ekulhenn · 2 months
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ekulhenn · 2 months
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ekulhenn · 2 months
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ekulhenn · 2 months
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just a quick and handy TMBG cheat sheet.
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ekulhenn · 6 months
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ekulhenn · 6 months
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when you’re following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building?
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ekulhenn · 6 months
so proud of the journey this image has taken. amazing drawing
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John Linnell has entered a tarantula nebula but I drew it :]
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ekulhenn · 7 months
i just realized i accidentally wrote sextet instead of quintet. im not good with the numbers
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ekulhenn · 7 months
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Tay Might Be Giants (TMBG Eras Tour parody)
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ekulhenn · 7 months
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John Linnell has entered a tarantula nebula
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ekulhenn · 7 months
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I made John and John Lego Minifigs!
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ekulhenn · 7 months
i noticed you guys changed the instagram icon, have you seen the new homestar runner toon yet? if so, how'd you feel about it?
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ekulhenn · 7 months
This is my video, thank you so much for posting!!
Half a boy and nothing else Put me in the driver's seat I wanna make promises I can't keep
Half a boy and nothing else You were once my sole desire You could have built me up but you made me lie to you
You never took me serious And my heart betrays my every word Now love's not only for the curious You say the writing's on the wall Well, I should know 'cause I wrote it all
Half a boy and nothing else Put me in that driver's seat I wanna make promises I can't keep Half a boy and nothing else I wish that I could land in jail I wish that you could set my bail for me
You always took me serious And my heart conveyed my every word Now love is only for the curious I say the writing's on the wall But you should know 'cause you wrote it all
Half a boy and nothing else Put me in the driver's seat I wanna make promises I can't keep
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ekulhenn · 7 months
as a self-proclaimed “snacks enthusiast,” i’m wondering, what’s the best snack you’ve ever had backstage? i’ve always pictured bowls of the best snacks backstage before a show. is my imagination truly the case?
JF: there's nothing too remarkable going on backstage in terms of snacks. Seems like an endless river of hummus and pita chips.
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ekulhenn · 1 year
A chip tune cover of Brontosaurus!
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ekulhenn · 2 years
In honor of me seeing you guys tomorrow night, I'm curious to know what song or songs you guys have most fun doing live nowadays is? My personal favorite performance that's been brought out for the tour so far has probably been Hey Mr. DJ, those horns sound immaculate. Can't wait for the show tomorrow! Thanks so much!
JF: just playing for folks is fun. We have brought in a lot of new and old repertoire-for the Mink Car shows and songs from BOOK (some of which which are real memory tests) and of course all the horns songs. I think in a way, if it doesn't require something to pull off, it doesn't feel hard enough to be proud of it, but maybe being proud isn't that important. I feel very excited that we pulled together Darlings of Lumberland in such a full blown way, or the backward version of Sapphire Bullets of Pure Love. Both of which required a lot of rehearsal, and a fair bit of performance just to get airborne....
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ekulhenn · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to comment on what a wonderful show you guys put on last night in Pawling. Without a doubt the best show I've ever witnessed. You guys were so tight! And the sound was fantastic. The intimacy of the venue and the banter on stage was wonderful too (as was the food) and the vibe in the room was so cheerful. And most of all, the HORNS!!!
Thank you all for putting on such a wonderful performance for us, it's something I've been really looking forward to for a long time and you guys exceeded my already super high expectations. So glad to see you're doing better too Flans and hopefully you won't hear anymore "Hello...where are you?"s from that guy at the hospital. And if you spotted me at all during the show, I was the kid in the red Flood hat singing along to all the songs lol.
Thanks again for such a fantastic show!
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