elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
400 life points, just gone!? She was caught off guard, and now in a disadvantage! By that... giant... green thing! Just what kind of cards does the young mistress have?! To defend from that hobo Reimu... does it really mean business?! Looking back at the cards in her hand, a peculiar card took her attention.
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“What strange manner of card is this? It’s like a piece of a puzzle, just what is it trying to say-“
... No, she shouldn’t say any more. It almost feels like some kind of cliché card for victory.
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“... I end my turn here.”
She has to think up of something! Sakuya hasn’t defeated even a single monster yet! But Flandre hasn’t got a card which could attack her monsters in return... right?
LP: 3600 [-400] Hand: 3  Set: 3 Monsters: Remilia Scarlet (Defense), Hakurei Reimu (Attack)  Grave: 0  Banish: 0
Sakuya on strike!?
Giggling at Sakuya’s comment, Flandre thought she was being upset with Flandre and gave a teasing stick of the tongue out to her and commented, “Oh come on silly, lighten up!” But at that moment, Sakuya summoned out the poor maiden!
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Truly a strange battle…but Flandre would persist!
“Aha! I see you attack my facedown Elemental Hero Woodsman!”
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“Sorry red-white, but that’s one incident you can’t crack!”
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LP: 3900 Hand: 3 Set: 2 Monsters: Elemental Hero Sparkman (attack mode), Elemental Hero Woodsman (Defense mode) Grave: 0 Banish: 0
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Hmm hmm, then maybe we should think of something else when they get back, then. How about your ‘father’s’, then?” the maid chuckled teasingly, after hearing the story from the Konpaku. An interesting combination, although rare in practice. Does this mean that the boy originally came from adoption? Or did the both of them request a certain kind of medicine from Yagokoro Eirin?
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“Anyhow, I’m done with the cake.” The maid spoke as she took out the cake mix from the oven, looking what seems like to be the shape of the treat itself. The only thing left to do would be decorating the cake itself with ingredients, which she’ll let Kazuki handle.
Now that he think about it, he never just wander into her clothes without her there. But he did just say it was fine. But is it really alright to just poke around in his mother’s clothes? The half ghost thought that Youmu would be fine with it. But he doesn’t know the exact truth on how she would feel if he did poke around her clothing. He had to rethink it since Sakuya did make sense on what she’s talking about.
“Maybe it isn’t a good idea to look around in Youmu’s clothes.”
Then he heard Sakuya ask another question. It was this time about the other parent, the father. He didn’t have a father so he doesn’t know how to respond to that question. Well, Sakuya was like a father kind of but a mother at the same time. He couldn’t just tell her straight on that his other parent was her. He think that if he did, she would be shocked or something.
“Father? O-Oh… Well… The truth is, I don’t have a father… Both my parent are…female…”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
And that, the hedgehog guessed right, those abilities does seem unfamiliar to her. What does Chaos Control do, send flames everywhere to multiple cities, and ‘controlling’ them to be extinguished? These ‘Warp Rings’ sound simple enough, warping from one place to another, but she never heard about these things before. Maybe she just haven’t gone outside of the mansion that much...
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“What’s G.U.N? Some kind of hidden clan?” Sakuya asked as she raised the question, folding her arms. Nevermind the question though, what lay before her was, with no doubt, the most beautiful piece of jewelry she had ever come across in her life. It’s not that the emerald glowed a faint light, no, but with someone having a good eye with items such as these, she could deduct that the emerald which the hedgehog is holding is not from this world.
“So is it safe to say that you were formed by this emerald? Do you have a clue who made it?” the maid finally concluded as she turned back to Shadow, having the same expression as usual.
“Inter dimensional travel by whatever means possible, which could be by Chaos Control, Warp Rings, portals, time jumps, the works.” Dark explained nonchalantly. He knew Sakuya would be questioning what Dark means by Chaos Control and Warp Rings, but those two were demonstrateable. “At least .. That’s how G.U.N. defines it…” Dark mumbled afterwards, ear flicking in disdain.
“Yeah, pretty much.” the ebony agreed. What else was there to it? Dark cursed under his breath as Sakuya questioned thenlogic behind it. He stuck a hand in his quills, digging through to find what he was looking for. He pulled it out with a smirk, and shoved it to her face; or at least, he tried to due to his 3 foot stature. It seemed to be a white diamond, and it glowed, despite the lack of light. “With this; it’s called a Chaos Emerald.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Oh no, there are three incidents. One with the Scarlet mist, and the two with the Castle...” Sakuya shook her head lightly, followed with a small sigh. It’s no use, their expressions clearly tell that they have no idea what they were talking about. She wasn’t that dumb to think that the miko in front of her was false. Either that Reimu received amnesia, or this woman is the best Reimu cosplayer in all of Gensokyo.
