eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
FROM: Rosa Cervantes TO: Klavier Gavin
[TXT] I can see your contact name, I know
Weird, but whatever.
[TXT] Fair enough I guess. Was there anything you needed or are you just bored enough to check in on me
Huh. That worked...better than he’d expected. Who knew accidentally being placed under his brother’s name would reap such rewards? Maybe Kristoph should start dressing like Klavier too...and wear contacts. Because the last time he’d gone without his glasses hadn’t been well, and he’s sure that despite his brother’s odd aversion of him, he’d still laugh over the memory. 
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FROM: Klavier Gavin TO: Rosa Cervantes
[txt]: definitely the latter option.  [txt]: so how are you doing.  [txt]: that was some eclipse, right?  [txt]: did you hear any cool news lately 
Yep, definitely sounds like Klavier and definitely working. 
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
FROM: Kristoph Gavin TO: Little Brother
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[txt]: klavier , ij,,ust go.ot a;rrestted or "murder" this isq so unfair; i ,just kil,,led   a guy ebbcause i wAss,, a pettyx bitch youk have tt..o bai me out
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
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FROM: Klavier Gavin TO: Rosa Cervantes
[txt]: it is i klavier gavin [txt]: how is it going, rosa
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
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that one club penguin pic
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
Kristoph shakes his head, offering Klavier a (very rare) genuine smile. He’d prefer to remember their parents together. And if Klavier was going to even acknowledge him to the point of offering to go together... Kristoph wasn’t going to pass that up. 
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“No, it’s quite alright. We haven’t spent much time together lately. You’ve been so busy with prosecuting and your music... Honestly, it’s not that I particularly care for rock music at all...but it’s what you’re passionate about.” 
And Kristoph had always been one to support his brother’s passions, hadn’t he? Even if they were sometimes...pushed in the wrong direction.
“You said the name of the girl you were with is Natalia? That’s a rather pretty name. I couldn’t tell much about her...but she seemed like a rather nice girl. I’m happy for you.” 
Another rare, odd, genuine moment from Kristoph. It was this festival that was getting to him; making him sound like a sentimental fool. Remembering what had been...and what could have been. 
With a sigh, he stands up, carefully holding the lantern. One for each of their parents. How fitting.
“Shall we to the beach, then?”
This is a surprise. Kristoph’s not used to seeing Klavier be so openly pleasant with him, not after Wright everything that Kristoph preferred to pretend never happened. He shakes his head, gesturing for Klavier to take the seat next to him. 
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“I’ll be honest, seeing you is a pleasant surprise. You did a marvelous job performing. I was in the audience, though I’m sure you didn’t notice. You seemed to only have eyes for that girl you were with.” 
Kristoph chuckles softly; it’s nice to see Klavier branching out after everything he’s been through. He sighs after a moment, looking from the lantern he’s holding to the one Klavier is holding.
“I was going to head to the beach…soon. It’s a lot to think about…but I’m sure our parents would be proud of who you’ve become.” 
Their parents… honestly, that’s one reason why Klavier is here. And he assumes that’s part of Kristoph’s reason too.
“It was a big crowd… bigger than any I’ve played recently. There were even a few people that had heard of me, I was surprised. I never thought you were interested in rock music, though.”
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Kristoph had never been unsupportive of his music, though he remembers a few lectures on how loud music could be damaging for his ears. He almost smiles at the memory; things were different back then.
“I was thinking about just going home instead of going to the beach. Simon is with Nahyuta, so I’d hate to intrude, and Herr Edgeworth is probably with Herr Wright… assuming he’ll be seen in public with Herr Wright dressed as he is. And I haven’t seen Natalia- That’s the girl I was with.”
He frowns; should he have told Kristoph about Natalia? He decides there’s no harm in it. Should he try anything, Klavier is certain Natalia could kick Kristoph’s ass.
“I… can leave if you wanted to be alone.”
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
It wasn’t that Kristoph was actively seeking out Klavier...but he did want to know how his brother was doing. Kristoph had debated not going to work at all, and ultimately decided it was probably the better course of action. Instead, he’d do some holiday shopping and try to turn...whatever this was...back.
He pauses next to a music shop, wondering if he should get something for Klavier. It did seem that his brother had a new guitar already, since he’d played at the festival. Lost in thought, it takes him a solid moment to realize someone is saying his name. Or rather, the name they think he has. 
