eggdritch · 16 hours
getting home is so epic it's like lol i'm home
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eggdritch · 21 hours
i found the weirdest yt channel like its not even really weird but im just???
 but anyway some girl has spend years animating a show with her furry ocs set in a western universe with hints of?? native american and aztec mythology as well as like bits of others but not really cause theres a rabbit who wears a fuckin sailor outfit and i cant follow the plot at all and theres a crane called ichabod bc subtle 
its fucking me up bc theres so much effort in it but its so haphazard 
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eggdritch · 22 hours
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eggdritch · 2 days
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All of these are by @mattxiv on Instagram.
Here's to all the shockingly single bachelor uncles or the two very close friends who just happened to be girls and are only living together until one of them finds a man (they lived together for forty two years).
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eggdritch · 2 days
They keep deleting palestinians blogs holy shit
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eggdritch · 2 days
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The Palestinian (1977)
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eggdritch · 2 days
i had a dream that time travel was invented and too many people choose to travel back in time to save the titanic from sinking (the question of whether unsinking of the titanic deserved so much attention in the face of human history was the subject of both heavy academic and online discourse), which caused a rift in the space-time-continuum that led to the titanic showing up indiscriminately all over the world’s oceans and sea in various states of sinking.
this caused a lot of issues both in terms of fixing said space-time-continuum and in terms of nautical navigation, and after a long and heavy battle in the international maritime organization it was decided that the bureaucratic burden of dealing with this was to be upon Ireland, much to their dismay. the Irish Government then released an app for all sailors and seafarers so they could report titanic sightings during their journeys, even though they heavily dissuaded you from reporting them given the paperwork it caused.
anyway i woke up with a clear image of the app in my head and needed to recreate it for all of you:
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eggdritch · 2 days
GAZA NEEDS YOU. DON'T LOOK AWAY. YOU CAN SAVE LIVES. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support the people who have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. DONATE DONATE DONATE. If you cannot, share widely.
(June 1)
Help Iyad and his family (@iyadsobhei) - Iyad is an elderly man who has been living in dire conditions with deteriorating health; he needs to evacuate with his wife and eight children. This fundraiser currently has NO FUNDS.
Help evacuate Hani's family (@skatehani) - A dear friend, and a Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family; he has lost his father to injustice. Less than halfway to his goal.
Help Husam and his family (@husamthaher) - Husam desperately needs to save himself, his wife, and 3 young children.
Ahmd needs urgent evacuation (@ahmd-iyd) - Ahmd has lost his livelihood to this genocide, and needs funds to help his family evacuate and rebuild their life.
Help Mahmoud Abu Hamam and his family (@ma7moudgaza) - A college student who desperately needs to evacuate to Egypt.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Help Mahmoud's family evacuate (@mahmoud0qassas) - Mahmoud and his family need to get to Egypt. His brother in law needs medical attention ASAP.
Support Ruba and Amal's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban @amalshabn) - Ruba and Amal's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; they have an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated for medical care.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Support Fahmi and his family (@fahmiakkila) - Fahmi's life has been turned completely upside down, and he now finds himself responsible to save his parents, sisters, & brothers - 7 members.
Save a displaced Gazan Family (@ranibra) - Rania is married with five children, her husband needs medical care. She is now responsible to save her children. Help them evacuate.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Save a family trapped in Gaza (@mohamedalanqer) - Mohammed Alanqar and his family are living in fear, urgently needing financial assistance to escape to a safer environment.
Help Gazan children survive (@aymanayyad81) - Fadi Ayyad, an 18-year-old from Gaza seeks the funds to help his family survive these gruesome conditions.
Save Tawfik and his family (@tawfikwaleef) - Tawfik is an engineer from Gaza who urgently needs to escape Gaza with his family.
Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
Don't ignore this list—your support is URGENTLY needed. Each fundraiser here is an opportunity to help, and it has been made easy for you to find these fundraisers. You can easily save lives. Pick at least one to support. Once again, your donation can save lives. If you can't donate, please share these campaigns.
إذا انت من غزة و بدك إضافتك إلى القائمة التالية - اضغط هنا
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eggdritch · 2 days
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eggdritch · 2 days
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Michael Michaud fruit necklaces
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eggdritch · 3 days
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Monica Bellucci as Sylvia
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eggdritch · 3 days
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hooray for blue charmander!
somehow I've done another Chartodile family moment
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eggdritch · 3 days
not big on institutionalized religion but i really like the Virgin Mary. enjoy seeing her, the little statues, etcetera. she just does it for me
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eggdritch · 3 days
hey guys if you actually care about mexicos water crisis please consider boycotting brands like coca cola and heineken. they are the ones running mexico's water supplies dry. I am aware of the "mexicans drink too much coke lmao" stereotype but it is because they have made us dependent on their brand, making it so in certain places of mexico, a coca cola bottle is cheaper than water. all thanks to our ex president Vicente Fox <3
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eggdritch · 3 days
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Happy pride everyone , this month Zionists and Israelis will be making posts like these to justify their treatment of palestinians. don’t fall for it, this is pink washing. the term "pinkwashing" was literally coined specifically for Israel.
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if they refuse to protect their own queer israeli, why should we let them cast judgement against queer people who actually want to stop their genocidal mania?
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Don't let them use LGBT rights, which they do not believe in in the first place, to make people support their slaughter of innocent civilians.
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eggdritch · 3 days
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eggdritch · 3 days
Thinking of the larger context of LOTR and like, the fellowship swapping old war stories and shit and Sam just says “Yeah I killed a huge spider…Shelob, I think?”
And Gandalf just blinks and is like, “You what now?”
“Yeah, killed it. Had to save Frodo”
Gandalf elects not to tell Sam that he killed the spawn of a primordial demon.
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