“There is one thing. I’m trying to find the facts and evidence behind this article.” The maid responded, as she took out the folded newspaper from her dress pocket, and handed it to the girl, which she was planning to throw away. No doubt, the one before her was the Hakurei herself. Was this one of the ‘alternates’ which the newspaper spoke about? It does give the newspaper some credit, albeit a little.
Still, she still finds the concept of alternates existing childish to the point where even the realms of Gensokyo allow. Should that happen, wouldn’t there be an identity crisis, or even a person framing one another? What if there was another Sakuya replacing her back at the mansion when she’s right in the mountain right now?! No, no, patience, patience. All answers will come in due time.
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“Maybe it’s best if we both head inside, while I prepare some tea. It’s going to take a while as I explain everything. Might you welcome me in?” the silver-haired girl spoke in her calm demeanor, turning back to Reimu with a smile. She wasn't lying, the incident is a bit too long to be summarized, and besides, she never thought that miko could... cook. As the head maid, she just had to see this.
ITP Article, a Review
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Believe me, I would if I could, except that there’s some financial problems which the mansion is currently suffering from. Items from the surface are not an option either.” Sakuya replied with a small sigh, as she lightly shook her head. If she could think of anywhere else, the problem would be solved easily, but she has to find something which suits the mistress’ tastes. Definitely not pastry, as she lacks the funds to do so, and Remilia doesn’t like mushrooms or vegetables, either.
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“Ahh, Parsee, a pleasure.” The maid smiled as she gave a light bow. So she really is the bridgekeep of the area. The hashihime does remind her a little bit of Meiling, except this one seems to be more hardworking and doesn’t take ‘a break’. Of course, this was their first meeting, so devil knows if when Sakuya turns her back, Parsee would start snoring like a drunkard on the bridge... but she doubts it.
“Then what are the requirements in order to get past here? I do not want to resort into force, should it come to that.” Sakuya nodded as she stood firm, looking at her.
“I can assure you, you’ll find better quality food on the surface than you can down here. They can be quite.. creative when it comes to what’s edible.”
Oni brew was not something to be underestimated. And they could snag food from other sources fairly easily- likely magically growing items which couldn’t be grown beneath the ground, but it was likely not quite the same as what was grown on the surface.
Not that Parsee partook in much of it, one’s emotions were enough to satisfy her.
“The creatures down here are not particularily human friendly, and even those that are enjoy a good fight. If you cannot get past me, then you stand no chance against them.”
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Whether or not it was truly off limits was up to the maid. Parsee took the Yama’s leave as them closing it down for good, others are not allowed in without permission. A good gaurd dog, but one without proper orders. But at least, she was proper enough to know there was no harm in giving her name.
“Ah, yes.. I suppose I should introduce myself. Mizuhashi Parsee, the bridgekeep.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
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"Your language certainly is amazing to a degree..."
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"But I will not tolerate anyone calling the Mistress a... No, just no. Pursue with these insults any further and you will get more than just a knife."
” What’s wrong with havin two sexy homes? you have a fuckin mansion for fuck sake full of clusterfucked shitheads.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
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“... Mistress, one could fathom what kind of thoughts lie inside that head of yours.” The maid let out a small sigh, really wondering what has Flandre been doing. First, the breaking of the BFF circle, and now such indecent thoughts! Is this truly the young mistress before her, or is this another person entirely!?
Doesn’t matter, she still has a battle she needs to win!
“Very well! I flip open... this monster!”
And the maid flipped open the other face down card, and it reveals itself to be...
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Hakurei Reimu...!?
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“Now, I choose to attack the face-down card! Let’s see what you have in store, young Mistress!” the maid pointed towards the card, with a confident smile on her face. She’ll end her turn after this, but it’s best to destroy the monster before it could do any damage!
LP: 4000 Hand: 3 Set: 3 Monsters: Remilia Scarlet (Defense), Hakurei Reimu (Attack) Grave: 0 Banish: 0
Sakuya on strike!?
[XD That’s too funny! I love the description. THIS IS A TOTALLY LEGIT CARD XD 
No no I shall not kill you c: And I’m still here for Q&A c:]
“W-What?! Impossible! Remi?!” And with that, Flandre lost 100 life points based off of sheer silly stupidity on her part.
