eidolondearest · 9 years
“Me? I suppose I can play any role you’d like me to play.” A playful wink her way didn’t hurt him in the least. Mr. Versatile was a name he had built for himself since he had arrived at Altelia and he couldn’t have had a better title. “I’m not one to stick to a single one; It feels rather confining if you ask me, my lady.”
Bowing, he took to her side and tucked a hand in his pocket; nonchalance was always pleasing in the morning. “I believe I’d follow this particular near-stranger, if she allowed me to do so.” His mischievous grin reached his eyes, allowing his gaze to dance, almost. His day had graciously gave way to a peculiarly pleasant road.
“Of course, my lady!” Casting a guiding arm in towards the east, he nodded. “The closest lunch place would be Cafe Callaway, actually. And if you wish to pay for your own bill, I’ll fairly pay for my share without protest.” He extended an hand out to her, as he welcomed the day with open arms.
There She Goes || Will & Lily
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Hearty || Will & Lyla
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Will chuckled lightly, tilting his head at his employers prodding inquiries. Lyla had always had a tendency to care for details and empathized all too well with practically everyone. Gesturing gently for her to slow down a bit, he handed her a reassuring grin. “Now, now, don’t worry too much about me Lyla. Where ever the flowers are, I suppose that’s where I’m happiest.” 
He popped a fist on his opposite palm, as though he had come up with something. Will’s eyebrows furrowed for a moment, murmuring his realization in a low tone so as to catch Lyla offguard. “Oh, I have a complaint!” Pausing his eyebrows only furrowed further. “The staff is too friendly here! I don’t know how I can possibly repay them.”
His expression immediately cracked into a smile again, as he couldn’t help but chuckle. “As for gifts, do you think we could get another shipment of brooches in here, madame? I think there’s more than a few ladies, and gentlemen if I might add, out there that would look smashing with one of those!”
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eidolondearest · 9 years
He didn’t know whether or not his smile could grow any wider, but at her introduction, he couldn’t help but grin further. Mimi, huh? Il Ă©tait un nom digne d'un bijou. He took note that she wasn’t one for flattery, or at least could not feel comfortable attempting to discern complements from catcalling. But his mother had always emphasized that if one has something kind to say, it’s value is in saying it aloud.
“I have never had the pleasure of meeting a Mimi, but now that I have, I must say your name suits you perfectly.” 
Nodding quietly, he shifted topics as quickly as he hopped on them. As soon as he was finished proposing their little “Storytelling Challenge,” he found himself taking to her features. Her entire expression seemed more engaged; what had this poor girl been deprived of all night? 
“Oh? Me first?” He paused for a moment, thinking about a story he had chanced upon over the years. “Oh, I’ve got one! It’s not my worst but it’ll do.”
“When I was about 16, I had once met a man, round and incredibly lively. He had toasts for practically everything. He told me he’d even give a toast to life even in death.” Will’s eyes danced in nostalgic waves of amusement. “When I asked him why he always drank wine, he told me this: ‘I am always in love! If I drank less, I’d have too much time to think! And one mustn’t think too much while they’re in love, I believe. It hurts too much’’”
“I ever so politely told him the pain probably came from the massive hangover, but he wouldn’t have anything of it. Poor guy was too much in love with the idea of being in love that he ended up writing letters to some fictional woman. Had loads and loads of letters under his top hat. Before he left, he told me the worst thing about being in love was the paper cuts.”
Bar Lights — Minori & Will
     Minori blinked. A stranger taking pity on her – now wasn’t that embarrassing. Frustrated by how easy she was to read, she turned down her gaze, lest he see the vulnerability behind the reflection of her eyes.
     “Mhm.” What could she say? That it was her fault because she could never actually stand up for herself? She studied the counter, shrugging lightly. She wasn’t going to go down that road, knowing very well how unstable her emotions could be. That was the main reason she refused to take any booze herself, even as a barmaid – she was the very definition of “hot mess” when drunk.
