john3v16kjv · 2 days
‭Galatians 6:2 KJV‬
[2] Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
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eliasmambomachina · 5 years
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‘An Amen Is a Yes to the LORD, Not the Blessing’
Saying yes to the LORD is not saying yes to a blessing nor is it saying no to a blessing. In saying yes, for an Amen to the LORD walking us into more of His relationship with us, we may have whatever blessings that may accompany us along the way. Not because the blessings themselves are a requirement for the LORD to have favor over us in full, but because they’re make a pleasing fit with us in the eyes of God Himself. The LORD wills for us to walk outfitted with all the blessings He can possibly provide (Deuteronomy 28v1-68, KJV). Where we say no to some for the way in which they might come to us is honored by Him too, not because we’re saying no to Him, but because some blessings are too much for us to bear in the here and now (Judges 7, KJV). As we may understand them. Not because Jehovah is inadequate in blessing us with the perfect amount of blessings we can bear, but because the weight of His blessings can be heavy at times. As they were for Moses as He led the Hebrews in Exodus to Canaan (Exodus 18, KJV).  
So, basically what I’m getting at here is we can all have the LORD’s prepared blessings over our lives. Maybe not today, because we personally will to have them in an easier, more roundabout way. Like how the Hebrews preferred to have their blessing of a promised land in Canaan (Numbers 14v26-40, KJV). Or like how Moses insisted God bless Him with a spokesperson, so He wouldn’t have to stutter in speech, asking pharaoh to let the Hebrews go worship the LORD in Canaan (Exodus 4, KJV). This kind of protest against the LORD’s way, is not in and of itself a sin. God will not condemn any soul for asking Him to make His blessings a little easier to carry. That’s principally because in asking Him to make our way for walking with Him easier, we’re still saying yes to going forward with Him, just not in the way He has already fashioned for us to do it. Its not the most riveting kind of “yes decision” God gets from us when we choose Him in walking into our blessings, because He does wish for us to just simply obey. However, and I do mean – however, what the LORD is banking on us to do with His prepared blessings is walk into them (Matthew 10v16-20, KJV). Not so much on time, although that would be nice, and honorable, and respectful of His time (Genesis 19, KJV). Which is good. But, He wills more for our obedience, no matter how long it takes for that obedience to come around.
That right there, that will He has which I just touched on – that one – exists in Him, because we do serve a forbearing God (Lamentations 3, KJV; Colossians 3v13, KJV). The same God who asks the same of us, in being longsuffering, as He is; because He does understand there are certain requests that are just simply intimidating. As Elijah was once intimidated with God’s request for Him to rebuke Jezebel, who wasn’t exactly Elijah’s number one fan to put it lightly (1 Kings 19, KJV).
The LORD does understand, and so do I on this. So, I’m prayerfully hoping for all time leading into the age where we will forever reign with Jesus, that you all will take it easy on yourselves for asking God to make things a little easier. Because God is not trying to break anyone’s back, He’s just trying to see us through the walk we started with Him. So a little bit of self-compassion with being imperfect in our human-ness, actually goes a long way in helping God, come through for us in making things easier; as He sees us through our walk into more of His blessing over us. In Jesus’s name, and I say that with an Amen, because I know as the Bible tells me so – asking the LORD to make things a little easier to obey Him is never in vain (Matthew 7v7-12, KJV). Again, because we are ultimately choosing Him, just with a more roundabout way of getting to where we said “yes, I will follow you there, LORD”.
Its okay to ask your heavenly Father to help you walk with Him when you got doubts. You didn’t say no. So, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise, because that would be a straight up lie from the Satan. Live in Him with that on your heart, instead of any guilt for not choosing His more direct paths. Live in His joy for choosing Him, despite how long of a time you it’ll take ya to get into more of your blessings with Him. He wills that for you. Just get closer to your blessings in territories demarcated for you in Him. Focus on that with a smile. Like that He has over you (Numbers 6v24-26, KJV). In Jesus’s name, with an Amen too.
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beecruz · 8 years
Extra, extra, read all about it... 😂 #futurehendrix #futurehive @future #dmv #6side #goWithJesus
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laurabottle-blog-blog · 10 years
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Saying goodbye to Jules..... for now #laJulia #futurecorrectionofficer #gowithJesus (en Applebee's)
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john3v16kjv · 3 days
‭Isaiah 26:4 KJV‬
[4] Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:
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john3v16kjv · 6 days
‭Exodus 33:14 KJV‬
[14] And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
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john3v16kjv · 1 month
‭2 Thessalonians 3:3 KJV‬
[3] But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
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john3v16kjv · 1 month
‭Galatians 6:9 KJV‬
[9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
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john3v16kjv · 1 month
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john3v16kjv · 1 month
‭Psalm 139:11-12 KJV‬
[11] If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; Even the night shall be light about me. [12] Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; But the night shineth as the day: The darkness and the light are both alike to thee.
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john3v16kjv · 1 month
‭Colossians 4:2 KJV‬
[2] Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving;
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john3v16kjv · 2 months
‭1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV‬
[17] Pray without ceasing.
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john3v16kjv · 2 months
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john3v16kjv · 2 months
‭Ezekiel 36:26 KJV‬
[26] A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.
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john3v16kjv · 2 months
‭1 Chronicles 29:11 KJV‬
[11] Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.
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john3v16kjv · 2 months
‭Ephesians 6:18 KJV‬
[18] praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
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