eittiedouglas · 3 years
Henri laughed as Eittie pecked him, his deep voice rasped with exhaustion as he listened and mumbled something about not picking on American food. Any teasing had temporarily slipped his mind when the young woman slipped away from him with confidence. He propped his chin on his hand to watch her before getting up, leaning in the doorway of the bathroom with a soft smile to his lips as she spoke about them stopping at the store. “You gonna ride in the cart while we go through Target?” Henri didn’t want to think about her leaving, simply choosing to focus on the next little adventure as he pulled one of his coats around her, “Just in case the pants fall down, yeah?” With a wink he bent down and kissed her. “Breakfast, shopping, and a very naked nap…”
Outlining their day he tugged on her fingers and led her out to his car, opening the passenger door before slipping around. As soon as they were en route to Dunkies his hand reached over and found hers. “Are we eating in or do you want to take it to go? I’m not sure we can take the drinks into Target because they have Starbucks in there.” He crinkled his nose in disgust, a true Bostonian refused to touch the brand, loyal to Dunkin. His eyes flitted to Eittie’s face, making his smile grow wider as he couldn’t help but think she looked so cute swimming in his clothes.
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As he pulled the coat around her, Eittie grinned and pulled the drawstring on the sweats as tight as she could and tied them in a neat bow, jumping up and down a moment to see if they would fall. ‘If I ride in the cart then I can’t kiss you when I want and that’s a sacrifice I’m not willing to make.’ Grabbing her phone and wallet as they headed out of his place, squinting a little painfully in the light, Eittie’s hand slipped unconsciously into his after she had buckled herself in. ‘Why don’t we get take out and you can take me to one of your favourite local spots? This is only my second time in Boston and both times I’ve seen more of your bed than anywhere else.’ Meeting his eyes with a cheeky grin, she squeezed his fingers a bit. ‘Unless Dunkies IS your favourite spot? Then we can take a selfie in the carpark as a first date keepsake...’ 
The whole time he was at the window ordering, Eittie’s mouth was open, amazed at the seemingly gibberish language he was talking with the server, only to have it said back to him that somehow led to them having amazing smelling food and drinks carefully stacked up on Eittie’s lap. Holding the bag with her hand, she stuck her nose into it and took a deep breath. ‘Do I get a bite of everything?’ When they had pulled up, she unbuckled herself and reached in, curiously pulling things out and turning them over in her hands, looking up at him as she handed one over before sticking her straw in her drink. ‘So... do you have any games coming up in DC?’
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eittiedouglas · 3 years
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‘...but I hate to think about you with somebody else...’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
You say that now but when you try Henri’s mac and cheese that will make you change your tune. No one can have just one helping. Henri watched Eittie go, eyebrows drawn together. With a quick glance at his watch he made note of the time, both for the task of his mac bake but mostly to check on Eittie. When she wasn’t back in five he gave his mom a look and slipped upstairs. With a gentle tap to the bathroom door he tried to break the ice. “You’re not puking over my baby pictures, are you?”
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There was a slightly choked laugh at his question and Eittie leaned over and opened the door to let him in. She was sitting on the side of the tub, trying to conjure up a joke or something to draw attention away from her hurried exit but his softly concerned features didn’t help as the wave of emotion spiked up again. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to rush out like that...’ Feeling foolish, she reached up and touched the corners of her eyes as if touching away moisture as she looked up at him. ‘I hope I didn’t upset your Mum... she’s wonderful. It’s all.. wonderful. You’re wonderful. It’s just... overwhelmingly wonderful. It scares me a little.’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
Henri smiled up from the pot of noodles he was stirring, only to burst out laughing at the mistletoe comment. “I’m sure pops will be devastated by that realization.” His mom gave him a quick nudge to the arm and he set back to stirring. Thanksgiving has always been bigger, but as coach and not a player, they players stick together. The ones who don’t celebrate all go to another player’s house. So, this is the first year it’s been relatively smaller. Christmas was always this size. We always hope for more people every Christmas though… “Mah.” Henri scolded her. “Eittie doesn’t want to hear about your burning passion of being a grandmother to a whole hockey team.”
