ediitors · 8 years
alise pouts, “well we’re working on your book being translated in french and what a perfectly good reason to go visit !! especially at a hangout of one of america’s greatest writers. isn’t cathy going to ohio again ? doesn’t she usually in the summer ?”
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“paris?” jamie repeats as his lips form a small smile. he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about taking a vacation, but that’s as far as he’d gotten: thought. “hemingway’s tempting, but there’s a lot to do here — and there’s… cathy.”
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ediitors · 8 years
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She’s giving the interviewers what they wanted to hear, a sugarcoated version of a complicated story. True love, romance bullshit that will only help Jamie’s career. She HATES giving them, she really does. It only reminds Alise that she could’ve made the better one. But she’s selfish and she kept going. When she helped Jamie pack she had asked him about the things he left, he said he didn’t need it, he didn’t want it, he could always replace it. Alise paid no mind to it, she thought Cathy would throw it away, burn it, sell it, she certainly didn’t think they’d be standing in front of each other because of it today. And there’s the pang of guilt, a reminder she hurt someone in order to get her own way and she was rubbing it in their face. Her lips press into a thin line before smiling at her graciously, “Oh... Thank you. I’ll make sure it’s brought to Jamie’s place.” As she nods at one of the interns to take the box she awkwardly coughs, “So, uh, how are you?”
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   Cathy had felt a sort of anger before, mostly aimed at Jamie. However, that anger was smothered out by pain. She hurt more than she hated, and thus, she hadn’t been very extreme in her reaction. She’d accepted the situation, even thought she certainly didn’t understand it, and so. That brings her to the now. Jamie and Alise had done a pretty good job at packing Jamie’s bags, but had left behind a couple thing. Cathy didn’t know if that was intentional, but she certainly didn’t want to call Jamie or Alise about it. Her plan was to simply drop off the box at Alise’s office without having to talk to her, but instead of that happening, she’s met with this. Cathy clears her throat from behind Alise, and as much as she’d like to hit her, she was much too nice to do so. ‘ Here’s your ‘baby’s shit, by the way. ‘
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ediitors · 8 years
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ediitors · 8 years
“you know what we should do ? after that party next week we should go to paris. we could go to those cafes hemingway would go to,” alise suggests. she really wants to get out of the city for a little bit.
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ediitors · 8 years
“My baby’s gonna’ be the next Great American Novelist, I can feel it. When his professor called me with what would be his first book--I fell in love.”
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ediitors · 8 years
alise x jamie oohp
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on Jamiewakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes Alise?sends the other unsolicited nudes Jamie 100%brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt Jamiecomes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops Jamieblows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit Alisekilled the guy (also, which hid the body) Alise killed the guy Jamie found a good dumpsterwears the least clothing around the house Jamie has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason JAMIE
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ediitors · 8 years
‘ ____ is over and ____ is gone. ‘
