eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Read 'em, but please don't weep over trusting your obedience to the LORD God Almighty, at https://eliasmambomachina.tumblr.com (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0z1nifpGn5Ugndm8LMw9_9_LPuzIxh6fqAu1U0/?igshid=1soaojgd906tk
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
'Trust and Obey, For There Is No Other Way'
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The LORD's divine interventions are not ever confusing. Our LORD Almighty God, causeth not confusion (1 Corinthians 13v33-40, KJV). The perfect simplicity in the Word, which has been thematic these past few days - as I might go on with it some more, at length in another time is here - the Word (Psalm 19v7-14, KJV). I cannot possibly stress enough, and no one in all of creation has it in them to stress that enough either. The Word cannot be stressed enough. Only the LORD can do unto it anything that's enough (Psalm 138v1-2, KJV). The most we can do as Christians that's enough with the Word, is obedience unto it (Proverbs 3v5-6, KJV). I was admonishing a good brother of mine in Christ a little earlier tonight, in rebuke of some important decisions that were being made in his life. Principally because I made the same myself and almost made more of them as I've been walking with God. So, as a Christian brother I had to do the 1 Corinthians 5v13 (KJV) and 1 Timothy 5v20 (KJV) thing on him, because I love him, as Christ would have me (Matthew 22v36-40, KJV).
Having gone at length with him as an - interveneous counsel about how we have no business not obeying God's Word immediately, because delayed obedience (as we both agreed with an Amen) is disobedience. Anymore time given unto doing as the LORD says, as He's made that a commandment of it's own, is a plain decision against doing what He says (2 Chronicles 24v5, KJV). As though we work for him, we must obey Him (Colossians 3v23-24, KJV). We do it for bosses who cut us our cheques, but we won't get around to obeying God quickly when He speaks? Because he's currency is faith and you can't compound that on interest or downpayment a mortgage at any bank you and I know (Matthew 22v20-22, KJV)? That's plain disobedience and sneering at His authority. Yet, the LORD is long suffering that we might grow in Him some more each day, with ever increasing obedience that'll have us walking perfectly in step with Him. Hallelujah and Amen unto the LORD for Jesus Christ, who saved us from the separation we had from God, because of that disobedience from way, way back. That disobedience which confuses the Word of God, by complicating it with other voices, other words, and yes - the other feelings that come with those. Outside of the feeling of conviction. I thank Jesus for His salvation crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, which got me onto the path away from that sorta disobedience. Because its terribly confusing to muddle the Word as it is written, and obey Him all at the same time. The whole point of confusion has never been to eventually obey God. We know this firstly and foremostly because the Bible tells us so. Our God doesn't do confusing stuff. He's clear in His Word (citation). So, we can rest assured that any confusion comes from the Advesary, whom we know as the Satan. I thank Jesus for the example of His ministry and coming into His kingdom as King of Kings, to make that emphatically clear as there never has been nor ever will be for all time and beyond (Matthew 28v18-20, KJV).
I'm also thanking God that he'll have us draw ever nearer to Him, the less confused we are about His will. As it is written in the Word. As I'm prayerfully hoping we will all obey, for less confusion in our relationship with Him, so there will be more of Him instead. For all that, I say an Amen, and prayer over eveyone this as well - a good remaining course through your weeks in Jesus Christ.
I'll be coming back online with more of these sermons unto y'all, from time to time over the coming days, at the very least. There's places in which I must be dwelling with the LORD and they require my full presence and for some of those places that might include my absence from time in the Word with y'all.
