egging-blog · 9 years
Thoughts on life
1) Don’t give a fuck to people who don’t give a fuck about you. What’s the point when you feel like you are more glad to see someone than they are when they see you? It makes you look and feel ridiculous. When those ‘friends’ don’t share your joy, they are not your friends. If you are feeling lonely, maybe you can just make friends with animals. They will love you back at least.
2) It is okay to be imperfect. I was late to find out the 80/20 rule. 20% of your effort reaps 80% of the outcome. Why be so hard on yourself to make sure you get that last 20%? Besides, I realized that most of the time nobody expects the 100% so don’t fret about being not good enough. It is good enough, move on to the next shit you need to do.
3) Some people are just soul sucking and spirit demoralizing creatures. Avoid them at all cost before it is too late.
4) Life is unfair, deal with it. Some people just have things easy in life so don’t compare. It makes you depress thinking about people having better things than you and there will always be people in a much better position so simply remind your head to shut the fuck up. Just focus on doing your own shit.
5) Deal with the difficult things first. If the difficult stuff are solved, all the rest of the other shitty small things will fall in place.
6) Stop thinking your life is sad because your family don’t approve of your artistic career which may not be enough to feed you. I mean it is always good when your family supports whatever you are doing. I would rather earning lesser but lead a fulfilling than earning more and downing bottles of antidepressants and visiting a psychiatrist sharing about my real sad life.
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7) Stop thinking about the future because 9 of a fucking 10 things don’t follow whatever fuck you are thinking off. I mean having a vision and setting goals are good but don’t be absorbed in thinking your life will be much different from now in 5 years time because it probably won’t as you are not living in the moment to strive for shit.
8) Always take time off for yourself. You are not a fucking robot. You need breaks, entertainment and other freaking needs that recharges you. If you find yourself irritated at the whole fucking world, maybe you are too hard on yourself. Take a walk, watch a movie, volunteer at some places or whatever. Take a fucking break.
9) This is probably related to 8) If you find yourself fucking mad at everyone and everything they do the chances are you probably have low self esteem and feel disrespected. This is a fucking hard thing to do but learn to forgive because everyone is a fucking human and they make mistakes like yourself. It may be unintentional but just fucking forgive them and fucking forgive yourself. Acknowledge that you feel like fuck and behaving like a fucked up person and hey the fucker that fucks up your day probably has some self esteem issues/ a shitty day.
10) When an asshole crossed the line, you need to be angry. Establishing the line is a good way to stop fuckers from fucking with you because they will then start treating you with the respect you need. 
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egging-blog · 9 years
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