elisha-mikealson · 4 years
4. The Dinner Party
When I woke up the next day I get dressed before heading downstairs to see Elijah sitting on the couch still reading the same book, "So is this going to be an every morning thing?" I ask him as I sit down on the couch next to him.
"Probably, I find this intriguing." He hands me the book and I see that it is one of Esther's grimoires.
"Now how did you find this?" I ask flipping to the page that he was on.
"It was on the bookshelf in the room that I'm staying in."
I nod to this. "And you think you should just be reading it out in the open?" I stand up with it in my hands. "There is a reason that it's locked away in that room, not to mention you had to go searching specifically for it because I know that no one would be able to find it except for a Mikaelson or someone with magic. There is a reason I hid this," I say holding up the book. "It has the spell that can destroy us all. A which that can channel enough energy can kill an original with a spell in this book," I sigh dropping the book. "Your which friend, has the only other copy of this spell so if Bonnie wants you dead she can do it if she can find the book."
"She won't," he says standing up. "Jonas has everything under control with the witch."
"Okay," I say speeding up to the room putting the book back before coming back. "What is the game plan for today?"
"We'll Jenna is going to be showing me around the old property lines."
"I thought I was supposed to be showing you around," I say laughing a little bit.
"Well she has all the information and everything, and Mrs. Lockwood has requested her to show me around, I don't see why you couldn't join us though. Jenna did say about meeting us there in an hour."
"Okay," I say nodding. "Let's go then," I say grabbing my keys. Once we get there we say hello to Jenna and she starts showing us around and I slightly zone out until Jenna says something.
"Ah the Fells. One of the 'Founding Families,'" Elijah responds.
"Why do you say it like that?" Jenna questions.
"My research showed me that this area was actually settled almost two full centuries earlier." I had to hold in a laugh because I was the one that told him that on the way over. "It was a migration of townsfolk from the northeast, Salem to be precise."
"Massachusetts? As in the Salem witch trials?"
Elijah nods to this. "Which means the ever lauded founding families didn't actually found anything."
"Well, I bet it was the men who made a big deal about being founders back in 1860. Men are very territorial." We stop walking when she says this and I notice Alaric walking over to us.
"Yes, they are," I say as Jenna looks over and sees Alaric.
"Elijah, Elisha, this is my friend, Alaric Saltzman."
"Yeah, I got you message about walking Elijah and Elisha here through the old property lines. I figured I would tag along, you know being a history buff and all. Where to next?" Alaric says. I can tell that Elijah is not to pleased by Alaric's intrusion on this tour, but he keeps a level head.
"I'm pretty curious about the freed slave property owners. Some say, you know, the descendants of the slaves are the true keepers of the American history," Elijah says.
"Well I only brought the surveys, I got that list in the car, just give me a sec." With that she walks off to her car.
"Alaric Saltzman. Your one of those people on Elena's list of loved ones to protect."
"So is Jenna," Alaric says dead serious which makes me smirk.
"You don't have to be jealous. I don't really pursue younger women." Elijah almost sounds board saying this as he looks over at me. "It's a joke Ric, lighten up." He taps Alaric's shoulder before walking away.
"Right," Alaric says with a nod before looking at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Helping Elijah, Mrs. Lockwood did ask me to show him around before she got Jenna to. Like it or not, I'm driving him around because I know this town better than even the Salvatore's do, so please do play nice with Elijah, he won't bring you harm or anyone else on Elena's list." I walk away from him over to Elijah and Jenna as she finishes showing us around. Alaric leaves at some point which is okay with me because Elijah seems more relaxed without him there.
After everything I follow Jenna to the Grill where she said that she was meeting up with Alaric about something. Once we walk into the Grill I hear Damon saying, "Ah here's Jenna with her new boyfriend and his sidekick." I laugh quietly to myself. "Hi."
"Hey guys," Jenna says walking over to Alaric, Damon, and Damon's girl toy.
"So I hear you guys had quite a meeting of historical minds today."
"Yeah, you could say that," Jenna says with a smile as she looks at Elijah.
"Well as much as I would like to continue this, I've got papers to grade," Alaric states getting up.