Nevertheless I pray you all go with Jesus, as will I, in His name and His name alone. Amen.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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The LORD does call us to be quick (2 Chronicles 24v5, KJV; Proverbs 6v6-19, KJV, Matthew 28v7, KJV). Not hasty, but, quick. Hastening hasn't ever been done well by anyone except Jesus himself (Isaiah 60, KJV). The Satan likes quickness from us as well, but, with a bit more hastiness. As he has to be true to his character. They're both quick and come off like a lot of the same thing (Proverbs 19v2, KJV; Psalm 119v60, KJV). Our LORD Almighty God and the Satan, both require immediate obedience, but, you gotta be able to tell the difference between the speeds at which they ask of your obedience. Lest we fall into pits of deception evermore from where Jesus found us (1 Peter 5v8-9, KJV). God will call for quickness as immediate obedience that does not go before Him, but goes where He sends us (Exodus 12v11, KJV). The Satan calls for hastening as immediate obedience that goes before the LORD, as though we can figure Him and His plans out later, and God can just catch up once we've gone ahead of Him (2 John 1v8-10, KJV). The difference is pretty starkly contrasted, like black and white when you take a moment, just a moment to listen and check with the Scriptures before being quick to anything in the spirit. I'm prayerfully hoping everyone will take care to bear in heart, mind and spirit the difference between the two. So, that our steps in Jesus Christ lead us ever closer to the Father, running as we never grow weary in Him (Isaiah 40v31, KJV). Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0xGnqQJGreh9Iia4lPpG3e1c5hMqkQNBD4IIY0/?igshid=l3y5na10p7sz
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Read 'em, but please don't weep for how 'Acting On Wisdom Is Less Confusing than Acting On Uncertainty' at https://eliasmambomachina.tumblr.com (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ulV23JWs4kHdA62-OyJLirJi_lEwIMTgMnBg0/?igshid=13sfak032dvkz
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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'Acting On Wisdom Is Less Confusing than Acting On Uncertainty'
Acting on wisdom is usually less confusing than acting on uncertainty. At least for the person who has the responsibility to make a decision with commitment over it. As "duh" as that might sound, I would like to open up the profundity of it a little bit. Which is just a fancy way of saying I'm about to start on how decision making is clearer when there is no panic button to press. In all fairness that doesn't lie on the Holy Bible, that's consistently all the time, in the Word of God (1 Corinthians 4v1-5, KJV). For Christians, that's saying we can't go ahead of the LORD in decision making that requires our commitment over it. Ten days out of every ten, that doesn't bode very well for us, or anyone outside of the faith either; because our LORD cannot be forced of His hand to act on anything (Acts 19v11-17, KJV). His perfect timing and judgement for any given situation or decision is wise, not confusing and completely certain; because He alone is righteous in all these things (Psalm 18v30-36, KJV). So, being the sinners we are, there is no point in our relationship with God where we get to tell Him how to do his decision making job. Especially when we can't even decide over the fate over our own souls in Jesus.  
To put all of this more plainly – we serve a God of certainty (1 Corinthians 14v33-40, KJV). So, in no decision He makes is there uncertainty dwelling within Him. God is not about that kind of wishy washy-ness in committing himself to a decision. We serve an ever faithful God (Lamentations 3v23, KJV). By virtue, we would do well to esteem onto the same Godly qualities, as they were found in Christ Jesus (Matthew 17v1-5, KJV). Namely - faithfulness which is discerning of God's go-ahead for decision making, from the Satan's go-ahead for making a decision (Matthew 4v1-11, KJV). The two can be confusing, on grounds of not discerning between the two, against the written Word and evidence of God's faithfulness in seeing us through uncertain times (in which we might be panicked or anxious about making a decision). Those two spiritual batteries against the spirits which come upon our hearts and minds is the very standard by which we are held to in our faith, for making discerning actions, with wisdom when times are uncertain (1 John 4v1-5, KJV).
Now, that's not to say we've all gotta go and make hasty decisions in uncertain times. However, it is to say that in making any decision during uncertain times, the Biblically best moment in which to be decisive is when God has seen us through uncertainty itself by letting Him deal with the situation (Mark 4v35-41, KJV). Its on witnessing that, when we can continue praising Him for being faithful to His Word, as it is written in saying He will see us through difficult times and the decisions involved in them (Exodus 4v10-13, KJV; Luke 12v11-12, KJV).
Its as simple as that, and maybe a little "duh" too to say this much, but its for good reason. Uncertain times need a lot o' duh to level problems out a bit. In the same way, certainty over any decision that requires commitment over it is best surrendered over to Almighty God. So, that His desires for our decision making will be done, and not our own (Matthew 6v9-13, KJV; Luke 22v42-44, KJV). Consistently with His written Word, and faithfulness to the fulfilment of His Word, as it is written in our Holy Bible. In making decisions that way, after checking with the Word and letting God actually see us through portions of decision making we can't quite handle, we're acting on wisdom with certainty (Psalm 138, KJV). A quick way to all that, as its worked well in the past for those who are in God, is simply giving up the confusing parts to making a decision with a prayer saying - "I don't know what to do here, God. I need you to step in now and help me make a decision." He'll take you up on that, and manage the God-sized parts of your confusing decision making process, so you can focus on the you-sized parts of it; once you're through all the storminess that comes with uncertainty (Psalm 23-24, KJV). Our God has been doing that for ages, He'll keep on gracing us with deliverance from uncertainty in decision making and their stormy times too (Lamentations 3v22-24, KJV). But, of course, that's dependent on us inviting Him into the decision making process; so He can have some room in which to work away our uncertainty (Matthew 7v7-12, KJV).