‘ ____’s decided it’s time to move on. ’ ‘ ____ has new dreams he’s/she’s building upon. ‘ ‘ ____’s convinced that the problems are mine. ‘ ‘ ____ is probably feeling just fine and I’m still hurting. ‘ ‘ What about lies, ____? What about things that you swore to be true? ‘ ‘ What about you, ____? ‘ ’ ____ is sure something wonderful died. ‘ ‘ ____ decided it’s his/her right to decide. ‘ ‘ ____’s got secrets he/she doesn’t confide. ‘ ‘ I’m still hurting. ‘ ‘ Run away, run and find something better. ‘ ‘ Run away like it’s simple, like it’s right. ‘ ‘ Give me a day, ____. ‘ ‘ Bring back the lies, hang them back on the wall. ‘ ‘ Maybe then I’d see how you could be so certain we had no chance at all. ‘ ‘ Where can I turn? ‘ ‘ Covered with scars I did nothing to earn. ‘ ‘ Maybe there’s somewhere a lesson to learn. ‘ ‘ That wouldn’t change the fact. ‘
‘ I’m breaking my mother’s heart the longer I stand looking at you. ‘ ‘ My grandfather’s rolling, rolling in his grave. ‘ ‘ If you had a tattoo, that wouldn’t matter. ‘ ‘ If you had a shaved head, that would be cool. ‘ ‘ If you came from Spain or Japan or the back of a van, just as long as you’re not from ( insert religion ) school. ‘ ‘ Now I’m getting somewhere! I’m finally breaking through! ‘ ‘ Hey! Hey! Shiksa goddess! ‘ ‘ I’ve been waiting for someone like you. ‘ ‘ The minute I first met you, I could barely catch my breath. ‘ ‘ I’ve been standing for days with the phone in my hand like and idiot, scared to death. ‘ ‘ I’ve been beaten, I’ve been hit. ‘ ‘ My people have suffered for thousands of years and I don’t give a shit. ‘ ‘ Well, nobody’s perfect. ‘ ‘ It’s tragic but it’s true. ‘ ‘ I’ve been waiting for someone, I’ve been praying for someone. ‘ ‘ I think that I could be in love with someone like you. ‘
‘ I guess I can’t believe you really came. ‘ ‘ See, I’m smiling. That means I’m happy that you’re here. ‘ ‘ I stole this sweater from a costume shop, it makes me look like Daisy Mae. ‘ ‘ See, we’re laughing. ‘ ‘ I think we’re gonna be okay. ‘ ‘ I mean, we’ll have to try a little harder. ‘ ‘ I think you’re really gonna like this show, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t suck. ‘ ‘ See, you’re laughing and I’m smiling. ‘ ‘ We’re doing fine. ‘ ‘ I think we both can see what could be better. ‘ ‘ I’ll own when I was wrong. ‘ ‘ With all we’ve had to go through we’ll end up twice as strong. ‘ ‘ We’ll start again this weekend and just keep rolling along. ‘ ‘ I didn’t know you had to go so soon. ‘ ‘ I thought we had a little time. ‘ ‘ Look, whatever, if you have to then you have to, so whatever, it’s all right. ‘ ‘ We’ll have tonight. ‘ ‘ You know what makes me crazy? ‘ ‘ I’m sorry, can I say this? ‘ ‘ We could be together, here together, sharing our night, spending our time. And you are gonna choose someone else to be with? ‘ ‘ Yes, ____, that’s exactly what you’re doing! ‘  ‘ You could be here with me or be there with them. As usual, guess which you pick! ‘ ‘ No, _____, you do not have to go to another party with the same twenty jerks you already know. ‘ ‘ I know in your soul it must drive you crazy that you won’t get to play with your little girlfriends! ‘ ‘ You can’t spend a single day that’s not about, you and you and nothing but you! ‘ ‘ I swear to God I’ll never understand how you can stand there straight and tall and see I’m crying… and not do anything at all. ‘
‘ Did I just hear an alarm start ringing? Did I see sirens go flying past? ‘ ‘ I don’t know what tomorrow’s bringing. ‘ ‘ I’ve got a singular impression things are moving too fast. ‘ ‘ I barrel on through and I don’t complain. ‘ ‘ No matter what I try I’m flying full speed ahead. ‘ ‘ I’m never worried to walk the wire. ‘ ‘ I won’t do anything just half-assed. ‘ ‘ I found a woman/man I love. ‘ ‘ Some people analyze every detail. ‘ ‘ Some people freeze out of fear that they’ll fail, but I keep rollin’ on. ‘ ‘ Some people can’t get success with their art. ‘ ‘ Some people never feel love in their heart. ‘ ‘ Maybe I can’t follow through but what else am I supposed to do? ‘ ‘ Now I’m the subject of a bidding war. ‘ ‘ I’m doing things I never dreamed of before. ‘ ‘ We start to take the next step together. ‘ ‘ The Atlantic Monthly’s printing my first chapter, two thousand bucks without rewriting one word. ‘ ‘ I left Columbia and I don’t regret it. ‘ ‘ My heart’s been stolen. ‘ ‘ My ego’s swollen. ‘ ‘ Well, well, what else is in store? ‘ ‘ Got all this and more before twenty-four. ‘ ‘ It’s hard not to be sure. ‘ ‘ I’m spinning out of control. ‘ ‘ I’m feeling panicked and rushed and hurried. ‘ ‘ I’m feeling outmaneuvered and outclassed. ‘ ‘ I’m so happy I can’t get worried. ‘