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Eittie smiled as his mum explained the lack of players this year and Eittie’s eyes hovered on Henri wondering if he missed that camaraderie of being a player and not the coach. ‘I would say at least I won’t eat as much as a player but I wouldn’t want to start out the day on a bare faced lie.’ Setting the potatoes to the side, she pulled out the baking trays and set about preparing them for the oven, forgetting for a moment that she shouldn’t feel quite so at home. At the mention of grandchildren, there was a nervous twist in Eittie’s stomach that she swallowed down as she busied herself with the work. Still, the warmth and bustle of the home felt like a never ending wave and for a moment, she felt her eyes stinging a little. ‘I think it might be time to see those photographs... I’ll be back to observe this mac and cheese process in action..’ Touching the small of Henri’s back as she passed, Eittie headed for the stairs, not really looking to the photographs but to the bathroom, sitting on the edge of the tub and fanning her face a moment, heart beating fast as she listened to the hum of the family downstairs.
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“We’ll make a skater out of you sooner or later. Right, Mah?” Mrs. Oliwa came around to inspect Eittie’s work, giving her guest a squeal of delight. Oh she’s absolutely got to learn. Luckily, she’s doing great in all the other departments. Come back up for Christmas and I’m sure the pond will be ready for a few laps. “Ahh, keeping her, Mah?” You better. Henri smiled, fully intent on doing just that. “If you could’ve done a sport what were the popular ones back in Scotland?” He waited to see if the question would blow over but when he looked up his mother was looking at him. “I usually bring teammates home. One girl from my early twenties made it to a New Year dinner… She drank a little too much champagne and tried to kiss my dad under the mistletoe.”
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‘From the moment I met you I accepted my fate as an ice princess.’ With a chuckle, she looked at Mrs Oliwa when she came over, flushing red with pleasure at the mention of Christmas and glancing at Henri, practically glowing at the thought of holidays here with him and his family. ‘Football and rugby are the big sports back home. Tennis and field hockey in the Summer. I always preferred to run after boys than balls though. It taught me exactly who I should be kissing under the mistletoe, don’t you worry.’ Sliding across the kitchen, she leaned up on her toes and pressed a kiss to Henri’s jaw with a laugh before turning back to the conversation. ‘The team must love a big meal here! Do the Oliwa’s have a big Christmas gathering as well?’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“Oh, we’ll do just about anything for a good drink.” Henri laughed and Mrs. Oliwa nodded, only letting go of Eittie when his mother summoned him to the mac and cheese. It was a part of the meal with a very strict recipe and to ruin the mac was akin to a punishment by death. Henri got to work, buttering the baking pan and setting the second oven to its appropriate settings. “Mah, she’s got opinions on bacon. Not sure how your bacon wrapped pigs in a blanket will go over.” Henri winked at his girlfriend as his mother looked up from the turkey she was basting. Well, you’ll just have to try it regardless. As for the pictures, whenever you need to go to the bathroom you’ll get the highlights on the stairs up to the bathroom. It’s the first door on the right and there are so many pictures on the way. I think it’s pretty obvious in those pictures that they did their own thing. I never took it too seriously. I got really lucky that I had good boys. Henri was the handful and that was more just about his travel and schedules. He always had at least one parent or grandparent at his games and practices
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‘I was raised British, I live and die by a good pig in a blanket, Mr Oliwa.’ Eittie flashed a cheeky grin towards Henri, letting her eyes hover on him a moment, taking him in in the comfort of the family home. Hearing about the love and attention that they gave to Henri and his passion for skating made Eittie smile as she turned to look down at what she was doing, convinced she’d cut herself if she wasn’t careful. ‘He was very lucky to have such a supportive family in you all. I was never a sporting child, my Grandfather rarely had any events to go to for me, but I’m sure he would have if it had been called for. There’s not much to cheer on when you’re just in the library, reading all afternoon.’ Mindlessly brushing off some skins from a potato as she peeled, Eittie’s voice was casual as she asked. ‘So how many other lovely people has Henri brought to Thanksgiving before?’ There was a playful wiggle of the eyebrows across the kitchen to him before Eittie looked back to his mum. 
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“Ohhhh, you’ve done it now.” Henri laughed as his mother squealed with delight and tugged her toward the kitchen. Henri followed along, listening to his mother ask Eittie what she did in D.C. while Henri stopped to peck the two nieces and a nephew coloring at the dining room table. “Eittie thinks we’re in Redwood Forrest, do you all remember that story?” He smiled at them as he came in behind Eittie, hugging her and resting his head on his chin. “Where’s Freddy?” Friedrich, the middle brother of the Oliwa boys, was notoriously late to everything. “Didn’t manage to tell him dinner was three hours earlier than it actually is this year?” Oh, he’s at the packie getting some more wine, beer, and I told him to find some whisky. Mrs. Oliwa gave Eittie a little wink, passing her the potatoes and a peeler. 