I'm sure everyone's got a good understanding of where I've been getting' at with this one point for now. I might touch on it again later. In any case, I'm certainly prayin' with hope that y'all will go with Jesus into the remainder of your weekend, knowing your deliverance from uncertainty and the storms of it is a shoe-in. If you'll just surrender it over to God, letting Him work on the areas you can't, in full and total agreement with His written Word for that too. In Jesus's name. Amen.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Read 'em, but please don't weep at how 'An Amen Is a Yes to the LORD, Not the Blessing' at https://eliasmambomachina.tumblr.com (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rtQ31JZA6eqAGJ9S3YJNpXJ2cWSXuki3JYaY0/?igshid=ktzjok453l26
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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‘An Amen Is a Yes to the LORD, Not the Blessing’
Saying yes to the LORD is not saying yes to a blessing nor is it saying no to a blessing. In saying yes, for an Amen to the LORD walking us into more of His relationship with us, we may have whatever blessings that may accompany us along the way. Not because the blessings themselves are a requirement for the LORD to have favor over us in full, but because they’re make a pleasing fit with us in the eyes of God Himself. The LORD wills for us to walk outfitted with all the blessings He can possibly provide (Deuteronomy 28v1-68, KJV). Where we say no to some for the way in which they might come to us is honored by Him too, not because we’re saying no to Him, but because some blessings are too much for us to bear in the here and now (Judges 7, KJV). As we may understand them. Not because Jehovah is inadequate in blessing us with the perfect amount of blessings we can bear, but because the weight of His blessings can be heavy at times. As they were for Moses as He led the Hebrews in Exodus to Canaan (Exodus 18, KJV).  
So, basically what I’m getting at here is we can all have the LORD’s prepared blessings over our lives. Maybe not today, because we personally will to have them in an easier, more roundabout way. Like how the Hebrews preferred to have their blessing of a promised land in Canaan (Numbers 14v26-40, KJV). Or like how Moses insisted God bless Him with a spokesperson, so He wouldn’t have to stutter in speech, asking pharaoh to let the Hebrews go worship the LORD in Canaan (Exodus 4, KJV). This kind of protest against the LORD’s way, is not in and of itself a sin. God will not condemn any soul for asking Him to make His blessings a little easier to carry. That’s principally because in asking Him to make our way for walking with Him easier, we’re still saying yes to going forward with Him, just not in the way He has already fashioned for us to do it. Its not the most riveting kind of “yes decision” God gets from us when we choose Him in walking into our blessings, because He does wish for us to just simply obey. However, and I do mean – however, what the LORD is banking on us to do with His prepared blessings is walk into them (Matthew 10v16-20, KJV). Not so much on time, although that would be nice, and honorable, and respectful of His time (Genesis 19, KJV). Which is good. But, He wills more for our obedience, no matter how long it takes for that obedience to come around.
That right there, that will He has which I just touched on – that one – exists in Him, because we do serve a forbearing God (Lamentations 3, KJV; Colossians 3v13, KJV). The same God who asks the same of us, in being longsuffering, as He is; because He does understand there are certain requests that are just simply intimidating. As Elijah was once intimidated with God’s request for Him to rebuke Jezebel, who wasn’t exactly Elijah’s number one fan to put it lightly (1 Kings 19, KJV).
The LORD does understand, and so do I on this. So, I’m prayerfully hoping for all time leading into the age where we will forever reign with Jesus, that you all will take it easy on yourselves for asking God to make things a little easier. Because God is not trying to break anyone’s back, He’s just trying to see us through the walk we started with Him. So a little bit of self-compassion with being imperfect in our human-ness, actually goes a long way in helping God, come through for us in making things easier; as He sees us through our walk into more of His blessing over us. In Jesus’s name, and I say that with an Amen, because I know as the Bible tells me so – asking the LORD to make things a little easier to obey Him is never in vain (Matthew 7v7-12, KJV). Again, because we are ultimately choosing Him, just with a more roundabout way of getting to where we said “yes, I will follow you there, LORD”.