      Upon hearing his name, the young woman looked up once more.  Will Regison. It certainly rolled well off the tongue, a name fit for a noble. At this point, he couldn’t just be acting. It was strange to think that some people were born this way, so poised and dignified all the time.  While he did have the princely thing going for him, his compliments didn’t do much for her – she was already far too used to hearing them at work.  “Well, Will, you can call me Mimi.”
      At his sudden proposal, a spark of curiosity caught her eye. Could it be? After such a long, dreadful shift, he could have something interesting to say? It sounded too good to be true, but she wouldn’t miss any chances. “Sounds like a deal. I’ve heard plenty weird, though, so give me your worst.”
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Fugue in C Minor || Will & Eris
Fugue Forest had a particular undergrowth musk; what, with the trees hanging overhead, thick vines and assorted mushrooms, he couldn’t expect anything more than this. He had trotted by this forest quite a few times already, since Arthur was particularly fond racing to the edge of Altelia then taking him back around. However, Will had never poked his head in too far; Arthur wouldn’t allow him. This time around, though, he had come alone.
For curiosity had gotten the better of him. 
Ducking under a low vine and avoiding the roots that jutted up violently from underneath, he took a scan of the area. For a moment, he thought he saw a figure off in the distance, but he couldn’t discern it for certain. But curiosity begot further curiosity, so he headed in further until he found himself staring straight ahead at a... home? It looked like one but why it was situated in the middle of a forest was not something he understood.
He knocked at the door, once, twice, and once again. Perhaps he shouldn’t have intruded; the person who might have lived here was here for a reason. He pivoted on his heel to leave if that was the case.
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eidolondearest · 9 years
You found a questionnaire in a magazine that’s easy to tear out and write on, should you have a pen nearby, will you answer things truthfully or stop half way and toss out the questionnaire?
What do you consider your greatest achievement? In all honesty, I believe my greatest achievement is getting to where I am today. The world is too beautiful to look at it from behind a barred cage.
What is your idea of perfect happiness? To live life at my own pace.
What is your current state of mind? I am at perfect ease.
What is your favorite occupation? Ooh. This I can’t say. I’m far too fond of Hearty Lyla and Cafe Callaway to choose one.
What is your most treasured possession? A small hand mirror from my mother. Sometimes, I am under the impression it wasn’t meant for me.
What or who is the greatest love of your life? The warmth of a room full of company
When and where were you the happiest? Here and now, I believe. But... I think I was awfully happy back then too.
Who was your first kiss? I did kiss Cousin Sabrina on the cheek once. Though my true first kiss is better left unspoken about.
What is it that you most dislike? Cages. Vanity.
What is your greatest fear? No, thank you,
What is your greatest extravagance? Haha.
Which living person do you most despise? I do not particularly despise anyone.
What is your greatest regret? Hush, hush.
Which talent would you most like to have? I would like to have some artistic talent.
Have you ever been in love?
“Never fall in love?”
“Always,” said the count. “I am always in love.”
What is the quality you most like in a man? In a friend, I seek honesty. All else comes from the root of that. Though if he cannot treat a woman with equal respect as I, I do not believe he is a friend in any sense.
What is the quality you most like in a woman? A woman of great character, who stands her ground and passionately lives her life. It’s all on the chemistry, however.
What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? Rose colored glasses often leave scars that you don’t realize are lining your skin
What is the trait you most deplore in others? Close-mindedness. It is one thing to be shut in by others, but to shut yourself in is rather pitiful.
What do you most value in your friends? Their passion for what defines them as people
Who are your heroes? My mother or Uncle Regis
Which living person do you most admire? I believe I admire as I go.
What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Virtues can’t be over rated; for they are qualities that bring out the good in people.
Vices, on the other hand.....
On what occasions do you lie? ...
Which words or phrases do you most overuse? Haha........ “My lady”
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’m fine in my own skin, thank you.
What are your favourite names? Victoria, Francine, Viola, Yvonne
Logan, Neal, Miles
If one of your closest friends were to describe you to someone else, what do you think they would say? Haha, no no. I do not want to come off as something I’m not. Describing oneself to others only sows misinterpretation
Have you ever considered marrying one of your friends? I would not mind in the least
How many children would you like to have someday? Two or three perhaps?