‘ He’s off on a trip to ____-land ‘ ‘ And then he’ll/she’ll smile, his/her eyes light up and deep within the ground without a sound a moment comes to life. ‘ ‘ I’m a part of that. ‘ ‘ Next day it’s just like it never happened. ‘ ‘ How can I complain? ‘ ‘ Yes, he’s/she’s insane, but look what they can do. ‘ ‘ I tend to follow in his/her stride instead of side by side. ‘ ‘ I said I’d stick it out and follow through. ‘ ‘ Where else can I go? ‘ ‘ The rules do not apply. ‘ ‘ And then he/she smiles and nothing else makes sense. ‘ ‘ He/she invents the world that’s passing by. ‘ ‘ I’m a part of that aren’t I? ‘
‘ First, a story. A little Christmas Story. ‘ ____, you’ll get to be happy! ‘ ‘ Every cut and stitch was a perfect fit. ‘ ‘ Take me back! ‘ ‘ But shouldn’t I want the world to see the brilliant girl/guy who inspires me? ‘ ‘ Don’t you think that now’s a good time to be the ambitious freak you are? ‘ ‘ Say goodbye to wiping ashtrays at the bar. ‘ ‘ Say hello to ____, big-time star! ‘ ‘ I give you unlimited time. ‘ ‘ Stop temping and go and be happy. ‘ ‘ Here’s a headshot guy and a new BackStage. ‘ ‘ Take a breath, take a step, take a chance! ‘ ‘ Take your time. ‘ ‘ Have I mentioned today how lucky I am to be in love with you? ‘
‘ I could lease a villa in Seville. ‘ ‘ It wouldn’t be as nice as a summer in ____. ‘ ‘ I could wander Paris after dark. ‘ ‘ Take a carriage ride through Central Park. ‘ ‘ I’m sharing a room with a former stripper and her snake, Wayne. ‘ ‘ Still I’m certain I’d prefer to be going slowly batty. ‘ ‘ I could shove an ice pick in my eye, I could eat some fish from last July, but it wouldn’t be as awful as a summer in _____. ‘ ‘ I stole a look at your picture on the inside sleeve and then I couldn’t leave. ‘ ‘ ____, who was with me, got uncharacteristically quiet. ‘ ‘ All things considered, I guess you don’t have to buy it. ‘ ‘ I smiled like Mona Lisa, and I lay my Visa down. ‘ ‘ She/he wants me, he/she wants me, but he/she ain’t gonna get me. ‘ ‘ Look at me, look at him. ‘ ‘ Son of a bitch, I guess I’m doing something right. ‘ ‘ I finally got something right. ‘ ‘ No, it’s not Nirvana, but it’s on the way. ‘ ‘ I play Anita at the matinee. ‘ ’ I’m never gonna go back to _____! ‘ ‘ The torture is just exquisite.  ‘ ‘ I’m waiting for you to visit. ‘
‘ The San Remo is up a few blocks. ‘ ‘ Have you been inside the Museum? ‘ ‘ We should go. ‘ ‘ Will you share your life with me for the next ten minutes? ‘ ‘ There are so many lives I want to share with you. ‘ ‘ I will never be complete until I do. ‘ ‘ I’m not always on time, please don’t expect that from me. ‘ ‘ I will be late, but if you can just wait, I will make it eventually. ‘ ‘ Not like it’s in my control. ‘ ‘ Not like I’m proud of the fact. ‘ ‘ I don’t know why people run. ‘ ‘ I don’t know why things fall through. ‘ ‘ I don’t know how anybody survives in this life without someone like you. ‘ ‘ I could say no and goodbye.  ‘ ‘ I want to be your wife/husband. ‘ ‘ I want to bear your child ‘ ‘ I want to die knowing I had a long, full life in your arms. ‘ ‘ Isn’t that the Museum? ‘ ‘ Can we go see the dinosaurs?  ‘
‘ Everyone tells you that the minute you get married every other woman/man in the world auddenly finds you attractive. Well, that’s not true. ‘ ‘ And now they’re banging down your door and falling to their knees. At least that’s what it feels like because you CAN NOT TOUCH THEM. ‘ ‘ That’s not fair! ‘ ‘ In a perfect world a miracle would happen and every other girl/boy would fly away. ‘ ‘ It’d be me and ____ and nothing else would matter. ‘ ‘ But it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine I mean, I’m happy. ‘ ‘ It’s not a problem, it’s just a challenge. ‘ ‘ It’s a challenge to resist temptation. ‘ ‘ I’m at these parties, I’m the center of attention, I’m the grand fromage. ‘ ‘ Let’s get a cup of coffee, will you look at my manuscript? ‘ ‘ I’m gesticulating with my left hand. ‘ ‘ And then WHOOMP! There’s ____! ‘ ‘ ‘Cause she/he knows, they always know. ‘ ‘ There’s that really awkward moment where I try to show I wasn’t encouraging this, though of course I sort of was. ‘ ‘ I don’t want to look whipped in front of this woman, which is dumb - I shouldn’t care what she thinks since I can’t fuck her anyway! ‘ ‘ In a perfect world a miracle would happen and every girl would look like Mister Ed. ‘ ‘ I swear I’ll be there soon, ___. ‘ ‘ I am so proud of you, baby. ‘ ‘ You’re doing what you never got to do before. ‘ ‘ We’re gonna make it through and nothing else will matter. ‘ ‘ We’ll be fine, we’re fine. ‘
