hi, firstly I wanted to say that I love your analysis on ysblfIn your opinion, do you think it would change anything if Betty, even after knowing the truth, continued "making love" with Armando, of course she would feel guilty later, but she would still continue treating him badly, do you think that if that If that happened, would Armando realize that something was wrong with her? or he wouldn't care like "well she treats me like crap but she still makes love to me so everything is fine"
Hiiii! Thank you for the ask, I'm glad you like my little blog🥰
This idea is so painful I love it, becaue a BIG part of what made Armando fall head over heels with Betty was exactly how different sex was with her. I mean, there were a lot of other things, of course, but it was the final nail in the coffin that compketely sealed his love for her.
Sex was pretty much only fun, manipulation, or relief of stress for him before Betty. With Marcela, it was something very carnal that they both used as a way to relief stress and anger, often used to shut the other up or to make the other forget they were angry. It was also a way to "proof" his "loyalty" to her. With everyone else, sex was just fun and a thrill for Armando.
With Betty, it was vulnerability. It was humbleness. It was a sincere proof of loyalty from Betty's part, and Armando felt it. It was sincerity, love, passion. It came from moments of emotional vulnerability, not from anger or lust. This is why it shakes Armando to his core, because he had never had sex that were actually associated with positive feelings like love, loyalty, tenderness, etc.
So imagine taking that tangible proof of all that's good in Armando's relationship with Betty and turning it into a copy of what it is with Marcela. It'd CRUSH him. It'd make him go even crazier. Sex would feel so WRONG that I bet he would even stop wanting it all together because it would BURN. It'd be like a parody of what it was before.
It would lead to Armando having a really bad mental breakdown because she's there but SHE is not there. Her kisses are wrong, her smiles are wrong, it's all wrong. For Betty it would also be incredibly soul crushing. Every encounter (which I don't think will be many) would feel humiliating, because she'd think she shouldn't feel (physical) pleasure from using him and letting her use her.
In actual canon, I don't think Betty would have ever consciously taken the decision to go this route, because she'd realize it would feel worse for her tha it ever did for him.
But in a craaaazy escenario, maybe in a moment of blind rage she could have taken the decision to have sex with him, to make him suffer "what it's like to be with an ugly woman" (following the same logic she uses in actual canon during the Meson.) Perhaps she could even convince herself she's doing it to get something out of this, at least temporary pleasure, and to further make him suffer. But honestly, I'm sure even in a blind-rage scenario she'd be so humiliated and crushed after the fact (or even in the middle of it) that it would create permanent and irreparable damage to both of them.
Sex was a very important thing in their relationship, and it was very sacred and pure. If something as deep and emotionally heavy and clean had ever been tainted, idk if they could have ever recovered.
Thank you for the question! I loved it a lot!
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hiiii, I sent you some ask anonymously, I didn't even think you would respond! you seem like a great person, really cool and I love your opinions on the characters and everything.
Thank youuuu🥰🥰 ofc! I try to answer as many as I can haha I'm glad you're liking my little crazily obsessed blog😆❤️ I love getting asks even if sometimes I take a little while to respond! 🥰
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armando mendoza:
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Hi, in that scene when Armando asks Betty if everything is over between them right after leaving the San Diego meson, Betty had answered yes. How do you think Armando would have reacted?
I think he'd likely have continued leaving her cards and gifts, because Mario would have probably insisted that he had to get Betty back before Nicolás does so! Also, Mario would probably tell him Betty is testing him, and that if she told him she still loves him, then there's a chance. I think the story wouldn't go too different because things were basically over, but I think Armando's desperation would increase.
He had the tendency to not notice things until told lol so probably knowing explicitly thqy Betty isn't his anymore would make him go crazier trying to know when and why that happened, and of course, Mario would tell him is because of Nicolás!
Thank you for the lovely ask🥰🥰
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I was reading the post that talked about the “friendship” between Marcela and Patricia and I had to come and give my opinion:
Ok, they can be toxic together, there may be interest (at least on one side), but… I honestly think Patricia is good for Marcela. She is the only “friend” of hers that we are shown, Hugo is also her friend, but not as much as Patricia and she (Marcela) does not share many things with him, like when she commented to Patricia that Betty was Armando's lover (I don't remember if she told Hugo, but I think it would be very understandable if SHE only talked about it with Patricia). And it may not have been shown or talked about, but I think they have a lot of adventures together, and I can really see them doing the cliché friend things together (painting each other's nails, girl’s night, watching cliché movies and so on), but it was mentioned that they watched competitions together so they could criticize the models, right?