Can you name one situation that you regret being involved in? Nope!
After completing this questionnaire, is there someone who comes to mind that you would rather not ever come across these answers? No one comes to mind
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Will could thank his etiquette training for his impossible ability to hold back a goofy smirk. Otherwise, he would have been grinning from ear to ear at that ghost of a smile that played on her lips. (And he’d probably would have been served a good smack.)  
He felt a gentle contentment at her complement; Will had always been one to value sweet words where ever he could get them. Twirling his pen absentmindedly, he murmured, “A complement from you is music to my ears, my lady.” 
A quick glance over had made it perfectly clear; she was skilled at regaining composure when challenged. But he had seen enough to be satisfied already; there was absolutely no reason for him to cross a beautiful lady’s limits. Intentionally, at least. Will hoped that she would be satisfied enough to return another time; he was always pleased to have regulars. He caught her eyes once more, before acknowledging her order with a swift nod. His pen went whirling away, writing a quick shorthand note to himself of her order. 
“Do not worry, had I not had the utmost confidence in my baker coworkers, I would have not have let you suffer so.” He promptly flipped his notebook shut before nodding in easy self-assurance. Will had always been a faithful man, after all. “But I believe it will be to your satisfaction, so I shall be right back.” 
Gently taking the menu off her hands, he whisked himself to the display case, fashioning various pastel pastries and adorned sweets. Delicately slicing off a piece of strawberry cake, he made way to boiling a pot of rose tea. Simmering pink, the drink was almost picturesque alongside the cake. 
Arriving back at her table, dish in hand, he delivered the food in ease. “If you need anything else, do call for me. I’ll be right behind that little front desk.” He tilted his head over towards the register. “I’m Will, by the way, and I’ll be pleased to serve you again any time.”
Effervescent || Will & Elise
Although she didn’t respond to his initial response, the blonde was actually quite surprised when he had replied to her in French, and her brow arched just a little bit. Maybe it was just a fluke that he knew that much, but still, she didn’t hear French being spoken around the city much. Curious.
“Merci monsieur.” she finally spoke to him as he handed her the menu, offering only a quick glance at him at first until he started speaking again. Okay, now she was officially impressed, although the only indication she gave him was the tiniest of smiles that she couldn’t seem to suppress. 
Although she had been about to open the menu, his continued recommendations actually sounded spot on, something that was both surprising and odd. How had he known her tastes without her giving him any indications whatsoever? He truly was an interesting fellow. She opened her mouth to accept his offer, only for him to come right out and flatter her, something she truly wasn’t used to. He’d caught her completely off guard, and her pale cheeks heated in that embarrassing give away that she had always despised. 
Your French is quite good.” she conceded, clearing her throat as she tried to pretend she hadn’t been affected at all by what he had just said to her. Tucking a strand of long blonde hair behind her ear, she finally met his gaze and found herself quite stunned once more. She hadn’t given him a good look over yet, but my, what stunning eyes. For a second she was left completely silent, but she quickly regained her composure, refusing to lower her gaze. She couldn’t let him get the better of her, that was one thing she was sure of. He was clearly trying to fluster her, and she couldn’t let on that he was succeeding. 
“I believe I will go with your recommendation, monsieur. Although if it is not to my taste, you can count on it being reflected in your tip.”
She was purposely being haughty, and she raised her chin somewhat as she handed him the menu back, her green eyes studying him curiously to see what kind of reaction he’d have to her threat. And it was no idle threat either, she could be a generous tipper, but only if she deemed it deserving. If she was displeased in any way, she always let everyone know.
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Will met her gaze warmly, before letting out a quiet chuckle. Perhaps she had misinterpreted him; or perhaps he hadn’t made it all too clear. She hadn’t come off as someone who needed help in the least, but he was happy to if she did. Tilting his head, he stated firmly, “There is no doubt, my lady. You are far more fitting of the leading role than that of one sitting high up in a tower.”
