eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
so idk who is still active and follows this blog but i've rebooted eisa. @eeturnuhl
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
so i think im gonna move eisa and most of her drafts over to @daguh. i'll be working on adding her there if anyone wishes to continue following her and such.
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
where is charli these days ?Ā 
@eeturnuhlĀ  -Ā  youā€™reĀ  here !Ā 
@daguhĀ  -Ā  multimuse ( high activity )Ā 
@beckheiressĀ  -Ā  yellowstone oc ( low activity )Ā 
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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Eda Yıldız - Episode 27 5/7
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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Turning his head as soon as he received a reply to his question, he was surprised someone even listened. Smile forming on his lips as his eyes met a beautiful woman.Ā ā€œOh well, things like that should be for free. Iā€™ve seen planets where no one needed to pay for food or something to drink.ā€ he spoke.Ā ā€œBut I guess Earth must be different then.ā€ he spoke, completely forgetting about his previous thought. His attention now laid all on the beautiful femme.Ā ā€œYou mustā€™ve been here for a long time when you know, what are they called.. humans so well.ā€ he pointed out the obvious to her.Ā 
She wasnā€™t one of these humans, he could tell. But who was she? Getting greeted by such beauty wasnā€™t something he experienced every day. even if it was easy for him to fall in love and seduce the women he fell for. A habit he wished he could lay down. But his name was Eros for a reason and love was just his thing.Ā ā€œYouā€™re not human, am I right? I can sense something in you.ā€ he spoke, his smile slowly turning into a grin as his eyes were glued to her.Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  SHEĀ  COULDNā€™TĀ  HELPĀ  BUTĀ  TOĀ  SHIFTĀ  HERĀ  GAZEĀ  FROMĀ  THEĀ  SHOPĀ  ANDĀ  ONTOĀ  HIM .Ā  somethingĀ  aboutĀ  himĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  bitĀ  familiar .Ā  inĀ  herĀ  longĀ  life ,Ā  thereĀ  wasĀ  onlyĀ  aĀ  fewĀ  timesĀ  she feltĀ  thisĀ  presenceĀ  .Ā  Ā  doeĀ  eyesĀ  remainedĀ  onĀ  himĀ  Ā asĀ  sheĀ  foldedĀ  herĀ  armsĀ  overĀ  herĀ  chest .Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  Ā iĀ  agreeĀ  .Ā  tragically ,Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  seeĀ  itĀ  changingĀ  .Ā  iĀ  knowĀ  twoĀ  otherĀ  planetsĀ  thatĀ  areĀ  thatĀ  way .Ā  xandarĀ  andĀ  hala .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā  eisaĀ  replied .Ā  sheĀ  recalledĀ  howĀ  thoseĀ  twoĀ  planetsĀ  workedĀ  consideringĀ  sheĀ  spentĀ  soĀ  longĀ  onĀ  xandar .Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  justĀ  aĀ  bit .Ā  which --Ā  makesĀ  meĀ  wonderĀ  howĀ  theĀ  needĀ  toĀ  priceĀ  everythingĀ  evenĀ  began .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā eisaĀ  turnedĀ  towardsĀ  him ,Ā  herĀ  fullĀ  attention ,Ā  nowĀ  onĀ  himĀ  asĀ  hisĀ  seemedĀ  toĀ  focusĀ  onĀ  herĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā ohĀ  no --Ā  notĀ  entirelyĀ  thatĀ  long .Ā  iĀ  guessĀ  youĀ  canĀ  sayĀ  aĀ  fewĀ  years .Ā  aboutĀ  five ,Ā  actually .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā theĀ  goddessĀ  chuckled .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā iā€™mĀ  stillĀ  Ā inĀ  thatĀ  learning stage .Ā  thingsĀ  areĀ  differentĀ  hereĀ  thanĀ  whereĀ  iā€™mĀ  from .Ā Ā ā€œĀ Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā heĀ  wasĀ  byĀ  far ,Ā  oneĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  mostĀ  handsomeĀ  manĀ  sheā€™sĀ  everĀ  hadĀ  theĀ  pleasureĀ  toĀ  encounter .Ā  sheĀ  foundĀ  herselfĀ  flusteredĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  youā€™reĀ  right .Ā  iā€™mĀ  eisaĀ  --Ā  Ā goddessĀ  ofĀ  fire .Ā  rulerĀ  ofĀ  muspelheim .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  sheĀ  smiledĀ  more ,Ā  chinĀ  tiltingĀ  upĀ  .Ā  aĀ  pridefulĀ  arroganceĀ  inĀ  herĀ  tone .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  andĀ  iĀ  takeĀ  itĀ  youā€™reĀ  notĀ  eitherĀ  ?Ā Ā ā€œĀ Ā 
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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At Eisaā€™s teasing inquiry, Druigā€™s gaze flickered upwards for a brief moment, as if considering.Ā ā€œI probably deserve that, if weā€™re being honest with each other.ā€ Levity was still apparent in his eyes when they met hers once more. It had been too long in his mind, as well; however, the fact that he departed from the sanctuary heā€™d created to the extent that he did since their acquaintance following her arrival on Earth was still novel. Druig had found himself curiousĀ in regards to EisaĀ ā€” a feeling that was no longer sparked by her circumstances or Muspelheim, but simply by her.