I don't remember if they mention when they met, but for me, it was probably when they were teenagers, so it's quite common that Patricia was one of Marcela's only (if not the only) friends, and an important part of her life because I don't see Marcela as being a very sociable person or anything like that. And as it suggests that Patricia comes from a rich family, I don't see this friendship starting with interest, if we are going to follow this theory of when they met.
Anyway, I see their dynamics working a lot, but not so often in front of the cameras (do you understand me?) so let's believe that in Patricia's way, she has her way of showing affection for Marcela (because I feel that way). In fact, the spy chapter on Betty's birthday is EVERYTHING in their dynamics, I love them and their scenes 🥹. (Patricia helping Marcela find out things about Armando and spying on him with her, is her love language for Marcela 💋)
Sorry if there are any mistakes, I'm using Google Translate. 😬
Hiii, don't worry, it was all good🥰
I'm not fully sure how exactly I phrased my last post about the topic, but I didn't mean to impky exactly that Patricia only uses Marcela. Patricia may genuinely like Marcela and get along with her because they're both from the same social status (when they met, at least). It's most likely a recent development. Patricia probably never needed to use Marcela, because first she was with her rich dad and then her rich husband. Now all she has is a rich friend, so Marcela is now her only ATM.
This doesn't mean they aren't friends, but it's not precisely a very healthy or sincere friendship. For example, Patricia and Marcela wouldn't be willing to risk their own skin for the other in the wah that Betty and Nico are willing to do. Their friendship is skin deep. Whenver either of them did anything for the other (like Patty being a spy or Marce fighting with Armando for Patty) it was mainly for their own benefit (Patty wanting chisme// Marcela wanting a Patty as Armando's secretary to spy on him.)
Unfortunately, it's true that Marcela probably had no on else. In this sense, she's pretty much like Armando in the sense that she pushed people away and the only people willing to stand them are Mario and Patricia, who are both pretty shady people. Mario and Patricia, in fact, don’t hate their bedtfriends or actively think "i am only with them for the benefits." I think they genuinely see them as their besties! But in their eyes, besties have to be useful, too. Neither of them would be friends with someone who they couldn't use.
Both Marcela and Armando were pretty lonely people, and their respective best friends weren't really that good for them. They mainly used them, and because both Patty and Mario are pretty selfish and egocentric, they tended to feed bad tendencies in Armando and Marcela, but both Patty and Mario cared for Armando and Marcela in their own pretty terrible way😂
Thank you for the lovely ask!🥰
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Hola 👀
Uno de los detalles que me hubiera gustado de la novela habría sido una mayor continuidad. Se que a muchos fans (me incluyo) se les hace raro que Betty aceptará la salida con el amigo de Roman en los primeros capítulos, siendo que el mequetrefe ya había apostado a costas de ella, y estaba pensando en como podría "corregirse" ese detalle... Y creo que tengo una idea:
Tal vez ella nunca se enteró con quien Miguel la había apostado, tal vez la chica que le comento de todo ese juego sucio no quiso comentar que había sido cosa de Román por alguna afiliación o algo y tan solo menciona que con 'alguien del barrio; entonces Betty sabría que había pasado la apuesta y tal vez sospecharía de Román pero a su vez tendría ventana para confiar salir con un amigo de él y luego la dejan plantada :'/ incluso podría enterarse después en alguna discusión que fue él quien la apostó con Miguel... Y ahí se me corta la idea xd
¿Qué opinas? ¿Crees que cambiaría ligeramente la trama con algo asi?
Tengo entendido que Betty sí se entera que fue Román con quien Miguel la apostó. De hecho, Román mismo le dice algo como "yo sabía que era fea, ¡pero no imbécil!" O algo similar. Román incluso la llama fácil. Miguel en realidad no dice nada en esa escena, y es Román quien confieza todo mientras humilla a Betty. Por eso es tan raro que Betty vuelva a salir con un amigo de Romàn! Creo que es posiblemente un genuino plot-hole o error de continuidad.