Its okay to ask your heavenly Father to help you walk with Him when you got doubts. You didn’t say no. So, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise, because that would be a straight up lie from the Satan. Live in Him with that on your heart, instead of any guilt for not choosing His more direct paths. Live in His joy for choosing Him, despite how long of a time you it’ll take ya to get into more of your blessings with Him. He wills that for you. Just get closer to your blessings in territories demarcated for you in Him. Focus on that with a smile. Like that He has over you (Numbers 6v24-26, KJV). In Jesus’s name, with an Amen too.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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It gets insulting to reach the level of argumentative conversation with God where we start leveling Him off. In the sense that our loses from the past can't be outdone in restoration by Him in our present day of living (Joel 2v25, KJV; Luke 15v11-32, KJV; Genesis 22v1-19, KJV; Job 42v10-17, KJV). Like right now. In the very impossible day the LORD has made Himself (Psalm 118v24, KJV). I'm no one to put a cap on how the LORD can outdo Himself time and time again, even over all that I thought was lost in Him, when everything I have in Him is a treasure stored up heaven (Matthew 6v19-21, KJV). As in, it can't ever be lost, and when it comes back to me through restoration – its got a lot of gained interest for having spent time in someone else's hands. Almost like a reward for not complaining to God about my lost heavenly blessing, as though it were an entitlement. When really it belongs to Him, and just to make a point about how He is a restorer, our blessings come to us with abundance. Lost or not, because that's His style. He's been doin' it since the beginning. With fish and bread, He's done it. Material riches He's done it, and certainly in the modern day Church He's doin' it too. I know He's doing that in my life. So, I'm prayerfully hoping everyone will take a moment to remember with thanks how the LORD is a restorer of everything He has prepared for you in Him. For where the treasures of your life in Him are, there is no loss to claim, but abundance no one can begin to dare dream or imagine measuring in this life or the next. Not because of the quantities per se, but because of how the LORD's grace in our treasures found in Him is unquantifiable, because He is that awesome in how He blesses us. At a level only He can understand, ever. I love that, although that's not the reason for which I declare my love for the LORD, but I certainly don't hate it with an Amen. Because that kind of favor in grace, against us ever losing any blessing in Him, is the kind I just gotta receive, and I'm sure hopin' everyone else will too. In Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0peKcnJ0x2teNG7O7nlQ1N6m83jzKj7Aki5840/?igshid=cba10mtpjtds
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Today was another blessed day spent with a spiritual brother of mine in Christ. From that time with Him it hit me that God will make a way, however unconventional, for His lost sheep to find their way back to Him (Matthew 18v12-14, KJV). What was especially telling about His love in that my brother was reminding me is God will go to great lengths to find His lost sheep. That includes getting down and dirty with all whom pious societies consider to be the worst (Matthew 9v10-17, KJV). Lately, I hadn't considered that much, for how its been a challenge for me to do the same as Jesus did it. Its been affecting how my salvation testimony has been getting' around to all ears, for Jesus. As humbling as that was to learn for myself, it was also motivating with a lot of energy I felt like I was losing for spreading the Gospel. Not so much because I was fed up with the turn downs for Jesus, per se, but because of how ineffective my conventional approach to spreading the Word was for everyone I've met. In reassessing the compassion that was lacking in my approach and not just my invitations to share in the Word, I got a lot more uplift under my wings for taking flight to deliver His Word. I'm ever thankful to the LORD for that, beyond all measure of time, because this isn't a thing I wanna stop doing. Ever. Much less thanking Him for this uplift that came from reassessing my approach as I've been going on about it. I'm definitely in prayerful hopes that everyone fixin' to do more of what it says in Matthew 28v18-20 (KJV) takes on that Word I got today, for being ever more compassionate in how we approach others. As those who are in the world and not of it, relatable and welcoming, rather than a zealous and blatantly pious (Romans 12v2, KJV). This is actually a commandment. I didn't do well in keeping it. So, I'm sure hoping all o' y'all will do well to keep it as I'm workin' to do it too. In Christ Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0mxFNzp0VNRWJJ4MF6y9lRgmYHxo13oS2qVL80/?igshid=1lto0fbqng3cd
