educationoverseas12 · 2 years
How to score well in the IELTS Writing Section
Many individuals struggle with IELTS exam preparation since it is notoriously difficult and will put anyone's language skills to the test. The IELTS Writing Section can be extremely challenging for many people, but we have some tips and tricks to guide you all along on how to score well for the IELTS Writing Section.
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1. Recognize the prompt
Make sure you understand exactly what the question is asking you to do, whether you're writing for the Academic or General Test, Task 1 or Task 2. If you're writing a letter, be sure you know the appropriate register (formal or casual) and salutations and closings. Make sure you can identify both sides of an issue if you're writing an opinion essay. If you're describing graphs or processes, start by determining what the graphs depict, then compare the important trends and features. After you've gotten your head around the task, you may start planning your paper's outline.
2. Make a strong first impression.
Determine the sequence in which you will deliver your ideas when organizing the opinion essay at the outline stage. The strongest body paragraph should come first, as it will make the first and most significant impressions on your readers. If you have three body paragraphs, start with the best one, then the weakest in the middle, then the second-strongest at the end. This will ensure that your reader has a positive impression of your essay.
3. Proofread!
For timed assessments, this can be difficult, but it is critical to set aside a few minutes after each writing task to proofread. You should look for minor spelling and grammar errors. This is not the place to decide that your argument is weak and drought a fresh paragraph (your outline is for that!). Read your essay to ensure that it is well-organized, and if necessary, add sentences or phrases to strengthen connections between concepts.
4. Focus on language, not length
Although you must aim for the required word count in IELTS writing, it does not have to be long (150 and 250 words). Two good body paragraphs are required for Task 2 essays, while three is a plus if you can accomplish it. You get marks for correctly and organically employing complicated sentence structure and powerful vocabulary. Rather than being concerned about the length of your essay, focus on including interesting vocabulary and avoiding repetition. You should work on expanding your vocabulary for a variety of themes as you prepare for the IELTS exam.
By now, we hope you’ve figured out how to prepare for the IELTS writing section. We recommend that you search the internet for IELTS training in Delhi or IELTS training near me and develop a list of choices that will guide you all along this journey of planning to fly out to study abroad.
We understand that this journey is prodigious for you, after all, the IELTS exam is a big step indeed to witness your dreams come true. If you are curious about IELTS training in Delhi, IOA Global is just the place for you. With our expertise, and highly-qualified teaching staff we strive to provide best solutions to the students and move along the path of excellence, For more information, contact on 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 2 years
Careers to consider in the UK in the year 2022
When considering expanding career prospects and opportunities from some of the top employers across the world, one cannot really ignore United Kingdom being a nation of growing career prospects and opportunities from some of the best employers in the world. If you are flying out to study abroad you must consider career options in the UK in the year 2022: 
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Chief executives and officials- Median Salary: £97,708
Flight engineers- Median Salary: £78,570
Legal Professionals- Median Salary: £74,701
Medical Practitioners- Median Salary: £72,019
Marketing Directors- Median Salary: £80,411
We propose that you meet with your study abroad consultant and talk over all of your options, as well as a suitable list of courses and top universities that cater to that demand, so that you may take advantage of the large array of options and continue down the path of greatness.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
5 Apps to help you score well in the IELTS exam
IELTS is one of the most difficult tests to prepare for, yet it is also one of the most accessible. It opens up a plethora of possibilities. You can easily seek admission in some of the top universities for  overseas education, obtain high-paying employment, and much more. There are various apps for improving your IELTS listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills. It helps you become an English professional by brushing up on your writing and listening skills hence bringing you closer to witness your dream to study abroad. If you still not sure about the tools, take a list of the apps below to prepare for the IELTS exam: 
Apps to help you prepare for the IELTS Exam: 
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IELTS Prep App
IELTS Word Power App
BBC Learning in English App
Learn English Video APP
Duolingo App
It is highly suggested that you speak with your study abroad consultant for more information on how to prepare for the IELTS exam and get global exposure and opportunities.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011-491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
How to write a perfectly drafted Statement of Purpose
A Statement of Purpose is an informational document that includes personal statements and is required as part of the study abroad application process. It is also known as an application essay and contains a candidate's basic information, career and personal interests, academic highlights, and future ambitions. In the study abroad application process, a SOP is highly significant because it provides the admissions board with important information about the applicant and why they want to pursue a specific course at their institution. If you're still unsure how to write a Statement of Purpose, have a look at the instructions below to learn how to open doors to overseas education and exposure.