ā€œBut you may ask.ā€ As he closed the remaining space between them, he withdrew a bracelet, featuring what appeared to be red and black beads inlaid in silver, from the pocket of his leather jacket.Ā ā€œTheyā€™reĀ huayruro seeds, from some of the tallest trees in the Peruvian rainforest. For almost as long as Iā€™ve been on Earth, the people have believed that they bring happiness to whoever wears them, and that they ward off negative energy.ā€ Evocations of such history always reminded him of why he had come to care for humanity as he did.Ā ā€œSome of the humans at the compound were collecting them to make jewelry, and I realized that I never showed them to you while you were there.ā€ Extending his free hand, Druig tilted his head towards her wrist.Ā ā€œMay I?ā€
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  AĀ  PLAYFULĀ  SMIRKĀ  FORMEDĀ  ATĀ  HERĀ  LIPS .Ā  Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  hardĀ  toĀ  resistĀ  keepingĀ  aĀ  seriousĀ  demeanorĀ  aroundĀ  him .Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  arenā€™tĀ  weĀ  alwaysĀ  honestĀ  withĀ  oneĀ  another ?Ā Ā ā€œĀ  eisaĀ  questioned ,Ā  eyesĀ  meetingĀ  his .Ā  perhapsĀ  thereĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  sparkĀ  ofĀ  admirationĀ  thatĀ  wereĀ  inĀ  herĀ  ownĀ  andĀ  thatĀ  couldĀ  beĀ  easilyĀ  seenĀ  byĀ  anyoneĀ  payingĀ  enoughĀ  attention .Ā  Ā sinceĀ  comingĀ  toĀ  earth ,Ā  sheĀ  experiencedĀ  thingsĀ  sheĀ  neverĀ  thoughtĀ  existed .Ā  aĀ  senseĀ  ofĀ  humanity .Ā  theĀ  longingĀ  toĀ  feelĀ  theĀ  veryĀ  thingsĀ  sheĀ  witnessedĀ  withĀ  herĀ  ownĀ  eyes .Ā  Ā sinceĀ  meetingĀ  druig ,Ā  herĀ  curiosityĀ  forĀ  himĀ  hadĀ  grown .Ā  andĀ  momentsĀ  likeĀ  this ,Ā  sheĀ  foundĀ  herselfĀ  aĀ  bitĀ  flusteredĀ  inĀ  hisĀ  presence .Ā  Ā ofĀ  courseĀ  whoĀ  wouldnā€™tĀ  beĀ  whenĀ  theĀ  eternalsĀ  wereĀ  suchĀ  powerfulĀ  andĀ  brilliantĀ  beingsĀ  .Ā 
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  sheĀ  stoodĀ  stillĀ  asĀ  heĀ  closedĀ  theĀ  spaceĀ  betweenĀ  him ,Ā  doeĀ  eyesĀ  watchingĀ  himĀ  closelyĀ  asĀ  heĀ  pulledĀ  outĀ  theĀ  bracelet .Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  beautifulĀ  andĀ  sheĀ  hadĀ  neverĀ  seenĀ  anythingĀ  likeĀ  itĀ  before .Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  huayruroĀ  seeds ?Ā Ā ā€œĀ  eisaĀ  repeated ,Ā  eyesĀ  landingĀ  onĀ  themĀ  .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  theyā€™re --Ā  beautiful .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  Ā theĀ  toneĀ  inĀ  herĀ  voiceĀ  wasĀ  softĀ  Ā andĀ  sheĀ  couldnā€™tĀ  helpĀ  butĀ  smileĀ  brightly .Ā  Ā  Ā eyesĀ  shiftedĀ  toĀ  hisĀ  freeĀ  handĀ  thatĀ  extendedĀ  towardsĀ  herĀ  andĀ  slowly ,Ā  sheĀ  heldĀ  outĀ  herĀ  own ,Ā  allowingĀ  himĀ  toĀ  takeĀ  herĀ  wrist .Ā Ā ā€œĀ  ofĀ  course .Ā  Ā i - -Ā  thankĀ  you ,Ā  druig .Ā  iĀ  shallĀ  keepĀ  themĀ  on forever .Ā Ā ā€œĀ Ā 
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
good morning ! iā€™m officially around and iā€™ll be queuing up things. i apologize for neglecting this blog lol.Ā 
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
i'll be on tomorrow over here to do replies! i've been hanging out on my mutli ( @daguh ) today .
