eighttale · 8 years
!!!! Thank you so much for the art of him!!! ♥️♥️♥️
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Merry (late) Christmas to @itstoolateforcake! I’m your Undertale Secret Santa this year :) 
I went looking into your AU and I really like your version of Gaster! So I decided to draw him. Oh and I had to draw the font behind the “I warned you” by hand hehe. I hope you like it, and have a great day!
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eighttale · 8 years
I'm on mobile and I can't seem to read the FAQ. Can you give me a run-down of what they are? Thanks. Also I love your AU so much.
Because you asked so nicely, yes! It’s not too long so I’ll just paste it. Just know that some of the links won’t be active, because I’m on mobile too lol
rules:-chara and frisk go by they/them/theirs and are strictly non-binary on this blog.-likewise, [perseverance] is a transboy and goes by him.-if i get an ask or submission putting any of the trans characters into the incorrect gender identity and/or using the incorrect pronouns, it will be deleted. no exceptions, sorry!-yes, you may ask any characters questions! however, it is to my discretion what questions will be answered and when. if i like your question enough, i may even draw it out for you and tag it in the blog’s canon!-NO NSFW ASKS/SUBMISSIONS EVER. srsly guys my kid brother follows this blog, i simply won’t have it.-do not edit or repost any of the art!-if you make something for this au, please show me omg i’ll probably cry (good tears i promise lol)
FAQwhat is eighttale? is it a comic?-eighttale is an interpretation of the events before and during undertale, an indie game by toby fox. it is a comic/artistic endeavor focused on the eight children, split into 3 arcs: chara’s fall, the 6 kids’ fall, and frisk’s fall/undertale. there are also smaller one-shot comics depicting the kids’ relationship to each other prior to chara’s fall.
who are you/the authors of this blog?-my name is K and i currently run the blog by myself! it’s a personal project of mine that i began work on in october 2016. if you like my work/my style, check out my main blog here!
what program(s)/hardware do you use?-i work with clip studio paint, paint tool sai, and photoshop cs6, and unfortunately i use an old bamboo pen tablet.
over what period of time does eighttale take place?-eighttale takes place over roughly 2 years, beginning with chara’s fall and ending with the events of undertale’s pacifist route.
doesn’t chara fall into the underground LONG before the kids/frisk do?-in the game, the monsters who tell chara’s story in New Home say “a long time ago, a human fell into the RUINS”. asriel also mentions “chara’s been gone for a long time”. HOWEVER, a neutral/pacifist route item in New Home says otherwise. this is backed up by chara’s flavor text on the same item on the genocide route.so, it’s really up to your interpretation! this is just how i choose to portray it.
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eighttale · 8 years
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asgore was fun! i took references from my toriel design and also my undyne design. this one has been sitting in my folder for a little bit, i’ve just been busy. but here he is!
and with that, the references are done! from this point forward, all content on this blog will be comic/timeline related. hope you guys are ready!!
other character refs here!
please do not repost, edit, or claim as your own!
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eighttale · 8 years
AHHHHHH it's done!!! Pie worked so hard on this and I'm so happy to finally be able to reblog the finished version. Please check out her work, she's incredibly well-written and does other undertale AU stuff as well!
PS: this is a VERY accurate description of eighttale's alphys, sans and gaster. She made sure to work closely with me on it to get all the good details. So consider this a canon happenstance!
The Glitter Incident
This was a Christmas present for @itstoolateforcake. This is a story I made about the AU that K has made called @eighttale. I am the beta reader for this comic and AU so I hope you all enjoy this late present for my friend.
Bold: Gaster using sign language.
“C'mon Sebastian! Ciel has been kidnapped! Again! You can’t let them do that.” Alphys whispered as she sat at her desk in the corner of the lab, staring at the anime on her computer. It was late at night and the lizard monster was one of the few monsters that had not gone home for the night.