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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I've been learning these past couple of days now that if the shoe don't fit. Sometimes its okay to walk away from it, and not give the store manager - Jehovah, a hard time about a blessing. A more fitting size shoe might come in shipped later, but our satisfaction in Him is top priority with or without that. So, its important for us to honor this faithfulness He has to us, and our needs being met. He knows them all (Psalm 23-24, KJV; Matthew 10v31-42, KJV; Matthew 6v7-8, KJV). More beautiful than any good supply to a need is that He can meet our needs at levels we can't even begin to image or dream - ever. So, when a blessing isn't fitting well, and an expected delivery for a better fitting one isn't guaranteed on anyone's shipment docket or God's – its okay to leave that concern to God's fulfilment center (i.e. His hands). Important about doing that in the process, is actually taking up the concern to Him in prayer, and not limiting His graces for delivering a well-fitting blessing (Philippians 4v6, KJV). Even if it ain't already conceived for its shape or form in our limited minds and imaginations. Generally, the God we serve works well without those restraints (Isaiah 55v8-9, KJV; Matthew 19v27-30, KJV). Its in His nature and a preferred style of His too. For anyone who might not already know that about how our God works with our total surrender of our needs to Him (Matthew 14v13-21, KJV). So, in short I'm prayerfully hoping that everyone will learn to walk away from blessings that don't quite fit. Especially in the way God has planned for us to walk with Jesus in His blessings. I'll say an Amen over that now, because I'm also prayerfully hoping we'll all walk into more of His blessings over us, as He works them through us too for others. In Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0kKg3zJv_jUAr2Rcvq7TS3VJXmyiZf6lukyp00/?igshid=ww5tq9fd2bz6
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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My prayerful hope over everyone and myself, tonight is for a faithful walk with God into new seasons in new territories (1 Chronicles 4v9-10, KJV). Wherein the LORD continues to grow us past heights we can't even look back on the same way, because we're always made anew in Him (2 Corinthians 5v17, KJV; Colossians 3v10, KJV; Ephesians 4v24, KJV). As His mercies a made anew each day (Lamentations 3v22-24, KJV). In Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0huXDYJf8ui198oh-GZ2mfVyBuraaDG05vcHs0/?igshid=1712i5kqsavtm
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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'Sometimes You Just Need to Ask for a Miracle'
From today's Sunday sermon at my church congregation I was divinely intervened of my anxiety in how I'm going to be delivered to and from where I must go and dwell in the LORD. Trusting the LORD to deliver me where I must go and dwell in Him as He did for Moses at the Red Sea, or Peter in a Roman jail is that message I got to share with everyone today (Exodus 14, KJV; Acts 12v3-19, KJV). If only for a moment, to encourage everyone to hold onto the LORD's encouragement, for how He will deliver us into territories He calls us.
With prayer, I've been vigilant about asking God to go before me and cover me in traversing where I must claim territory in His name. What I hadn't been as vigilant about was simply asking God for a miracle over all that. For the past many days now, in this week we just got out of, I've been meaning to plan carefully for the LORD's will to be done well. As I know it. The job was way, way, way too much for me. Such that I was starting to lose valuable sleep and anxiety was starting to creep into my world, and that's a bug of condemnation I'm never excited about having on me.
So, giving up my careful planning for God's will to be done, as He promised me it will be done, to His miraculous hand has been a blessed help. This is the same miraculous hand I do mean to say was that which delivered the Hebrews across the Red Sea, and our apostle Peter outta jail. Resting assured in how He's got that hand to play in dealing me a win for His glory is the same rest from anxiety I would like to pray over everyone with hopes for this freedom too. Freedom from anxiety in planning God's way to miraculously delivering us where we need Him to come through for us.
I got a feeling both Moses and Peter hadn't a clue in either of their most right minds how the LORD in all of his mysterious ways was about to move for them to get through, when they needed deliverance. At the same time I know this as it is written, they stepped outta both spaces – Egypt and a jail cell, in faith for how awesome the God we serve is, as a deliverer. Faithful to His Word, willing that none who are in step with Him should perish or come short of the blessing He has prepared for us, in territories He calls us (Psalm 23-24, KJV).