Si Betty no se hubiera quedado plantada, no creo que hubiera afectado en gran cosa. Creo que mayormente esas escenas ayudan al espectador a conocer a Betty: a través de eso, conocwmos que Betty es una mujer que ha sido sobreprotegida toda su vida, pero que quiere un cambio, que está dispuesta a abrir su corazón y ser vulnerable ante un hombre nuevamente porque genuinamente quiere ser amada y amar, y está tan desesperada por dicho cambio que está incluso dispuesta a salir con gente que bien sabe no son de fiar.
Nos ayudan también a conocer a la gente a su alrededor: conocemos que don Hermes no es estricto sólo porque sí, sino porque Betty ha sido maltratada muchas veces y prefiere él ser el malo de la historia a dejarla ser maltratada, pero que su frialdad y reglas son sólo para protegerla. Conocemos a doña Julia, que siempre está dispuesta a estar del lado de Betty y abogar por ella, porque la quiere ver como una mujer completa y realizada y sabe que es verdad que tiene que tomar retos en la vida y salir al mundo incluso si este la rasguña. Conocemos a Nicolás, quien está dispuesto a enfrentarse a los bullies del barrio por ella a sabiendas que esprobable que pierda, todo para defenderla.
En general, creo que estas escenas no avanzan mucho el plot, pero sí establecen a los personajes, sus roles en la historia, y sus personalidades! También sirve un poco para entender mejor la desesperacion de Betty y el porqué cede ante las propuestas de Armando, pero creo que la escena que genuinamente solidifica la desesperación por amor y devoción de Betty y su profunda resignación a nunca poder ser amada como una mujer común es la cita doble con Aura María! En esta creo que es más para conocer a los personajes, entonces creo qud si cambiaba en algo, el plot no cambiaría tanfo pero nuestro entendimiento de los personajes sí sufriría un poco!
Gracias por la pregunta🥰🥰🥰 me gustò mucho analizar las escenas y su rol en la historia jaja🥰
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@casfa88 omg i don't remember responding to this, but after reading your previous response, I think it's likely due to plot reasons-- however, inside the story, I also thought of another option to explain Mario's behavior:
Genuine sexism
We have a history of him thinking that women are no threat, because they can be easily manipulated into submission. He thinks Marcela is no threat because she loves Armando and therefore just a few kisses and a few nights of love will keep her immobilized. He thinks Patricia is fully incapable of betraying him and being a spy, and he only starts getting a little suspicious when the possibility that Daniel, another man, is actually pulling the strings comes up. This is also why he doesn't suspect of Betty at all until Nicolás comes into the picture and then the plan starts, because he genuinely believes women are submissive and manipulative and incapable of evil or betrayal, and are so weak that they have no agency and thus can be easily used and manipulated. So easily, in fact, that you don't even need to give them much (as he himself explain to Armando, that you only need to give women the basics to keep them at your side, during that episode when he shows Armando all the gifts and cards he bought for Betty). This is also why he fully believes in Sandra's word-- because she has no malice and if he attacked her right in her guilt and emotions (making her swear when he knows she's religious), he has no reason to doubt her. I genuinely think part of Mario's confidence in his plan and opinions on women is his perception that women are basically puppets, and they can behave to his advantage or disadvantage depending on which man is pulling the strings, but on their own, they won't move.
That's the only in-story reason that I can think of to overlook such a greatly established base of Mario Calderón's character. We have been told in a million ways at this point that he's very observant of people and can quickly notice small details. He literally deduced Michel was a rich foreigner just by his shoes! That's some Sherlock Holmes type of shit right there. You can't tell me he didn't notice Sandra crying or Betty behaving strangely after the letter, he just didn't think it mattered.
No, I think he did notice-- he was just too blinded by his own sexism to think that Sandra could lie to him and betray her own morals (which remember he views as weakness and ridiculous!) Or for Betty to betray Armando on her own for her own benefit (like a revenge), therefore, he immediately thinks and convinces himself that it was another man who was really the threat, Nicolás.
Under this theory, his own sexism was his downfall, which honestly aligns pretty well with ysblf's overall message.
Either this, or he actively wanted to separate them, OR he is just dumb lmao
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Ooh so close🤏🏼
Till this day I don’t understand how he didn’t figured it out on his own🤦🏻‍♀️
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Do you think any ysblf character has (or could have had) daddy issues? If yes, who? And why?
Mmm, yeah, I do think so! The best example would be Armando. He's very, very desperate to prove his worthiness to his dad, and gets incredibly angry whenever he is compared to his dad-- an obvious sign that he's trying to live up to his dad's image and is frustrated that he's unable to, but also, he is likely feeling constricted about his lack of independency and always living under Roberto's shadow!
