do you possibly know a fic where it's from lip's pov and it details the times where he's felt really protective of ian? it has gallavich in it, but it's not the main issue. i think it deals with ian's sexual history (in the fic, lip wants to report kash and lloyd) and other stuff. it was vaguely in a 5+1 format. i hope that's enough detail, thank you!
Not sure! Anyone out there who knows?
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Hey, I just came across this Tumblr while searching for a fic I’ve read ages ago. Ian’s a high school teacher. Mickey’s a single dad and his kid is in Ian’s class. The kid also has some sort of heart condition? Eventually Ian and Mickey start seeing each other. I’ve been looking everywhere on AO3 for it but can’t find it. Any idea on the name or the date of this fic?
I think this is Please F*ck My Dad, which has also been deleted by the author since a good while back.
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I’m looking for a fic that is part of a short series. The main story focuses on Ian and Mickey being friends for a long time, but then one day they get drunk and post on Instagram that they’ve secretly been dating. The next morning they brush it off as a joke. Throughout the fic Mickey grapples with his feelings for Ian.
I am pretty sure you’re looking for “Everybody talks”, which has been deleted by the author since a while back. Anyone else got any idea if it could be some other fic, or recs for similar fics?
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It’s official... Round 8 is here!!
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I am thrilled to announce that we are a GO for Round 8 of the Shameless Big Bang! With an upcoming tenth season of the show and the return of Noel Fisher as a cast regular, I can only imagine that this will be a big year for the fandom and for all of your creativity! 
You can sign up to participate here!! 
Without further ado, here’s the timeline for the next round.
April 21 – Sign-Ups open
June 2 – First author checkpoint and LAST DAY TO SIGN UP
July 7 – Rough drafts due
July 10 – Summary previews for artists
July 14 – Artist claims open (authors and artists will be paired up on a first come, first served basis)
August 11 – First artist and second author checkpoint (MANDATORY)
August 25 – Second artist and third (and FINAL) author checkpoint
August 29 – Posting Schedule will be announced
September 2 – Posting begins!
As a reminder, the Big Bang is a collaborative effort between authors and artists. Please be mindful about your time and how busy you are when you sign up. We don’t want you to have to drop out and leave someone in the lurch if we can avoid it. 
If there are any questions, you’re always welcome to send me an ask or an email! Reblog and spread the word!
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Gallavich Week themes wanted!
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Reminder that GW2019 is coming up and I’m still accepting theme ideas! I’ve got a few really cool ones, but I could use some more. Send me ideas up to the 29th, please! 
And reblog this to spread the word! 
Oh, and for those who want to know more about how this works or what the rules and guidelines are, here you are: http://gallavichthings.tumblr.com/gallavich_week
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by romanticalgirl
Rating: Explicit Word count: 2043 Chapters: 1/1 Published: July 2015
Genre: season 2, porn without plot Key words: filler, summer, swimming Content warnings: none
Mickey and Ian go swimming, have pool sex, and in the finest season 2 fashion, definitely do not talk about their feelings.
A steamy PWP with a strong emotional center, this story features Ian and Mickey sharing a surprisingly romantic encounter in the Gallaghers’ pool. A gorgeous glimpse into one of their most idyllic time periods in canon.
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by merle_p
Rating: Teen and up audiences Word count: 19 534 Chapters: 1/1 Published: August 2015
Genre: season 5, fix it Key words: post-season 5, reunion, open ending, road trip, summer, reconciliation, Lip, Carl, Mandy, Helene Content warnings: car accident, mentions of incest
The day Carl is released from prison, he goes with Lip and Ian on a road trip to find Mickey and Mandy, and resolve some unfinished business.
Seeing the Milkovich siblings out of the city and thriving is one of the most emotionally healing things in a story all about trying to find ways to forgive each other—as is seeing Ian genuinely trying to make things right with Mickey post-season 5.
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Know any fics similar to The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher or Promised Land? Mickey’s caught in some kind of life of crime and trying to get out with Ian? Thanks in advance!
Anyone out there in the void got any hot tips for this kind of fic? Share and enjoy!