And it’s most unfortunate that the name he’s being called by is “Herr Wright.”
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“Oh, er. Hello, Klavier. Sorry, I was lost in thought.”
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
REPOST– Do not reblog!
How much does everyone know about your muse? You can make your own quiz using this link. Whether you take this quiz IC or OOC is up to the mun!
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Quiz Here
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
Kristoph Gavin was having a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. And it just got worse. 
There was a list of people he didn’t want to see while he looked like Wright, and the top of that list was everyone else from his world, that terrifying woman that had a death wish for him, and probably any of his roommates. 
But of course, of course he ran into Wright. The one person Kristoph is having major doubts about even being able to possibly fool into believing that Kristoph is Wright. 
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Maybe if he doesn’t make eye contact, Wright won’t say anything. Just keep walking, Kristoph, and Wright will think he’s seeing things. That’s all.
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
Great. Of all the people to run into it was her. The woman who was ready to kill him at the drop of a hat. Maybe he’s lucky he doesn’t look like himself. But she’s noticed him staring, and it..seems like she recognizes him? 
There’s no way she realized he was Kristoph, right? She thought he was Wright--did she know Wright? Things were getting more troublesome by the minute. 
Just act casual, and maybe she’ll leave you alone. 
Wait, what was her name again? Rose? Rosa? Crap--
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“H-Hey, nice to see you!”
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
Kristoph’s attempting to stay calm in the ridiculous circumstances he’s now found himself in. Of all the things to happen around the holiday season, this was the worst thing he could possibly imagine. Probably. 
The point was he looked like someone else and not at all like himself, and to make matters worse he looked like Wright. This was in short: terrible.
And to make just about everything worse, one of his roommates (who definitely knows what he looks like, as he knows her) runs right into him in the hallway. 
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Oh god, now he even sounded like Wright. He had to attempt to fix the situation, somehow. 
“You’re...Clover, right?”
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
It’s a little difficult for him to muster up the courage to completely kill the Shamblers, so he immobilizes them the best he can. He doesn’t know how much of their humanity they have left, so he’d rather avoid killing them if he can.
Hearing clapping, however, isn’t something he expected at all. He shifts on his heel to look towards the man, and presses his palms together for a second should he need to perform another transmutation quickly. 
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The situation isn’t one he can relax in, and he tenses up slightly when he knocks a Shamblers’ head clean off. He knows people need to do what they need to do in a situation like this, but… “Yeah. I haven’t quite figured out how to deal with the Spectres yet.” He doesn’t seem to be injured, which will make protecting whoever else he can a little easier.
If he’s looking for his younger brother, too, that makes Edward slightly more willing to team up. “Sure, I could use a hand. These things are a bit of a pain in the ass to deal with.” But of course, Edward needs to drive the point home that he’s also in a hurry. “You better not slow me down.”
Kristoph can’t help but chuckle. This young man was quite irritable, wasn’t he? But he was strong, and that was all that would matter to Kristoph at the moment. And he can spare to share his knowledge. It will gain him trust, after all, and it’s not all that important in the long run. 
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“I assure you, the last thing I would ever dream of doing is slowing you down.” 
He pulls a bottle from his pocket and hands it to Ed with a smile. 
“Here. It’s Holy Water, and rather effective at warding off the Spectres. I’ve found that it gets rid of them entirely, in all honesty.” 
And Kristoph doesn’t mind giving this bottle away. He has an infinite supply of it...for some odd reason. Every time he uses a bottle, a new one appears in its place. But at the moment, he’s not going to complain. 
“I’m not sure where my brother might be...he was playing music at the festival earlier. Was there anyone in particular you were headed?”
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
Odd…? How so? Nick frowns; did Kristoph think he was in heaven or something? …If he ends up in the same place as Kristoph Gavin when he dies, Phoenix will take it to court.
“It seems we were all pulled here in the middle of something,” Nick shrugs. “I was beating Prosecutor Blackquill in court. I had just met my husband for lunch, and I took a wrong turn on the way back to the courtroom. Then suddenly I was here. Lucky for me Miles is here too, even though Truc-”
He stops. No way is he discussing his daughter with this creep. He clears his throat, continuing.
