eggshellsreview · 4 years
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
Beginner Wanda:
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Expert Wanda:
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Also me:
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The Queen is in the house.
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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yellow went from being an overdramatic edgelord who sits in the dark all day, brooding on her throne because her life sucks so much to someone who has found meaning in her life and quite literally let the light in again. instead of walls she has windows, where the light that enters is used to grow all the organic plant life she has in her room. the throne is replaced by a desk, used to keep herself busy instead of again, just sitting on her throne in the DARK for who knows how long because she was just like That™. another very small detail that i’m not sure if anyone noticed is that there are small sets of stairs around the room, which makes her room more accessible to gems as well, just like how blue keeps her room open to gems to chill on her clouds and interact with her, and how i imagine white lets gems into her room to sit with her and interact as well.
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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Some Spideypool Among Us from a game I played where Wade and Peter were making out in electrical and Gwen walked in 😂
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
The Diamonds Aren’t Redeemed
There’s been a lot of complaints within the Steven Universe fandom about how The Diamonds are redeemed despite basically being space Nazis. I personally never it, nor how and where people got that idea.
In the episode “Legs from Here to Homeworld,” Yellow and Blue Diamond acted semi-friendly to Steven and his friends, but only because they thought he was Pink Diamond. Plus, the Earth was technically her colony.
In the episode “Change Your Mind,” The Diamonds were shown in the healing pool while casually talking with each other, and White shared an awkward glance with Steven, but that was it. They weren’t shown having a friendly conversation with the other gems.
In Steven Universe: The Movie, The Diamonds were fawning over Steven and begging him to stay with them on Homeworld. They didn’t act nice out of the kindness of their hearts. It was because Steven was the closest thing they had to Pink Diamond, as stated in their song “Let Us Adore You.” Also, it showed how they see Steven like they saw Pink, an object of their affection or court jester, but not an equal. This is why they took Spinel with them. She’s basically Pink Diamond’s less powerful clone. Even when they returned to Earth in the final scene, Steven knew they didn’t care about the Earth or the other gems despite them claiming that they’re going to move to Earth. Also, they didn’t even bother offering any help with fixing the giant poison-filled crevasses.
Finally, In the Steven Universe Future episode, “Homeworld Bound,” Steven returned to Homeworld to see The Diamonds. However, he didn’t do it because he missed them or wanted them to come back to Earth. He needed help controlling his powers without putting his dad or friends in danger. They were shown fixing all of the shattered and corrupted gems on Homeworld. So I guess on that merit, they changed.
In every instance, when The Diamonds were shown being nice to people who weren’t them, it was only towards Steven. They did actively fix their messes, but only because Steven told them to, not because they realized that killing off entire planets is wrong. They were pretty open with their kindness towards the Earth and Steven only being due to the connection with Pink Diamond. Also, notice how none of the Crystal Gems had any friendly interactions with The Diamonds. If The Diamonds were redeemed, they’d accept Steven as Steven, forget about Pink Diamond, be friends with the Crystal Gems, and follow through on their word with settling on the Earth and improving it for gems and humans, but they didn’t. Steven wasn’t friendly to them because he wanted to be their friend. He did for the sole purpose of fixing the corrupted gems and keeping the Earth and every other planet in the galaxy safe from their tyranny. If the show had killed The Diamonds off, then the gems on Earth and Homeworld would’ve stayed corrupted and shattered, Homeworld would fall into ruin, and the millions (possible billions) of colonies throughout the galaxy would stay active, thus killing whatever planet they inhabited. The way I see it, The Diamonds have not, nor have ever been, redeemed. They’re just no longer a threat, and therefore can be treated as a helpful resource.
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
Come back, I have to tell you the plot of a fic I’ll never write and get you excited about it so we can all be disappointed with me later
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
if you brought shakespeare back to life and showed him the lion king i bet he’d be like “this shit fucks why didn’t anyone tell me i could use lions” 
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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Xi Zhang
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
One moment you’re 17 and daydreaming about how glamorous your life will be when you’re finally an adult, then all of sudden it’s a decade later and “treating yourself” means buying full price pistacchios and taking a bath on a week night.
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
Teenage Dream isn’t a Katy Perry song, she was a vessel for God in that recording studio. Why he chose her I don’t know but it’s not my place to question it
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
when ur in a really bad mood and one mildly inconvenient thing happens
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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Alex Ross - Avengers 
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
Y’all consider people to be too sensitive nowadays but have you ever considered that maybe the things you say aren’t as light hearted as you think and that you sound like a fucking dickhead ?
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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Watermelon whale shark 🍉 & Oreorca 🍪
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eggshellsreview · 4 years
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