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Paragraph 1: Start with a self-introduction paragraph. Your long-term goals and vision, what factors influenced your decision to attend this university and take this course? (briefly) Always remember that your first impression is your last impression.
2nd Paragraph: Academic Background and Work Experience (if any)
3rd Paragraph: Academic achievements, strengths opportunities, academic recognition projects, accomplished workplace achievements, and so on are all included in the third paragraph.
4th Paragraph: Describe in detail why you wish to take this course from the list of courses available. Discuss your goals for this course and what you hope to gain from it.
5th Paragraph : Where do you see yourself five years after graduation from this university/college? Discuss your long-term goals, as well as your professional plans and aspirations
Paragraph 6: What made you choose this university over the other top universities on the list? Among other things, mention several departments, university events, accolades, awards, faculty members, the atmosphere, infrastructure, and the approach adopted.
It is best to have your SOP approved by your study abroad consultant because any inaccuracies can result in immediate rejection.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
4 career benefits to study abroad
Moving out to study abroad has a multitude of educational and personal benefits, but it also enhances your career by providing you with skills and opportunity furthering your career in the direction you desire. From boosting your confidence to increasing your communication skills, overseas education  offers all.  Given below are career benefits to study abroad.
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Make more connections. You'll be surrounded by international students if you study abroad. Classmates, friends, and acquaintances all offer the chance to form lifelong bonds. You can meet students from all around the world in an international setting, allowing you to build a global network of relationships.
Improve your communications skills.
Employers value communication skills, especially the capacity to communicate across numerous language boundaries. You will form friendships and interact with people from all backgrounds and cultures while you study abroad, and you will be surrounded by a variety of foreign languages and language abilities.
Boost your self-assurance
Aside from the academic advantages, studying abroad is an excellent method to gain confidence in a variety of situations. The importance of self-assurance cannot be overstated. Before an interview, the most common piece of advise you'll hear is to be confident. Fortunately, studying abroad will provide you with learning opportunities that will help you gain confidence and improve your professional prospects. While you are away from home, you will meet new people and learn new things.
Expand Your Perspective During your time of studying abroad, international students get different insights. Students will be exposed to a variety of cultural perspectives and ideas that they would not otherwise be exposed to. Students will gain a better understanding of their own views and ways of thinking in comparison to people around them as a result of this experience.
It is best to get in touch with your study abroad consultant to get more idea on the list of courses and gather insights on how to make this journey worth- a while.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Overseas education has become a goal for everybody who aspires to be successful in any field. Obtaining a certificate of excellence from a reputable foreign university is not only a feather in one's academic cap, but it also confers the label of 'international exposure,' which is unquestionably a benefit at work.
On the other hand, it is widely assumed that not everyone can afford the costs associated to study abroad be it tuition fees, student accommodation etc.  But fear not: a lack of funds does not have to prevent anyone from pursuing higher education abroad.
Here are some tips for you to understand how to fund your study abroad:
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1.       Grants and Scholarships
Many universities welcome international students to enroll in their classes. They're also known for offering scholarships to people interested in attending their university. Almost every program offered at a foreign university receives financial support in the form of study abroad scholarships.
2.       Scholarships from the government
Every year, the Indian government offers students scholarships to study abroad. Students can apply for this funding program on their official website, which is freely accessible online. The Indian government has established several standards that must be followed by any student asking for a scholarship for overseas education. 
3.       Savings
Savings are the most promising source of study abroad funding. You are most suitable for this option if you have a consistent income. You can apply for bank-sponsored schemes that promise to assist you in saving. Savings is also an excellent approach to learn about budgeting.
4.       Crowd funding
Crowd funding is a type of fundraising that is used to raise funds for a specific purpose. Students can use online crowd funding portals to raise money or finances for their education overseas. For many candidates, crowd funding for education has proven to be fruitful.