Ig to some other characters could be argued to have them, as well, but since the parents aren't present it's harder to guess. Daddy issues are also very broad and vague. I'd think Marcela would probably have them, too, considering that daddy issues can form from an absent parent and her dad passed. It would explain her unhealthy attachment to Armando, certainly, but I can't generalize much more to others!
Thank you for thw lovely question!🥰 I've been getting lots of lovely asks recently so I'll be trying to tackle them all throughout the week!🥰
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First time ever that Armando accurately guesses what's going on with Betty and Mario is like "OK let me do a full FBI level investigation to see if your theory is correct... hey Sandra do you pinky promise that Betty didn't see it? You do? Ok then, theory absolutey and irrefutably proven wrong!" Lmaooo
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Ooh so close🤏🏼
Till this day I don’t understand how he didn’t figured it out on his own🤦🏻‍♀️
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The way Mario immediately thinks about her salary, but Armando doesn't, leads me to think that Mario always knew they should fix it but believed they had Betty in such a grip that it wasn't even necessary, so why waste money? Meanwhile Armando, always forgetting important things, didn't even realize she could use that money.
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“que resultaron no tan buenos como pensábamos, ni tan efectivos.” I hate Mario but god the hurtful words he would say to Armando are just chefs kiss!
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Meme exclusivo para Latinoamérica. 
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I loove the theory that Mario loved secretly Armando. They are both toxic but I think they would get along great as a couple 😭
What do you think about them?
Hiii! Thanks for the question🥰 but I think you arent going to like my answer at all lmao
Tbh, I don't like the theory or the ship lol I will proceed to explain why so if you don't want to see the ship or theory dragged I apologize but since you asked my opinion ig I'll be honest lmao
1. I don't see the theory that Mario was in love with Armando viable because it goes against my personal interpretation of the character.
I see Mario as a manipulative and nearly machiavellian hedonistic man. I see his actions as coming from a place of mere fun and manipulation. He cares about himself above all else, and if he has to step on top of others to preserve himself, his position, his entertainment and his power, so be it (ex. The plan, ofc. He doesn't care about using Betty). He doesn't care about the harm he causes others: women are toys to be used and discarded, ans men are tools. Women can be controlled by their emotions (Patricia, Betty, Marcela), and men through their fears (Armando). The only person who we ever see Calderón sort of caring about is Armando, and even then it's highly debatable to which degree he truly cared. When Armando is at his lowest points we continually see Calderón further kicking him down, like when Armando is nearly having a crisis about his sexual frustrations due to Betty's refusal and Mario starts taunting him about Nicolás being the one to satisfy Betty and that he's better at sex/bigger than Armando. We see Mario alternate between checking the grounds to see where Armando is at (he's a very observant man and can quickly tell when something is off. Ex. When Betty was injured. Ex.2. Calderón extremly quickly realizes Armando feels different about Betty) making fun of him for his emotional turmoil even after Armando has told him it's very important to him. Mario's body language is very important, too. You see how he processes information much better in his facial expressions than with words. If you're interested in a deep analysis of dkfferent but crucial scenes, I recommend checking out @youwontlikethisblog 's posts. But yeah, Mario is very manipulative and his actions come from looking for his own benefit.
I know that the last paragraph sounded super sinister, but that's who Mario is in my eyes. We just don't see it as plainly because he's funny and handsome, but morally speaking, he's barely a step above Daniel lol. He's funny in the things he says, his mannerisms, and he's super charming, which is why men like him are much more dangerous than men like Daniel lmao with Daniel, at least you know sknce the first hello thay he's a jerk, with Mario, you see a polite smile and a cute laugh and next thing you know you're betraying the person you trusted the most or dragged along in an empty relationship full of empty promises lmao
Anyways, continuing:
His relationship with Armando is based on fun and usefulness. They both start as very cruel men who just use women and discard them, feeling nothing towards them and making fun of them/ their intimacy behind their backs. (Ex. When Betty is showing Mario about how she tranfered Armando's phonebook to the computer, and the name of a woman comes up, and both Mario and Armando start joking about Armando having "voice lessons" with her while they start mockingly moaning in a female voice)
They both lacked morals and that's why Mario had fun with Armando, because they were partners in crime. They could be cruel in front of each other and have fun with it. Whatever attempt Armando made to change and be a better man, Mario knew it was empty (ex. When he says he won'tcheat any more on Marcela right after the engagement, just to end up going with Claudia Bosch as soon as Mario suggested it).
