isolaradiale · 5 months
hey there, it's been a minute. i'd like to reapp rosa cervantes (pokemon gijinka OC)! you can find her application via the link on her sidebar or under /app. i'd also like to request that she be homed in her old archimedes penthouse (the key to which is linked on her /stats page).
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Rosa!
You will be housed in YOUR PERSONAL HOUSING.
You'll retain everything you were given during your past stay.
-- mod altair.
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sanpatron · 4 months
For the life of him he can't remember the last time he saw her, or even the last time they spoke for that matter. All he can recall vividly is the day she vanished. The day where her name was removed from his list of contacts, and how he would sit there—in complete and utter silence—wondering just what to make of this constant push and pull of people coming and going from this island. It could drive anyone crazy.
Rosa was a friend to him, that he could finally acknowledge. A very good one in fact. One of the only people that Django felt comfortable enough with to be himself—vulnerabilities and all. So to say he was shocked, no, overjoyed by her sudden reappearance at this bar in the Underside, was possibly the greatest understatement of the year.
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" Holy shit! " he would cry out, loud enough to where it would cut through the bar's chatter. Not that he cared. " Rosa, I can't believe you're back! "
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lifeisnoriddle · 4 months
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Most had been content to steer clear of him. His motionless, seated posture made clear that he had no intention of engaging with a single soul around him. Quiet and still, with an unreadable expression hidden beneath his cowl. The few that did were met with complete disregard at best. And an annoyed glare at worst.
Perhaps one glare proved too effective; having sent an inquisitive youngster off crying as a result. Not that that would move him to remorse in the slightest, but it drew more eyes on him than he cared to have.
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"Hey you! Yeah you! Bold, brave, brick of meat, you there! Horns and eye! Arm and tail! You seem like someone willing to take a punch. Willing to risk it all!"
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The small crowd that was around the little clown had turned in different directions, trying to find which person Webeta had called out to. Some of them guessed correctly, and looked at the garchomp with an eager excitement. They hopped off their box, and started walking in her direction before turning slightly and getting their dukes up.
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"You and me, boss. First to fall, loses. Winner gets to walk away with their life, a great prize, and the final trick for my performance today. Are you ready?"
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khaenriahn · 5 months
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❝ So, what's your biggest vice? Consider it my treat this round. It feels scarce to find someone who appreciates the taste of a fine spirit or ten from the get go. ❞ especially someone willing to chat with him over that self-same drink of choice in the tavern for this long.
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livingfastandfree · 5 months
"Contrary to popular belief, violence solves a lot."
"Can't argue with you there. It would be nice to be able to solve things with a friendly chat every once in a while to keep things fresh, but sometimes it's the only way to get through to these guys."
Granted, Sonic actually enjoys fighting robots or whoever else he runs into that's messing things up. He has first hand experience, but it's probably best to not mention the attempted regicide.
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"I'm not complainin' though. Things being peaceful all the time would be kinda boring, dontcha think?"
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ultimatelifefcrm · 5 months
“What’s done is done, but in the future, do better.”
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"A bit rudimental, don't you think?" Also vague, very vague. "I only aspire to be the best, anyway. It's all what it means to be the Ultimate Lifeform."
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amoirsetpacis · 2 years
“Do you have a home?”
[ x. ]
"In the city? Of course!" Vash laughs. "Doesn't everyone?"
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"But, ah, if you mean back home-- yes and no?"
Technically, he had a 'home'; the floating city, hidden within the clouds and swirling sands, that had taken him in at one of his lowest points was the closest thing he could call a true and proper 'home' that he had had back on Gunsmoke. It was the longest he had ever stayed in one place, the place that he had revisited the most in his long life. They had taken care of him at a time when he had been incapable of it- at a time when no one else would have.
But, really, it had been those people there that he had considered the home. They had ben the oasis of respite that he had so desperately craved; and even, the thinks, when the world had been it cruelest, it was the people he had surrounded himself with that had been his home. The friends he had trekked nigh on half the planet with under the scorching sun-- they had felt like home, too.
"It's always movin', though," he says, in lieu of anything else.
