egweissmeier · 8 months
if the fire didn’t stop burning
when the fire stops burning the whole world seems to stop
when the fire stops burning your heart feels like it’s just been shot
if the fire didn’t stop burning maybe i wouldn’t be scarred from my past
if the fire didn’t stop burning maybe my mom would still love my dad
but the fire stopped burning and i feel like i have no chance
but the fire stopped burning, can i have romance?
the fire stops burning at one point or another
the fire stops burning am i my mother?
after a fire stops burning it leaves your life filled with smoke
after a fire stops burning your eyes tear up and you feel like you’ve been choked
clarity comes when the smoke starts to settle
clarity comes all of a sudden like a scream from a teakettle
rising from the ground like a phoenix from the ashes
rising from the ground i’ll survive with all my gashes
moving from the scene where my life fell into the ashes
moving from the scene wiping the tears from my eyelashes
walking along till i fall on my knees
talking to God praying i’ll be ok…..please
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