It is best to get in touch with your study abroad consultant to get more idea on the list of courses and gather insights on how to make this journey worth- a while.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Top Universities to study in Australia
Australia, which is known for its world-class universities, is becoming a popular study abroad destination, attracting a large number of students from all over the world each year. Students who believe in the power of creativity, preservation, and sustainability will find engaged learning environment and extensive list of courses at some of the top universities in Australia 
To make every international student's academic journey unforgettable, the country offers economical curriculum, easy immigration procedures, and a multicultural environment that is extremely engaging. Australia, affectionately known as 'the Land of Oz,' is brimming with natural wonders, wide-open landscapes, and dazzling beaches, hence coming out as a top overseas education destination for the students. 
Here are top 5 universities to consider if you are planning to study in Australia 
Victoria University
Swinburne University of Technology
James Cook University
Asia Pacific International College
Southern cross university
When choosing an university to study abroad, it's a good idea to sit down with your study abroad consultant and go over your checklist.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
List of Reasons to choose Australia as your study abroad destination
Australia is home to eight of the world's top 100 universities, making it much more than kangaroos. A growing number of Indian students are choosing universities in Australia to study abroad because of its world-class education, post-study career prospects, and high quality of life. If you're not sure why  study in Australia for your overseas education, consider the following suggestions:
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1. International recognition The degrees are recognized around the world, and Australian institutions are distinguished for their cutting-edge research and training methods. Seven Australian institutions consistently rank in the top 100 of the QS World Rankings and Times Higher Education Rankings, proving the international acclaim of their teaching pedagogy and making study in Australia a popular choice among students.
2. High standards of living Australia attracts students from all over the world to pursue higher education because of its exceptional quality of life and the fact that five of its largest cities — Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Adelaide — have been recognized among the world's most livable cities**.
3. Quality assurance
The Australian government established the Australian Quality Assurance Framework to ensure that all Australian universities meet the highest educational standards, with a focus on structure and rigour. The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework ensures that the safety of international students is a top priority. As a result, international students and their parents may rest certain that they will be financially secure and will have access to a wide range of vital services.
4. Consult with your study abroad advisor.
It is strongly advised that you speak with a study abroad consultant who can assist you in selecting the best course and university for you based on your preferences and career goals.
IOA Global is here to make this journey worth a while for you. We have successfully helped more than 1500 students to live their dreams to study abroad. Our vision is to cater to Taylor-made solutions which prepare the students for every aspect of this journey from the application process to the interview round and ensure favorable outcomes. So whatever point you are in, visit us and remove your doubts at IOA Global or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Tips and tricks to help you prepare for the IELTS Reading Test
If you want to achieve an IELTS Band 7 or higher, you must start preparing for the test and use the appropriate methods throughout to not miss out your chances to study abroad. We'll go over the finest tricks to help you prepare for the IELTS Reading test. 
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1. Get into the habit of reading 
 Make it a habit to read in English for at least 15 minutes every day. Consistency is the key to achieving a high IELTS score!
2. Skimming technique is a must 
Learn how to ‘skim' and practice this important skill. Skimming takes only a few seconds. When you skim a text, all you're attempting to figure out is what it's about / what the topic is. You might read the first few lines of the first and (perhaps) last paragraphs, as well as the heading and any subheadings.
3. Take a few practice IELTS Reading tests. 
To achieve an IELTS Band 7 or higher, you must have a score of 30 out of 40. However, keep in mind that these should only be used to test your abilities, not to improve them.
4. Carefully read the instructions. 
You will lose marks if you do not follow the instructions. If the instructions say "Write NO MORE THAN two words and/or a number," and you write three words, your response is incorrect - even if the right answer is "pine tree," and you write "a pine tree." If the instructions say to "Write TRUE, FALSE, or NOT GIVEN," and you answer "YES," your answer is incorrect, even if the right answer is "TRUE."
5. Keep an eye on the clock. 
Don't spend too much time on any one question. Simply ignore it. You can always return to it at a later stage. Also, each text should take about 20 minutes.
6. Get in touch of your study abroad consultant 
Let your study abroad consultant guide you with reference to best IELTS  coaching center or use the net to search for IELTS coaching center near me to learn and how to prepare for IELTS Reading test to seek admission in a university to study abroad. 
We’ve successfully assisted over 1500 students in achieving their goals of to move out for overseas education. Our mission is to provide custom-tailored solutions that prepare students for every step of the journey, from application to interview, and assure positive outcomes. So, whatever stage you’re at, come to IOA Global and clear your doubts, or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636.
