supersoapie · 5 years
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supersoapie · 5 years
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supersoapie · 5 years
i rlly am not interested in whether men are made uncomfortable by feminism because i am made uncomfortable by men every day of my life
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supersoapie · 5 years
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Robert Kukuljan
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supersoapie · 5 years
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SUNRISE ON THE BEACH ( @waridwater )
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supersoapie · 5 years
some of u never tried to force a volleyball as far underwater as u could at a pool as a kid only to have it shoot up and hit u in the fucking face and it shows
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supersoapie · 5 years
some of u never tried to force a volleyball as far underwater as u could at a pool as a kid only to have it shoot up and hit u in the fucking face and it shows
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supersoapie · 5 years
anyway i broke up with that bitch and im talking to the other guy LMFAOSFLDGKHJSDKHSD. my friend that liked him moved on and i was told that he likes me so here we are. unfortunately its summer and i live far but whatever we shall see in the fall. ah ha ha 
so i’ve been dating this guy super long distance for about 7 months now. but to be honest i’m bored with it. at the beginning of the year i could see myself spending my life with him and moving in with him and stuff. but then he told me he kissed this other girl when he was drunk. first of all why are you kissing another girl. second of all why am i not the person ur thinking about when ur drunk. third of all it was a specific girl. the backstory is that when we started talking it was so that he could get over this girl. i’ve never been a super jealous type but i was always worried about her because they texted and snapped all the time when we were talking. he even vented to me about how he wished there was something there but there wasn’t. then finally he got over her but then she got feelings for him. but he cut that off and got w me. but the thing is is that he STILL hung out w her and snapped her n everything. ANDDD he coached with her every weeek while i was gone but we were together. anyway he got drunk in january and kissed her. idk the details i tried to ask but he wouldn’t give them to me. also. he claimed they hadn’t talked at all from when it happened to when he told me but he literallymade a finsta post about her between that time so i’m sus. anyway ever since then it’s been downhill for me. i started getting detached cuz that shit fkn hurted and i wasn’t talking to him much. but i tried to look past it cuz like i said i thought he was the one i could spend my life with. but then i started detaching and the distance didnt/isn’t helping. all the while throughout the year i’ve gotten random little crushes cuz like it’s a new place and there are a lot of cute people. most of them have gone away except for there’s this one lil baby crush on this guy that i’ve had since like october. i haven’t told anyone about it esp bc we weren’t that tight. but now we are pretty tight and paired with my continuing emotional detachment from my actual boyfriend, it’s getting worse. i hate to say that. but like my bf has been trying really hard to make it up to me after he kissed his old crush while with me. not to mention he broke up with me before that and then got back together with me. maybe i should’ve just broken it off at that point honestly. and now we like barely get the chance to just talk cuz time zones and we’re both so busy. so at this point it doesn’t really feel like i’m dating someone it just feels like i’m snapping some guy i know that i say i love you too. idk if it’s the distance talking or if i’m just bored and tired of the relationship itself. but like i’m kinda ready to move on. the other problem is IF i do end things w my current bf, should i try to pursue the crush on one of my guy friends. on the one hand hes so adorable and i feel like once we get closer we’d mesh really well together. another thing is that idk if we have that much in common in terms of interests. like i love spending time w him but we don’t really have common interests. ANOTHER thing is that one of my OGs here has a massive crush on him too. no one here knows i’ve ever had a crush on him and i would feel terrible if anything happened between me and the boy bc i don’t want to hurt my friend. sistas before mistas. but also he’s so cute. i think he likes another girl tho. i’m not sure. ANOTHERRRRR thing is dating in fisdu is SKETCH cuz if u break up it’s over someone’s leaving the club LMFAO especially cuz we’re in the same tight friend group. like the type of friend group that forms from a bigger friend group. ugh i love him tho LOL notlikd love love but like i love him he’s a homie. BUT ALSO something i can’t stop thinking about. we just talked a lot about sex n relationships and stuff today LMAO just like casual small talk yk. at some point we went around the room and said if we’d fuck each other or not. aND HE SAID YEAH TO ME and like idk what to think cuz like i said yeah to all my girls ofc and he said yeah to them too LOL but LIKEEEE i want it to mean something so maybebjm making it mean something but i hope it means something
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supersoapie · 6 years
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supersoapie · 6 years
hey if you’ve got a soft tummy that sticks out, welcome to the club bitch, you cool as hell and perfectly fine. enjoy yourself.