“He is even calling for you! I thought you were one he-Oh there you are. Save him-”
A low voice from behind interrupted her. “What are you doing?”
Alphys jumped, falling out of her chair. She scrambled to her feet. “Oh! I-I was just….”
The two skeletons laughed at the intern’s nervous face. Alphys stood and turned away from them, irritated.
“Sans! Dr. Gaster! You almost gave me a heart attack!” she exclaimed and crossed her arms. “Why were you two lurking over my shoulder anyway?”
Gaster started to move his hands around. Years of working on the core had damaged his vocal cords beyond repair. To get over the language barrier he typically used sign language. While his team could understand him, Sans had taken it upon himself to translate when the moment arose.
“I like scaring you. You make such cute and silly noises that I can’t help myself.” Sans translated, chuckling.
“Sans, are you mixing up his words again?” she asked, pink tinting her features.
The smaller skeleton shrugged. “Nope. That is all him.”
She turned to snap at them both when her pink tint erupted into a massive blush.
“U-Um, Dr. Gaster?”
“Yes?” He signed. His lab coat was riding up a bit, causing his upper legs to be shown. He wasn’t wearing pants and Alphys, having known the doctor and his personality for many years, assumed that he wasn’t wearing anything else either.
She blushed. “Why aren’t you wearing anything under your lab coat?”
“Did I forget those again?” He signed, looking down, not really concerned.
She spluttered. “A-again?!”
“This isn’t normal for everybody?” Gaster cocked his head, not understanding what was wrong.
“No, it is not,” Alphys huffed.
He looked confused. “But, Sans does it too.”
She turned her attention to the other skeleton. “You are that forgetful?”
“Nah, I don’t forget. I am just too lazy to put on clothes sometimes.” He shrugged.
Alphys groaned in frustration and turned back to her computer screen. The other two grinned at each other proudly.
“You two are like children…”
“Thank you.” Sans smiled, sitting on her desk next to her. She didn’t even glance at him, mad that they interrupted her show.
Gaster tapped her shoulder. “Don’t be like that, you know that we are just teasing you.”
Alphys sighed and looked down. She stared.
“Are those,” she paused. “high heel boots?”
Gaster looked down at his feet. “Why yes. Yes they are. They are actually quite comfortable on my feet.”
He started to walk around, showing her how effective they were. Sans and Alphys watched him a while. Alphys stared at the silly skeleton, who didn’t stop, strutting proudly.
An hour passed.
Sans snorted awake having fallen asleep on his feet. “I’m bored. Hey Alph?” Sans asked, leaning against her desk. She hummed in response, still watching Gaster strut around, a continual blush on her face.
“You know how I have all these stories about when you were on that week long forced vacation?” Sans continued.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Have I ever told you about the time Gaster built a glitter gun and failed?”
She stared at him a moment. “A glitter gun? Seriously?”
He shrugged. “Yeah. I mean, you know how he is. Wearing heels and all.”
“Okay, I’ve got to hear this.” She said, focusing her attention on the skeleton beside her.
“It went like this . . .”
Gaster sat at his desk, absorbed by his work. He worked with his team of interns in an open roomed lab. His desk was at the head of the room so that any time he could turn and survey his team and see what progress they were making on their projects. He had his older interns’ desks closest him with the other desks situated farther away so he could keep his eye focused on the more experienced of his team.
The thrum of the core kept Gaster calm and focused. This particular experiment would end up as a gift to his close friend, Queen Toriel. She looked stressed recently, having to take care of two mischievous kids. They were constantly playing tricks on her and putting her in a foul mood. He thought she needed something to lighten her mood and also be a way to get back at the children.
Sans, who was sitting at his desk behind the scientist, glanced at Gaster’s turned back with a mischievous grin. Behind his back he held a long pole with an air-horn attached onto the end with tape. His plan was to try and prank Gaster for the first time in a long while. He had tried many times and rarely succeeded.
