eevee1230 · 8 months
Jackson Hall- The main male character who start a bit naive to the whole new world of his. Navigating it as he watches out for friends and enemies at every twist and turn
Tsukihana ‘Hana’ Morioka- The main female character who is an idealistic young woman at heart but in that sense she can miss the things in front of her
Despite her in her own head personality she is very observant even if she doesn’t catch on right away
Xander Morioka- A super smart guy who can be a bit stubborn but at the end of the day is a very good friend when you need him
He is also very observant and hardheaded at times and can also be a bit cunning and calculating when the situation demands it
Jade Vannavel- The resident voice of reason and emotional intelligence to her friends out.
She can be sensitive and empathetic to everyone’s problems and doesn’t mind listening and giving some advice back on the matter
Mia Vanderlin- A curious and adventurous girl who portrays herself tough on the outside but for those who succeed they with find a very protective, kind, motherly and caring side to her
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eevee1230 · 8 months
summery: A forbidden child born of the sea A legacy born of falling stars and daughter of dreams Two friends who have different fates ahead of themselves but with help from their friends they will certainly get by Follow this ensemble cast of friends as they make it through their first adventure together and become close together Tw: language, slightly rushed subplots
{follows the first PJO book: The Lighting Thief}
Jackson Hall- The main male character who start a bit naive to the whole new world of his. Navigating it as he watches out for friends and enemies at every twist and turn
Tsukihana ‘Hana’ Morioka- The main female character who is an idealistic young woman at heart but in that sense she can miss the things in front of her
Despite her in her own head personality she is very observant even if she doesn’t catch on right away
Xander Morioka- A super smart guy who can be a bit stubborn but at the end of the day is a very good friend when you need him
He is also very observant and hardheaded at times and can also be a bit cunning and calculating when the situation demands it
Jade Vannavel- The resident voice of reason and emotional intelligence to her friends out.
She can be sensitive and empathetic to everyone’s problems and doesn’t mind listening and giving some advice back on the matter
Mia Vanderlin- A curious and adventurous girl who portrays herself tough on the outside but for those who succeed they with find a very protective, kind, motherly and caring side to her
here is a preview at my fic
 Chapter 1: There is a camp       It was a summer afternoon and three people that looked to be in their later teen years were sitting outside a Starbucks and chatting it up with one another. 
"So, Jackson, what are you going to do for the summer?" The raven-haired girl asks her friend
"Heading out towards the bay. Been stuck on the land way too long." Her friend, Jackson answers, smoothing back his jet-black hair with his hand as he replied, "You guys?" He then asked
"Kasan is taking us to our grandmother's. She owns an Observatory up in the mountains.” She let out a small, repressed squeal “I just Adore the stars and all their patterns. So many fun stories you can have." The female let out a small, dreamy sigh, closing her cloudy lavender eyes fondly
"You were always into the sky, Hana." Jackson replied with a bit of chuckle in his tone then turned to a blond guy who had starkly grey eyes and asked "X, what about you?"
"Same." The blonde male answers "Its sorta a family trip. We sorta own it even tho it’s overlooked by a-“ he was cut off by a pointed stare from Hana
“By a what X?”
“Uh, never mind, basically long story short our family owns the observatory property outside of town” he swiftly replies “Plus, it gives me a chance to see my favorite Cuz before I head to college" He grinned and swung an arm around Hana
"Egghead" Hana muttered wearing a grin of her own 
"You know it's true" he counters
"I'm your only cuz Xan." she retorts "Hey, get that arm out of my face or I'll bite it" Hana swatted his hand away playfully while giggling and rolling her eyes. "So what coast are you going to then?" Hana directed her attention back at her friend and asked Jackson "East or West? Is there even a difference in which you go? They are both bodies of water, right?"
"Heading out East,” Jackson answers “and yes the marine life is way better in the East. Much more prehistoric the farther you get."
"Interesting" Xander mused, he had an analytical look on his face "...Well I hope you have fun my friend" he grinned nonchalantly 
"I mean to be honest; I'm just surprised that I made it through the whole school year." Jackson confessed "Hate being confined down"
Hana let out a small laugh "Yeah, you're free as a horse sometimes, no one can tell you what to do.”