“I see, not bad at all Sakuya.” However, Flandre heard the next comment about Remi’s wall not being so easy to penetrate. Flandre’s mind immediately went into the gutter and she started to burst out laughing from no where. 
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“Ahahaa! Wall..penetrate..hahahaha!” The little girl was on the floor for Pete’s sake! After a few minutes of this sillyness, Flandre finally got up, waved her hand, and continued, “Aha..g-go ahead..hahah..”
LP: 3900 Hand: 3 Set: 2 Monsters: Elemental Hero Sparkman (attack mode), 1FD Grave: 0 Banish: 0
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
She could see why Patchouli would be around her. Definitely, her knowledge upon certain topics along with her manner does make it clear why the librarian would feel attached to her, as Seiga claimed. The maid could already see that the hermit came into the realization of her occupation. Was she too direct on that? No matter, it wasn’t a secret, and it shouldn’t be. She is proud of the title as the head maid, being the one to serve her mistress and the people she wishes to protect, let it be from danger or to make their day better.
“I apologize, but I’m uncertain of what you are trying to say. Does it mean that your duties are more onto the training on the mind of oneself than to rely on a diety?” Sakuya muttered with a small tone of apology, with a light shake on her head. Anything, and nothing at all? Does that mean that her duties depend on the individual themselves, on how far they wish to reach...?
And then there was the question. Sad to say, which the hermit probably realized yet again, that she lies in neither Buddhism, nor Taoism. During her childhood, her clan worked under the name of God, from purifying to killing demons and vampires. One could say it was a branch similar to the Catholic, except they were viewed as heretics instead. But that was a story for another time. A small silence as the maid stood up from her seat, and started to prepare a cup of tea. Thankfully, she always has a small batch of tea leaves in her dress pocket in occasions like these.
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“Does being in a religion where I believe in my mistress count?” the maid chuckled as she started to prepare the utensils required for the tea. A small pot filled with spring water and tea leaves, burned mildly in a gentle fire, it will take some time and patience before it reaches to it’s perfect state. “To me, religion is like a spiritual path which guides you to a certain way, but with nearly the same ending point. Perhaps to me, it is like climbing up the mountain? One road could be bumpy, the other could be clean, but they end up reaching the same tip. I simply found my path clear as I serve the mansion and it’s residents.”
“But while we are talking about religion, may I inquire about the Taoist’s relationship with Buddhism? Judging by how you label them, it’s obvious that the both of them are not in good terms.” Sakuya asked in her calm demeanor, as she turned back to the hermit. It does spark a bit of curiosity onto the head maid, especially with Seiga hinting that her religion has become all but an imitation. On the other hand, she will completely understand should the hermit desire to drop the subject should she feel uncomfortable about it.
Unspoken as they were, the thoughts fluctuating inside the maid’s head seemed to nonetheless make themselves clear, drifting silently along the broken end of her words to convey their message to the hermit, ever the attentive observer. Every little movement spoke well louder and clearer for Seiga’s guest than a mere voice alone could have done, and what a joy to the eye it was to witness the motions honed by a servant of nobility! Truly a shame that there was not even tea ready to be served, as curiosity was high in Seiga, about seeing the slender fingers of the silver-haired woman dancing along the edges of a cup to bring it to her lips.
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“I clearly do fancy my manner of speech, yes. What I appreciate infinitely more is, however, those who can piece together the truth from the tiny specs of light I shine over it.” It would have seemed for a moment that the hermit’s intent was going to be an applause, yet her hands clapped together too lightly and only once, fingers slipping through each other to reach under her chin and support the approving smile that stood over it. “That would be correct, it is indeed Lady Patchouli. A woman whose friendship I treasure dearly, for she is one of those rare individuals who can so easily stave off boredom. Even more so surprising, considering her mansion is not known to be one of the most amusing. Then again, it is Gensokyo’s unique charm to collect exceptions like a garden above all other gardens.”
‘Serving her mistress’, said Sakuya. So obvious a fact, seeing as she had already stated her profession, yet Seiga had hoped it would involve something more, as per Gensokyo’s habit of upsetting normalcy. That… or the maid simply considered different standards than those which the hermit had. So many possibilities to delve into. “It is hard to speak of duties, when it comes to us hermits. Unlike other religions, ours is less communal and much more individual, being more akin to a philosophy than a form of worship per se. If I had to put into words, I could say that the duties of a Taoist are anything and nothing at all: it depends entirely on how one decides to apply it to life.”