He waited for everyone’s attention to be on their own work. Then he extended the pole to where the horn rested just out of sight by Gaster’s ear. His thumb hovered over the button, waiting for the right moment. He pressed down.
The sound echoed across the lab, ringing in everyone’s ears. Green streamers shot from the horn and covered Gaster. He jumped and scattered pieces of his experiment, falling out of his chair. The room went silent, everyone staring at him.
The tall skeleton’s form started shaking and puffing noises came from him. His face was turning slightly purple and his already large smile went a little wider.
“Are you alright?” Sans asked. Gaster nodded, he was laughing hard.
Sans grinned and helped his mentor up, discarding the air horn contraption. “Good one huh? I haven’t gotten you like that in forever.”
“Yes Sans, you did well.” Gaster signed once his hands were free. “I will have to think up a good one to combat that.”
Sans sweated nervously, knowing how intense Gaster could get on revenge pranks. Gaster didn’t seem to notice his intern’s nervousness and sat back at his desk. Shaking his head as evil ideas tumbled through his mind, Gaster started to gather the pieces for his experiment.
“So Doc, what are you even working on there?” Sans asked, leaning over his shoulder to peer down at the small machine.
“It will be the most dangerous weapon ever known to monsterkind,” Gaster signed darkly, the purple magic holding him together giving off a dark aura.
“R-really?” Sans gulped.
“Nope.” Gaster grinned, his magic lightening again. “It is a magic prank gun.”
Sans chuckled in relief. “Awesome. What kinds of things can it do?”
“Currently it shoots glitter, like, everywhere.”
“So…… A glitter gun?” Sans asked.
“Not gonna call it that. It will be…. ‘the Prank Master 5000!’ because it makes it sound cool and important,” Gaster signed excitedly.
“Just because you said it like that, I am gonna call it a glitter gun forever.” Sans smirked. Gaster pouted and turned his back on him, working on the gun yet again.
Neither of the two noticed two little screws rolling down under the desk, nor would they have understood the significance if they had.
A few hours later, Sans was walking back to his desk from the coffee machine. Everything seemed peaceful until he was attacked by a large and overly excited scientist.
“Sans! I’ve done it!” Gaster waved, jumping in front of Sans excitedly.
Sans eyes widened in sarcastic amazement. “You’ve finally made a machine that instantly will produce any flavor of nice cream?”
“No, I am still working on that,” Gaster signed, waving it off. “But I have finished the Prank Master prototype!”
“Nice one Doc G. Does it work?” the intern asked interestedly.
Gaster paused. “I haven’t tested it out yet, but do you wanna be there when I do?”
“Why not? Don’t got much else planned at the moment,” the other skeleton shrugged.
Gaster grinned and dashed behind him, pushing Sans along to his desk. Sans tripped forward as fast as he could, used to his mentor’s enthusiasm.
They reached the desk and the tall scientist grabbed the gun off of the table. He showed Sans the finished product. It was a small purple hand gun with many dials and switches to one side. There were little colors that were painted along one dial and pictures and numbers on the other dials.
“Very pretty.” Sans commented.
Gaster sighed. “That was the part that took longest for me to do.”
Sans nodded, understanding. “So, can it do many pranks yet?”
“No, just the glitter for now. Once I’ve got that figured out, everything will go smoothly.”
“Show me what you got, G.”
Gaster grinned and fiddled with the nobs and dials. He switched the color dial to green. The gun glowed with purple magic. He turned and pointed it at the wall. The gun wavered slightly in the air as he aimed and fired.
Glitter went everywhere.
The gun exploded, green glitter flying into the air in a great plume above the entire room. It rained down from above unto his whole team. The interns exclaimed in surprise, choking on the massive amounts of the sparkly dust.
Sans doubled over in coughing fits of laugher as everyone turned their attention on them.