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
The second module of the PTE Academic exam that test-takers will encounter is the PTE Reading test. The questions in this section are used to evaluate both single and multiple skills. This section may have 15 to 20 test items and takes 32-40 minutes to complete. Most test-takers believe the PTE Reading Test is comparatively more difficult as compared to the other sections like listening,  writing, and speaking. We are here, to give you some tips and tricks on how to prepare for the PTE Reading Test and get one step closer to witnessing your dream to study abroad come true. 
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  Tips and tricks to help you prepare for the PTE Reading Test 
Use the scanning, skimming, and summarizing strategy since you do not need to remember every single word in the book; instead, you should understand the main idea and respond to the questions below
Every day, take an initiative to build your vocabulary so you can use fancy words when rephrasing texts. This habit will also help you to become familiar with synonyms for various words in the books, resulting in a high PTE Reading Test score.
Spend as much time as possible reading various books, articles, or even diaries, and try taking notes from the highlighted passages to develop the habit of rephrasing.
Since you are not obligated to negative marking, never leave any answer unattended.
Seek the guidance of your study abroad consultant to get a list of the best PTE coaching center, or surf the net to search for the best PTE coaching center near me and start your preparation under the expertise of the highly qualified teaching faculty to grab the chance to study abroad.
We’ve successfully assisted over 1500 students in achieving their goals of to move out for overseas education. Our mission is to provide custom-tailored solutions that prepare students for every step of the journey, from application to interview, and assure positive outcomes. So, whatever stage you’re at, come to IOA Global and clear your doubts, or call us at 011–491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636.
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Tips to consider if you are planning to study abroad
Moving out to study abroad is a big step indeed, but definitely worth all the struggles. From receiving high-quality education, to best employment opportunities in some of the most prestigious universities, you receive it all. If you are still contemplating on why to study abroad, find some of the reasons that are a must to consider for you to make your mind to move out for overseas education. 
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1. Better education 
The best reason to move out for overseas education is the academic excellence that the country offers. Taking courses as an overseas student might considerably expand your educational opportunities. With the help of your study abroad consultant choose a list of courses suitable for you keeping career prospects in mind.
2. Experience diverse culture 
For many foreign students, one of the most appealing aspects to study abroad is the opportunity to immerse themselves in a completely different culture with people from various backgrounds. 
3. Looks good on your CV
Employers from all across the globe prefer students with academic background of international university and global exposure. 
4. Independence comes along 
When you move out for overseas education, not just you gain multiple opportunities but also becomes financially independent, handling all key expenses like student accommodation, tuition fees all by yourselves. 
5.  Explore the beautiful city 
Spend your weekends exploring the beautiful landmarks and exploring popular dishes with your friends, appreciating the memorizing view that the country offers. 
We've successfully assisted over 1500 students in achieving their goals of studying abroad. Our mission is to provide custom-tailored solutions that prepare students for every step of the journey, from application to interview, and assure positive outcomes. So, whatever stage you're at, come to IOA Global and clear your doubts, or call us at 011-491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636.
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Reasons to not miss UK as your ultimate study abroad destination
The education system in the United Kingdom is adjustable, so you can study in a way that fits your lifestyle and career goals. When you study in the Universities of the United Kingdom, you meet individuals from all over the world, learn about their backgrounds, and gain fresh insights. If you are still confused why study in UK is the correct choice, consider the tips given below:
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The UK is home to a wide range of reputed and highly renowned universities and educational institutions, which is the primary and foremost reason why Indians choose UK to study abroad. It also hosts some of the world's oldest and most prestigious institutions. In fact, three of the top ten institutes in the world are located in the United Kingdom, according to the World University Rankings.
1. The universities in the United Kingdom consistently rank among the best in the world, and its qualifications are appreciated and recognized around the world.
2. The United Kingdom conducts 5% of global scientific research and produces 14% of the world's most frequently cited articles.
3. These universities provide you with a wide range of options, allowing you to mix academic and vocational courses to your liking and giving you a solid reason to choose UK to study abroad. 
4. The teaching and learning methods utilized in the United Kingdom allow you to be creative while also allowing you to enhance your skill sets and confidence. Ask your study abroad consult to suggest some of the best courses for you before you fly to study abroad. 