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gentlescythe · 4 months
Bare feet touch grass having quickly cooled from the moonrise many hours ago as he ascends the hill. It's quiet, save for the wind moving through the flora. Things he was unused to being around, feet above the ground as not to disturb living things with his presence.
(He disliked being so mortal, and yet it gave way to many new experiences. It was, like much else, complicated.)
There is slight surprise on Death's face as he sees another so late. Mortals can be nervous at a quiet approach, so he considers it lucky that his feet are touching the ground.
The silence doesn't bother him, but he does realize that his hooded appearance can be...Disconcerting. He should express he meant no harm.
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"Usually I find myself alone up here at this hour." Awkward, but it would serve.
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bakerstreetdetective · 5 months
@landsharkbite - The Maze
"I'm sorry. The pussy was....slippery then i thought."
The cat nibbly jump out of Holmes hand as once again they lost sight of it.
It's a two person job. They COULD get four but Holmes don't have that kind of luck.
Holmes put up a ad yet nobody answer at first. Just when Holmes was about to give up. A giant shark woman offer to team up with him.
Her name is Rosa. Other then the name. He know nothing else about her. He gave her the name of....Holmes.
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"To bad they don't allow us to use our ability huh? Your okay?"
Thank god this event not timed. It's just they can't exit the premise with the points unless they stamp it.
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roshield · 5 months
( balsamine! )
Plant/Flower Symbolism Asks (Part I)
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Balsamine - What is their level of patience, and how hard does one have to push to make your muse snap?
it def does fluctuate depending on how serious things are. he's pretty patient all things considered even running on thirteen years of anger but he's someone who will bear his fangs a lot more openly and easily than, say, joshua ( who is more of a silent seether imo ). on small things it would take a lot to get him to snap but for the more serious and bigger things, he can snap easily. unless you're cid. something about him just constantly agitates clive ( affectionate ).
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hollowfaith · 5 months
( almond! )
Plant/Flower Symbolism Asks (Part I)
Almond - How seriously does your muse take their promises? How inclined are they to make them?
100% seriously
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as long as you make him say the word promise.
not "i'll do better next time," "i'll keep that in mind," "you make a good point, i'll remember that," etc.
an angel's promise is as good as his word, which is why he's very picky about who he gives his too. alas, this extends to klaus too.
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miraidawn · 2 years
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"Ah! Garchomp!" Mirai didn't mean to jump, but he couldn't help himself but startle a bit. If anything, it was something of a relief to see a familiar sort of pokemon. Would she know how to get back to Paldea? Though, Garchomp could be found in a lot of different regions, so there was no guarantee...
"O-Oh, um, I didn't mean to yell. I just- I didn't expect that..." There was an awkward pause, Mirai wringing his hands the entire time. "I-I'm... um... a cyclizar... or a miraidon, I guess...?"
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dutysmith · 5 months
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"It is a potion that was made within another side project."
Lahabrea had been standing behind a small table filled with bottles filled to the brim with green potions, looking like monster energy drinks then anything else.
"Care to try a sample?"
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whohassummonedme · 3 years
like something i missed (closed, rosa)
The day started off warm, sunny, inviting for most. Then, a surprise winter storm, freezing rain and a blizzard, took over the landscape. It would fade, eventually, but it was powerful for now. Anyone who thought the day would be fine would be caught off guard, and if they didn’t have access to better options, they would simply have to run for shelter. If they had difficulty with visibility, due to the storm or otherwise, they would probably accept anything that looked like shelter.
Sometimes, you make a mistake, and end up in a pillar of pulsing shadow, instead of a doorway or something else.
That pillar of darkness, shooting up from the earth, connected the land to a floating castle of crystal far above the island, one built just about the limits of the island’s atmosphere. Any farther, and it would be a death sentence of a structure.
But for the one who built it?
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It was sanctuary. And that sanctuary had been intruded upon.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
apologies for scooting in so last-minute, i’d like reapp my OC rosa cervantes! her application can be found under /app or via sidebar.
Welcome back to Isola Radiale, Rosa!
You'll be staying in APARTMENT 315.
You'll retain everything you had in your previous stay!
Enjoy your stay, once again!
– ⋆ solaris
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