He blinked once. Blinked again. Lily? He nearly could have snorted at the coincidence, had it not shown a lack of etiquette. So it was not ‘Une rose au milieu d'un champ de coquelicots,’ at all!  Une fleur de lys au milieu d'un champ de coquelicots, hmm? It seemed to match her a million times moreover.
“Ms. Reynolds.” He bowed playfully, before gazing up at her. “Charming name, indeed. If you do not need any assistance, please allow me to at least accompany you.” 
There She Goes || Will & Lily
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Une rose au milieu d'un champ de coquelicots. His smile stretched from ear to ear and he feared that it would threaten the curve of the moon at this rate. Charming, charming. Will quietly noted that she held herself up with an air of alluring savoir-vivre, sophistication and tact amongst licking flames. What an honor it was to have her spare a few words.
His sapphire eyes crinkled in amusement, undertones of curiosity glinting on the surface. Taking a quick trip down to ground level, Will dusted his hands and courteously offered one to shake hers. Mornings brought bars of light through parted curtains, chirping birds and fluttering feathers, but, on rare occasion, it would grace him with something-- or in this case someone-- even more beautiful than nature’s charming gestures.
“I don’t know if I’d call it a skill...” He tapped his chin in faux-contemplation. He shrugged playfully, as though he had reached a state of comfortable nonchalance. “For whenever I do catch up to a damsel in distress, I recognize that they can do exceedingly well on their own, haha!” 
“Sometimes, all they need is a hand to guide them in the right direction, after all.” Smirking at her resilience (and her silly pun), he slid a hand into his pocket to complete his look of leisure. She had quite a wit to her, but it wasn’t too hard to recognize this from the way she strode with unspoken confidence in her own abillity. “A fair maiden such as yourself is no exception.”
“And, if I may be so bold to ask, what might your name be?” He had been caught up in meeting her face to face, that he had managed to miss her name entirely. But it would be a bit peculiar to have asked two stories up while staring down at her, right? He nearly snorted at the very idea of it. In fact, had he been distressed, the very scene on his balcony would have made a wonderful role reversal. 
But he believed he was far from distressed at the moment.
There She Goes || Will & Lily
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eidolondearest · 9 years
He blinked at her response before handing her a sympathetic frown. And here he was, hoping that this bar was just a tad different than an establishment for the drunk and weary. C’est la vie. “Do tell. I shouldn't be surprised in the least, but I believe it is off-putting to even think of someone treating you less than what you deserve.”
Will had a particular penchant to flatter wherever he saw fit-- and that was more often than not-- but he held true to every word he uttered. Living by a strict moral compass, he didn’t exactly take mistreatment of women very well. And the fact that her smile didn’t reach her eyes was more than enough to hint at what she tended to every night.
“My name is Will Regison. And it’d be a delight to remain in your company for the night, Miss...” He hadn’t caught her name, but it was better late than never.
She was, without a doubt, beautiful, but one had to wonder if she was satisfied with her line of work. He clasped his hands under his chin; it would be rude to be less attentive to the girl after all she had to go through. 
“Since you seem to be quite the experienced barmaid, you must have worked here for a while, hmm? If that’s the case, you've probably heard your fair share of outlandish stories.” He paused for a moment before shooting her an impish grin. “Since it’s the same for me, how’s about we trade off? Outlandish story for one equally so.” 
Bar Lights — Minori & Will
      The stranger that entered had a certain sophistication to his every gesture; the type of elegance that seemed fluid, natural. Minori, being born and raised into The Lower Class, couldn’t help but notice that. Frankly, he looked a little out of place, and far from the boisterous regulars of Brass Bar. Yet strangely enough, he didn’t even seem to notice it. Brushing off her observations, Minori met the man’s warmth with a polite smile of her own.
” That entrance was pretty clichĂ©, but it could definitely be worse
 and it had been worse, she reflected. Not everyone who came by was inclined towards politeness. In fact, they were more likely to greet her as if she were some kind of object. “Just talk, hm? Most guys do come for the beer
 but I guess I’ll humor you. It’s nice to meet someone with manners, after all.”