"No, you know what we should continue this. Let's have a diner party," Damon's toy says.
"Ooh my girl, full of great ideas. I'll be happy to host," Damon says mock holding up his hand. I could see the look on Elijah's face and man he looked like he wanted to rip off his head. "Say tonight maybe?"
"Sounds good with me, Jenna?" Again, Damon's toy.
"I don't know if tonight works-" Alaric starts to say but Jenna cuts him off.
"Yeah, I'm free," she nods.
"It'll be a pleasure," Elijah says and I nod in agreement.
"Great," Damon says with a smile.
"Well, Elijah and I would love to stay but we have some important things to get to, before tonight," I say with a small smile. "Jenna it was lovely to spend the day with you, Elena has told me how nice you were, but you are beyond what she was saying," I say and she smiles.
"Anytime you need something, either of you, just give me a call," she says looking at Elijah.
"I will keep that in mind," Elijah says kissing her hand before he walks away.
"Damon please don't do anything stupid tonight," I say and he just smiles.
"I would never dream of it," he says and I walk away with that.
When I got to the car I drive us back to my place and we discuss about what all happened today while we were on the tour. Bash, Josh and Rosa got up and left while Elijah and I were talking to go train which I didn't have a problem with. Caun then ventured out of his room and over to Elijah and I. "I heard diner party, I'm going."
"Caun if you get within a hundred yards of the house I will personally snap your neck."
"Why can't I go?"
"One because there will be no alcohol, two the people there you can't kill, and three because I said so."
"You are absolutely no fun," he says walking away from us.
"I know." I smirk at this. "Why don't you head over to the lake house and help the others train?"
"I would rather drive a stake through my chest," he says looking at me and I just gave him a look and he sighs. "Fine, I'll head over to the lake house, but I'm not training anyone." He leaves and Elijah and I go back to talking. Before I knew it, it was time to go over to the Salvatore boarding house so we left.
When we got there I rang the doorbell and the door opened revealing Damon. "Good Evening," I say.
"Thank you for coming, please, come in," Damon says opening the door more.
"Just one moment. Can I just say that if you have anything less than honorable intentions about how this evening is going, I suggest you reconsider," I say walking in.
"No, nothing, nothing dishonorable. Just a, getting to know you."
"Hmm, well that's good because you know although Elena and I have this deal, if you so much as make a move to cross me I'll kill you and I'll kill everyone in this house. Are we clear?" Elijah says.
"Crystal," Damon says.
"Jenna, it's wonderful to see you again. How are you?" Elijah says walking into the house further towards Jenna, "you look incredible."
After about 15 minutes we were all sitting at the table eating. "I hate to break it to you Damon but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town," Jenna says trying to make conversation. She was sitting across from Elijah with Damon to her right and me to her left as Damon's toy is on the other side of me with Alaric across from her and John next to both of them.
"Hmm, do tell," Damon says looking at Elijah.
"Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years they developed the community where they could feel safe from persecution."
"Hmm. Because they were witches," Jenna says kinda leaning over to me.
"There is not tangible proof there were witches in Salem," the toy says.
"Andie's a journalist. Big on facts," Damon comments.
"Well, the lore says that there was this wave of anti-witch hysteria. It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and burned. Some say you could hear the screams from miles around us they were consumed by the fire," I say like it was common knowledge. "Could you pass the," I say say pointing to the butter on the table.
"I wouldn't repeat this to the historical society," Jenna says laughing along with Andie and I just kind of smirk.
"It's starting to sound a little like a ghost story to me," John says but everyone ignores it.
"So why do you want to know the location of these alleged massacres?" Damon questions.
"You know, a healthy historian's curiosity, of course," Elijah says with a ghost of a smile.
"Of course," Damon responds. We fall into a painful silence before Damon speaks up again. "Would anyone care for some Cognac? I have a bottle I've been saving for ages."
"None for me thanks. 9 bottles of wine is my limit," Alaric says as everyone stands up.
"The gentlemen should take their drinks in the study," Andie suggest and I give Elijah a look of warning and he catches on.
"I have to say the food was almost as wonderful as the company."