“I don’t think you should be disappointed in anything Klavier does. He’s a fine prosecutor and a good guy; he doesn’t take after you at all.”
Is Kristoph lying about what he remembers? Phoenix wouldn’t put it past him. On the other hand, Maya explained how time works here, and it’s possible he’s from a different point in time…
Nick puts his hands in his pocket, his hands brushing against something. His magatama… he meets Kristoph’s eyes. He remembers the last time he tried to use it with Kristoph; that would certainly be one way to tell if he’s telling the truth. But that cold despair he felt in those psyche-locks… he takes his hand out of his pocket. Maybe he can find a contradiction another way. He decides to use the tried and true Phoenix Wright method; press on enough of Kristoph’s statements until he finds a contradiction.
“You mentioned Apollo… what’s the last thing you remember about him? I’d be happy to fill you in on your protege’s law career.”
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Ah, a test. Kristoph pushes up his glasses with one hand, taking a moment to smile to himself. If he mentions anything about Apollo’s escapades in court, that would mean Kristoph himself had been found guilty of Shadi Smith’s murder. Well, that simply wouldn’t do. And besides, without Mr. Justice here and his truth seeking bracelet, what could Wright really do? 
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“The last thing I recall about Mr. Justice? Hmm...well, I can’t say for sure. I believe I sent him out to fetch coffee. I was in the middle of something before I was so rudely brought here. Just like you.” 
He gives Wright a pointed look. But that will come in a moment, after he’s proven his own innocence. 
“I have to admit that the thing that surprised me the most about you saying Mr. Justice helped you get your badge back is simply...he hasn’t even been in court yet. So you’ll excuse me for having my doubts.” 
At least Klavier had already had his courtroom debut. But Kristoph had given him the forged evidence and pinned it on Wright. That was one crime it was too late for Kristoph to pretend he wasn’t aware of. But then he’d have to start lying about his age. No, it wasn’t worth it to go that far. 
“And I believe you’re quite wrong, Wright. Klavier takes plenty after me, he just chose to pursue the law in a different way than I did. Much like you and...Mr. Edgeworth. But speaking of which, you mentioned you had gotten married? Does Mr. Edgeworth know?” 
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eisigerverteidiger · 5 years
It all seems rather...Wrong.
Kristoph has of course been doing his best in the city as a perfect upstanding citizen. He hasn’t murdered or blackmailed anyone in months! Klavier is a slow front, but he does believe he is making progress. Christmas will be an even better time for that. The two of them always did have their traditions...and Kristoph knows the perfect remedies to fixing their somewhat stilted brotherly relationship at the moment. 
He will need to do some Christmas shopping, though... He had plans to get Klavier a new guitar. But they were going to need a pickle...preferably one made glass. Kristoph shudders as he recalls the One Single Year they hadn’t been able to find theirs, and Klavier had opted to use a real pickle. 
They were never repeating that mistake.
Lost in thought, it takes Kristoph a solid moment to notice that there’s something in his room that wasn’t there before. He’s immediately suspicious (after all, he hasn’t lived as long as he has without knowing how to kill people and get away with it by not being cautious), and slowly distances himself from the small, gold wrapped box. 
It could be from Klavier, but there were several problems with that theory. The first being that Klavier never seemed to want to talk to him again and the second being that this box had definitely mysteriously appeared within the past ten minutes. 
He really didn’t think he had any other friends in this city (Vongole didn’t count), and he has to admit he has more enemies that could very well wish him harm. But the only people who knew the truth were all of the lawyers here... Save for Blackquill, Kristoph didn’t really believe any of them to be the type to physically harm him. (The scar reminds him, with a dull ache, of his carelessness. But that was months ago, and he knows to ignore the phantom pains.)
As the package seems to be making no sudden movements, (which Kristoph couldn’t entirely discount as a possibility in this city) he decides it’s safe enough to approach it. Very, very slowly. 
The box is addressed To Mr. Kristoph Gavin which means it’s meant for him. (As if its presence in his room gave him any doubt.) A quick examination of the outside of the box doesn’t yield any new information. That leaves only one choice...which is to very carefully open it. 
He delicately takes off the sticky decorative ribbon, absentmindedly remembering the times Klavier used to put them in Kristoph’s hair. That was years ago. When everything was simpler. What he wouldn’t give to go back and make everything right. To get away with murder. He knew Klavier didn’t understand, but his brother was important to him. And sometimes sacrifices had to be made. 