Armando disapproved some of Mario's behaviors (like him going for vulnerable women, which already set the ground for Armando's later moral development) but it wasn't a big deal. Once Armando starts to actually develop a firm moral stance, change, and now cares about the damage he's causing to women (Betty, Marcela, Alejandra), Mario finds it weird and offputting ans boring. Armando is no longer fun to be around, and is, instead, actually being a hinderance to Mario's fun (ex. When Mario wants to be with Alejandra and Armando forbids him), and also a moodkiller (ex. When Mario is reading Betty's diary, he looks interested, relaxed, he's finding it amusing and even says thay Betty writes wrll, then Armando comes in and the whoel fight starts).
Additionally, Mario benefited grratly from that friendship. When Armando was a future President and then President, Mario had his position as VP secured. After everything falls apart, Mario still has skin in the game as he continues being owner of a small percentage of Ecomoda, so it's still in his best interest to save it, but his friendship with Armando is no longer useful as he's now desitute. This is when Mario goes on to full cruel mode. He doesn't even seem to care that much that Armando literally tried to kill himself. His supposed best friend was so down that tried to kill himself in a very brutal and slow way with full intention to feel every last moment of pain trying to pay for what he did, and Mario barely cares. He actively contribjtes further to Armando's emotional pain by casually asking if perhaps the woman thay Armando is fully in love with never actually loved him at all.
So yeah, I think Calderón had good chemistry with Armando (they're super fun and entertaining to see together! God knows I laughed the hardest with Calderón's scenes)x but I don't see love there because love is beautiful, gentle, and selfless. Mario wanted fun and cared not for Armando or anyone else. I truly don't see Mario as capable of feeling true love, lmao
2. I don't like the ship, either. I think it would be just as toxic as Armando/Marcela
Armando is a very wild, emotional, and pretty brutal man. He is a whole ass storm lmao and he needs proper calm to be able to flourish his good side and actually be a good. That's why he fits with Betty so well, because she's calm and calculative and soft and tender and happy.
Mario may seem calm and happy, but he's none of these really. He's calm not because he has great control over himself and is able to handle emotions in a mature way, he's calm because he doesn't care ans has to keep a facade in front of everyone all the time (which is why when Armando hits him in front of everyone Mario doesn't even pay the slightless attention to him and his speech, all his attention is to the cuartel and everyone watching, because thay's the only thing he truly cares about: his image. This is also why after it's lost, he truly leaves.) He's also not happy, he's funny and makes fun of everything and everyone because he doesn't care and probably finds feelings, guilt and empathy a laughable matter (especially if it's towards women). This is seen to infuriate Armando throughout the novela lol in comparison, Betty's true happiness and calmness brings him peace that allows him to reflect and think his actions through instead of just reacting on instinct to put his barriers up (ex. The first collection with the bad fabrics. When everything is calm and Betty offers support, Armando actually allows himself to wonder if he's doing the right thing instead of just aggressively defend his position).
Mario is also very dismissive of Armando's emotions, very similar to how Marcela does it. Neither of them really care about him but rather how his behavior will affect them (Marcela: how it'd affect the engagement/ Mario: how it'd affect Ecomoda, aka his source of income). Some examples of this dismissiveness are like how Mario constantly tells him to suck up his guilt and move on or how he needs to marry Marcela even though they barely stand each other.
Mario is also deeply allergic to commitment lol Armando actually wanted a commited love and a traditional family (marriagex children) while that's what Mario despises the most. There would be lots of cheating and insecurity on that relationship, ans we all know how Armando handles that when he's in love lmao
Anyways I think I already wrote too much lmao I could make a whole essay in this topic fr, but you get the idea lmao
Sorry if this isn't the answer you would have liked! I still loved the question because I've been wanting to talk about those two for ages but couldn't bring myself to do it! ❤️
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Reading your last post about the finale I agree with the rushed ending I wish we had more time both to explore armetty relationship and to have a proper goodbye to the rest of the cast (Marcela and Patricia were so wasted) the only end I liked was Mario.
I was wondering if you had any hcs about how that talk post reconciliation would go? Or the reconciliation itself and how you would have liked to see the side characters tie their storylines.