"I like you," Andie says point to Elijah which just smiles before walking out of the room. I follow behind him sneaking out only to be caught by Alaric's eyes which just brushes it off like nothing.
Once I get into the study I see Damon pouring glasses of what I presumed to be bourbon from the smell. "So let me guess. In addition to the moonstone, the doppelganger, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe you need to find this witch burial ground."
"Because I feel as though we've grown so close, Damon, I'll tell you, yes."
"Do you know where it is?" I question making my presence known before walking down to Elijah.
"Maybe. Tell me why it's so important."
"Even I know you're not that close, Damon."
"It's quite a collection you have here." Damon hums looking at me as he reaches for something and I take a whiff knowing it's a dagger with white oak on it. I give him a warning looks but he brushes it off. "It's a funny thing about books, before they existed people actually had memories." Damon was picking up the dagger but Alaric bushed the doors open saying about how we forgot about dessert.
"Elijah," Andie says putting out her hand basically begging Elijah to take it.
"Miss Star," he says walking up to her taking her hand and walking out of the room.
"What the hell Damon are you trying to get yourself killed?" I ask.
"No," Damon says looking at Alaric and hitting him. Alaric simply walked over to a paper and wrote 'The dagger will kill you if you use it' before handing it to him. I roll my eyes using my vampire speed to quickly move up by the dining room walking in behind Andie and Elijah.
"Sorry guys dessert is taking longer than I thought, I usually just unwrap food," Elijah sits down in his chair and I stand next to him. Andie started talking but I ignore her listing to see were Damon and Alaric are at, but they pop up and Andie gets Alaric to grab a notebook out of her bag and he disappears again so I sit down in his seat. They say a few things but what caught my attention was when John says about Klaus.
"Gentlemen, there's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house living her life with her friends as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability, I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again," he says calmly. I sense the white oak ash coming closer, but before I could do anything Elijah yelled in pain as I see the dagger come out of his chest and the veins start to grow on his face. I look to see Alaric standing behind him which pisses me off beyond belief.
"Relax it won't hurt as much," I whisper knowing he heard me. Within seconds his body goes limp in the chair and it takes all I have to not rip out Alaric's heart right now. He takes out the dagger through so that helps me calm down a bit knowing Elijah will be awake in a matter of minutes.
"Now get rid of him before Jenna comes back with desert," Alaric says walking away.
"I'll take care of it, just cover for me Damon," I say picking up Elijah's body and vamp speed down to the cellar. "I'm going to chill out down here while you guys finish up," I say knowing Damon hears me.
"Okay I'll be down then," he responds. After a minute Elijah gasps and I motion for him to be quite as possible. Once he is as 100% as he is going to get I sneak out of the house and I do a locator spell on Elena as Elijah requests. He also made a call to his witch to do something before we left to find Elena.
Once we got to the cabin Elijah grabbed some of the gravel throwing it at the door breaking it down without a problem. That's when Elena says to Stefan to leave and that she will be okay because Elijah and I can't get into the house.
"You know, we might not be able to enter this house but we are very patient people, and we will wait you out," I say seconds later Elena walks out from around the corner.
"They shouldn't have done what they did."
"The deal is off."
"I'm renegotiating."
"Let me think about that." I pause for a second. "No, simply because you have nothing left to negotiate with," when I finish this she pulls out a knife.
"I would like to see you lure Klaus into Mystic Falls after the doppelganger bleeds to death."
"Stefan won't let you die."
"No, he won't. He will feed his blood to heal me then I'll kill myself and become a vampire, just like Katherine. So unless you want that to happen again, promise me the same as before- promise me you won't harm anyone that I love even if they've harmed you."
"I'm sorry, Elena, I'm going to have to call your bluff." What the hell is he doing? She will do this, this is not a bluff, he doesn't know her. I can see it in his eye that he doesn't believe it until she stabs herself. "No!" He yells and vamp speed to the door.
"Yes. Yes, you can have your deal," I say. "Let me heal you," I tell her.
"Give me your word," she says in pain.
"You have my word," Elijah says and she stumbles out of the house right to Elijah and and yells in pain. She had the dagger.