‘ I’m climbing uphill, ____. ‘ ‘ I’m up every morning at six. ‘ ‘ I’m waiting five hours in line. ‘ ‘ When I walk in the room there’s a table of men, always men - usually gay. ‘ ‘ I am a good person, I’m an attractive person, I am a talented person. Grant me grace! ‘ ‘ I should have told them I was sick last week. ‘ ‘ Maybe I should stop and start over. ‘ ‘ Why is the director staring at his crotch? ’ ‘ Don’t stare at my resume, I made up half of my resume. ‘ ‘ Look at me. Stop looking at that, look at me. ‘ ‘ Don’t look at my shoes, I hate these stupid shoes. ‘ ‘ Why did I pick this career? ’ ‘ Why does this pianist hate me? ’ ‘ I’m obviously such a horrible, annoying distraction to him/her. ‘ ‘ What’s he/she gonna be like when we have kids? ’  ‘ Why am I working so hard? ’  ‘ Jesus Christ, I suck, I suck, I suck. ‘ ‘ I will not be the girl/guy stuck at home in the ‘burbs with the baby, the dog, and the garden of herbs. ‘ ‘ I will not be the girl/guy in the sensible shoes pushing burgers and beer nuts and missing the clues. ‘ ‘ I will not be the girl/guy who gets asked how it feels to be trotting along at the genius’s heels. ‘ ‘ I will not be the girl who requires a man to get by. ‘
‘ Okay, stop. ____, stop. Listen to me. ‘ ‘ There are people and they are publishing my book. ‘ ‘ There’s a party that they’re throwing. ‘ ‘ And while you’ve made it very clear that you’re not going, I will be going and that’s done. ’ ’ But what’s it really about? ‘ ‘ Is it really about a party, ____? ’ ‘ Can we please for a minute stop blaming and say what you feel? ‘  ‘ Did you think this would all be much easier than it’s turned out to be? ‘ ‘ Well, then talk to me, ____. Talk to me. ‘ ‘ If I didn’t believe in you we’d never have gotten this far. ‘ ‘ If I didn’t think you could do anything you ever wanted to, if I wasn’t certain that you’d come through somehow, the fact of the matter is I wouldn’t be standing here now. ‘ ‘ If I didn’t believe in you we wouldn’t be having this fight. ‘ ‘ I never could let that go knowing the things about you I know.  ‘ ‘ It never took much convincing to make me believe in you. ‘ ‘ Don’t we get to be happy, ____? ’ ‘ At some point down the line don’t we get to relax? ‘ ‘ If I’m cheering on your side, ____, why can’t you support mine? ‘ ‘ Why do I have to feel I’ve committed some felony doing what I always swore I would do? ‘ ‘ I don’t want you to hurt. ‘ ‘ But you know what I think? I think you’ll be fine! ’  ‘ Will you listen to me? ’   ‘ No one can give you courage, no one can thicken your skin. ‘ ‘ I will not fail so you can be comfortable, ____. ‘ ‘ I will not lose because you can’t win. ‘ ‘ This is the life I choose, this is the thing I can’t bear to lose. ‘ ‘ Trip us or trap us but we refuse to fall. ‘ ‘ Now why don’t you put your dress on and we’ll go, okay? ’
‘ My best friend had a little situation at the end of our senior year. ‘ ‘ And like a shot, she/he and _____ got married that summer. ‘ ‘ They got a little cute house on a little cute street with a crucifix on the door. ‘ ‘ I thought about what I wanted, it wasn’t like that at all. ‘ ‘ I can do better than that. ‘ ‘ In a year or so, I moved to the city. ‘ ‘ What have I got to lose? ‘ ‘ Got a room, got a cat, and got twenty pounds thinner. ‘ ‘ Met a guy in a class I was taking. ‘ ‘ He wouldn’t leave me alone ‘less I went with him to dinner. ‘ ‘ And I guess he/she was cute, and I guess he/she was sweet, and I guess he/she was good in bed. ‘ ‘ So I’m starting to think that this maybe might work and the second it entered my head, he/she needed to take some time off. ‘ ‘ He blew me off with a heartfelt letter. ‘ ‘ You don’t have to change a thing, just stay with me. ‘ ‘ I want you and you and nothing but you. ‘ ‘ I don’t need any lifetime commitments. ‘ ‘ I don’t want to throw up your walls and defenses. ‘ ‘ I don’t mean to put on any pressure but I know what a thing is right. ‘ ‘ When we get to my house, take a look at that town, take a look at how far I’ve gone. ‘ ‘ I will never go back. ‘ ‘ It feels like my life led right to your side. ‘ ‘ Think about how I love you and ay you’ll move in with me. ‘ ‘ Think of what’s great about me and you, think of the bullshit we’ve both been through, think of what’s past because we can do better! ‘
