eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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Elias scoffed, but continued on, not wanting to have some sort of confrontation or anything. He just wanted to get to where he was going. He needed too. “If you’re not following me then can you like go another way? Or better yet, just stand here until you can’t see me anymore?” It sounded ridiculous, even to his own ears, but he wasn’t a fan of people knowing things about him, even people he didn’t know at all. 
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eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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Elias actually felt like he was just getting worse and worse. His body felt weak - he figured it was all in his mind, it must be, right? - his stomach was starting to become a bit poofy at the bottom, which was more irritating than anything, he was fucking tired, and to top it all off he was starting to get stomach cramps. He never, in a million years, ever thought that he would ever feel cramps again in his life. But that was before the apocalypse. And he was determined to get testosterone before his body completely turned on him and he started bleeding. He was not dealing with that. He packed a bag, something light, mostly figuring he would find more food and water while he was out if he needed too, and headed out of the town. He nodded to a couple of people as he passed them, mostly being neighborly. He passed through the perimeter rather easy, and started his trek towards the next town over, a glock tucked in the back of his pants, and his trusty machete in hand. He heard footsteps behind him and spared a quick glance before rolling his eyes, “I’ve got shit to do, I don’t need you trailing me.” Truth was, he didn’t want anyone to know about him. “Go back.” He told them, in irritation.
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eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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Elias continued to follow behind her, his eyes on the hanging body. “Maybe someone did that to them.” He found himself voicing his thoughts. He didn’t know why someone would like...do that, but the world wasn’t exactly right anymore. “What are we supposed to be doing here, anyways?” He asked,  still lagging a bit behind her. They weren’t like friends or anything, so he didn’t want to get too close. He wasn’t a fan of his personal space being super invaded, it sort of made him nervous.
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eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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Elias was following the small woman, mostly watching their surroundings and not paying much attention to the things being said, or what they were supposed to be doing. He was just there as ‘muscle’ if you could call it that anymore. His arms were sore, but he was trying. He stepped up closer to her once she stopped, his eyes looking up to see what had caught her eye. A thick eyebrow was raised at her words, and he snorted indignantly. “I guess it’s sad in a way,” He allowed a spare second of silence, before continuing, “But I really think it’s pitiful. It’s unfair to do shit like that. Leave the rest bullshit world for us to deal with. I wonder how many of ‘em are a result of something like that.” A decent amount, he would guess. But not many people were as lucky as he was to actually be transported to a military camp. The beginning may have been worse, or maybe not. He didn’t know.
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The tiny woman walked down the silent street, where the only sound she could hear was trapped walkers from some houses, and other buildings, or scattered in pieces on the ground.. But it was as she reached the pier, having wanted to have a look at the river that she looked up, seeing one walker hanging from a rope high up on one of the buildings by the neck. Joan tilted her head sideways as she kinda just stood there, looking. Only to peer over her shoulders as she heard the sound of feet on the wood boards that made the pier.. “Hey..” she said quietly, before turning her head to look back up at the hanging walker… “Kinda sad really.. Bet they thought they could escape it..”
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eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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Elias Cordon
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eliascordon-blog · 7 years
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ELIAS CORDEN has entered Astoria. HE is TWENTY THREE years old, represented by ELLIOT FLETCHER.
“Blood is thicker than water, but maple syrup is thicker than blood so technically pancakes are more important than family.”
+; dependable, adventurous -; cocky, uninhibited
Elias Cordon has a simple mind. He’s a brash man, who doesn’t think too hard into things. The reason for this is his family. Sure, when he was younger, things were great- amazing, really. He had a loving mother, a playful father, and an annoying little sister. His family were strong in faith, and the moment he came out to them as transgender, they tossed him onto the street without a penny to his name. Elias was thirteen when that happened. He continued going to school when he could, but a lot of his time was spent on the streets, doing odd jobs and sexual favors for money. Elias has found that he doesn’t care for others genders when it comes to things like that. After a few years of sleeping on park benches and showering in the school locker room, a friend finally figured out what was going on, and their parents took him in. Elias is forever grateful to his friend, and his friends family for taking him into their household. Upon turning sixteen, Elias began taking T. The day he turned eighteen, he had top surgery. After graduating high school, Elias worked full time at a car mechanic shop that his friends father owned. It was the best job he could find without going into college, something he was determined to stay away from. Resulting in this, Elias is very handy with cars. He knows how to hot wire, siphon gas, and even build a car from scratch (He’s done it before- mostly as a project with his psuedo-father). Just before the outbreak, Elias had gotten into contact with his little sister, and they had been talking for a bit.
It had started when he had been at work. He’d been fixing up the carburetor on a red 2007 Ford Edge when the music stopped playing on the radio, and instead a screeching beep sounded through it. He didn’t know what the hell was going on, but with some guidance from his psuedo-father, they packed up and headed home. The drive there had been pretty terrifying. There were people attacking people. Some people were fighting back, but others weren’t. They kept their doors locked on the car, and had rushed into the house once they got there. Cellphones were down, Elias couldn’t get a hold of his sister, but he tried to not let it freak him out too much. There were other things going on. A broadcast was up, telling them that the military would be there in the morning to relocate them. They were instructed to pack up useful things, and to keep their doors and windows locked. That was the most information they’d gotten. The next morning, backpacks and duffel bags filled to the brim, they were taken by military officers. Elias didn’t know where they were going, but he hoped they would be safe. The post they’d been dropped off at had been secure for a while. Chain link fences held for who knows how long. Time wasn’t real anymore, and Elias didn’t know how long it had been since things had started out like this. The days were all the same. Get up, eat, farm. Short combat training sessions (“Just in case! We plan on everything being safe here!”) shower, eat. (T shot. This was the only way Elias knew a month had passed. Funny enough, the health center at the facility only had testosterone shots for their older males, until he came along) Recreational time, eat. Sleep.
It was monotonous. Day in, and day out. However, he was happy for the combat sessions, because the walls did break one day. The alarm sounded, and Elias had grabbed his pre-packed bag, a machete, and followed his psuedo-family into the fray. However, in the panic, he lost track of all three of them, and has since not seen them.
Elias traveled for a while. He stopped counting the days at fifteen. His bag was starting to dwindle in food and water supplies shortly after he stopped counting the days, but he still kept walking. He felt as if he was on his last limb when he had stumbled upon Astoria. After settling into the town, he began helping wherever he could. His farming skills came in handy, and every once in a while he could use his mechanic skills to fix something. However, being off of testosterone is starting to take a toll on his body. Elias was trim to begin with, so his body wasn’t betraying him too much in that aspect (besides, he still worked out when he could- running, lifting things that could be considered ‘weights’) He sometimes feels fatigued from his body transferring back to it’s estrogen ways, and lately, Elias has been starting to feel something he hasn’t felt in years, the dreaded stomach pains.
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