eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Final Piece- Digital Manipulation
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Final Piece from my digital Manipulation work. I wanted to covey the main aspect of my theme, isolation but I also wanted to look at the positive side of abandoned buildings and that they can also have alot of beauty.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Digital Manipulation Developments
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Developments I have made on photoshop using different digital techniques.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Digital Manipulation Reflection
1) Describe how your concept has developed from your Sound Art & Painting to Sound workshops.
-I have took a lot of inspiration from my sound art paintings in terms of colour scheme. I have used a lot of blues, greens, browns and some yellow.
-I tried representing some of my sounds in my development pieces such as “dripping". I used my part of my final mixed media tye dyed piece and this creates a water like feeling. It also looks like drips of paint. I also used one of my mixed media tests featuring batik and this also reminds me of water.
-I used the liquify tool in photoshop to represent my sounds “walking through mud” and “wind". I made a cloud like image with the liquify and all of the swirls remind me of wind or gas. I also used liqify and the wind tool to make a path like shape and it looks like girl in my development is about to walk over a wet path.
2) What are the 6 digital manipulation techniques in your experiments that you like the best?
-I really enjoyed using liquify because it allowed me to introduce my abstract shapes into my developments. My mixed media work is also very abstract so they link together.
-opacity allowed me to show different layers in my development and made some parts look more transparent and blended together.
-hue and saturation allowed me to change the colours around and I also decided to use more vibrant colours which I like because its different to quite a lot of my theme so far.
-duplicating helped me to use repeated elements in my developments
-cropping and magic wand helped me to use smaller parts from my artwork and photos and collage them together.
-I used threshold to create an abstract black and white background in one of my developments and I really like how it turned out.
3) Describe what the digital techniques communicate in each of your experiments?
1: I used threshold to make the background black and white. It looks very abstract and almost resembles the texture of a stone brick wall. The liquify used for the path was inspired by my “walking through mud" sound. I also used liquify which creates cloud like images which I made from inspiration from my “wind” sound. I think the shape taken from my final mixed media piece resembles church like buildings that are fenced up almost by the mesh material. I changed the hue and saturation of the shapes and I like how it made the mesh look quite disturbing, in particular the orange one as it resembles stromg colours of rust.
2: The layering of the different plants makes them look more overgrown and like nature isit looked like a nature themed background due to the water blue and green colours. I also used the magic wand tool and cropping to collage my different layers together. I changed the saturation of the background do that the colours popped. I think this was really effective because it shows a strong contrast between each side.
3: I used the filter ‘lighten’ on the wall which frames the piece. This made it look worn down and it also gave it a rough texture. This helped to show that the wall is from an old building and the way it frames the piece reminds me of an old postcard. On the girl in the photo I used the filter multiply. This made her a navy blue colour and makes her seem quite melancholy. Most of the layers in this development are slightly transparent which helps to blend the piece together. I also used duplicate to duplicate the piece so that it looks like the image is repeated behind itself.
4) Describe what the colour communicates in each of your experiments?
1: The girl in the development has a blue filter on and this makes associates her with sadness and loneliness. I think the purple liquefied path looks quite luring , I think this works well because the colours aren’t too vibrant and although it still grabs your attention because of the many different shades of pink and purple. The mesh on the house like shapes are very bright compared to the colour of the shape itself. This makes the mesh seem more important and it resembles a fence which gives connotations of being locked in or trapped. I changed the opacity of the cloud like shape at the top and this made the ccolours less harsh and more airy. It reminds me of gas, smoke or clouds.
2: In this development, the brown, oranges and greys represent the more structural and architectural side and the greens and blues represent nature. I wanted to make a contrast between the abandoned buildings and the plants which have grown inside.
3: The green, yellow and blue tissue paper background comes across as nature inspired. The girl in the development has a filter on which makes her blue and this associates her with feelings of sadness and loneliness. The transparent wall still has very light grey and darker grey which helps to show the rough textures of the wall
5) Describe what the composition communicates in each of your experiments?
1: the girl looks like she is walking up towards the building- like shapes. The purple path is positioned so that it looks like its leading her up there. The cloud shape is in the top left corner and it makes it seem like it is a storm heading towards the buildings.
2: There is 2 different sides in this development. 1 is a more structural and architectural side which shows different parts of the buildings aswell as building-like shapes which I have taken from my mixed media final piece. The other side is a more natural and nature inspired side and it has plants which have grown inside the abandoned buildings. The black stitching down the middle of each side helps to show that they are 2 separate concepts (buildings and nature) however they can come together in places like abandoned buildings.
3: The bottom layer is one of my paper manipulation experiments which looks nature inspired due to the green yellow and blue colours. An old wall then frames this piece and you can see a girl standing in the bottom corner. The girl is looking up at everything else in the development and it makes it seem like everything around her is her thoughts and/or how she’s feeling. There is also encapsulated buttons which has connotations of being trapped and isolated. The development has then been duplicated and layered so that you can see its duplicates behind it. This makes the main image stand out from the background and it adds more depth to the development.
6) From this refelction, how will you make your final digital artwork communicate your concept?
Digital techniques: I want to use the invert filter to have a contrast of colours. I would like touse cropping and the magic wand tool to get interesting shapes which I can then layer. I am going to use colour balance and saturation to help me portray my ideas of loneliness but also nature taking over the buildings. Changing the opacity will hopefully make my images blend together and seem like that’s where they are originally from. I would also like to use liquify in my final to help convey particular emotions. For the background of my final piece I want to create a black and white background using threshold, like in my first development. I will also possibly make a repeat pattern out of this by duplicating the same image multiple times.
Colours: I am going to use blue to show feelings of sadness and isolation however I also want to show the beauty of the buildings and nature aswell so I am going to make them brighter and have more of a positive outlook rather than a negative. I want my main colours to be blue, green, orange and black .
Composition: I want my final piece to be of a girl walking through a building. I want to continue with the feelings of isolation and show this through her, although I also want the buildings and the nature aspect to be seen as beautiful. I want my composition to show the 2 sides of the abandoned buildings, the loneliness but also how beautiful they can look. I am planning to frame the piece with a wall like in my last development and also have a black and white background like in my first development
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Final Piece
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Final mixed media piece. My piece is a triptych and is made using different techniques including weaving, sewing, tye dye, layering, coffee staining, encapsulation and bleaching.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Final Piece Thumbnails
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Thumbnails for my mixed media final piece.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
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Development tests in preparation for my final piece. In my developments I used techniques which I liked and thought turned out best.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Development thumbnails
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Thumbnails in my sketchbook for my mixed media developments.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Stencil Relief Printing
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Stencil printing and ghost prints. Prints of part of an abandoned church building.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Stencil Relief Printing
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Stencil printing and ghost prints. Prints of part of an abandoned church building.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Fabric Manipulation Collages
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Manipulating different fabrics using different techniques. I then made collages from them.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Paper Manipulation Collages
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Manipulating different papers with different techniques and then creating collages from them
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Sound edit created using my 3 sound recordings ‘Dripping Leak’, ‘Walking Through Mud’ and ‘Wind’.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Painting to Sound
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Painting to my own sound recording based on my theme, Abandonment.
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
Painting To Sound
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Painting to sound demo audios
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
audio for sound art
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
‘Dripping Leak’
audio for sound art
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eilidh-art1 ¡ 4 years
‘Walking Through Mud’ 
audio for sound art
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