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As Henri’s arms came around her, Eittie slipped her hands onto his and squeezed, a light tough and nothing too obvious but his comfort in being close around his family was a great comfort to her. ‘A packie? You’re going to have to explain that one to me later when we have time..’ At the mention of whisky, Eittie’s lips broke into a wide smile and she tsked. ‘You didn’t have to do that! Though it is very lovely of you.’ Putting her bag down to one side, she grinned at the kids at the table before looking around for another apron, slipping one of her head when she found it and holding the ties back to Henri so that he could tie her into it. ‘I hope you have plenty of baby photos ready to show me after dinner, Mrs. Oliwa... I’ve been dying to see those ears over the years.’ Picking up the potatoes and the peeler, Eittie got to work. ‘You must have quite a handful with three boys...’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“Well, I worried that it probably wouldn’t help you wanting to come if I told you that you’d get dragged into helping.” Before either of them could even say much else one of his brothers, Ansel, was opening the door. “Look at this guy!” The two men hardly fit in the frame of the door as they exchanged quick back breaking hugs and shoved into the foyer. “Ant, this is Eittie. Eittie, Ansel, one of my-” Before he could say more his mother was gracefully rushing them with her oven-mitted hands in the air. A slight frame and about Eittie’s height, her chestnut hair was pulled back and the inappropriate apron with a commentary on basting a turkey draped. Henri’s hand fell to the small of Eittie’s, only pulling away to prepare for his hug, but she went straight to Eittie. “Mah!” He laughed as she scolded him. Henri tells me you’ve been up here from D.C. several times and he’s not once brought you over. Unacceptable.
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‘My goodness, no one told me I would be in a redwood forest.’ Laughing Eittie smiled up at Ansel, wondering if she was going to be dwarfed by everyone but the thought evaporated the moment she saw the woman with warm kind eyes rushing towards them and Eittie couldn’t help but open her arms to her as she came in and she warmly embraced her, the sensation causing a pang somewhere deep inside. ‘It is so wonderful to meet you, thank you for making room for me at the table today...’ Smiling at her admonishment of Henri, Eittie bit her lip a moment, the combination of his hand to her back and enveloping warmth of his family making her feel rather overwhelmed. ‘I couldn’t agree more. Unacceptable!’ With a sly wink up at Henri, leaned into his side a little. ‘You have a very beautiful home, Mrs Oliwa. I hope there are some potatoes I can peel or apples to slice? I’m here ready to work.’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“Okay, not to stress you out, but my mom is probably going to insist that I help her in the kitchen and you’re going to be expected to keep us company so… potato peeler? Apple slicer?“ Henri laughed as they knocked on the door to his parent’s home. It was a large place just northwest of Boston in Sudbury. The trees were in various shades of burnt orange and quickly littering the large front yard. The place had been his thank you gift to them for supporting him through his hockey career. “Ready?”
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‘Not to stress me out?!’ Eittie looked up at him with mock disbelief but the humour was covering up the hard thump of her heartbeat in her throat. No one had ever taken her home to meet the parents and the aggressive panic that had crept on in over the weeks leading up to thanksgiving was coming to a crescendo. It had bubbled over in the closet this morning trying to find the right outfit, finally settling on a warm maroon knitted dress and only calmed down with several long minutes of kisses and soothing laughter. ‘It had better be the peeler, you know I’ll just slice my fingers off if I’m on apple duty.’ It was a picturesque house in a beautiful neighbourhood, so wonderfully American in its festive air and so gently Henri, warm and inviting. As he knocked, she reached for his hand and squeezed it with her own, turning to look as the door open and she broke into a wide smile. 
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
The sound of her boots hitting the small puddles along the sidewalk blended in with the whoosh of tyres across the wet road as Eittie reached up and slipped her fingers into O’s hand, with his arm casually draped around her shoulders. It was another city, another lost weekend on the back of his motorcycle where for a brief window of time she felt safe enough to let go of the world, if only for a little while. As he lit a cigarette, she looked up at his gaze quizzically, her voice steady, now used to the conversations of the world that revolved around him. ‘Do you ever think about what you would do if someone hurt me?’ The reality had not been far off once but then he had been under payment and the curiosity was more to do with the next thought that tumbled out of her lips. ‘I’ve never thought I could touch a gun... but when I think of someone hurting you... I think if someone hurt you, I would.’ Suddenly a small laugh erupted from her mouth and she slipped her hand into his back pocket. ‘Probably a terrible shot though.’ 
