edithbastion · 10 years
"How about hitting up a gin mill?  A drink sounds hotsy-totsy."
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"I must agree. What did you have in mind, Echidna?"
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Things change?  Well I suppose they do and it's wonderful that they do.  Would you like to know why?  Because things will change, and then they'll change again and again and again.  And each time they change, I'll still be on top.  It's the way it has always been.  Nothing can knock me down, especially not some jane that wants my husband.  He isn't my whole world, and there are a thousand and one other things I've got besides him."
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"Indeed, a happy ever after. But, you know… Things change. That’s the beauty of them. Nothing ever happens the same way twice. You may get what you want the fist dozen of times, but one day you will wake up and all will be different."
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Possibly.  It depends on the crime.  Some things are better done alone, some things aren't.  If you feel like donning your glad rags you're more than welcome to go out with me."
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"Are you looking for a partner in crime?"
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edithbastion · 10 years
"I've noticed.  There would have to be nobody home to not realize.  I meant something bigger than a whole city getting there memories back."
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"I think something is. If you look close enough." 
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Something needs to shake this city up. It's been quiet for far too long.
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Oh, it's that problem. You're checking in a bit late to the shindig, doll."
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"People should worry! We’ve been cursed and we’re mortals, that should worry everyone!"
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Not at all? Is it odd that I do?"
"Not really, now that I know who I am I feel like Arachne, that is who I am."
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edithbastion · 10 years
"It doesn't feel like that sometimes.  Don't you ever just feel like Ankia, or just Arachne?"
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"You are Echidna, Edith is just…the body you’ve been given for now."
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Rediscovered" She took a bite, keeping her mouth covered until she swallowed.  "You could say I'd all but forgotten about it."  She snorted at her joke, mostly at the irony of it.  "I can only imagine you as a dog, big ears and all."
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Lily leaned on the counter as she observed her dearest friend. Titling her head, she let out a small smile. “Recently re-discovered it or missed it?” Her grin widened as she talked: “You know I love all the new flavours and tastes. It’s almost like I’m turning into my dog. Always looking for new sensations.”
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Well I need coriander and dill but if you don't have them specifically, something close to it will work."
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"If you tell me their names, I could tell you whether they are in my possession or not."
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edithbastion · 10 years
Now you live through the ages I can feel your pulse in the pages
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edithbastion · 10 years
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"You scream any louder and people will start to worry."
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edithbastion · 10 years
She paused for a moment, clearly unnerved by what was being said.  "Do you... do you truly believe that?"
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"Right. Because someone like that just isn’t crazy." She looked the other woman in the eye. "Trust me, I know crazy, and for someone who’s remembered as long as I have, he’s not right in that head of his."
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edithbastion · 10 years
"Oh hush.  It's just confusing me.  Do I actually have the talent I believed I had as Edith, or was all of it because of my memories of past lives, of Echidna?"
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"Don’t get all sappy now darling."
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edithbastion · 10 years
"I want to believe that he escaped, that they all escaped.  The mother in me hopes it's true.  But the realists in me can't think of a reason as to why they would be overlooked."
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Persephone nodded knowingly. “Do you think it’s possible he’s escaped the curse? Or was simply… Lost throughout all these centuries?”
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edithbastion · 10 years
"It's not drowning, at least not for me.  My memories are happy.  In each one, Thierry always chooses me and we live long lives filled with family and friends."
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"Either that or you’re basing one of the characters on your own traits and memories. Can’t see much fun there, though. Shouldn’t a book be an escape from reality rather than drowning in it?”
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edithbastion · 10 years
"I don't think I've ever been shot at." She chuckled, turning her thought from her memories to the present.  "He isn't crazy, and I've never lived under his rule.  His motives may be clouded, but he isn't crazy." 
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"Ah," she sighed. "Years of being shot at and living under the rule of a crazy mob boss certainly tends to make a woman soft."
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