A sigh of disappointment marred the delicate equilibrium of Seiga’s smile, annoyance seeping in her expression like poison. “Then again, in my last days before joining Gensokyo, Taoism seemed to have degenerated, having become a bland imitation of Buddhism.” Cheeriness did not take long to find its way back on her visage however, tugging at the angles of her mouth yet again. “And you, Sakuya, what is it that you believe in?”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Frankly, I have never heard of this... world hopping before. Would you mind elaborating on that?” the silver-haired woman blinked over those words, not to mention that attitude of his. She has a faint idea of what it is, jumping into someplace else entirely, although she’s leaning to the idea that Dark is talking about jumping around... planets? Still, she isn’t going to go anywhere, for her place is with the Mistress of the mansion she’s working at, the Scarlet Devil Mansion.
And while the hedgehog’s attempts of not creeping her out was valiant, what didn’t creep her out was replaced with a sense of confusion, although Sakuya didn’t show it on her face. A spirit? Negative emotions? Another hedgehog? Well, there’s one part of her which does believe what he said. After all, this was Gensokyo, and anything could happen...
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“So what are you saying is... you were born out of the negative feelings of someone? Just how was that possible?” Sakuya tried to summarize those words into her thoughts, as she tapped her chin. Interestingly enough, what happened to the original?
“What, you’ve never gone world hopping before?” he snickers. “Then you’ve been missing out on a whole lot of shit, okay?” Dark didn’t want to come off as rude, but what could he do? His way of life affected how he spoke. His tense nerves calmed down as Sakuya smiled, finally knowing that she wouldn’t attack.
“Pleasure meeting you, Sakuya.” Dark said, giving the maid a small invisible smile. As the white haired female got his attention, he started to think. How would he explain that he was originally part of a blue hedgehog who could run at speeds that beat Mach 1? Especially without creeping her our to wit’s end? “Not technically.” Dark started. “I’m actually a spirit. A more accurate way of putting that is that I’m a manifestation of negative feelings from one hedgehog.” Dark sighed. “To put it simply, I got my name and form from the hedgehog who made me.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
Watching the little mistress take her out of the mansion, the both of them found themselves with the moon shining below them under the night sky. Fortunately for the both of them, there isn’t anyone out at this time, with the gatekeeper taking a ‘short nap’. Well, just as long as the young mistress is happy. Letting go off the vampire, she stood a few meters away from her.
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“Well then, if you please, young mistress.” The maid smiled as she maintained her demeanor, letting the blonde have the first turn. Hopefully there isn’t going to be too much damage to the mansion. It’s only for a while... right?
-elegantwaltz started following you-
Flan only grinned in victory. Perhaps Sakuya was in a good mood? “Yay~ Let’s go!~”  Grabbing the older-looking maid’s hand, she skipped towards the door of the mansion.  Flandre wanted Onee-sama to join, but obviously, she was busy, so this will do for now.
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
Well, this is a bit of a troubling situation. As Sakuya mentioned, her Mistress is currently busy at the present moment. But from how Cirno's condition is like, it definitely isn't a light matter at all. Still, what could she gain from speaking to the Mistress? She understands if Remilia could transfer her own blood, but was it possible to take the blood out...?
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"... Very well, I suppose I could." Sakuya sighed as she turned away and opened the mansion's doors, turning back into the fairy. "Could you stand? Do you need any assistance?"
normally they don’t, however something happened to me *my eyes started to glow brightly* for you see I was bitten by a vampire and now vampire blood runs through my veins, but not enough to make me into a full vampire besides my body has a special defense so that my blood isn’t turned but nonetheless I need to speak to Remilia
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Oh no, it’s not about you fitting in them, it’s just that the idea of Lady Konpaku finding out that her son has been looking inside her wardrobe certainly is... funny.” Sakuya let out a weak chuckle, as she continued to prepare the ingredients for the desert. Clothes are one thing, but what if he opened up her lingerie drawer? If it were Sakuya, she would already mind it if someone opened her wardrobe and looked at her clothes alone, not to mention wearing them without her permission.
They wanted a daughter? That’s to be expected, since most of the strong ones in Gensokyo are women, who are said to have a higher magic alignment, if anything else. Still, it was a bit if a funny thought for Youmu to dress her son in such clothing just for that reason alone. Then again, Sakuya prefers a girl herself, but she wouldn’t go that far... right?
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“Well, so as long as you don’t mind it. So how is your father like?” the maid asked a simple question as she placed the cake mix into the oven and set the temperature accordingly.