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā š˜¼š™”š™¬š™–š™®š™Ø š™–š™£š™™ š™›š™¤š™§š™šš™«š™šš™§, š™žš™£š™™š™šš™šš™™.
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
I had to run out for a bit but when I return, I'll get to messages and drafts. Also remade my supernatural based multi which can be found over at @daguh . I'm still working on tags and what not.
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
&. š¬šØšŸš­ ššš§š š¬š°šžšžš­ š¬šžš§š­šžš§šœšž š¬š­ššš«š­šžš«š¬.
(Ā  variousĀ  fluffyĀ  dialogueĀ  promptsĀ  soĀ  soft,Ā  soĀ  sweet,Ā  justĀ  forĀ  you!Ā  )
ā› i just wanted to make sure youā€™reĀ okay. āœ
ā› there it is, thereā€™s that smile! āœ
ā› you got me flowers? āœ
ā› iā€™m not afraid of you. āœ
ā› aw, did you miss me? āœ
ā› youā€™re lucky that youā€™re cute. āœ
ā› wait, you think iā€™m cute? āœ
ā› youā€™re not alone. you never were. āœ
ā› i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever seen you smile. āœ
ā› good morning, sleeping beauty. āœ
ā› itā€™s better with you here. āœ
ā› donā€™t worry, iā€™m staying right here. āœ
ā› youā€™re welcome to stay, if you want. āœ
ā› donā€™t be a stranger, okay? āœ
ā› i havenā€™t laughed like this in a long time. āœ
ā› hold still. this might sting a little. āœ
ā› you can hold my hand, if you want. āœ
ā› i knew you would be here. āœ
ā› i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. āœ
ā› before you do anything, try this and tell me what you think. āœ
ā› wow i really canā€™t speak, huh? must be because of how pretty you look. āœ
ā› we can order pizza, watch a movie, whatever you want. āœ
ā› what, am i not allowed to look at you? āœ
ā› iā€™m not giving up on you. āœ
ā› is that my shirt? āœ
ā› this is a good look for you. āœ
ā› pinky promise? āœ
ā› cā€™mere, you. āœ
ā› honey, iā€™m home! āœ
ā› you remembered? āœ
ā› youā€™re my family too. āœ
ā› letā€™s go somewhere, just you and me. āœ
ā› iā€™m here for you. donā€™t forget that. āœ
ā› youā€™re the only thing that matters. āœ
ā› was that your first kiss? āœ
ā› i was worried something happened to you. āœ
ā› your heart is beating so fast right now. āœ
ā› relationships are built on trust, and i trust you. āœ
ā› you always see the good in people. even me. āœ
ā› do you think the moon is jealous of how pretty you are? āœ
ā› nope, puppy dog eyes arenā€™t going to work this time! āœ
ā› thanks to you, i know what it means to love again. āœ
ā› how about a kiss before i go? āœ
ā› iā€™m just glad youā€™re okay. āœ
ā› here we are, home sweet home. āœ
ā› thanks for being here with me. āœ
ā› seeing you happy is all that matters. āœ
ā› keep it. it looks better on you. āœ
ā› i couldnā€™t stop missing you if i tried. āœ
ā› you feel like home to me. āœ
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
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GUINEVERE - a dash template
this template was requested and is available to download here. credit is appreciated.