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supersoapie · 6 years
su spoilers
ok think about it
Every gem’s physical form is made out of light, and this doesn’t exclude White Diamond (whether she’s pure light or a projection or whatever doesn’t matter). And everyone’s saying how white is blank and that’s why she has no emotions. But white light isn’t the lack of light. White light is EVERY SINGLE COLOR. Colors are achieved by reflecting certain wavelengths of back to the eye. Pure light contains every color. When an object appears a certain color, red for instance, it’s because when that pure light hits it, the red wavelengths are reflected back to our eyes. Every other wavelength passes through. Pure white light would thus be the reflection of every single wavelength back. 
Now, each gem has her own color, her own color scheme. If a gem has servants, they often follow the same color scheme. Just like the diamonds and their pearls. White Diamond was the first gem, and is the most powerful diamond. She controls the gem society as a whole.
But we already knew that.
White Diamond hasn’t left Homeworld in eons. She’s been in that one position for like, forever, like fuckin Atlas or something. Those white lines that run across the landscape all feed back into her. Her form seems more like pure light than a physical form. I think she’s either controlling - running - all of Homeworld, or she is Homeworld in whatever weird sense. I mean, Pearl said she wasn’t like any other gem. Or maybe she’s somewhere else, using some sort of projection of light and energy to control Homeworld. White doesn’t have any defined physical features, besides her eyes. Either way, the whole society up there seems way too fake and creepy. White Pearl does not ever change her pose. She talks differently, also like she can only talk through direct orders. She can phase through walls - if she was really there and was a normal gem, she could not do that. The crowd that greeted the rest of the diamonds seemed too posed - at the ring of a bell, they immediately all stopped cheering. How did they know that was going to happen? How did they prepare? 
H O W  D I D  W H I T E  K N O W  T H A T  I T  W A S  P I N K???
If WD is just a projection, or if she’s just the world or some shit (OR IF ROSE REALLY DID BLIND HER W THAT SHIELD REFLECTION THEORY), she would’ve just sensed the gem. Just like those robot guards we saw when Steven met the Off-Colors. idk it’s so confusing.
White Diamond is fuckin scary, bro.
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supersoapie · 6 years
DEADASS BRO even her gem placement matches pink’s placement 👀 
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the same go for yellow and her pearl, and blue and her pearl
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but OUR pearl’s gem placement is on her head:
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and who else’s gem placement is on their head? WHITE DIAMOND’S 
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so what happened???
Also you know what else?
White pearl dresses like pink diamond
Another theory: white pearl was originally pinks. White did the equivalent of a lobotomy on her to make her hers. That’s why her eye is missing (the sharp object would go around the eye in lobotomies) and why she’s not expressive/emotive/is robotic.
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supersoapie · 6 years
SDCC 2018 Steven Universe panel is finally up on CN’s Youtube channel
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supersoapie · 6 years
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supersoapie · 6 years
-,’ types of people ,’-
spring: bright smiles, poetry, festivals, keeping a journal, gentle touches, taking polaroid pictures, smiling at strangers
summer: loud music, roadtrips, making friends, sun-kissed skin, trying to make everyone happy, sunrises, one night stands
autumn: moonlight, pale skin, messy hair, rosy cheeks, piercing gaze, ocean waves, rainy days, oversized shirts
winter: making promises, drinking black coffee, midnight conversations, dark hair, writing, sleepy eyes, collecting notebooks, stargazing
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supersoapie · 7 years
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supersoapie · 7 years
no more toxic friendships in 2018, no more toxic relationships in 2018 and no more toxic thoughts in 2018 
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