Gaster stared in shock, watching his least favorite color flood the room. The elder scientist knew what this meant for him. All the scientists would gather together and force him to clean. So he did the next logical thing. He teleported into  thin air.
“Ga- where did he go?” Sans looked around. After a moment he realized what he did. “GASTER GET BACK HERE!”
Alphys was giggling and snorting, covering her mouth to smother the noises.
“Gaster locked himself into the testing chamber with the nice cream maker and it took us four days to clean it up by ourselves.” Sans sighed bitterly, finishing the story.
“Did he ever finish that gun?” She asked, wiping her eyes.
Sans shook his head. “I don’t think so. The Doc probably just gave up on the idea after that. You know how he hates cleaning up messes.”
Alphys nodded. “I know that more than most.”
“Sans, you’ve got a package.”  Brian, a short monster covered in fur, announced as he came into the lab with many letters and small packages under one arm. In his hands was a medium-sized cardboard cylinder.
Sans grinned and grabbed it, thanking him. “I think I know what this is.”
“What is it?” Alphys asked, intrigued. Sans turned it in his hands. His excitement was apparent as he started to open it.
“It is my brand new tele-!”
Gaster grabbed Alphys’s with both arms and jerked her out of the line of fire as the container shot out bright red glitter.
“-scope.” Sans finished. His jaw dropped in surprise. “The heck?!”
The glitter hung in the air for a few seconds before clinging to Sans’s body.  He fell to the ground and tried to brush off the glitter. It stuck to him as if magnetized to his bones.
Gaster let Alphys go and doubled over in laughter. He huffed louder and he was practically glowing purple. Alphys stared at him, her face beet red at being clutched by the half-naked scientist.
“Gaster! You did this!” Sans cried, staring at him in exasperation. “What is this stuff, and why did you do it?”
Gaster leaned against Alphys’s desk, trying to calm himself down.
“I made those flakes so that they would be attracted to the magic of the monster closest to them. Which happened to be you,” Gaster explained, shaking so hard that his hand signals were barely legible. “And I know you were the one who sabotaged the Prank Master 5000.”
“I didn’t have anything to do with that malfunction!” Sans groaned.
Gaster didn’t believe him. “Of course you did! Who else would do that to me?”
“What about everyone in this lab?” Sans suggested and scowled as he realized that the glitter had gotten inside his clothes.
Gaster rolled his eyes. “No. They would be after you. In fact there were a few of your fellow interns who helped me in this prank.”
After a great deal of arguing and pleading, Gaster finally demagnetized the glitter. Sans went home to wash himself of the red, sparkly mess, leaving Gaster and Alphys alone.
“Well, G, that was very amusing.” Alphys smiled, sitting back in her chair.
“Oh? Am I G now, Alphys?” Gaster smirked.
“What? Oh I just . . !” Alphys realized her mistake. From hearing Sans whole story and him always referring to the taller skeleton as “G” made her start to as well.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind.” Gaster shrugged, smiling at her. He sat upon her desk.
Alphys stammered. “N-no, I-I-.”
He didn’t understand why she was flustered. “Pet names are a sign of a healthy relationship!”
�l�� �
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eighttale · 8 years
Hey there! Just wanted to say that I really like Eighttale from what I've seen. Keep up your good work :)
wow thank you?? i rarely get messages like this and especially not for a project that hasn’t shown much progress yet (at least publicly).
it hasn’t updated in a while, but eighttale is still happening! i gotta get this story out of my head somehow.
thanks again!!
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eighttale · 8 years
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long time no post!! holidays have been crazy yo. i’m glad to have my artistic inspiration back on track. anyways, asriel is special because he actually showed up in the comic first before getting his ref, but eh, this just helped me finalize him. the hardest part was determining the color of his soul and therefore his magic; ended up going with a yellow green, kind of symbolic of flowey!
alternate outfits coming soon!
see other character references here!
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eighttale · 8 years
This is SO Gaster's personality.