So they had set it to bake and wait for it to finish just by heating in the oven or so. So while they wait for it to finish, they had to to talk about that surprise that the head maid suggested. Oh, right. New people doesn’t know if he was a male or a female by the way he is dressed. But some were able to tell like Sakuya could tell he was a male.
“Well, mother’s clothes are similar to mine. So it’ll be alright to fit me in them. Oh, but Youmu won’t get upset or anything if I wear them. But this will be about the second or third time I tried it on?”
And then Sakuya asked about why was he dress like that so to speak. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to wear it. It was that his parent made him female clothes with a bit of boyish in it. It was like a tomboy’s clothes. But that was part of it. His parent wanted to have a daughter instead of a son. Didn’t expect the outcome they made him cross dress. But it wasn’t all bad. They said he look cute the way he is now.
“Well…this are the only clothes my parent made for me. They wanted…a daughter. But instead they got me.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
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"Isn't staying in that ship of yours enough to be called home? You don't seem to look like the kind to make your own water."
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"Give back the water it's not for you to surf around. There are thirsty people. Like the SDM."
” Yes but i can find or make water so i can make mai sexy new home, simple silly maid.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
Letting out a small sign of surprise over the oni’s actions, the maid couldn’t help but to adore on the sight of Suika running into her arms, without her voice. Still, she couldn’t just let this go on, for she has to get back the oni’s voice so that she could talk again. Better to be convenient for her than to keep a wound out of pride, if she says so herself.
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“I would like to stay, but you do remember that I’m still in the middle of work.” Sakuya chuckled as she stroked Suika’s hair gently with a smile. A small pause until a small idea struck her head. Getting up from her seat after gently making the oni stand up, the maid took a cloth hanging on one of the hooks on the wall and gave it to Suika. “If you can, do you want to help with the cleaning?”
Knowing her, Suika might want to stick around for a little longer, but she has a duty to perform. Sakuya just hopes that she could clean, being an oni and all. Strength control is very important, and hopefully has just that, or the entire mansion would end up being destroyed instead...
elegantwaltz shouldn't party during work shifts!
Well, to be completely honest, the little versions of Suika shared her own energy, and running around for an Oni wasn’t a bother nor a tiring exercise. Some could run kilometers and need just one or two cup of sakè to get their energy back, and just running in a formation like that wasn’t gonna get them tired.
Sure enough, while the energy was not a problem, her lack of a complete knowledge of other languages than her Oni one was the biggest problem, and she just knew few universal words that she used often. Ironical how much you could use a language in a conversation but then being unable to actually write down the same things, isn’t it?
But, sh didn’t mind that. She minded a lot more that Sakuya’s hands weren’t touching her anymore, and as childish as she was, she just wanted some more pampering from her. So, jumping down from the chair, crawled under the table and reached the other’s legs, her head slowly raising up until it would be facing the other, for then, maybe a bit forcefully, climb her legs and sitting on her lap, all smiling and happy. To make sure to not hurt the maid, Suika make herself smaller and lighter. She just wanted to be cuddled, just like a child.
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
“Judging by the name, I assume you are not from around these parts?” the maid questioned the man as she absorbed her surroundings. The room looks really ordinary, yet unusual. Was she currently staying in a dimension similar to Yukari’s gaps?
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“I’m more curious on why do you do such a tactic of entry. I would not do anything, but wouldn’t you be more concerned if a youkai or something similar ventures into your domain?” Sakuya asked as she tapped her chin, looking back at the man.
The lad slightly chuckled. “Charles Regios Revolc, an observant of dimensions. Will that information suffice so far?” he responded. “Ah, so my mentor gives that place several troubles, I assume. Yes, I knew her quite well.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
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“Come to think of it, I am a bit curious about what kind of projects are those. Are they related to coming out with new magic theories and new spells?” the maid asked the librarian with a curious tone. The library of Viole is quite the spectacle on it’s own, where if she would read all of the books in the library, it could take more than her entire lifetime.
... Although she also has a suspicion that part of these projects are to chase Marisa out.
“I suppose a shift here and there does make a bit of a difference, yes,” As was typical of the witch, she took a moment to guess just what sort of tea she’d been brought, though as usual, she kept her assumptions to herself; perhaps she simply felt she was already right, or perhaps she didn’t want to chance appearing foolish? In either case, she did not mention whatever it was she’d thought up. “I’m not quite sure what you mean to imply with ‘finished’, however; though, while it’s true I rarely leave the library, it’s usually because I have something in mind for my projects.”
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elegantwaltz-blog · 11 years
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