5. Students can work while they study, affording expenses like tuition fees, student accommodation etc.
We've successfully assisted over 1500 students in achieving their goals of studying abroad. Our mission is to provide custom-tailored solutions that prepare students for every step of the journey, from application to interview, and assure positive outcomes. So, whatever stage you're at, come to IOA Global and clear your doubts, or call us at 011-491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
Tips to choose a country to study abroad
The decision to move to study abroad is not only overwhelming, but also daunting. It brings up enormous options, vast possibilities, and improved prospects for students, all of which contribute to their overall development. After that, you'll need to find out how to choose a country to study abroad. Finding the appropriate fit for their career goals, employment opportunities, and distinct culture can be tough with so many options. Learn more about how to choose a country to study abroad by following the steps outlined below.
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1. Having a choice of subjects is desirable.
Students should first choose the most suitable fit from the list of courses that is intriguing to them, and then look over the list of universities to study abroad.
2. Comprehend the information in the course.
Regardless of where you intend to study, the presentation of your selected course is a crucial issue to consider. It's critical to consider how education is presented (seminars or lectures), as well as reading lists and evaluation systems, to ensure that they all suit your preferred learning style.
3. Keep a close eye on your finances
This is where you will get answers to your questions about which country to study in. To begin, make sure you have a budget in place that allows you to set aside money for major expenses like tuition, student accommodation, and travel.
4. Variety of the choices
Every student has an eye out for new for the most intriguing opportunities that will help them reach their full potential in the long run. Look for best study abroad consultants near me on the internet if you're having trouble locating countries with expanding levels of resources and work possibilities for students to evolve and progress toward a brighter future.
5. Pick a country with familiar connections 
Moving out to study abroad can be a daunting experience for students. It's difficult to leave home for an overseas education, especially when you're separated from your family. Traveling somewhere where you can find people who can help you in an emergency is a good idea.
6. Begin by studying for the IELTS exam.
The ball is now in our court; students can enroll in their preferred university and climb the ladders to incredible opportunities by passing the IELTS exam. IOA Global is here to help you accomplish your dream of studying abroad by offering the best IELTS preparation and experienced advice.
We've successfully assisted over 1500 students in achieving their goals of studying abroad. Our mission is to provide custom-tailored solutions that prepare students for every step of the journey, from application to interview, and assure positive outcomes. So, whatever stage you're at, come to IOA Global and clear your doubts, or call us at 011-491461461 / 9654544247 / 9971403636.
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educationoverseas12 · 3 years
6 tips to consider before you fly out abroad
The commitment to study abroad is not only enormous, but also daunting for students. Studying abroad is a life-changing experience that gives you access to a high-quality education, global exposure, and much more job prospects in the future. Students who choose to study abroad gain independence as well as widen their horizons, allowing them to improve their knowledge while attending some of the world's most prestigious universities. Students learn to endure in the face of adversity and construct a life on their own terms, far from their friends and family. Here are six things to think about before you go out to study abroad.
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Some tips to prepare before you fly to study abroad:
1. Begin your research.
The first tip before you fly to study abroad is to indulge in research.  Choose a subject that interests you, and then narrow down your university choices based on academic excellence, curriculum, and resources available. You could engage with study abroad consultants to evaluate your career prospects.
2. Now, let's get down to numbers
Examine your financial position to see if you have enough money to cover all of your essential needs, including tuition, living expenses, and travel costs. Not to scare you, but you’ll certainly end up spending more money than you planned. To be fully prepared for studying abroad, save some additional money before leaving for overseas education.
3. Take some extra time for paperwork.
Another tip to think about before flying to study abroad is to spend extra time on paperwork. Before moving to study abroad, students must submit the necessary documents. Keep in mind that any error in the papers could result in the application being cancelled, so proceed with caution.
4. Locate suitable student accommodation
This may bother you; after all, who enjoys looking for a place to live? IOA Global is ready to help you through this difficult period by providing affordable student accommodation near your university. Amber student has partnered with us to offer students with the most convenient and accessible accommodation facilities.
5. Get insurance 
Insurance is required when studying abroad to guarantee that you are prepared for the worst-case situation. Look out for the best deals and see if any companies provide student discounts. It's also a good idea to research what kind of health insurance you'll need once you've moved to another country for overseas education.
6. Make plans for transportation.
Allow your study abroad consultant to handle the details. Every student will require transportation from the airport to their university or place of living. IOA Global is here to provide you with custom-tailored solutions that will meet all of your requirements and make your journey more comfortable.
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