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i’m (finally) reading this
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The following words are words that are commonly used in a daily conversation. These are helpful and good to know especially to those who are still in a beginner level and to those who are still building up their vocabulary in Korean.
* 자주 - frequently / often
* 가끔 - sometimes
* 거의 - almost
* 계속 - continuously
* 똑바로 / 바로 - straight
* 좀 - please
* 가장 - most
* 먼저 - ahead / first
* 우선 - in the first place
* 매우 / 무척 / 아주 - very
* 너무 - too / so
* 얼마나 - how long/much/many
* 정말 - really
* 참 - really / very
* 많이 - many
* 약간 - a few / little
* 전혀 - none / not at all
* 잘 - well
* 일찍 - early
* 이따가 - later
* 못 / 안 - not
* 더 - more
* 모두 / 다 / 전부 - all / whole
* 뚜 / 다시 - again / once more
* 따로 - separately
* 주로 - mainly / usually
* 간단히 - simply
* 갑자기 - suddenly
* 빨리 / 어서 - fast / quickly
* 천천히 - slowly
* 같이 - together
* 벌써 - already
* 곧 - soon
* 새로 - newly
* 금방 - soon
* 방금 - just now / seconds ago
* 늘 / 항상 - always
* 조용히 - quietly
* 열심히 - eagerly
* 언제나 - whenever
* 오래 - for a long time
* 없이 - without
* 아까 / 좀잔에 - a while ago
* 특히 / 특별히 - especially
* 아직 - yet
* 미리 - in advance
* 바로 - right now
* 직접 - directly
* 깜깍 - with surprise
* 꼭 - firmly / just
* 아마도 - probably
* 별로 - particularly
* 그냥 - just
* 서로 - with each other
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(으)ㄴ/는데 and/but
I’m sure all Korean learners have heard the sound of this grammar point at some point in time, but do you know what it means?
This grammar point has multiple translations in English so let’s look at some of them!
1. When introducing something.
2. When something unexpected happens.
3. Providing background information in the first clause.
4. When a situation doesn’t add up (kind of like using a …)
5. Contrasting two things.
These might be a little confusing but as you use this grammar point more you will get used to where this grammar point fits naturally into sentences. I’ll try and explain some of these meanings later on in the post.
Depending on the type of verb that comes before this, it changes slightly.
Action verbs, 있다 and 없다 add 는데 to the verb stem.
Descriptive verbs add (으)ㄴ데 to the verb stem.
겠다 and 았/었다 take 는데
The future tense (으)ㄹ 거예요 becomes (으)ㄹ 건데 
So, let’s go over that.
가다 to go is an action verb so it becomes 가는데. The past tense of 가다 would become 갔는데. The future tense could be 가겠는데 or 갈 건데.
예쁘다 to be pretty becomes 예쁜데.
Now, let’s go back over those meanings.
1. Introducing 여기가 제주도인데 경치가 아름다워요. Here is Jeju island, and the scenery is beautiful.
2. Unexpected things 어제는 생일이 아니었는데 친구가 선물을 줬어요. Yesterday wasn’t my birthday but my friend gave me a present.
3. Background information. 요즈음 한국어를 배우는데 아주 재미있어요. I’m leaning Korean these days and it’s very interesting.
4. A strange situation. “…” 오늘은 일요일인데 왜 학교에 가요? Today is Sunday… why are you going to school?
5. Contrast. 그 책이 재미있는데 조금 어려워요. That book is interesting but difficult.
More examples:
저는 키가 작은데 언니는 키가 커요. I’m short but my sister is tall.
이것은 한복인데 한국 전통 옷이에요. This is a hanbok and it is tradition Korean clothing.
이 음식이 맛있는데 같이 먹을까요? This food is delicious, want to eat it together?
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Many languages available. One of the hardest audio practice sites I have found. Enjoy!
English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Mandarin, Shanghainese, Danish, Hebrew, Latin, Esperanto 
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It’s sad how much of what is taught in school is useless to over 99% of the population.
There are literally math concepts taught in high school and middle school that are only used in extremely specialized fields or that are even so outdated they aren’t used anymore!