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by shamelessquestions
Rating: Explicit Word count: 4342 Chapters: 1/1 (stand-alone part of a 14 part series) Published: April 2015
Genre: AU, future fic Key words: slice of life, Ian POV, happy ending Content warnings: none
Mickey’s suffering. Ian knows why. Mickey doesn’t wanna hear it. Guess who wins the battle?
This story is one in a longer series of vignettes depicting Mickey’s and Ian’s life together in a long-term relationship. This story is funny and shows a hilarious, slightly dysfunctional yet love-filled dynamic between the two dumbos that are Ian and Mickey. They only want the best for one another, and are madly, deeply in love, even if they’ve got weird ways of showing it. The story will make you laugh and then go “awww” right after. As a couple, they seem slightly overly co-dependent, but with so much love that nobody will really mind.
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WAIT FOR IT (series)
by loftec
Rating: Mature Word count: 25 131 Chapters: series of three 1/1, one 2/2, one 3/3 Published: November 2015 – January 2016 (not complete)
Genre: season 5, fix it Key words: post-season 5 canon, future fic, open ending, Yevgeny POV, Mickey POV, Ian POV, Svetlana POV Content warnings: mentions of past rape, abuse, violence, drug use, suicide
Twelve-year-old Yevgeny comes looking for the father he never met, and gets more than he bargained for.
The first three parts are emotionally intense future fic, as Yev goes looking for his dad and finds Ian and Mickey. All of them, plus Svetlana, try to figure out how to move forward with the new knowledge of their family. Part four is a satisfying and sweet interlude showing glimpses of Ian and Mickey’s long-term relationship, previously seen only through Yev’s eyes. Part five flashes back to post-season 5 and Mickey’s release from jail, showing the beginning of Ian and Mickey’s journey to the stability we see in the earlier parts of the series. Collectively, the series takes on some of the deepest emotional wounds of the later parts of their canon relationship, and explores them in a believable and compelling way, proving that even if it takes them some time, Ian, Mickey, and their families can get it right.
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by joidianne4eva
Rating: Teen and up audiences Word count: 2043 Chapters: 1/1 Published: November 2014
Genre: future fic, comedy Key words: fluff, Mickey POV, Ian POV, established relationship, parenting Yevgeny, happy ending Content warnings: none
Officer Rookie Cop landed himself a big neighbourhood annoyance fish when he arrested two criminals in the middle of trespassing into a business. He’s pleased to find that even the ROTC gets involved, if the visit from an ROTC Major at the station is anything to go by. If only the two criminals he apprehended were sufficiently remorseful!
In this short but hilarious one-shot, we meet an exasperated Ian, a thirsty Mickey and a very contrite Yevgeny, all in situations they’d rather not be in. It is well written, funny, presents us instantly likeable characters and a glimpse into what married and family life for Ian and Mick could be like. It’s super more-ish which leaves the reader wishing for more from this universe!
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by milominderbinder
Rating: Mature Word count: 57 616 Chapters: 25/25 Published: May 2014
Genre: season 3, fix it Key words: Mickey POV, friends to lovers, happy ending Content warnings: mention of past patricide
After an unexpected development two years after the ending of season 3 changes Mickey’s life completely, he finds himself thrown. However, with time he is also on the way to the nearest approximation of “happy” that his life allows, while creating a new existence for himself. There is just one thing missing.
This outstanding fic by milominderbinder is a gem. It is long, very well written, extremely satisfying in terms of plot and language use and brings true character development to Mickey and Ian. We meet Mickey some time after the events of Season 3, so lonely, heartbroken and alone. But then one day everything changes with the arrival of a new (and frankly simply wonderful) character in Mickey’s life. The author does not take shortcuts with the story development but instead gives the characters the time they deserve and would have deserved already in canon to establish who they are as individuals and who they might want to be together.
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by amandaskankovich
Rating: Not rated [General audiences] Word count: 798 Chapters: 1/1 Published: February 2015
Genre: future fic, slice of life Key words: Yevgeny POV, winter Content warnings: none
Four-year-old Yev learns about snow and stories.
Everyone is perfectly in character in this brief but deftly done exploration of what life might have been like for Yev if the Ian/Mickey/Svetlana/Nika parenting unit had worked out. Despite their unconventional parenting styles, the love that all four of them have for Yev comes through.