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people renown gaster for being a genius but the fact of the matter is that this man knows what he’s doing maybe 25% of the time
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eighttale · 8 years
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Eighttale: Act 1 Prologue / pages 3-5
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goodness i missed my deadline by two days x_x that’s what finals will do to you. oh well, at least i’m getting faster. the next few pages will take a tad longer since i still need to finish thumbnailing chapter 1, but it shouldn’t be too bad.
the next page is chapter 1′s cover page, which means that concludes the prologue! i think it actually does everything i want it to: allude to lots of stuff while also giving you insight into character mindsets and other stuff. i’m pretty excited about this!!
thank you for reading and i hope you stick with me to its conclusion!
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eighttale · 8 years
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Eighttale: Act 1 Prologue / pages 1-2
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author’s notes under the cut!
so it’s been a long process researching comics and learning the ropes for clip studio, but here it is!! i’m so happy to finally start getting pages out. there are 6 pages for the prologue and then a bunch more for chapter 1 that i need to thumbnail, but for now, 2 pages per update on the prologue should give me some time to get the rest of the references out.
special thanks to @piethecreator for beta reading my script (check out her work here), @dejasquietplace for comic layout advice (check out her nuzlocke comic here), and YOU, for reading this! i’m excited for this project and i hope you guys are too.
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eighttale · 8 years
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while i was able to hash out her official royal scientist garb and even her date dress very quickly, i agonized over her costume party outfit, and i’m STILL not happy with it! ugh whatever. what’s important is that its black, like sans’. that’s an important plot point so stay tuned!
see her ref here!
see other character refs here!
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eighttale · 8 years
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“And we’ll put our palace over here!”
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all i wanted to do was draw gaster in crocs, but it turned out to be a timeline sensitive pic so i figured i would give it the full lineart/coloring shebang. this is pre-chara, some time after dr. gaster was hired to build the capital above the core. he hasn’t worked with the core long enough to have as much damage as we see him normally, hence the bandages.
in this pic we get to see some of gaster’s personality, which i believe can be effectively named “bill nye the science uncle”. i love this special boy
please do not edit or repost!
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eighttale · 8 years
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alphys was SO hard to do because her shapes are just so round and crooked and ambiguous but i eventually was able to settle on a silhouette. i like to think she is better with more physical magic, like papyrus or undyne, but only uses it in a technical way. like soldering wires! she was so happy before thrust responsibility and... well. the rest will be history.
alternate outfits here!
other character refs here!
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eighttale · 8 years
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wow i really loved designing him??? gaster was different from everyone else in that i had pretty much full creative liberty with him. he went through a couple iterations, but in the end i think this design suits him best. extra design notes under the cut, if you’re interested!
special note: this is an original design by me for an Undertale character. just like you would credit someone for an au design like underswap, this one also needs to be credited to me, K. disclaimer: the original character concept is of Undertale, which belongs to Toby Fox. kudos to him for the inspiration and thought for this character!
alternate outfits coming soon!
see other character refs here!
design notes:
originally i had him in a more traditional lab coat, but after studying alphys’ sprite, i realized she wears something similar to this. so i have dubbed this the royal scientist outfit.
YES he is wearing high heels!! it’s the only way he can get support for his entire foot, since his feet/legs are based on that of a deer! (sans and papyrus have a similar problem, with their feet structures being based on a dog’s. each has their own way of dealing with shoes, and this is how gaster does it) gaster doesn’t care about human gender norms and loves the way they clack on the floor when he walks
originally he was going to have boots similar to papyrus’s boots, but the arc of his foot is simply too high for it to look natural. he also went through phases without shoes and also wearing build a bear shoes on just the toe parts, but i couldn’t take him seriously. it was like baby hands, i just couldn’t deal!!
the deer based skeletal structure comes from the DT extraction machine, which is similar to a deer’s skull. and yes, that’s a plot point.