"No!" I yell and grab Elijah before he just falls on the ground as Stefan speeds out feeding her his blood.
"Little tip, don't pull out the dagger," Damon says before looking at me, "why are you helping him?"
"You wouldn't understand," I say before speeding away leaving Elijah's body lay on the porch. I head to the Salvatore boarding house hiding to see where they would put him. When they do bring him around Damon takes the moonstone and I speed out of there without any of them noticing. I drive back to the lake house where I brake almost every single training item before I finally start to cool down a bit. "I will get you back father, I promise you. I'll kill every single one of them if I have to, I don't care."
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elisha-mikealson · 4 years
3. Wolves
When I woke up I heard what sounded like shuffling so I open my eyes and see Josh still asleep so I lifted my head to see that it was Elijah coming out of Josh's room. I carefully get up and out of Josh's arms without waking him before looking at Elijah which just kind of raised his eyebrow at me. I simply turn around and walk into the kitchen and start making coffee as Elijah walked in, "i thought you were sleeping in his roommates room," he says seriously.
"I was, then as I bet you heard, we watched a movie and I fell asleep," he nodded as I pulled out three mugs and sit them next to the coffee pot. I look at the time on the stove to see that it was about 8:00 meaning that if I got Josh up now and he started to move we could be out of here by 9, then be in Mystic Falls by ten, "so what time do you have plans with the Dr?" I ask as I pour the coffee into a mug and hand it to him and pour it into the two other cups.
"Whenever I get back into town today," he says.
"Okay, well I'm going to wake up Josh so we can get out of here by 9 and hopefully be in town by ten," he nods to this as I walk into the living room and wake up Josh by hitting him in the shoulder.
"You know I hate when you wake me up like that," he says as he rubs his eyes and sits up, "not to mention I was already up."
"Then why aren't you packing for a week now?"
"I need coffee," with that he vamp speeds to the kitchen with me right behind him. Once there he basically chugs the coffee before walking past me and going to his room, "happy I'm packing," he says sarcastically.
"Very," I say sarcastically as I follow him. I go into his room and grab one of his sweatshirts and snap backs and leave to change in the bathroom. When I got done I go back to his room and see a neat pile of clothes and I walk over to it knowing it's not Josh's but once I was close enough to it I knew it was Elijah's just by the smell. I grab one of Josh's bags and put Elijah and my's close in it before stuffing it into Josh's duffel bag. That's when I heard the door being unlocked and I look at Josh and he looks at me before we both vamp speed out to the living room to see Bash walking in and he didn't look good.
"Josh," he says before collapsing, "don't let them in," he passes out and I go over and drag I'm into the apartment and see Elijah standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I hear his heart starting to fade so I bit my wrist and fed him my blood before turning back to Josh which was at the door.
"What do you want?" he asks the person I don't recognize.
"To be left in, of course," the guy was about the same height as Josh but had more muscle mass then he did. The guy also had dark hair with a face that you just wanted to punch.
"Who are you?" I ask stepping up next to Josh.
"It doesn't matter, I have a message for you though."
"From?" I question.
"I can't say," the guys says, "the message is, that you need to come to mystic falls and convince the doppelganger to stop hiding," after that he staked himself.
"Well that doesn't scare me at all," I say, "Josh get your bag and put it in the car then get Bash in the back set, Elijah head to the car also, I'll take care of him," I say nudging the body with my foot.
It didn't take long for me to get rid of the body, I just took him out the back door and threw him in the dumpster before pouring gas on him and burning the body. I left and walked to the car which everyone was sitting in and got in. I start to drive and everything is quiet until there was a loud gasp in the back seat and I look to see Bash awake, "welcome back to the living Bash."
"What did you do to me?" he asks freaking out.
"I saved your life," I say looking in the mirror before looking at the road again.
"Here, you will feel better after drinking this," Josh says handing Bash a water bottle that he filled with blood which Bash basically chugged.
"You changed me," he says shocked.
"Well yeah how else was I to save your dumb ass, you should have been on vervain."
"I was, but I went to see my pack and got caught up and had to stay longer than predicted so I didn't take enough."