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
Henri laughed, pulling her small frame into his as he yawned. He loved the sleepy look on her and his fingers gently untangled a tuft of disheveled red locks. “Nope, you don’t have to get out of the car. Dunkies has a drive through.” He  found himself still laughing quietly as she  grumbled her way through the morning. What an absolutely beautiful little morning monster she was, he thought with an absolute echo of laughter rattling his chest.
“You can borrow anything you’d like, but only if I get to have a little laugh at home many times you’re going to have to roll them.” His finger brushed through her hair gently. “We really should brush out this bed head or the little innocent girl is going to know about all the not-so-innocent fun we had last night.” Henri covered his mouth to hid his snickering. “Did you dream of what you want for breakfast or should I surprise you with some of my favorite things to order?”
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As Henri raked his hand through her mussed hair, catching here and there softly in the knots left in the aftermath of the night, Eittie pushed her hand to his shoulder and toppled him back down into the sheets onto his back so she could lean over him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, the tip of his nose, his lips before she sat up and stretched, looking around sleepily at his room. Walking in here the night before she had deliberately kept her eyes away from the objects, the little possessions that might have given away more of his story. The intention had never been to let her walls down. The thought made her smile, how naive had she been to think anything less would happen with a genuine goofball. ‘I’m still convinced by your American breakfast cuisine but for you...’ She turned her head and winked at him. ‘I’ll try anything you think I should.’
Getting up, not bothering to reach for clothes or the bed sheet, she headed wandered across the room towards the bathroom, splashing her face with cold water and wiping away the too obvious signs of smudged mascara. With a dollop of toothpaste on her finger, she brushed her teeth and as he came to join her, she finished up, grinned and patted his bum on her way out, heading for his draws on the hunt for sweats. ‘I hope you realise I’m going to have to have another hard earned nap this afternoon before the drive back to DC. A naked nap.’ With a grin, she fished out a pair of grey sweats and pulled them on, coming back to stand in the bathroom door with the incredibly long legs of the garment trailing a little as she rolled up the waistband laughing. ‘Maybe we need to stop at target and get you a pair of female sweats... just to keep on hand.’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“Mmhm, a whole can of peaches back there.” Henrik laughed, reaching under her thigh for a playful pinch as she went back to leaning out of the Jeep for another glimpse of the ocean. His smile mirrored hers, massive and full of excitement. As much as he wanted to lean over and kiss her back, he kept his eyes on the road, his fist priority to keep her safe.
“Hey!” He laughed calling after Eittie as he threw the car into park. The place was perfect, looking just like the pictures. A quiet place just private enough where they could be themselves without the noise of a city or the harassment of a neighbor, but where they could order food or drive to some shops if they wanted to socialize or be lazy enough. He only took in the view for a half a minute, leaving the luggage in the car and going after Eittie. His eyes drank in her bare frame as she went into the ocean, stumbling as he stepped out of his own and dove into the warm water after her. “Aren’t you the little escape artist?” Henri laughed, his lips still tingling from the heated kiss. He turned his body into the waves so that they could not knock her over as he pulled her to his chest. “Might be? Well, you’re definitely the best thing to have ever happened to me.” The words poured out with such confidence. 
“My paradise in a paradise.” He laughed as he scooped her up and brought her legs to wrap around him. “Do you trust me?” Henri backed further into the water, gentle waves rocking them. “See, now you’re stuck with me. Stuck in paradise and a million kisses.” He laughed and burred his face in her neck, tasting the salt on her skin as he moved his way north in gentle kisses across her jaw and back to her mouth.
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The feel of the water and the smell of the salt air was intoxicating for Eittie. Even though she hadn’t really told Henri about her travel book and all the different colours of the oceans that she had collected over the years, he had known so quickly, or at least picked up her wistful tone, when talking about sea swimming and heat. As he scooped her legs up around his waist, closing her eyes and tipping her face up to the sun for a moment, drinking the feeling of heat on her face and the way it bounced off the water. ‘I could live right here, forever.’ Opening her eyes again, she met his gaze with a wide smile, laughing as his mouth found her skin and she slipped her hands to his shoulders, holding herself steady against him. ‘Oh no! Not paradise with those lips and these eyes and that heart... what torture!’ 