     This was Mimi From The Bar, of coy smiles and dry wit. She had to put up the act, otherwise she wouldn’t draw in as many customers. Unfortunately, all of the day’s events had sapped out most of her energy 
 leaving her façade less than believable. Tucking a stray lock of light auburn hair behind her ear, she bit her lip momentarily before speaking again.
 you got a name to match that pretty face?”
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Tying a neat bow to secure his apron around his waist, he hummed quietly at her entrance. Raising an amused eyebrow, his smile only widened as she whipped out a French request. In a way, it seemed as though she was testing him and he couldn’t help but take that as a silly challenge.
“Bien sĂ»r, ma dame.”
Grabbing a menu and notepad with one hand and twirling a pen in the other, Will paced over to the table she settled down in. Haha! She hadn’t even waited for him to lead her over to a comfortable table. He caught on quite quickly that she was a willful one, perhaps of hot temperament and low patience. But he was never one to judge. He slid a menu into her hands before responding.
 “Je recommande le gñteau à la fraise.”
He paused for a moment while popping his pen open. “Mais peut-ĂȘtre vous voulez un peu de rose thĂ© Ă  la place?” Meeting her glance boldly, he gestured to the roses arranged so delicately on the table.
“Il serait appropriĂ© pour une telle beautĂ© rose.”  
Awaiting her response, he took to scribbling on the pad to check if it still had ink while humming to himself. What a lovely morning, indeed.
Effervescent || Will & Elise
The funny thing about days off was that, as much as Elise always looked forward to them, she often found she had nothing to do with them. To top this off, even when she wanted to sleep in now, she wasn’t able to. It was rough living like a commoner now, but it seemed her body had adapted to it, even if her mind wasn’t quite there yet.
After deciding she required tea and something sweet, she had pondered where to go to get some, as she certainly wasn’t going to bake anything herself, and the little Cafe in Flowerbud District came to mind. She’d seen it before, but never bothered going in. She could distinctly remember customers of hers talking about it before, and they had sang its praises, so Elise figured there must be some reason as to why. 
Coming up to the cafe, there was no hesitation in her steps as the blonde strolled right in, shrugging her purse strap a bit higher on her shoulder as she did so. The tinkle of the bell was a familiar sound, however, the cheerful voice was rather surprising, and she arched a brow as she glanced over the stranger.
On first inspection, she would definitely say he was handsome, although such a cheesy catch phrase somehow didn’t suit that face. That being said, Elise was well aware that he may have been told by his employer to say such a thing, and she let it slide. For now. 
“Good morning.”
Her greeting was polite, but not what one would call bubbly or friendly. The blonde didn’t wait for him to seat her and instead found a suitable table, closest to the window, and sat herself down. Once she had rearranged her the skirt of her dress in a way that was suitable, she finally raised her chin and glanced back at the waiter expectantly.
“Garcon, a menu, s’il vous plaüt.”
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eidolondearest · 9 years
There She Goes || Will & Lily
Crisp morning air was just the medicine he needed to go about his day. He leaned against the balcony, sipping some fresh coffee he had whipped up earlier. Balcony flowers well watered? Check. Apartment straightened out? Oui! Not that he was expecting any visitors of the sort; he was just a chip of morning sunshine. 
Wisps of steam floated daintily from his cup. Though there wasn’t anything of piquing interest in sight, he couldn’t help but feel satisfied with the day, just the way it was. He had an afternoon shift at Hearty Lyla, so this was a rare moment of solitude for one always so busy. 
But as it was, Will was in a particularly hearty mood today, one of which could not be satisfied with simply gazing at the top of trees and lamp posts. Finishing off his drink, he set the cup down on the small outdoor tea table. Just when he was about to slide down the balcony ladder, his gaze blanketed over an unfamiliar beauty, of whom he had never seen around these parts. Before he lost a moment’s breath, he called out in a polite welcome.
“Hello, down there!” He waved with his free hand, with an easygoing grin tugging on his lips. Sliding down the ladder playfully, he landed smoothly on a first story balcony. “I have never seen such a fair maiden such as yourself around these parts!” 
“If you need assistance of any kind, please do ring me up. Will Regison, at your service, my lady.” 