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by Avalonia
Rating: Mature Word count: 18 947 Chapters: 5/5 Published: November 2014
Genre: AU, romance Key words: magical realism, shop au, Ian POV, happy ending Content warnings: Mandy was raped and is now trying to come off heroin (7 times and counting) and Mickey was almost killed by their dad – so based on canon, but going a bit further
Ian somehow survived a precarious youth in the Southside and now, as a young adult, has a mundane job in a call center which fits his needs well. He’s lonely but he manages – until he meets Mickey Milkovich from IT.
Another inventive, funny, clever and well written AU. Ian and Mickey are from the same background but only meet properly for the first time when they are young adults. The author makes us fall in love with Ian (and his unique world) right off the bat and repeats the same when we meet Mickey Milkovich, the guy from IT. Despite the relatively short length, there is a lot of meat to the story, and we get to watch the two boys live through all of the mundane yet thrilling moments of falling in love and having to navigate turbulences until they really get there. This is one of those fics where we both laugh and cry while reading without either feeling contrived, and that’s rare.
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by efflorescent
Rating: Teen and up audiences Word count: 5545 Chapters: 1/1 Published: September 2014
Genre: future fic, comedy Key words: fluff, Mickey POV, established relationship, coming out, happy ending Content warnings: none
Mickey has been working at the garage for a few years already, but somehow the fact that he’s gay, and in a long-term relationship with his high school sweetheart and the love of his life, and that they raise a kid together hasn’t really come up. His coworkers are not going to give up their quest to find out more about their grumpy but beloved friend’s personal life, though – and today might just be the day they’re going to finally push for an answer!
Fics in which we get to witness Mickey interact with people other than Ian are a big weakness of mine, and even more so when these other people know him well and love him just the way he is. Co-workers usually fit this bill, and in this story this is not an exception. The lovely writing and storyline show us, in turn, how much Mick loves Ian and his family with him and Yevgeny, how much Ian is a goner for Mickey, and how Mickey has progressed in his character development. He is proud but brave, and he would do anything to make Ian happy, which provides the catalyst for the climax of the story. The author clearly cares for these characters as much we do, has created some lovely OCs, and has written everything together in a way that makes the reader want more. Go Mick!
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by pink_ink
Rating: Mature Word count: 65 055 Chapters: 8/8 Published: April-June 2015
Genre: AU Key words: Ian POV, shop AU, happy ending Content warnings: Implied/referenced domestic violence, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced self-harm, death
After a painful and turbulent period in his life marked by multiple heavy bipolar episodes, Ian is on the way to getting back on his feet. He is still not completely there yet when, in an attempt to solidify his newfound stability, he gets a job. The job and the slightly odd gang of new co-workers and bosses are good for him – but then there’s also the not-small matter of his new, very good-looking, kind and intriguing other co-worker.
In this interesting and well-written AU set in a funeral home (you read that right), the author takes Ian, Mickey and the readers on a journey to self-discovery, healing, and ultimately, happiness. The fic is well written, the OCs are interesting, and even though the story is from Ian’s POV, we get deep insight into Mickey as well. The two boys were both lost prior to when the story begins – Ian a bit more and more recently than Mick – but we get to watch them both claw their way back into real life and a future for themselves and ultimately for them as a couple. Deeply satisfying, interesting, really sad at times but worth a read and a re-read, and repeat...
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by MintSauce
Rating: Explicit Word count: 144 245 Chapters: 20/20 (+ 37 shorter parts) Published: March 2013 - May 2015
Genre: AU, romance Key words: epic romance, friends to lovers, child protective services, childhood sweethearts, first times, growing up Content warnings: underage, graphic depictions of violence, self-harm, threats of rape/non-con, panic attacks, car accident
“After his mom took off, Ian sort of expected he’d wind up in foster care. What he didn’t expect was to meet a sort of dirty boy called Mickey Milkovich there.”
Nothing short of a romantic epic, this fic follows Ian and Mickey from childhood to their teenage years, to growing up and making a life together. Heartwarming and gripping, make sure you have plenty of time to spare before you fall down this lovely rabbit hole. 
(Don’t be too put off by the content warnings, most of them are from later parts of the series and can be easily skipped.)
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