puppyprincesworld · 4 years
if i happy stim when im stressed will that make me happy? hmmm
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puppyprincesworld · 4 years
“Onward will feature the first gay characters in a Pixar film” yeah and it’s THEM
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
why do tumblr people like this show about objects on an island
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
So, I finished watching Beastars
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Fuck you
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Fuck you
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Fuck you
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You’re cool
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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Informative Ancient Egypt Comics: BROS
Our 1st place contest winner requested a Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep comic as their prize.
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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Fixed it 
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alright y'all I'm dark red/purple and I respect everyone from orange to black, they're all my buddies
(with this post I'm not trying to put anyone over anyone, I'm just putting into words what I've been seeing in these months that I'm on Tumblr. I wish I didn't have to, but you guys are mean)
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
What is it about abandoned houses that makes me go absolutely fucking feral? Like I can’t explain it but
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
Every single odd number has an “e” in it.
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
Friendly reminder that since Tangle was in pain/discomfort while she got infected, it means that the infection is indeed painful. So sonic is not only exhausted, he is in constant pain!
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
jorrated said "these are animals and I give no shit if they're ladies and shirtless because animals don't have tiddies" and we love that
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please sega if you’re out there,, ,..  .. .
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
damn she looked good in both
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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Remember that recovery looks different for everybody! It can be small things for some people, like getting up in the morning every day and throwing out things that affect them. On the other hand, it can be bigger for others! Like moving out of a toxic place and cutting people out of their lives. It’s different processes for everybody because different things happen to everyone, you know?
As well as that, the length of recovery can vary for people too! It can be a few days, weeks, months and even years. Even though it looks one way for you, that doesn’t give you the right to judge people for how they personally recover from something. Shaming people for that only causes them to take long and to feel worse about it!
Recovery, in general, looks and feels for everybody.  
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
Ethology is a science still in its infancy. We barely have any idea about what animals are actually getting up to, out there in their natural environments. Simple, crucial questions about some of the longest- and best-studied animals remain mysterious, such as those regarding the role of worker honeybees in the swarming & mating process.
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
Wolf Park Ethogram: Pawing
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What? To extend or wave the paw, using it to touch another or stroke the air in front of another.
Why? Pawing can be seen in many different contexts. These include but are not limited to greetings, courtship, eating and general deference/submission. However, it has also been seen to be used in an exaggerated, obnoxious fashion.
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Both Kanti and Bicho raising their paw at each other.
It also seems to be a form of play or a way to pester another wolf into play. 
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Timber putting her paw on Wotan. He was very patient with her.
One of our past wolves Dharma is a great example of this. She would often get Wotan in trouble from his brother Wolfgang, who was also her mate. It almost seemed like she enjoyed pestering Wotan, while Wotan did not appreciate it at all:
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Dharma puts her foot on Wotan. Ordinarily “giving paw” is a submissive or friendly gesture, but it can also be used obnoxiously. Imagine shaking someone’s hand REALLY HARD, or giving them a lot of hearty back slaps. (explanation courtesy of Monty Sloan)
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More pawing and application of feet. Wotan displays an agonistic pucker but doesn’t move. Movement often encouraged her more.
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puppyprincesworld · 5 years
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By the time you realize you’re sinking, it’s too late.
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