As always it is great to read your opinions and insights about this amazing novela!! I also liked the parallelisms and all the callbacks the finale has a shame it was, again, so rushed.
Hiiii! Thanks for the question!
Totally agree with Mario's ending, I loved it!
I had a similar answer to this question in another post, I will look for it and link it down below! I basically said that I would have loved for Betty and Armando to discuss everything privatedly. For it to be a moment of sicnerity, vulnerability, and a real discussion of what happened. Of Betty saying why she's forgiving him and willing to give him a chance but also her asking questions that we know she needs to hear the answer to from Armando himself (like "how much did you tell Calderón?" And things like those). I would also love for Armando to say what he wanted to say, fully. Armando spent the last few episodes chasing after her just telling her to listen to him and never actually got the chance to say anything. So I would have loved to see her actually listen to him with an open heart and the knowledge that what he's aaying is true!
I hate that the reconciliation looks like a middle school spectacle, so I would have liked it better if Betty went to Production, asked to talk with Armando in private, and they went to her office. The Cuartel, Freddy and likely Wilson coild have been hearing through the closed door and be the comedic relief AFTER the private talk is over. Just something much more emotional!
Regarding other characters' endings, I would have loved to see
A much more emotional leave for Marcela. Not just a random flashaback of an emotionless "I have nothing else to do here." A real goodbye. Marcela seeing her late dad's living dream for a final time, perhaps with some memories or a little speech to herself, and then leaving.
Efraín and Sofía having a cordial relationship. Him becoming more responsible. That's what the Jail scene seemed to point towards, but Efraín and Sofía quickle fell back to old patterns of behavior as if there hadn't been a whole scene where we finally see some real understandin, empathy and melancholy for a lovely past now lost. Just Efraín paying his part and Sofía being polite to him would have shown an incredible amount of growth
An actual party for Betty ans Armando's wedding! Not especially required, but I would have loved it so much. To see everyone (or mostly everyone) happy. Perhaps Nicolás meeting someone there!
Nicolás actually changing behaviors. All we needed was to eliminate that scene when he's being annoying and not letting that blonde model pass. That's it. We didn't even need to see an actual change, just NOT seeinf that scene would have been great! Could have let it open to the viewers' imagination if he learned or not, instead of straight up saying "yeah, he didn't learn shit" lol
I think that's it for now lol my main issue is the recpnciliation, but I'll link the post s9mewhere here when I find it!
Thank you for the ask🥰🥰
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Nomas quise referenciar con los personajes originales de YSBLF la escena esta de La Fea más Bella- || ENG:I just wanted make a reference, with the characters from YSBLF, this scene from La Fea más Bella 😅
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ENG: "Betty…where did you got that?"
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What do you expect from the characters in this return of ysblf? Did you expect any special participation or mention of someone who won't appear? Do you expect some maturity and improvement of a character? (let's be honest, at the ysblf events they were in their 30s or so and they were so selfish, jealous and immature 😭 at least most of them)
Honeslty I' trying to not expect anythign and let myself be surprised😂 ow, I do really hope they make comments and references to all of those who are no longer with us, especially Cata e Inesita given that they were such central parts in the story!
I'm guessing we'll see maturity and improvemnt in Marcela and Patricia, considering they are back again in Betty and Armando's life. But truth be told, if I were Marcela, no amount of maturity and time would ever make ME want to go back to my ex's life, with whom I shared 4 miserable years full of cheating, manipulation, gaslighting, lies, sickening jealousy and that made me waste a lifetime's worth of money for a wedding he always knew didn't want and on top of that had to be cancelled last minute and be an embarrassment lmaoooo. Thank god I' not her. So I'm really wondering how much Marcela have to have changed in order to come back!!
Thank you for the ask!
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Hellooooo ❤️
I love your blog a lot, you're so insightful and it's like an oasis in the desert of media literacy in the YSBLF fandom, lol.
Wanted to ask, what do you think would've happened if Don Hermes found out about the Sinister Plan? I think that regardless of the point in the story he would probably be unable to forgive Armando for it and might be the biggest deterrent for Betty to be with/accept Armando back, but I wanted to know what you think and what possibilities you see!
Hiiii! Thank youuuu!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Oh, I love this question!!! It has multiple answers depending on when he finds out and how. that would have definitely been a big stone! Big enough to have been the plot of a sequel or of a whole other part of ysblf (that ik couldn't be, but it had the potential), or, simply, ending it all on tragedy.