"We'll when we get to my place we are going to get you back on it, along with wolfsbane," he simply nodded as we kept driving. It was only about a half an hour before we hit my place and it was very quiet even the radio didn't seem to fill the void.
Once I pulled into the garage at my house and got out I lead everyone in, inviting both Josh and Bash into the house, "you leave with one and come back with three, let me guess father and two boy toy's?" my brother says as we walk into the kitchen.
"Caun, behave yourself, we have a guest and neither one of them are my 'boy toy' one is my boyfriend and the other is his roommate."
"You didn't bring him here," Caun groans turning around to see Josh, "how long is he staying?"
"A week to forever," I say and I can see him fake gag, "oh and preferably don't try to poke Bash too much he just transitioned and I prefer not to have a dead body in this house."
"I'll try," Caun says walking out of the kitchen and up to his room.
"Josh you remember my brother," I say with a sigh, "Bash that was my brother Caun, and the entire don't poke thing applies to you also."
"Yeah I understand," Bash says nodding.
"Great, now where is the small one I left here?" I say walking out of the kitchen to the living room where I see her with her headphones on so I go up behind her and hit them off her head which makes her jump up and grab a stake that is just under the couch as she turns to me.
"Elisha you scared me, I thought you were Caun," Rosa says lowering the stake and putting it back in the couch.
"What has he done?"
"Said that I wasn't training hard enough," she shrugged.
"It's true, you haven't been training enough, but that is on me because I haven't taking you out to train. That is going to change now since Elijah has some things he needs to do in town and I have to start training Bash."
"Okay, what do I need?"
"Nothing, where we are going already has the supplies that we need," I say to her and she nods, "go wait in the car I'll be out in a minute," she nods and walks out of the house and Josh grabs Bash and they follow. "If there is anything that you need here is my number, I can leave them with Josh, just let me know," Elijah nods before we walk out of the house together, him going to his car and I mine. The drive was short and once we got to the little lake house we got out and I head over to the shed while Josh took Bash and Rosa outback as I brought bamboo sticks over to them. The training was surprisingly very successful since Rosa was pretty good at keeping up with our vampire speed and strength. It was about 10 when we finished training so we headed back to the house where we all ate something and showered before crashing.
I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of someone coming in and without hesitation I vamp speed to the person pinning them on the wall. When I look I see that it is Elijah and I let him go, "thanks for the warning that you were going to be back this late," I say, "what happened anyways you got vampire blood on your hands," I took a whiff, "please tell me that you didn't kill Damon."
"I actually spared him," he says calmly, "there were three vampires that were going to take the girl to Klaus, Damon and Stefan will protect her."
"I could have told you that," I say laughing slightly, "you look like you had a fairly long day why don't you go get some sleep and tomorrow you can tell me what your plan is," with that he heads up to his room and I head back to mine.
The next morning I wake up and go down stairs to see Elijah already up sitting in the living room, book in hand, "that's an excellent book," I say sitting next to him, "what's the plan?"
"I got to be able to access the people in the town easily so I plan on going into the town and getting to the people," he says.
"So you going to go undercover?" he nods.
"I guess that's how you would put it."
"Well some people already know your name, but not that you are a Mikaelson, so why don't you go under the same name I've been using?"
"Which would be?"
"Smith, Elisha Smith, nice to meet you," I say with a simple smile he nods to this, "let's go into town today," he nods to this. When Josh comes down I explain to him that I'm helping Elijah with something and to continue to train the other two today.
Once in town we go directly to the Lockwood mansion since that is the family to go to when you need something for the town, "Mrs. Lockwood, it's nice to see you."
"Elisha how are you I haven't seen you in a while, please come in," she says opening the door more noticing Elijah, "who's your friend?"
"This is Elijah, I actually met him in my travels and he wants to learn more about the town and its history."
"Please, come in Elijah, any friend of Elisha's is a friend of mine."
"Thank you," Elijah says.
"I'm actually quite busy right now, but I can send you over to Jenna Gilbert, she has everything that you would need," she says picking up her phone and making a call.