"Well, it would be fitting" Xander comments "A horse in spirit animal sense does mean freedom all above else and I'd say Jackson here is a rebel at heart, to be free from the reigns of society"
"I totally agree" Hana nods "Also sailing, sounds interesting but a bit tedious"
"Whatever, it's where I feel the calmest" Jackson retorts
"Whatever makes you happy right," the ravenette girl shrugs "I'm not judging"
"Heading out in a couple of days, when are you heading out?" he asks the pair of cousins 
"July 1st" Xander answers "it's for the 4th of July trip, Grandmother has something special planned for that, so we can't wait to see," he said with a hint of eagerness in his tone
"We're staying there until the end of the lunar festival" Hana adds "We are working on a project as well. I would tell you but now's not the right time" she winks
"Alright, well I've got to head out, checking out. Wait hold on. What the hell is that?" Jackson's eyes widen as he points to something or someone behind the two
"What?" the two cousins said at the same time, turning their heads 
"Uh, do you remember Kasan saying something about a bipedal goat guy before?" Hana questioned
"Satyr; And no." Xander shook his head "At least in this context. I thought they were supposed to be...wild" he replied equally as confused
'Shit, shit, I've seen these things before. But why now? Means that they're close' Jackson forebodingly thought to himself "Well it's been fun, but I need to leave. LIKE NOW!" Jackson says trying to make a hasty escape 
"Where are you going you cowardly baka!" Hana calls out a bit annoyed and disappointed at her friend's meek and cowering actions 
"Just away from here." Jackson answers back in a ‘don’t you know’ tone
"No, don't run! I'm not going to hurt you guys" the satyr said, trying his best to placate the matter
"What the hell are you talking about?" Jackson questions, still in a state of shock. His eyes look like they are about to pop 
"Come any closer and I'll pepper spray you, creeper.” Hana threatens, wiping out a small pepper spray bottle "Were you stalking us? Weido." she shakes her head
"I was sent to find you Jack. Hell, been trying for months, but every time I get close you three just leave." The satyr explains
Xander had an expression that he was ready to fight, but also in a deep pensive analysis of the situation
"My name's Connor." The satyr introduces "I'm a satyr sent to find demigods and bring them to camp."
'what's going on?'
"You are not safe here." the satyr, Connor warns urgently 
"The hell do you mean we are not safe? What's going on?!" Jackson exclaims 
"Xan, what do you think? Do you think this guy is telling the truth?" Hana asks looking at her pensive cousin "If not then I'm ready to pepper spray him and dislocate his arm if not then" Conner winced at her threat a bit “but hey, if not, satyrs aren’t the worst way to uhm…”
"That is, speaking if he is or was mortal" Hana's blond-headed cousin replied, "Tho a satyr wouldn't be that hard to disarm I'd as well imagine." 
"Jackson, look at yourself. You were ready to run the second you saw me, worried that I might bring them back." Conner argued 
Xander and Hana gave each other knowing glances, questioning what the goat boy was referring to
"How… how the hell did you know?" Jackson retorts back at the satyr. The atmosphere grew a bit thicker from the tension going around
"Jackson, look at me!" conner exclaims, grabbing the dark-haired man's attention "I'm half-goat man, I come from a place where we deal with this voodoo stuff a lot." he tries to calm the frantic male down before he has an existential crisis. Tho, maybe he was a bit too late on the whole crisis thing "I know why you're worried, that's why I was sent to get you. You’re in serious danger."
"What camp? And why do you need me?" Jackson asks "And what about the other two?" They glance over at the other teens who were conversing in Japanese to hopefully keep their conversation a bit more private from the strange satyr
"So, we're just going to trust him or what?"
"I say yes but with caution."
"Damn you Xan" Hana hissed
"We'll ask our parents when we'll get the chance, how bout?" The blonde suggests
"Whatever,” she crossed her arms “I trust your call, just hopefully don't be wrong."
"Listen, how much do you three know about the Greek Mythos?" Connor asks
"Our parents told us to tell a few to us as bedtime stories" Xander answers
"Then when we made 15 years old our parents told us a bit more, like how the magical world existed" Hana adds 
'And something about being demigods and legacies. But demigods of whom? they still won't say.'
"But we never heard of this camp" Xander replied, shaking his head
"But there were no monsters or goat people in the fine print" Hana retorts with her hands on her hips
"Satyr, not goat men" Connor corrected 
"Same thing, you're still half goat either way." She retorts in a sassy tone
"And where it gets hard to believe is that it's not a myth, it's real, and I was sent here since you three are the children of Greek gods" he continued
Hana had an exasperated and deadpanned expression “so you come and show up out of nowhere, claim it’s for our ‘safety’ or whatever. This magical camp. And now have us drop whatever we are doing to go follow some strange goat into the woods” she chided, with each word getting close to Connor’s face “hey let’s just throw a gingerbread house in and call it a day” she adds sarcastically
“Hana, I think he’s right." Jackson said grabbing the ravenette's attention by putting a hand on her shoulder, she pulls back from the slightly terrified satyr "There’s been something that I’ve been hiding. From the both of you.” Jackson spoke up with a small sigh
“And what’s that?” They both glance back, Xander with his analytical glance and Hana with her tired yet exasperated look in her eyes “What is it?” They ask again
“Something your hiding?” Hana, curiously tilts her head, raising her brows a bit 
“We’re your friends, we’ll understand” Xander smiles reassuringly 
“When he said I’ll bring them back. He’s not kidding. I didn’t want to say anything, but I believe we are not safe here. There are these creatures that have been stocking me for the better side of a year now. I just didn’t want to say anything but the satyrs right? We need to leave.” Jackson confessed 
the two exchanged glances as if they knew what the other thought, which was very similar 'He is one of us'
“And where is he leading us too, huh?” Hana chided sending a distrustful glare at Connor 
“Sorry she gets fussy when she doesn’t get to finish her cup of morning substitutes” Xander apologizes Even though he knew that was a bald-faced lie. He can't say he trusts this strange satyr 100% either, he just met him after all
“It’s called camp half-blood.” Connor answers the demigoddess “It’s not that far actually. But we need to head out fast. We got company.”