Her right hand slipped over his neck and raked up into his hair, pulling it back with a gentle tug so she could find his gaze again and press her own kiss to his lips again, the smile unfaltering. Pulling back, Eittie’s thoughts raced as her eyes flicked back and forth over his, searching. There was so much she wanted to say, so much that they hadn’t had a chance to talk about yet, to open themselves up to each other and right now, in the hot sunshine, in the dancing waves and crystal clear water, now wasn’t the time but there was a depth in her expression she couldn’t hide. They could laugh and laugh and laugh together, but the joy bubbled up from a deep well of feeling Eittie still hadn’t found the bottom of yet. 
Without a word, she leaning in for another quick brush of her lips before she leaned back, flinging her arms wide into the sunshine. ‘We’re going to get sand in the most unpleasant of places because honestly, I can’t see how I’ll ever want to leave the water.’ With a laugh, she flicked some water at him. ‘That’s going to be difficult, because I’m not going to let you leave either and I’m not sure the team will appreciate having to come here for practice. How did you manage to get away from them anyway?’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
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In this autumn town where the leaves can fall On either side of the garden wall We laugh all night to keep the embers glowing Some are leaping free from their moving cars Stacking stones 'round their broken hearts Waving down any wind that might come blowing Mice move out when the field is cut Serpents curl when the sun comes up Songbirds only end up where they're going Some get rain and some get snow Some want love and some want gold I just want to see you in the morning.
Autumn Town Leaves | Iron & Wine @henrikoliwa
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
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‘But time is like the ocean You can only hold a little in your hands So we swim before we're broken Before our bones become Black coral on the sand
We should be living like we lived that summer I wanna live like we live in the summer So if I could bottle up the sea breeze I would take it over to your house And pour it loose through your garden.’
Summer | Josh Pyke
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
He wasn’t sure how long they slept, just that somewhere between a second or third ‘sleep’ and her melodic laughter he’d finally given in. Henrik almost felt bad for her. Eittie’s small frame was completely trapped in a tangle of his long arms and legs, the majority of the large bed completely empty as he kept her impossibly close to his form. The sun peaked in through the edges of the thick blinds and he pressed sleepy kisses into the curve of her neck. “Rise and grind, Spitfire.” He yawned and stretched, pressing himself against her. “Dunkies is calling. We have to go or I’m afraid you might not survive another hour in this bed.” Henri made silly sounds in her ear, some cross between a mock-dinosaur and a stray dog as he nuzzled into her hair and gently nipped at her earlobe.
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It was hard not to be drawn into the drowsiness that came with the heavy warmth and comfort of Henri’s limbs wrapped snug around her. Sleep rarely came easy to Eittie, but most nights she let her eyes wander books or documentaries, tonight she let them wander the dark silhouette of the giant man beside her, thinking. For so long she had been looking for so many different things in men, or looking for nothing at all, enjoying the absence of attachment. Henri though, he had come out of the blue. A chance encounter on a trip up to Boston, a smile over a drink in a bar and suddenly here she was, heart pounding wildly, suddenly terrified to let go of this thing, this energy. It had been years, years, since she had laughed like she had with Henri, years since she had felt this weightless. Without thinking, her own arms came around him tighter and she closed her eyes, letting the tiredness wash over her into sleep. 
‘Umph.’ Eittie made a faint sound as he tried to rouse her which softly turned into a ‘mmmphhh’ noise when she felt him press against her, biting her lip as it made her recall the night before. Opening her eyes, she looked around his room, glancing here and there before she drew back so she could turn around to face him, red hair mussed and mascara a little smudged. ‘Do I have to get out of the car? I’m not sure the world is ready for Eittie in a tiny dress at this hour of the morning. Can I borrow some sweats?’ Reaching up she pushed his hair back from his face. ‘Unless you want to show all of this off...’ Laughing, Eittie gestured to her night before make up and scruffy hair. ‘I’m ready for the show, obviously.’
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eittiedouglas · 4 years
“I miss the thrill of your self-destructive heart that melts in the sun like chocolate, bittersweet and incandescent.” ― Maria Elena, Eternal Youth
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