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어휘: 제시하다 to present/to suggest
의견을 제시하다 to state your opinion
이론을 제시하다 to theorize
정보를 제시하다 to present information
조건을 제시하다 to present conditions (terms)
대안을 제시하다 to present a counterargument 
증거를 제시하다 to present evidence
할인 가격을 제시되다 to be offered a discount
신분증을 제시하다 to show your ID
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53/100  - my studygram: academiixx | visit my store
masterpost on how to write a literary analysis essay, thanks to the lectures I get from the best English teacher in the world
Keep reading
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170905 LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her ‘Serendipity’ Comeback Trailer HERE
170907 LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her Concept Photo L version  HERE
170907 LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her Concept Photo O version  HERE
170908 LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her Concept Photo V version  HERE
170908 LOVE YOURSELF 承 Her Concept Photo E version  HERE
170918 All the events that occurred on their comeback day HERE
170922 Music Bank HERE
170922 Music Bang HERE
170924 Inkigayo HERE
170924  Inkigayo Super Kpop Concert in Daejeon HERE
170926 The Show HERE
170927 Show Champion HERE 
170928 Mcountdown HERE
170929 Music Bank HERE
170929 Kpop World Festival HERE
171001 Inkigayo HERE
171003 Show Champion HERE
171008 Inkigayo HERE
171010 Encore Stage & Interview at Inkigayo HERE
PowerFM Cultwo show HERE
Knowing Brothers EP 94 HERE
Knowing Brothers Behind the scenes HERE
Let’s Eat Dinner Together Ep 50 HERE
Comeback Show HERE
BTS Countdown HERE
170922 Aladin HERE & HERE
170930 & 171001. Sinchon,  Myeongdong &  Sangnan HERE
170930 Sinchon HERE
170930 Myeongdong  HERE  
170901 Sangnan HERE
171007 Seocho HERE
171008 Hongdae  HERE
BOMB: DNA reaction HERE (Eng Sub) HERE & HERE
BOMB: Go Go, Comeback Show, HERE
BOMB: Mic Drop Comeback Show HERE
BOMB: No More Dream Comeback Show HERE 
EPISODE: Love Yourself HER HERE (Eng Sub) HERE
BOMB: DNA Special Stage focus HERE
BOMB I NEED U Comeback Show HERE
BOMB MIC DROP Special Stage Focus HERE
Pre-comeback HERE
Special Comeback Show  HERE
Pledge for winning a Billboard award HERE
Run BTS! EP.22 HERE 
RM: Love Yourself Her Behind HERE
BTS comeback: start 170918. End 171012
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Hi, I am currently learning Italian by myself with the help of duolingo. I was wondering if you could explain to me about Italian Clitics? I've tried to google it and stumbled upon several posts, but it's still a mystery to me. Like, what are clitics? When do you use them? How do you use them? Thanks. xx
In Italian, clitics are words used as object pronouns. Depending on their position, we distinguish two types of clitics:
proclitics = the clitic stands alone before a verb (stressed form)
enclitics = the clitic attaches to the preceding verb (unstressed form)
Enclitics attach to gerunds, infinitives, imperatives and (less frequently) past participles, whereas proclitic object pronouns stand alone before the verbs they are the object of. An example would be:
Canto una canzone (I sing a song)
cantala (sing it)cantandola (singing it)cantarla (singing it)la canto (I sing it)
Italian distinguishes between direct (DO) and indirect object (ID) pronouns but, to make things easier and way less complicated, we can divide these pronouns into stressed and unstressed object pronouns.
Stressed object pronouns usually follow the conjugated verb without attaching to it as affixes, and are usually preceded by a variety of prepositions such as di, a, da, in, con etc. that trigger the use of the stressed pronouns.
io - me
tu - te
egli (lui), esso - lui / sé (reflexive)
ella (lei), essa - lei / sé (reflexive)
noi - noi
voi - voi
essi/esse, loro - loro (rare: essi) / sé
amano te (they love you)non è tra di noi (s/he’s not between us)è venuta per te (she came for you)
Unstressed object pronouns always go with a verb, which they can either follow or precede. When they follow the verb (enclitic), they are glued to it as in guardami (look at me),  but when they precede it they stand on their own (proclitic).
io - mi
tu - ti
egli (lui), esso - lo (DO) / gli (IO) / si (reflexive)
ella (lei), essa - la (DO) / le (IO) / si (reflexive)
noi - ci
voi - vi
essi/esse, loro - li, le
Bear in mind that we use different 3rd person pronouns based on whether we’re talking about a direct or indirect object. For example
scrivigli una lettera (write him a letter) [IO]gli scrivo una lettera (I’m writing him a letter) [IO]scrivila (write it) [DO]la scrivo (I’m writing it) [DO]
What happens when you join both direct and indirect personal pronouns? Consider the following example:
mi ha mandato la lettera (s/he has sent me the letter)me l’ha mandata (s/he sent it to me)
Here la lettera is the direct object, while mi is the indirect object. In the second sentence la (l’) is the direct object pronoun meaning la lettera, while me is still the indirect object.
When both the direct and the indirect object are present in the same sentence, the indirect object changes form.
io - me lo / me la / me li / me le
tu - te lo / te la / te li / te le
egli (lui), esso - glielo / gliela / glieli / gliele
ella (lei), essa - glielo / gliela / glieli / gliele
noi - ce lo / ce la / ce li / ce le
voi - ve lo / ve la / ve li / ve le
essi/esse, loro - /
la zia ha regalato un libro a Giulio (the auntie gave Giulio a book)gli ha regalato un libro (s/he gave him a book)gliel’ha regalato sua zia (her auntie gave it to him/her)
I hope this helps, but if you’re still confused feel free to send me another message. Also you can check my personal pronouns tag! :)
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If your target language is spanish, listen up!!!