In Christ Jesus's name I'm praying this same reassurance from the Word and accounts we've got from Moses's time and Peter's and others. In His name alone I'm praying that we will dwell on the faithfulness of His Word, and goodness of His love, for us to be where ever we must dwell in Him (Lamentations 3v22-24, KJV; Colossians 3v2-17, KJV). Disregarding however much we've got it figured out for how we're gonna get there with Him.  
In Jesus's name I pray we all keep on surrendering that piece to careful planning unto the Master Planner of all the universe and time itself. So, we can at least have a little bit of that peace Jesus promised us and has ready for us, if we'll just give up our tomorrow and the next steps for it to Him (John 14v27-15v7, KJV; Matthew 6v25-34, KJV). Amen.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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‘The LORD Will Never Lead Us to Perish by Our Faithful Obedience to Him’
Faithfully enduring as a soldier for God is going to cost us all our resources, and that includes every last penny in the secular sense too (Matthew 19v16-30, KJV). If it ain't, that money's been sacrificed to somebody and it ain't God. Giving over all our soul is that which He is looking for, and not so much material blessings (Psalm 116v12-17, KJV). They belong to Him anyway, in the same way our souls belong to Him too (Matthew 15v20, KJV; 1 Corinthians 6v15-20, KJV). All that comes from Him and not even a single breathe at any moment in our lungs is our own. So, with that same acknowledgement of His sovereignty over our lives, its only right to respect the fact He won't ever lead us to perish (Jeremiah 29v11, KJV). Certainly not by our faithful obedience to Him (Psalm 23, KJV). At that we're also expected to go where the LORD points us to go, no matter how far and difficult the road looks ahead (Matthew 7v13-14, KJV). Our Amen over that is expected for our faith to grow in Him, so that He might have in the relationship He needs us to be in with Him at that pointed road's end (Colossians 3v12-25, KJV).  
I've been learning to celebrate at being pointed in directions I can see as having long and bumpy roads (2 Chronicles 20v15-17, KJV). Not because of how my blessing will multiply plenteously over the course of that, but because of the greater relationship God is calling me into having with Him (John 14v14-31, KJV). The honor of having Him do anything like that is praise worthy with an Amen (John 15v15-17, KJV). Despite however the road ahead is looking. Especially after accounting for the LORD has already gone ahead of me and is actually waiting for me to make it to the other side of his mission for me in faith (Deuteronomy 31v8, KJV).  
I would hope that persisting with each step for each mile taken into growing with Jesus, as we grow in God meets rejoice and an Amen. All the way to heaven and back for paradise on Earth. Again, not simply because of the promises that come with obedience like this, where we take on his missions for us as good soldiers (Deuteronomy 28, KJV). But, because of how good it is to be in the LORD and ever closer to Him like we couldn't ever possibly conceive in our own minds on the best of days in this life or the next.
It is with that same expectant heart for the goodness of the LORD to see me through in going where He sends me, that I prayerfully hope everyone takes personal care to say Amen as well. At each command in direction the LORD orders over us, individually. In Jesus's name. Amen.  
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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‘Look in Prayer, the Word, and Time with God, Before You Leap’
Looking before we leap is a popular cultural phrase we've got in the West, and a lot of places in the rest of the world too. In different variations of the expression and yet with the same principle in message. I'm going on about that today, with a Bible principle about it, because in itself the saying is sadly - meaningless. Not just because of how misleading it is to assume that our visories and gathered wisdom is adequate for careful decision making, but because of how Jesus was never placed at the center of that specific phrase. Sure enough that makes sense. The name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is unpopular. He's been getting people and their demons to shriek at it since the beginning. So, an absence of His name in pop wisdom ought to help with communicating pop phrases. It reduces folks' anxiety, be that intentionally or unintentionally (Matthew 8v28-34, KJV). Pop things ought to be nice and chilled like that, even if it means the wisdom that may come along has no Biblical direction. Specifically on the phrase I'm on about - looking before you leap. At least in how pop culture is consumed along with its many unBiblical things. Like the ommission of how we ought to look into the Word, the Holy Spirit's affirmations, and tests of God's given time (fancy talk for faithfulness of our obedience to God in not going before Him as it says in Isaiah 52v12, KJV). This kind of wisdom, the one that gives life and not vain glory to making decisions in ourselves is that which we're daily called into walking with Jesus. Now that's a definite piece to the pop phrase you're not gonna get, because it's already misleading and meaningless without it. If it had that for Jesus, I wouldn't be sayin' nuthin and about most of the world would be leaving their decision making to thoughts of Him. Rather than reliance on looking into our own wisdom before we leap, as though that's adequate. When it never will be, without Jesus right at the middle of it and in everybody's face, especially our own for personal decisions (Proverbs 3v5-7, KJV). I'm sure y'all get the message at that. So, please let's all take that to heart and most definitely in mind, when we're lookin' before we leap. In Jesus's name. Amen.