"See it's not that hard to play them," I tell Elijah. When she comes back she tells us that we can go over to the Gilbert house tonight to get the books and stuff which we thank her for before leaving. I show him around town staying clear of the Salvatore's before heading to the little lake house, "this is where I train everyone, I have a feeling more than the three that I sent here are here," I say getting out to see with Elijah following. We walk around the house and that's when I see all the wolves that I know that are in town training.
"There are a lot of wolves."
"Yes but they all stay under wraps with me, and they don't all change with the full moon," I explain to him as I hear a semi pained cry and look to see Bash pinned to the ground by Rosa.
"Bash you should be able to take her down without a problem, not the other way around," Josh says picking him up.
"Come, Josh has this under control," with that I lead him inside the house where we continue to strategize what the plans would be to keep this cover until it was time to leave to go over to the Gilbert's house.
Once there Jenna invited both of us in even though I could enter without it. Elijah and I both were in the kitchen as Jenna was pulling out boxes when Elena came down the steps, "Hey, what are you doing?"
"Oh, perfect timing," Jenna says happily.
"What is this stuff?"
"Your mom's files from the historical society. I got roped into helping Mrs. Lockwood, and when I say roped I mean very excited to participate," she says with fake excitement as she clothes the door.
"Hey, I'm Elijah," he says calmly as I see Elena basically have a heart attack.
"Elijah's in town doing research on Mystic Falls and Elisha volunteered to help him with some of the research," Jenna says as she walks away and Elijah walks up to Elena.
"It's a pleasure," he says sticking out his hand.
"So you are welcome to stay here and rummage through this stuff, or Elena and I could help you load it into your car."
"Yeah or I could just have someone pick it up tomorrow," I say.
"Also a good plan," Jenna says.
"Well thank you so much for inviting me into your home Jenna and Elena I hope to so you again sometime soon," with that he walked away from her but I stayed.
"Don't tell Damon of this, I'll explain later," I told her before also walking away. Once the door clothes I hear her start to run up the steps, "she going to tell her brother."
"We can't have that now can we?" Elijah says as he vamp speed back into the house and I follow behind. Elijah motions for Elena to be quite before stepping back and I easily put a cloaking spell on myself looking at Elijah as I did.
"What is it?" Jeremy asks.
"Um, Jenna was just asking me to a get you to help her with the boxes," Elena says.
"Yeah," Jeremy says before walking past her and me down the steps.
"That was a wise choice," Elijah says leaning against the wall as I take the clocking spell off of me and sitting on the little ledge at the window.
"What do you want?" Elena asks almost scared.
"I think it's time we have a little chat, what do you say Elijah?" I ask.
"I think that would be a wonderful idea," with that we head to her room. Elijah and Elena started to talk and I kind of zone out because I really didn't care, Elijah would probably catch me up as we go. After about 15 minutes Elijah told me it was time to go so we left and headed to the tomb that Katherine was supposed to be in all those years again, but actually wasn't in. I hear them coming so I step out from the side to see Stefan and Katherine standing there. When Katherine sees Elijah she is shocked to say the least and I laugh at it.
"Elijah," she says.
"Feel the love Katarina," I say sarcastically and she just kind of glares at me since she hates being called by that name which makes me smile. I never liked her.
"Good evening Katarina, thank you for having a good sense of being frightened" Elijah says then turns to Stefan, "your release has been requested."
"What? By who?"
"The lovely Elena drives a hard bargain, however we reached a peaceful agreement, she and I. Please, come," he says motion out of the tomb.
"I can't."
"Yes you can, I've had the spell lifted," with that Stefan slowly eases his way out of the tomb before he was completely out I sped over and stop Katarina in place.
"As for you however," I begin, "you shall not exit until I or Elijah says so, when Klaus comes he will want to know exactly where you are," I compel her before stepping away and turning to Elijah which gives me a short nod.
"You are free to go, Elena will explain the full arrangement to you. She keeps her word, I'll keep mine," Elijah says before walking away with me in toe. Once we are back to the car Elijah says, "I know you weren't paying attention with the deal."
