eightfifteens · 7 years
|| so my usb keyboard seems to have officially stopped working…so I have to use an onscreen one which really isn’t ideal… I can RP still, but it takes a long time to type. so I guess my activity will be even worse…sorry :/
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eightfifteens · 7 years
|| I will be on - on all of my accounts, for those who might be waiting on stuff elsewhere (I’m too lazy to log in, sue me) - soon, I promise. I hope, rather. The week has begun again… [sigh] So sorry for taking my time with things.
little update though to say that technology is against me, my plug in keyboard (if you’ve followed me since last year, you’ll know that my sister threw water on my laptop by accident, which fucked it up until it was fixed, but the keyboard had to be removed..) is being very picky about when it wants to work and my phone has all of a sudden decided to not work…so I can only get on my laptop and it’s not every day I get the chance. Idk, I’m very lost without it.
anyway, that’s me. I will be here. I just gotta sort some shit out. (aka my life, the ongoing shitstorm that won’t just be Fixed)
please, please, if you wanna IM me, send a meme, or even write a starter here (or elsewhere) please do! I encourage it. If you wanna write with me at all just go for it because I will never get mad. Leave stuff for me, if you wanna. :3
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eightfifteens · 7 years
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|| Just popping on to say: SORRY. I realise that I’ve just sort’ve up and disappeared myself, but life gets in the way a lot. My siblings have come home and they’ve really thrown things off kilter. I will get back here I 100% promise this.
I’m making icons for another blog and I kind of want to get them out of the way as other people will want to use them. Once they’re done I’m going to do replies on that blog as I’ve left things there the longest then I will come here and do replies, and hopefully will be available to start new things as well. I feel so bad for leaving people hanging, it’s an awful habit I have and I never mean to do it. I love you all and I’ll see you in the near future!
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eightfifteens · 7 years
( starter for @acathexiis )
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There was never any use in telling her to stay put and listen, because in the end, Alex would always find something to get caught up in. Ever since she was a child, she would ramble about the island - or whichever area she was safely confined to - ending up with all kinds of scrapes and bruises. But now she was older, and more capable; the scrapes got worse and the bruises got bigger. Yet she cared very little, they didn’t cause bother or get in the way, they were just things that happened. And anyway, she could take care of herself.
So it was no surprise to find her checking out the mere graze up her arm. It was large and it stung but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. Sensing her father’s approach, she swat a hand in his direction.
 “Dad, please. I’m fine.”
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eightfifteens · 7 years
Getting to know you Questions for the Mun!
🎂- When's your birthday?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What's your family like?
🐶- Favorite animal?
🔶- Favorite color(s)?
🎥- Favorite movie?
📺- Favorite TV show?
🎞- Favorite cartoon/anime?
🍔- Favorite food?
🍦- Favorite ice cream flavor?
🍭- Favorite candy?
🍸- Do you drink?
👣- What do you like to do in your spare time?
⚽️- Do you like any sports?
🎮- Favorite video game(s)?
⛪️- Are you religious?
⌛️- Last thing you did before logging in?
🎈- Share a childhood memory!
🛍- What was the last purchase you made for?
💸- If you had a billion dollars and could only spend it, what would you buy first?
🖌- Are you artsy?
❤️- How would you describe yourself?
💛- How do other people describe you?
⭕️- Favorite Pokemon?
💠- what is the Most expensive thing you own?
⚜- What is the most precious thing you own?
🐻- Do you have any stuffed animals?
🐝- Favorite season?
🐋- share a Weird/funny story?
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eightfifteens · 7 years
me: I should make my own icons [looks at all the screencaps] me: u know what? nahh my brain: great now you can do the Important thing people keep nagging you to do me: those icons are sure sound good
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eightfifteens · 7 years
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|| I’m actually going to bed rn (I’ll try and get here tomoz) but here’s my world..