he speaks primarily american sign language, (which i will translate into the Aster font), and writes in the Wing Dings font.
gaster is beat to hell (see facial cracks, only able to light up one eye with purple magic, holes in palms) because of all the tlc he gives to the Core, which he created and probably considers his child. the Core is SUPER dangerous at high levels of exposure.
he is structurally different from the skelebros because he is not related to them. he’s been around for a very long time, almost as long as asgore and toriel, and before the bros even existed probably.
his facial structure draws a lot of resemblance from gaster blasters, which he also created.
he’s a beanpole! he’s a full head and a half taller than sans and alphys, and the top of papyrus’ head is eye-level for him. still not taller than asgore or toriel tho
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eighttale · 8 years
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god lord undyne’s armor! also best thought as i was drawing her lara croft royal guard member outfit: i could only think of her and azzy training together and chara watching in the bg jealous as hell because their brother gets to hang out with the hot buff fish lady lolololol
see her ref here!
see other character refs here!
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eighttale · 8 years
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this one was soooo much fun to do, because undyne is just so fun to draw! also instead of the forest green she uses in battle, i opted for a more seafoam green. reminds me more of a fish. and heck yeah she’s got a tattoo!! i bet gerson gave it to her after she became head of the royal guard. she’s super proud of it.
alternate outfits here!
see more character refs here!
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eighttale · 8 years
Notes About Eighttale: Human Version
Here are some basic notes about this AU. Updated periodically with any new information revealed in the blog (via asks, comics, etc.)
Monster Version coming soon.
Chara and Frisk are twin siblings. Chara is slightly older.
All eight kids know each other and are a part of the same friend group.
The kids are various ages between 11-14.
The main story takes place a little over 2 years, beginning with Chara’s fall into the Underground.
Chara’s fall into the Underground was a painful one. Their most serious injuries were a broken arm and scraping on their side of their face, which also left scars. 
Each kid, including Chara and Frisk, have at least one defining insecurity/socially unacceptable attribute that makes them A Group of Misfits. It’s how they became friends. 
All of the kids can communicate via sign language.
[Kindness] and Frisk only communicate via sign language. Frisk spoke verbally before Chara fell. 
There will be oneshot comics depicting the eight children before Chara’s fall (for funsies).
Character Specific:
Chara [Trait unknown]:
Chara’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is that they have Impulsive Borderline Personality Disorder. Some of their defining characteristics include black and white thinking, risk-taking behaviors, a lack of empathy, being charismatic (no pun intended) and also dramatic. This disorder is paired with depression and anxiety for Chara. They have self harmed before.
 Another attribute would be their LGBTQIA+ identifiers (they’re non-binary/genderfluid, and also aromantic/pansexual), though they do not have any insecurity about these.
Chara is smart, highly energetic, and dominant in most situations, making them the unofficial leader of their big friend group.
“Chara” is a nickname. Their birth name is unknown.
Frisk [Trait unknown]:
Frisk’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is that they are mysterious and despondent. People feel uneasy around Frisk because they do not know anything about them. It is hard for Frisk to make friends.
Another attribute would be their LGBTQIA+ identifiers (they are non-binary/agender, and also panromantic/asexual), though they do not have any insecurity about these.
Frisk is mild and quiet. While Chara is incapable of understanding another’s emotions, Frisk is almost overwhelmingly empathetic, and even codependent in some cases. They will always put those they care for ahead of their own needs. They are the voice of reason in their friend group.
“Frisk” is a preferred name. This is different from a nickname in that they do not go by their birth name at any time. Their birth name is unknown, nor will it be revealed in the AU’s canon.
[Patience]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is that she is overweight and taller than most of her peers; two traits that, in females, can be off putting to others. 
Another attribute would be [Patience]’s race, but she does not have any insecurity about it.
[Patience] is sweet and friendly. She can get anyone to open up to her, even Frisk. The mom friend.
