elcadaverdemiamado · 4 years
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elcadaverdemiamado · 4 years
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elcadaverdemiamado · 7 years
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this show got real, real quick
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elcadaverdemiamado · 7 years
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I got into this business because I love stories - they comfort us, they inspire us, they create a context for how we experience the world. But also, you have to be careful, because if you spend a lot of time with stories, you start to believe that life is just stories, and it’s not. Life is life, and that’s so sad, because there’s so little time and what are we doing with it?
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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Y luego continuó diciéndose: "Me creía rico con una flor única y resulta que no tengo más que una rosa ordinaria. Eso y mis tres volcanes que apenas me llegan a la rodilla y uno de los cuales acaso esté extinguido para siempre. Realmente no soy un gran príncipe... " Y echándose sobre la hierba, el principito lloró. #lepetitprince #elprincipito #rosa #antoniedesaintexupery
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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Nos volveremos a encontrar #faro #amor #encontrar #piel
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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No soy más que lo que soy. #pedrosalinas #mariadolorespradera #amor #poesía #canción #alegria
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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Cuando su único testigo es la luna. #mariobenedetti #enamorados #poesía
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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La La Land (2016) dir. Damien Chazelle
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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La La Land dir. Damien Chazelle, 2016
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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I'm not that guy any more. #howimeetyourmother #himym #tedandrobin #tedmosby #robinsherbatsky
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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Y siento mucho miedo de que se me caiga la vida en alguna distracción. #eduardogaleano #lamalaracha
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.
Carl Sagan
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(via the-wolf-and-moon)
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elcadaverdemiamado · 8 years
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It’s Coraline. Coraline Jones!
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