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eightfifteens · 7 years
( starter for @acathexiis )
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                                                                bloodied & beaten & bruised, Benjamin Linus sat in the weapon’s locker of what they were calling ‘the hatch’, his composure perfect as he awaited the next move, ears straining to hear any sign of movement, any hint of a plan - even the raised tones of the cripple and the doctor engaging in an argument. But so far, nothing. His eyes gaze wearily at the door, his plan not going the way he had hoped. They had given him nothing, they had shown him nothing. His presence just caused fear and anger. The French woman had told them he was one of ‘the others’ while he insisted that he was not. He was Henry Gale. He’d ballooned to the island with his wife. But even when presented with two sides to choose from - a simple choice - the survivors could not. It was something they had been struggling with since they got there, something they would remain to struggle with. Yet, just this once it was not so simple. The question of whether he was real or not was raised. A genuine reaction of amusement had bubbled up from within the poor confused Henry Gale - of course he was real. They thought he could be some sort of projection from the island but the doctor countered with coincidence. To what? They wouldn’t say.
The survivors knew nothing, and it irritated Ben. Their constant questioning, poking about the island like it was their own private hunting ground. The island was his. He was the leader of his people, the go-between. He may have grown up there but his connection went further back. Not only could he feel it, but the island told him so. It happened a long while back, the dream. It wasn’t his first prophetic dream from the island, no. The dreams, the visions, they had all had started when he first arrived there. His home calling out to him. But this dream was different. This is where it all began to unravel.
He was one with the island, in control of everything. Time seemed to shift at his very desire. He felt such POWER. From teasing rage to violent, blood-thirsty anger. It was like he was the universe, in touch with everything, he was everything, looking down at the abhorrency of humanity. He was capable of such greatness. And it was all him. He could see himself at times, very much human, very much there. Ben had a past with the island.
Of course though, he was wrong. Ben did not hold all the answers, the island was not his, and the survivors were wiser than he thought. He had no past there. And he was about to be proved that.
All it took was for the door to swing open. For a man to step through the doorway.
Everything that Ben thought he knew came crashing down upon him. And for the first time in a long while, he was thrust into the darkness. He had not known about him.
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eightfifteens · 7 years
|| I’m gonna try and do more things. I’m kinda just in a mood to make OCs?? I love making them sm, even if I never write them. I should probably make some lost ones to go w/ Nancy tbh. also kinda wanna just write some opens instead of replies. whatever I’m gonna do, it’s gonna surprise me too.
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eightfifteens · 7 years
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The last thing he remembered was a struggle— a battle. The feeling of cool water drowned every inch of his skin as his arms and legs thrashed out against the forces that denied him oxygen. Everything in Sayid’s life had centered on a struggle to survive. Perhaps it was only fitting that his last memory was fighting for life until his very last breath.
Stillness. Sayid also remembered a stillness. In this quiet, numbing place, the soldier felt nothing. No pain. No happiness. No peace. It was as if he were in limbo, and the fates that be were trying to decide what to do with a war-weary soldier who had tried to make up for his past. Had his efforts failed? Did he not tell Hurley that whatever lay beyond death would not be pleasant for someone like him?
But this feeling— this emptiness— this nothingness continued on after his first breath. The soldier did not fear any physical blow; he had been on both ends of torture and war to know that he could withstand unfathomable acts. Sayid also did not fear the biting words of hate and intolerance, for he had heard many things throughout his life. No, he had always walked with a steady, unyielding stance— muscles braced to protect and a sharp mind ready to think, plan, and act accordingly. But now– now everything had changed.
There was fear in Sayid’s heart. Fear not just for himself, but for his friends.
“I suppose you can call it a life lesson,” he answered quietly, still trying to process being dead for two hours. “But perhaps you should take it as more of a warning. Jack, I do not know who these people at the temple are, but I sense something wrong.” A pause. Sayid lifted an unusually shaky hand up to his jawline, his fingers scratching at his beard. “I just do not know if something is wrong with me, or this place.” Dark brown hues lifted to meet the doctor’s gaze, and for the first time, his eyes seemed lost.
