electric-headphones · 10 months
So not fair that my little sister gets to do fun edgy teenage rebellion stuff, but the most interesting thing I’ve done in the last 2 months was go grocery shopping and ALMOST talk to a cute single father
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electric-headphones · 10 months
Writing poetry and I feel just like Sylvia Plath, might drop a bomb ass cook-book next idk
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electric-headphones · 3 years
hey guys, just wanna inform you that i'm back. last time i was active on here i was not in a good place, but after nearly dying, watching all 6 seasons of BoJack Horseman, and going to therapy, i now have friends and i'm funny. thought i'd keep my mutuals updated
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electric-headphones · 4 years
i have no idea why everyone just believes kids when they say creepy ass shit, and they're like...ah fuck...must be a ghost or smth. cause tbh my cousin and i found it fucking hilarious to just make that stuff up . like we'd hide in the corner of my back yard for a bit then say we found a dead body, and my best friend and i told her parents there was some weird ass black dog that kept disappearing behind the bushes in their yars. when i was like 3 i'd tell people i was talking to "Michael" who i pretended existed when in reality he was created because nobody clocked onto the fact that i was just talking about my dad cause i was like a toddler, so i just went along with it and be like "oh yeah, Michael hangs out in my room at night, but you guys scare him to he has to leave" and my mom is still like "as someone who belives in the supernatural, when you were a baby you used to talk to this ghost" like no Maureen, i just wanted to refer to my dad by his full name, y'all are just thick. Children know that you'll believe anything as long as they get the delivery right.
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electric-headphones · 4 years
fun fact : for the first 12 years of my life i called platform boots "Gene Simmons shoes" because i had only ever seen Gene Simmons from Kiss wear them and nobody bothered to tell me what they were actually called until i saw it online one day trying to buy them off amazon
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electric-headphones · 4 years
this night started out with trying to listen to my bass teachers rock band and now we're playing Avril Lavigne and Miley Cyrus and that is the biggest vibe
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electric-headphones · 4 years
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electric-headphones · 4 years
how is it that i have 95 followers on here, but not one of you guys acknowledges any of my posts, are they really that bad????
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electric-headphones · 4 years
to everyone sticking with me even after i change my name, personality, and vibe every 3 weeks. thank you and i'm sorry
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electric-headphones · 4 years
i've been listening to Brick by Børing Brick for like 2 straight weeks now, and I don't even like Paramore, but that song is soo goood, like inject it into my veins
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electric-headphones · 4 years
short enough that my friends can make fun of me for it, but tall enough that i can make fun of short people
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3.944 cubits.
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electric-headphones · 4 years
my mom and i are starting to plan my quince, and i only have 3 people in my court, my best friend, my "boyfriend", and my cousin. needless to say it's going well.
The only thing we have is that it's "Halloween" themed since my birthday is November 1st, and there's going to be a barn dance, we don't have a barn, we've never barn danced or expressed any intrest in it, but my Grammy decided that it had to happen.
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electric-headphones · 4 years
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I drew this picture of Sally Stitches about a week ago, and I love it!!!
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electric-headphones · 4 years
My "friend" really invited me to a graduation party, just so her and my other friends could call me a whore, a prostitute, and a bitch. Call my fashion sense shit while saying my little sister has the best sense of fashion (fun fact both of us were wearing the same outfit because I help her pick out her clothes and we both thought it was super cute). Then say that they wouldn't be shocked if I were to get pregnant in highschool, be on drugs, and get arrested for assault. All followed up by telling me they'd kick me out of the group and they all hated me last year. And then have the audacity to wonder why I just left without saying bye to anyone even though they were literally ignoring me.
And for the record the most I've done this year and last year is paint my dresser and loop A Nightmare Before Christmas. So I honestly don't know where any of those assumptions came from.
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electric-headphones · 4 years
if you try and say that you didn't have a crush on Jack Skellington when you were like 4 or 5, you are lying and we all know it.
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electric-headphones · 4 years
b e e e e e n s
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electric-headphones · 4 years
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Drew this a few days ago while listening to JayyVon's "Love Rehab" and thinking about one of my old best friends who I really miss
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