I'll go for him finding out after Cartagena and through Armando. My first idea was him finding during Cartagena and through her diary, becaus I think the novela mainly nodded to that (given how he eyed the diary when Betty was leaving and how foña Julia mentioned he might try to read it), but after thinking it through, I think that if don Hermes had read through Betty's perspective how it all went down, how it shattered her, how it's not the first time a man manipulated her like this, and how she thinks her life is nothing but a "cycle of tragedy", he wouldn't have let her go back to Ecomoda at all. His protection style is avoiding the thing that can hurt her, like how he isolated her from the kids who mistreated her as a kid and how he didn't want to let her go to that "date" with Roman's friend. And it all would have ended right there, with Ecomoda back in th Mendozas/Valencias' hands for a microsecond before being eaten alive by the debts, lenders, and banks.
So instead I think the only way it could have worked and the relationship between A&B would have still happened would have been if he had known it all after the relationship started. Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Armando get anywhere near Betty. Probably Betty wouldn't even be allowed to go back to Ecomoda! The novela made a big point of Don Hermes not finding out under any circumstance.
I'm sure no one would tell him the truth, so I think he would have needed to find out on his own. Maybe he heard a rumor, or maybe he found something like the diary or a copy of the letter
Point is, he learns the truth, ans immediately his half-hearted tolerance of the relationship becomes full on disapproval
He already knows a few things that I'm honestly baffled about him just forgetting and approving of so quickly: that Betty was Armando's mistress and that they did semi ilegal business together
Add on top of that that Armando used Betty like that, and don Hermes definitely would have absolutely disapproved
He'd likely ban Armando from his house, and would make it extremely clear to Betty that he disapproves of Armando and doesn't want to see them together
Doña Julia would try to talk him out of that, but it wouldn't work.
Knowing don Hermes, he probably wouldn't even tell her why he hates Armando
Honestly, I think Nicolás would have been on his side
Personally, I think everyone by the end of the novela accepted the relationship simply because there was no more time, but if there had been, a whole new part of the novela could have been handling these types of issues
I definitely think Nicolás, don Hermes, and doña Margarita wouldn't have approved. Roberto would have likely continued nof being too present.
So I think the pressure of having almost no support from the people that they cared the most would have hurt a lot
Doña Julia may approve, tho
Nicolás would disapprove but be like "do whatever you want but I think this is wrong" ans would treat Armando coldly whenever they saw each other at Ecomoda
In the novela Armando basically implies that his dates with Betty were mainly at her house, so I'm guessing in this case they'd likely be mainly sneaking around in the office
Not that the relationship is a secret, but rather they would just keep it pretty lowkey
It would bring them down a lot, because for them it's important to have their parents' support
But by the time the engagement comes, Armando is sort of okay with knowing his dad is basically out of his life and his mom is very reluctantly in it
Margarita is not only angry about what happened with Marcela, but she's also angry about how quickly he went to Betty. ((With her too I think her quick acceptance of her was mainly due to lack of time))
Eventually don Hermes would have to tolerate Armando, but they would never form a good relationship
In general, as long as don Hermes finds out AFTER they are together, I don't think much bad would happen! I think Armando and Betty were ready and willing to fight for the other by that point. But if it were to happen during Cartagena or immediately after??? Or if he finds out through her diary??? Hell no, all hell would break loose! Don Hermes would get his gun and threaten Armando at gunpoint to never get near Betty again. He would forbid Betty from going back to Ecomoda. If Armando tried to go again to the house he'd be kicked out.
It's a lot of different possibilities depending on when he finds out!
Thank you for the ask🥰🥰 i'm glad you are enjoying my blog🥰🥰
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Just finished the novela again, and I realize I don't hate the ending in itself, but rather how it was executed. I love most of the ideas. I love Armando and Betty having a more intimate wedding. I love Betty choosing Cata and Nico as her godparents. I love Betty and Armando having an "ugly" baby girl in a scene that directly mirrors that of the opening. I love Betty saying goodbye to her past self. I love them choosing a religious marriage.
I just don't love how lots of important things are just brushed over in the last few episodes. Marcela simply leaving in a pretty emotionless scene; the reconciliation being so underwhelming and childish; no real talk about what happened and no slow build back up of their relationship. No real conflict with Armando's parents or with don Hermes. All the things we were all wondering and wanting to see were just quickly brushed over 😔
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