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To Sayid’s statement Jack did not know how to progress yet again. If the trouble in finding words to communicate with the other was anything to go by alone, something was...not exactly wrong, but different with Sayid. The two had not seen each other for some time, so the blame, the explanation could fall to that. But no, it wasn’t just the doctor’s ability to connect with this man, no there was something about him. Something different. The air had something of a stillness to it, it felt both heavy and light, like they were engulfed in a thick fog but when one moved it was a feather light mist. He was between two places; Jack had been amidst it for so long. Science or faith. Good or bad. Going or staying. There was always something, always a side he had to pick. But this would change. He was becoming neutral, a force, a rift between two things. Sayid was the same. A point between life and death. Something that Jack would not recognise yet. He could not connect to the space the soldier was now in. Yet that idea, that worried him. Heck, it even scared him a little. His friend should have been dead. That was the something different. A man brought to a grey area when he should have been gone. Or maybe that was the point, some part of Sayid was gone, and something had remained, for a reason he couldn’t comprehend. He didn’t want to comprehend it. It made no sense to him, his friend was there, all there. He could trust his friend, but not the place. But he could not lie, something was different. Whatever it was exactly.
 “To be honest, Sayid. I’m not sure either,” his eyes scanned the temple around them before falling back to him. “But I agree, there’s something wrong. That man -” his eyes glance to the doorway Dogan had gone through. “- he’s not telling us something. I want to find out. He doesn’t seem to trust you, and if he doesn’t trust you, if he’s not gonna tell us anything, I don’t trust him.”
Life & Death || Jack/Sayid
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eightfifteens · 7 years
              with a nod, mutt pulls out a knife from his pockets ( hidden from the other survivors, for the most part ) and picks up one of the stalks of bamboo. cocking his head, wolf taking over boy. ❝ might be a bit fucked. ❞ he warns, no light-heartedness in his voice despite his words. with the grip of an experienced knife-wielder, mutt begins to whittle away at one side of the stalk currently in left hand.  ❝ thought that we could do this for a bit, bring down th’ thickness. keep doing it until we find what works best. ❞ from underneath lengths unruly hair, eyes move from the older’s head to his feet. 
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              ❝ ya’ gotta knife? ❞
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            his brow quirks as the boy pulls out a knife, not sure if he wants to question it or not - lots of people had knives thanks to locke, and lots of people used them. they were stuck on an island, should it be a surprise he had one too? in truth hurley was slightly more concerned about the language, unsure if he should scold him or not - kids not being allowed to swear was like a rule...or a law...or something, right? he watches as mutt starts to whittle at the bamboo, surprised and also grateful
            “uh, I had one but I think I might’ve left it...somewhere,” his words are filled with uncertainty, eyes quickly scanning the sand before fixating back on mutt’s handiwork. “you done this before?”
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eightfifteens · 7 years
|| I’m going to attempt replies!! Sorry for the wait, it’s been a lack of muse mixed with laziness. I do have stuff I’m supposed to be doing, but as I say...lazy.
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eightfifteens · 7 years
acathexiis replied to your post: || Sorry for not appearing yesterday. Just a heads...
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eightfifteens · 7 years
|| Sorry for not appearing yesterday. Just a heads up I might not get anything done tonight either as it’s babysitting night. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll be able to get stuff done.
feel free to drop into my IMs, rootle around in my meme tag or post a starter or whatever! bombard me with stuff idc!
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eightfifteens · 7 years
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|| So I’m here, I’m gonna try and tackle some stuff !! but like it’s also TWD tonight so I’ll be watching that so I might not get anything much done or posted
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eightfifteens · 7 years
Roleplayers are literally like shy dogs okay. Like at first it’s like “I’m not sure about this character or mun…” and we kinda interact but mostly avoid them. And then we talk to them and it’s like “friend? Friend? Friend!” And then we actually become friends with them and then we’re in full out puppy mode, hopping up and down screaming “FRIENDFRIENDFRIENDFRIEND THROW THE PLOT THROW THE PLOT FRIEND MY FRIEND”.
And that’s all you need to know about nearly every roleplayer ever.
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eightfifteens · 7 years
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|| It’s almost 1AM and I’m super tired so I’m going head to bed and I’ll catch y’all tomorrow I hope!! IMs are always open, as is my meme tag to dip into!
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