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eidolondearest · 9 years
You’d be like Heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much.
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Nighttime had no ounce of reservation, especially when it flaunted its starry stretches so openly. He had taken it upon himself to give Arthur, his snow white Thoroughbred, a chance to trot underneath the velvet starlight. His eyes caught sight of the bustling bar that was tucked away on the edge of the Waffle District. He had never exactly been one for alcohol, but the place seemed warming enough. 
Knotting Arthur’s reins to a nearby post, he ran his fingers through his horse’s mane before ducking into the bar. An azure gaze scanned the place readily, soaking in the low light and the peculiar, cozy feeling that came with. This was a hospice for those who found sufficient warmth in a glass of intoxication and a stranger’s company.
He wandered to the counter and took an empty seat. If he thought about it in a different light, there were quite a few stories probably told from this chair alone, farfetched or passionate, realistic or depressing. At the bright greeting, he immediately shot a charming smile in the barmaid’s direction.
“Ah, graced with a smile from the get go. How lucky am I? Well, I’m just here to talk. Unless you happen to have a mocktail or a juice box somewhere back there.”
Bar Lights — Open
     The young woman’s fingers deftly polished a glass, honey green eyes staring off into a very interesting spot on the wall. The boredom legible in her straying gaze was enough to make a stranger pity her. All night, she’d had to listen to people – especially men – talk about their lives. Sometimes they did have interesting tales, but more often than not Minori was fighting not to yawn aloud. 
     It’s not that she disliked her job. It was enough to provide her with a decent living situation (well, the apartment was the very definition of “humble abode”, but no use dwelling on that). But she had to resent the fact she usually was the one entertaining the guests until they got to Roaring Drunk stage. She wasn’t regretting it just yet, though, being ever the hopeful one.
     The swing of the door pulled her from her thoughts. Minori spared the visitor a wary glance. Oh, yippee – what’s their life story, she wondered. Setting down the glass, she inhaled softly and moved to the counter, smiling for the sake of, you know, not giving away the fact she was bored out of her mind.
     “Oh! Looks like we have a new face around. What brings you here tonight?”
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eidolondearest · 9 years
Effervescent || Will & ???
Un, Deux, Trois...! Will’s fingers smoothly ran up his suit vest as he buttoned it up absentmindedly. Humming to himself, he couldn’t help but slip on a gentle grin as the cherry on top to his sleek appearance. He had to dress for success, afterall, if he was aiming to please his customers at Cafe Callaway this afternoon. Tie slipped around his neck, polished shoes laced neatly and suit ironed ever so neatly, he gathered his belongings and made haste to work.
Now, if someone had surmised his effervescent attitude at first glance, they would have come to the assumption that he had been ever so likely in love. But his unreserved optimism was, oddly enough, eluding to his outlook on life as a whole. C'est le ton qui fait la chanson. It's not what you do it's the way that you do it. If he always bounded on foot with a hop in his step, surely, he would always find value in each step he took.
Opening shop up early, the bells jingled sweetly to welcome in a new day. Sliding open the shutters and dusting off the sweets display, Will peeked out the window for a moment. A day that seemed to smile along with him, huh? He made a swift hop over the counter and flipped over the table marker with ‘Open’ pressed neatly on the metal face. Turning to grab an apron, the bells rang to catch his attention once more. Now who could that have been?
With a winning smile, he looked over his shoulder and saluted the visitor playfully. “Welcome to Cafe Callaway! Where the sweets are positively delightful, but the customers are the prize to behold.” 
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eidolondearest · 9 years
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1. an ideal - an image or representation of an idea; a representation of an ideal form.
2. a wistful daydream.
3. a phantom; apparition; ghost.
Etymology: from Ancient Greek Î”áŒŽÎŽÏ‰Î»ÎżÎœ (eĂ­dƍlon, “figure, representation”), from Î”áŒ¶ÎŽÎżÏ‚ (eĂźdos, “sight”), from ΔጎΎω (eĂ­dƍ, “I see”).
[Abigail Larson - Spirits of the Dead]
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