[Patience] loves tea and other sweet things; French macarons are her favorite.
[Bravery]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is his prosthetic leg. He lost his leg not too relatively long prior to Chara’s fall. When others pity him and think him less capable than an able-bodied person, he strives to prove them wrong. 
Another attribute would be [Bravery]’s race, but he is only mildly insecure about it.
[Bravery] is extroverted and loyal. He is not afraid to be himself. Wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. Many in the group seek him out for motivation.
[Bravery] is the strongest of all the kids, and his favorite color is pink.
[Integrity]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is her autism; she has Asperger’s Syndrome. Some of her defining characteristics include stimming (she wears colorful rubber bracelets for this), communicating with her hands, and a distinct lack of understanding social cues (such as when to stop talking or that she’s making others uncomfortable). 
Another attribute would be her LGBTQIA+ identifier (she’s bi), but she does not fully comprehend that this is anything to be insecure about.
[Integrity] is excitable and cheerful. Can sometimes be obnoxious. Many in the group will treat her as younger than she is, and try to protect her from certain realities.
[Integrity] has taken ballet since she was very young, and feels the most comfortable when in her tutu and slippers. They are like her “battle armor” and she wears them all the time. She is immensely talented and graceful in the art too.
[Perseverance]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is his LGBTQIA+ identifier (he’s a transboy). He has not begun any augmentation, being deemed too young by his parents. However, they will call him by his preferred pronouns and also let him cut his hair how he prefers.
Another attribute would be [Perseverance]’s overt nerdiness.
[Perseverance] is smart, nerdy and pessimistic. He likes to try different things, even though he gets frustrated easily. Somewhat of a perfectionist. Mostly respected within the friend group, but not usually sought out for advice (which tends to hurt his pride a bit) due to his low tolerance for learning curves.
[Perseverance]’s favorite video game of all time is Earthbound. He likes to play video games 100% and write walkthroughs about them. Once he gets on a tangent about a video game topic, it’s hard to stop him from gushing.
[Kindness]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is that he is deaf and has been since birth. He is the reason that all the kids learned sign language. 
Another attribute would be that he comes from a foreign family; [Kindness] gets a little embarrassed by them at parent-teacher conferences. 
Another attribute would be his LGBTQIA+ identifier (he’s gay), but he has not fully realized/come to terms with this, and thus is not (yet) insecure about it. He doesn’t really think that hard about himself in the first place.
[Kindness], similar to Frisk, is incredibly empathetic. Unlike Frisk, though, he usually only looks for the best in people. He’s also terribly shy. The group looks to him to learn about many different topics.
[Kindness] is fluent in different types of sign language. His family grew up teaching him their home country’s version of it, and his friend group speaks another version.
[Kindness] is a talented cook and baker. He learned all his skills from his stepfather, who is a professional chef. Sometimes, he will wear his apron out of the kitchen without realizing that he is still wearing it.
[Justice]’s dominant socially unacceptable attribute is her LGBTQIA+ identifier (she’s a lesbian). She has a lot of internalized homophobia and finds this part of herself difficult to accept.
Another attribute would be [Justice]’s race, but she is not insecure about this.
Another attribute would be her stoic disposition and general unapproachability.
[Justice] is quiet, calm, and an excellent listener. She is protective of those she loves. Each of the group love and respect her, and only want the best for her.
[Justice] loves movies and cartoons, but finds the most inspiration in old American Western films. She models herself after the “old timey westerm stoicism”  trope, preferring it to any girly stereotype. [Justice] would be caught dead before in a dress.
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eighttale · 8 years
i got clip studio from my sister and i think i’m going to marry the mechanical pencil tool
enjoy this crazy uncle grandpa skeleton man teaser as i get used to this program. his little fangs are my fav imho
what is eighttale? an au explaining how the eight human children made it through the underground. personal project of mine you can follow here.
follow my main blog for concepts and doodles of all the eighttale nerds!
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