The site: spanishchecker.com/en/ is your BEST FRIEND you can paste your spannish essays and such in, and not only does it correct your mistakes, it also tells you WHY it was a mistake. It saved me so many times!!
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· 25-Day Spanish Vocabulary Learning Printables! ·
Follow the topic chart and learn 1 word a day for 25 days.  Use the 25-day daily vocabulary prints for the learning process! 
Download the Printables here (PDF)
How it works:
Each day you get a topic
Choose a word related to that topic (links below)
Learn the word in depth with the daily vocabulary prints
If you use the topic links, the printables can last for 3+ months! You can also choose your own topics and words, printables last forever!
Use printables without links to learn any vocab of your target language
Road trips
Forest animals
Ice-cream flavors
The body
Farm animals
Fruits and vegetables
Potion ingredients
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My favorite thing is that Europe is spooky because it’s old and America is spooky because it’s big
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봄날 (Spring Day) - 방탄소년단 (BTS)
Please watch the MV here! It’s a visual and auditory masterpiece!
Edit: This will be the first in a new series! Please follow and feel free to request songs!
봄날 - spring day 
보고 싶다 - I miss you
이렇게 - like this
사진 - photo
야속한 - cruel
시간 - time
이젠 - now
얼굴 - face
한 번 - once
힘들어 - difficult
여긴 > 여기 - here
온통 - all, completely
겨울 - winter
마음 - heart/mind
손 - hand 잡고 > 잡다- to hold/grasp
지구 - earth 반대편 - other side __까지 - until
그리움 - longing
얼마나 - how long
눈 - snow
처럼 - like
허공 - air
작은 > 작다 - small
먼지 - dust
나라 > 날다 - to fly
조금 - a little 더 - more 
빨리 - quickly
네게 닿을 수 있을 텐데 - would be able to reach you
눈꽃 - snow flake (lit. snow flower :D)
기다려야 > 기다리다 - to wait
추운 > 춥다 - cold
끝 - end
다시 - again
머물러줘 > 머무르다 - to stay
내가 변한 건지 - I changed
이 순간 - this moment
흐르는 > 흐르다 - to flow
미워 > 밉다 - to hate
모두 - everyone/all
그래 - yes, that’s right
넌 떠났지만 - you left
하루 - day
잊은 > 잊다 - to forget
솔직히 - honestly
지울게 > 지우다 - to erase
원망하다 - to blame/resent
하얀 - white 연기 - smoke
사실 - actually/in truth
아직 - not yet 
아침 - morning 올 거야 - will come
어떤 - what 어둠 - darkness 계절 - season
영원 - forever
벚꽃 - cherry blossom 
피나봐요 > 피나다 - to bloom
조금만 기다리면 - if I wait a little longer
며칠 밤만 더 새우면 - if I stay up for a few more nights
만나러 갈게 - I’ll come to meet you
데리러 갈게 - I’ll come to pick you up
0 Choosing a Degree , 1 Administration , 2 Getting to Class
3 Studying , 4 Extra-Curriculars , 5 Exams , 6 Social Life
7 Part Time Work , 8 Four Secrets Your Uni Tells You
9 Best Study Spots on Campus
10 Saving Money 1 (Food, Transport, Entertainment)
new!! 10 Saving Money 2 (Textbooks, Tax, Scholarships) new!!
11 Adapting to Uni Study coming 16.02.17!
12 How to Study From Textbooks in Uni coming 27.02.17!
new!! Weekly Planner Printable with Extra Space for Sat/Sun new!!
new!! Dealing with Bad Teachers new!!
Overcoming the Planning Fallacy coming 19.02.17!
Study Spaces Masterpost , Studying and your Visual System
Catching Up with Your Studies , Dealing with Bad Results
Sleeping and Waking Up Early , Google Keep
My 2017 Planner and Bullet Journal , Study Space , 2017 goals
+ my cute stationery + washi collection + my spreads!
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Today as I was meeting with one of my professors, she said something that took me by surprise. I had just told her that one of my fellow classmates, who has been struggling in the class, had been coming to me for help studying, and she said “Oh good!” very emphatically. I clarified, “that she’s studying with others?” and she said, “No, that she’s studying with you.” 
She said that the girl in question had been in a study group, with other students in the class that are also struggling and have a very negative view of their success in the class. My professor saw it as very important that this student not only study, but study in a positive, encouraging environment. 
When I added that I had also been studying with one of the other high achieving students in the class, she was thrilled and said that the two of us were the two highest performers in the class. 
So this isn’t just to brag about how great of a student I am, but also to remind other studyblrs that the attitude of who you surround yourself with is a huge predictor of success. It’s great to work with other people who don’t work as hard or score as high as you, as long as you are conscious of that, and also have your own circle of support. And if you are someone who is looking for tutors or study buddies, be aware that their attitude, as much as their grades, will affect you.  
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Sunmi ‘Gashina’ Neon Sign
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