‘ Hey, kid. Good morning. ‘ ‘ You look like an angel. ‘ ‘ I don’t remember when we fell asleep. ‘ ‘ Just relax, lay low. All right, the panic recedes. ‘ ‘ Nobody needs to know. ‘ ‘ All right, it’s over, it’s done. ’ ‘ Then I start making, conscious, deliberate mistakes. ‘ ‘ All that I ask for is one little corner, one private room, at the back of my heart. ‘ ‘ What can I do? ’ ‘ Come back to bed. ‘ ‘ I promise won’t lie to you. ‘ ‘ Hold on, don’t cry yet. ‘ ‘ I need to be in love with someone. ‘ ‘ Maybe I could be in love with someone like you. ‘
‘ Don’t kiss me goodbye again. ‘ ‘ Leave this night clean and quiet. ‘ ‘ You want the last word, you want me to laugh, but leave it for now. ‘ ‘ All you can say, all you can feel, was wrapped up inside that one perfect kiss, leave it at that. ‘ ‘ Goodbye until tomorrow. ‘ ‘ Goodbye until the next time you call. ‘ ‘ I will be waiting! ‘ ‘ I called ____ to help me pack my bags. I went downtown and closed the bank account. It’s not about another shrink. It’s not about another compromise. ‘ ‘ I’m not the only one who’s hurting here. ‘ ‘ I don’t know what the hell is left to do. ‘ ‘ You never saw how far the crack had opened, you never knew I had run out of rope and I could never rescue you. ‘ ‘ No matter how I tried all I could do was love you hard and let you go. ‘ ‘ All I could do was love you. God, I loved you so. ‘ ‘ So we could fight or we could wait or we could go. ‘ ‘ I didn’t see a way we both could win. ‘
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ediitors · 8 years
okay… so i should be getting into my normal swing tomorrow, like/reblog for a starter ?
betty’s starter call
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ediitors · 8 years
okay... so i should be getting into my normal swing tomorrow, like/reblog for a starter ?
betty’s starter call
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ediitors · 8 years
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“oh... are you lost or something ?”
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                 he feels like a fish out of the water, looking around trying to mask his DISORIENTATION.  ❛  me ? oh, you know, just looking around … ❜
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ediitors · 8 years
doing homework and what not before the weekend, like for a starter !! click here for a rizzo starter.
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ediitors · 8 years
doing homework and what not before the weekend, like for a starter !! click here for a rizzo starter.
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ediitors · 8 years
doing homework and what not before the weekend, like for a starter !! click here for a rizzo starter.
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ediitors · 8 years
doing homework and what not before the weekend, like for a starter !! click here for a rizzo starter.
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ediitors · 8 years
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741 notes · View notes
ediitors · 8 years
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ediitors · 8 years
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“Oh,” she falters, “Do you want me to ask her or something for you ? I don’t-- I don’t really know, do you want me to talk to Jaime or something ? “ Alise is asking to be polite, if she brings up Cathy, Jaime might get upset.
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Judging by her reaction, at least Cathy knows she’s not lying about knowing. That makes some part of her feel a little better. “Yeah, apparently, according to her at least. I….walked away before she could tell me the whole story. I didn’t need to hear any more.”
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