 To Jackson’s horror, it was the same creature that had been chasing him for a year now. Some kind of haft man haft bull thing. The only issue, it found him.
‘Pasiphae‘s son, the Minotaur? But how?’ Xander thought
‘This would be a really good topic to bring up at the next family gathering for sure’ Hana mused 'Oh hey we almost got killed by the fricking minotaur'
“…NANI!...But how did an ancient Minotaur find a high school student?” Xander exclaimed 
“More interesting question why is Pasiphae’s son even after Jackson?” Hana adds on
“Good questions, another question: WHY AREN’T WE RUNNING!? Goat man fucking get us out of here!” Jackson asks the loudest
“Alright, this way.” Connor motions for them to follow “I know this forest better than that thing does.” The group of four dashes into the forest with the best right on their tails 
        Soon the team ran into the forest only for the beast to continue the chase 
“Ahh, I’m running out of caffeine and fumes to run!” Complained Hana as she swung herself down from the trees to the level of the other, she was lagging behind a bit out of curiosity as she counted each boom of thunder and rumble of hooves “I dang it I shouldn’t have ditched out in gym”
“Anything else?” Xander says glancing up at her. Hana sharply sighed and sent a suggestive gesture with her fingers to the blond, and he just shook his head.
They felt a rumbling and a low growl of the best not far from them. ”The beast is persistent; I’ll give them that.” Hana replied with a small shrug
"We can't just keep running" he argued 
"It's already almost sunset"
"How can you tell? It has been cloudy all afternoon?"
” I… I don’t know, I just have this feeling. I mean look the sky is getting darker, so what else could It be.”
However, Hana was wrong. Yes, the sky was darkening, but not due to the falling sun. It was the sky getting ready to cry. Rainfall began to pour, drenching the forest and everything stuck in there.
This did not affect the creature, as its rage caused the drops to boil off his horns the second the water hit them. Connor, Hana, and Xan kept running with the satyr as they attempted to lose this monster.
The only person that felt any kind of change, was Jackson. Instead of dread and fear running through him. It was replaced with anger and power. The bravest, strong, and instinctive he has felt in months. Without saying a word to the group. He ran in a different direction, a patch that had an open in the tree. Where the sky was free.
The creature saw this and abandoned the other three since Jackson was the one he was looking for. Running through and tracking this kid down, he eventually stop and saw him, all alone with no one around.
“I’m done running. Come and get me.” Jackson said 
what comes next, is hard to explain.
 Connor, Hana, and Xan stopped running after they saw they were no longer being chased. Confused and scared, they huddle down for a second before hearing a sharp cry in the forest. The only thing, it wasn’t quite human. Scared that it got Jackson, they ran to where they heard the cry, only to see… the monster dead. 
Horn ripped out, cut badly, and stabbed through the center, with a pissed-off Jackson standing on top, not saying a word
“Jackson. Jack, How, how the hell did you–What happened? You… you still with us buddy, say something.”
Connor stuttered, lost for words, the others just stood there in place at the sight. The group saw Jackson standing over the dead creature's body slowly turning into golden powder and Jackson was about to pass out.
They had eyes the size of disc plates at the sight of their friend. Standing over the creature that had been chasing them through the woods.
Before they knew what happened though. Jackson passes out and fell in front of the group.
“JACKSON! Oh my…um, did he...is he dead?!” Hana asked 
“No, he’s not dead, he is breathing but he’s hurt bad. We need to hurry. Get him out of here fast” Connor said
”Xan, can you, can you please carry him, we need to hurry.” she said helping Jackson onto Xander’s back"
“Does your camp have first aid?” Xander muttered, securing Jackson’s weight on his back 
“No, we got something better, a god.”
“I swear that Baka will get himself killed one day” Hana sighed as she and Xander followed the satyr to camp
“I just wanna know how the hell he killed the Minotaur that fast. And no training or weapons nonetheless” Connor says, still a bit perplexed 
“Wild child” Xander shrugged 
“He’s a baka. That’s all I’ll say” Hana retorts with a huff
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