With a sigh, Kristoph finally moves to very carefully open the box. And immediately drops it as there’s what feels like a sudden gust of wind. He looks suspiciously back down at the box, but there’s nothing inside. Peculiar. 
Shrugging it off, Kristoph heads to the bathroom. He had plans to attempt to reconnect with Klavier tonight, and he remains rather lost in thought...until he looks up at the mirror. 
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“Oh. Fuck. That is not right at all.”
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eisigerverteidiger · 6 years
Ah, a small child. He certainly seems to be an accomplished fighter, and Kristoph decides in a moment that if anything, he’s going to stick by this small child. You know. Just in case. 
After watching him dispatch with the enemies, Kristoph offers light applause. The boy turns to him with a confused face, but Kristoph offers his usual harmless smile. 
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“You did a very good job handling those...shamblers, were they? I know how to handle the spectres, and I think that together we would make a better team than as individuals.” 
As if to prove his point, Kristoph picks up a metal pipe and cleanly knocks another shambler’s head clear off. He drops the pipe to the ground and dusts off his hands with a light shrug.
“So what say you? I’m looking for my younger brother, once I find him I promise we wouldn’t have to partner for any longer.”
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eisigerverteidiger · 6 years
Kristoph is more than capable of handling himself, and he’s never really been one for helping others out of the goodness of his heart. And of course that’s exactly what he’s not doing when he happens across this girl. She seems to handle herself just fine, but Kristoph figures she won’t object when he expertly slams one of the zombies in the face with a tire iron he’d picked up earlier.
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“Excuse me, have you seen my brother? He’s a young man who looks quite a lot like me, he may be accompanied by a girl with a bow and arrows.” 
He’d prefer it if Klavier had Natalia with him. If not...well, that’s what an older brother was for, was it not?
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eisigerverteidiger · 6 years
My my my, how strange that they kept meeting like this. In all honesty, Kristoph has no fear of the dead, or the undead. He knows the weaknesses of these particular creatures, and so the Holy Water he’s currently carrying in his pocket, that he once thought so terribly useless, is a highly prized commodity. 
And that’s why he has such an awful smirk on his face as he runs into one certain Simon Blackquill.
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“Well, hello there. How have you been faring? Judging by your face I can’t say it’s been very well at all.” 
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eisigerverteidiger · 6 years
Kite’s gaze is locked upon the ocean, watching the light from the lantern he had sent out to sea as its light danced with all the others. It’s only one, though he feels as though he should have mourned for thousands. He carries the responsibility for the situation he had been taken from upon his shoulders; its weight is unshakable. 
He finds Kristoph’s approach rather bold, and his statements bolder still. His gaze moves to the other man for a few moments as he speaks, and Kite idly wonders what the point of saying it really is. To garner sympathy? To get him to open up in turn? 
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“Grief is a very personal thing,” he starts, silently wishing that Mika would wander back and save him from this conversation. “I find it strange that you wear it upon your sleeve.”
Kite’s eyes return their focus upon the sea and the glowing lights of the lanterns bobbing in its tranquil waves. They’ve all blended together now, and he can no longer pick out which one he had cast. 
“…I don’t know what you expect me to say. I’m sorry to hear that you had to experience that,” in truth he has no idea what that might be like. “I’m sure you did the best you could for your brother in the circumstances; there’s no need to regret it.”
Kristoph sighs lightly, a small smile on his face. What a prickly companion he’s found. But just because they were opposites didn’t mean they couldn’t get along; after all, look at him and Klavier! No, wait, maybe that wasn’t the best example.
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“Forgive me for being so forward. I find it best to speak what’s on my mind when it’s relevant to a situation. After all, it’s obvious we’re both here because we lost someone. Though for some reason you struck me as the brotherly type; I simply wondered how similar we could be.”
Kristoph sets down the lantern, allowing the waves to carry it into the ocean, before he takes a step back and watches. Yes, things likely would have turned out very differently if their parents were still alive. Kristoph wonders if it would have been for the better...
“It’s an interesting premise for a festival. The previous nights were rather enjoyable. It’s good to know this city...and island celebrates life and death. There was talk of some commotion, I hope you didn’t have any trouble?”
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