fonts used are: abril fatface italics
like / reblogs are appreciatedĀ 
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
š„š‹š„š‚š“š‘š€ š‡š„š€š‘š“ š‹š˜š‘šˆš‚š’ š’š„šš“š„šš‚š„ š’š“š€š‘š“š„š‘š’
ā› iā€™m not yours to keep. āœ ā› whatā€™s the point in saying you love me like a friend? āœ ā› youā€™re never gonna love me, so whatā€™s the use? āœ ā› iā€™ve lived a lot of different lives. āœ ā› adolescence didnā€™t make sense. āœ ā› baby you donā€™t have to live your life in fear. āœ ā› i want the world to go away. āœ ā› now iā€™m ready for the last hoorah. āœ ā› not everyone is out to screw you over. āœ ā› why donā€™t we just pretend? āœ ā› youā€™re a coward ā€˜til the end. āœ ā› yeah, you may be good looking but youā€™re not a piece of art. āœ ā› iā€™m sick and tired of all your preaching. āœ ā› just maybe they just wanna get to know you. āœ ā› in the night your heart is full and by the morning empty. āœ ā› people in this town ā€” they can be so cruel. āœ ā› life gave me some lemons so i made some lemonade. āœ ā› all i ever wanted was the world. āœ ā› i can feel it coming to the end. āœ ā› iā€™ll chew you up and iā€™ll spit you out. āœ ā› iā€™m gonna pop your bubblegum heart. āœ ā› i donā€™t know why but i feel conned. āœ ā› whatā€™s the point in saying itā€™s never gonna end? āœ ā› rule number one is that you gotta have fun. āœ ā› i send my best regards from hell. āœ ā› youā€™re too proud to say that youā€™ve made a mistake. āœ ā› all i really want is to be wonderful. āœ ā› if you donā€™t know that by now then you donā€™t know me that well. āœ ā› i live my life in bitterness. āœ ā› so pull me closer and kiss me hard. āœ ā› you can count on me to misbehave. āœ ā› the light inside you died. āœ ā› i wish i wasnā€™t such a narcissist ā› iā€™ll never tell you how i feel. āœ ā› every day is a chore. āœ ā› there is no crime in being kind. āœ ā› i know you only want to own me. āœ ā› i donā€™t care at all. āœ ā› youā€™re still living life in the dark. āœ ā› you and i will never last. āœ ā› i wanna stay inside all day. āœ ā› a human vulnerability doesnā€™t mean that i am weak. āœ ā› but baby iā€™m the one who left you, youā€™re not the one who left me. āœ ā› i canā€™t help that i need it all. āœ ā› your life is dark and it needs some light. āœ ā› i know iā€™ve got a big ego. āœ ā› i just want it to be perfect. āœ ā› you say that love is not that easy. āœ ā› you say that iā€™m kinda difficult. āœ ā› you donā€™t love me, big fucking deal. āœ ā› we cannot escape the past. āœ ā› i donā€™t wanna admit that weā€™re not gonna fit. āœ ā› donā€™t care if you think iā€™m dumb. āœ ā› all this time was fighting for what i believe. āœ ā› feelings are just like the weather. āœ ā› i really donā€™t know why itā€™s such a big deal, though. āœ ā› did i really deserve it? āœ ā› i canā€™t let you go. āœ ā› deep down all you want is love. āœ ā› you played the martyr for so long. āœ ā› everyday i feel the same. āœ ā› would you get down on your knees for me? āœ ā› ainā€™t youth meant to be beautiful? āœ ā› whatā€™s the point in playing a game youā€™re gonna lose? āœ ā› i guess you could say that my lifeā€™s a mess. āœ ā› i wanna be a bottle blonde. āœ ā› i never fall asleep when youā€™re in my bed. āœ ā› we donā€™t own our heavens, we only own our hell. āœ ā› all my life iā€™ve been so lonely. āœ
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
I've tested positive for the flu and I feel like crap. Ended up in the er at 3am. Dehydrated and just sick af. So my activity will be scarce until I feel better. I'll try to be on though later. For now, I'm in need of rest.
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eeturnuhlmoved Ā· 2 years
@btcherā€‹Ā  gets a starter !Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  youĀ  lookĀ  asĀ  ifĀ  youā€™ve gotĀ  aĀ  lotĀ  onĀ  yourĀ  mind .Ā  ā€œĀ  theĀ  brunetteĀ  gazedĀ  overĀ  towardsĀ  theĀ  manĀ  .Ā  Ā sheĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  oneĀ  forĀ  smallĀ  talkĀ  butĀ  theĀ  silenceĀ  wasĀ  aĀ  littleĀ  much .Ā  Ā atĀ  oneĀ  timeĀ  she preferredĀ  itĀ  Ā  butĀ  thoseĀ  longĀ  Ā silentĀ  fiveĀ  years ,Ā  inĀ  aĀ  realmĀ  thatĀ  onceĀ  thrivedĀ  withĀ  beingsĀ  ,Ā  madeĀ  herĀ  notĀ  muchĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  fanĀ  for itĀ  .Ā  Ā sheĀ  shiftedĀ  inĀ  herĀ  seatĀ  beforeĀ  turningĀ  herĀ  gazeĀ  awayĀ  fromĀ  him .Ā  Ā ā€œĀ  Ā iĀ  knowĀ  talkingĀ  toĀ  aĀ  strangerĀ  isnā€™tĀ  fanciedĀ  inĀ  someĀ  placesĀ  but --Ā  iĀ  findĀ  itĀ  helpsĀ  .Ā  Ā  sometimes .Ā ā€œĀ 
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