eightwittha24 · 4 years
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#blacklivesmatter #saytheirnames
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eightwittha24 · 4 years
Elijah McClain, Breonna Taylor, just to name a couple because the list is longer than life. No justice has been served for them being killed. Yet you’re using a little boys death to make a mockery of BLM. You can’t protest for his death. His killer is in prison. Breonna was asleep. Elijah pleading for them to stop and telling them he loves them. If I see you posting about protesting for Cannon to have justice, we are done. I’m going to assume you’re not willing to acknowledge racism. I’m going to assume you don’t care about black people or any minorities dying. Which further proves why we are stressing that black lives matter. I see we still don’t matter to you hillbillies inbreds.
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eightwittha24 · 4 years
If I can advocate for a white man who was recently killed by cops while playing video games. You should be able to advocate for unarmed black people and other minorities being killed. If you can’t. Don’t talk to me anymore. I don’t mind differences in opinions. But this isn’t a matter of opinion. This is a matter of WRONG!!! And if you can’t see that, you’re a bigot! Point blank!!! There are black kids, Cannon’s age who were murdered. And the murderer is locked up. Why don’t you ask us why we are not protesting for them? Because justice is being served!!! Idiot!!! You say it’s not about race. Yet you make it about race. Furthermore proving that you dgaf about black people!!!! #BLM is right and All Lives Matter can burn in hell. Using this child as an agenda to cover up your racism!!!! It’s not that you don’t get it, you choose not to. You don’t even try to understand or even learn. And that’s narcissistic af!!! Listen and shut the entire fk up!
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