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Doing work given to us at jobs or any place else as though the LORD gave us that work is commendable (Colossians 3v23-24, KJV). Not just because it’s a commandment to treat all work in this way, but, because it helps to keep our minds and hearts stayed on simple obedience to Him. By that I mean doing our work joyfully as though we do it for the LORD, is obedience in itself. With all our hearts, minds, souls, and strengths we are expected to do that much (Deuteronomy 6v5, KJV; Matthew 22v37-40, KJV). So, that way the fruits of our labors are more than Earthly but honorable in the sight of the LORD, and that is good and holy indeed (Matthew 6v19-21, KJV). Taking care to not have this kind of simple obedience abused is also good and holy, because we are not made for abusive relationships or bondage to labor in any way, shape or form. Not only for the reason of such labor producing vain glory, but to keep our devotion to working for God in Christ's chastity. As in our labor cannot work and bear good, holy fruits where God does not send for it and keep it (Isaiah 55v10-11, KJV). So, we have a responsibility to keep our labor employed only to Him, His glory, the praise and worship of His name alone. In Christ Jesus's name. Learning to do that faithfully has been thematic for me this week. I'm hoping simple obedience that's chaste for working only on Jehovah's command is the kind of working relationship we'll all come into having more of in God. So, I'm certainly not praying with hopes for more of that for myself, because I'm not carrying the cross of working for Him – but a cross of working for Him with y'all. In good fellowship and as co-heirs of the good reward that comes from faithfully working obedience to Him and devoting our works to Him (Matthew 25v21-46, KJV). Amen? (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0W-IqNpVnD5ETZiCjwikW2HBbSCfREgRp3my00/?igshid=77q9md43qidn
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Today, I would like to invite everyone into a prayer for more of Jehovah's graces. For more of His praises to be lifted up, and name to be glorified, in delivering us into His goodness and compassion (Daniel 2v23, KJV). I'm certainly rejoicing in that He is doing already, as He has been doing for me miraculously today. So, everyone best believe I'm about to pray for y'all to share in the same, because I need everyone to draw ever nearer to Him still. Taste and see in His embrace, that our awesome Almighty God is good indeed (Psalm 34v8-10, KJV). As He moves in our lives, for both now, forever, and beyond all measure of time. In Christ Jesus's name. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0U5t5opR64NEl5YU-I8eATxz1FUhYDCweKo4Y0/?igshid=unxhjfp0hdlm
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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Being secure in God's future for me has been what's felt like a life long struggle. Not just because I would like to have my next five, ten plus years worked out into a cute little blueprint that I can read. But, because I would also like to not step out of bounds of His callings for me. So there's been some anxiety there too. Recentering the focus of my attention onto Him usually helps with that (Isaiah 26v3, KJV). Especially on the days when I'm a lot more compassionate with myself to be obedient as He calls me to be in Him. Doing just that today with the anxiety I had about what he's got in store for my future, when I've got important decisions that'll need to be made, helped a whole bunch. So keeping my obedience in steady step with Him, and His light burden for me and easy yoke, trusting in Him all the while as I keep my mind my stayed on Him - has been a comforting help (Proverbs 3v5-6). With the Word and conversation with Him through the Holy Spirit too. I've had a great many companions in Him to not surrender the peace He has for me and my future to the wiles and emotional decisions of the Satan (Jeremiah 29v11, KJV). For that and the fact He has all of my world and future in His hands, I'm thanking Him. With a hallelujah returning to sender that anxiety and Amen to seal the stamp for that too, because I wasn't singing those praises when the anxiety was on me (Matthew 10v29-31, KJV). I thankfully can now, and in Jesus's name prayerfully hope I'm not gonna be the only one who can, going into more of our days. Amen. (at Denton, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0SMieZllEJnXt9Ov6CcBf5urw_q-8-PytC13E0/?igshid=1xp53dvtn6f0a
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