But I'm just going to leave you with one more, the most conspicuous mistake:
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The chapter is named "Curse's End" by this translator. Actually, it's the opposite in Japanese. "Owaranu" is a form of "Owaranai" which means "not ending", which fits the revelation of this chapter by Wisely that their 35-year curse has yet to come to an end.
So, there you have it.
As you can see, I'm not shaming people for not being as fluent in Japanese. Not everyone can dedicate almost two decades to learn a language. As I have pointed out, most of these mistakes are rookie-level, and should have been picked up in double-check if that someone is familiar with D. Gray-Man at all. With these nigh unforgivable mistakes, even Deepl and Google Translate are more accurate.
This is a matter of someone not giving enough of a sh*t, plain and simple.
I'm also not gatekeeping scanlation whatsoever. I'm just pointing out the mistakes and actual text because the fandom deserves to know. With the localization drama going on, it proves faithfulness to the actual text and accuracy matters.
Of course, anyone has the right to put out their translation. And I have the right to point out whether they can be trusted. I'm not passing judgment. I'm just providing evidence so the bystanders can decide for themselves.
Lastly, from the bottom of my heart, I thank everyone who has supported the work of Kougeki Scans and waited for our release. I apologize for the delays. We're working on the latest chapter and will release 249 and 250 very, very soon.
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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Allen's paper flower
(DGM chapter 250)
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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(DGM chapter 250)
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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(DGM chapter 250)
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edge-of-innocence · 3 months
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katsura_5600: 新しいブラシでテスト。 濡れカン
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