"That's between her and you, I will figure it out as we go, but I know that it was that she would help you kill Klaus and do the entire sacrifice thing if you protect her family and friends," I say with a smile before driving back to my house where we both went to our rooms.
I look at my phone for the first time in since I got back into town to see fifty million text from Stefan and Elena which I just ignored. They kept coming though so I ended up calling both of them, "you guys need to stop texting me," I tell them.
"Why are you working with Elijah?" Elena asks.
"I'm not inclined to say."
"Are you an original?" Stefan asks.
"I'm not inclined to say."
"Why are you not telling us anything?" Elena questions.
"Because I don't want to get any of you hurt, now I have to go, it's been a long day and I need sleep," I say hanging up before going to sleep.
The next day I got up and went out so see Elijah reading the same book as yesterday making me laugh a bit, "we have to head out soon, Mrs. Lockwood graciously invited us to a little party that she is hosting and didn't bother informing me about it till this morning," I say looking at him, "you are the guest of honor so you must be there," he smiles a little as he sits the book down and gets up. We walk to the car and  drive to the Lockwood mansion and we entered the house to be welcomed by Mrs. Lockwood which hugged the both of us. At some point we moved over into one of the large doorways while talking to her.
"Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There is such a wealth of history there," Mrs. Lockwood questions.
"No. I'm focusing mainly on the smaller reasoning of Virginia. Lost of research. Strictly academic."
"That fascinating, and it's wonderful that Elisha has volunteered to help."
"Please, I'm more of a guide than anything, I love history but I don't know enough about this town to help Mr. Smith out, but I have filled him in on some of what I know," after I say this Damon walks over.
"What a surprise. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family was one of Mystic Falls founding families," Damon hums in agreement.
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasures mine," Elijah responds shaking Damon's hand. I could see the ideas turning in his head which makes me have a questioning look. Mrs. Lockwood eventually got pulled away and Damon asked Elijah to follow him and he simply gave me a look that said to follow also which didn't matter because I was going to follow no matter what.
"What can we do for you Damon?" I ask after I shut the door turning to him.
"I was hoping we could have a word," he says in his normal semi sarcastic serious tone.
"Where's Elena?" Elijah questions.
"Safe, with Stefan. They're laying low, there's a bit of a werewolf problem."
"Yeah we heard about that," I say as I sit on the couch with Elijah behind me.
"I'm sure it was your wish that saved the day."
"You are welcome," I say sarcastically as I feel Elijah's hand rest on my shoulder.
"Which adds to my confused exactly why you are here."
"Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me," he says and I stand up knowing this conversation is over.
Then Damon vamp sped over to in front of Elijah, "not good enough."
I sigh slightly as Elijah grabs his throat and speeds over to a wall and pins Damon there, then he gets the amazing idea to try and choke Elijah which just removes his hand with ease, "Young vampire," I say.
"So arrogant," Elijah finishes, "how dare you come in here and challenge me."
"You can't kill me man. It's not part of the deal."
"Silence," Elijah basically whispers before jamming a pencil in Damon's neck and letting him go, "I'm an original," Elijah starts whipping out a handkerchief and handing it to Damon, "show a little respect," he pauses for a second before saying, "the moment you cease to be use to me, you're dead, so you should do as I say. Keep Elena safe," with that he walks out the room and I hesitate before following.
"Damon, he's not someone you want to challenge at all. He will out power you on so many levels," with that I then leave to rejoin Elijah with the party. Neither one of us spoke of what happened in the room, but I know he will want to say something about it later.
By noon the party was over which I was thankful for because it was beyond boring, "Hey Elijah, I want to go check on the training to see how it is going, if you don't want to come that's cool."
"Go ahead, I have some things I need to do."
"Call me if you are getting into any disagreements with anyone, I prefer to be there, plus if it's with the new pack in town then I can explain to them why they need to leave before we start having a problem," I say to him and he nods.
"Duly noted," with that I get into my car and drive to the lake and train with Josh, Bash, and Rosa until I got a call from Elijah telling me to meet him at the Salvatore boarding house. When I walk in I whisper for Damon to invite my friends in which he does so Josh and Bash both walk in then I hear Elijah say, "Looking for this?" that's when I sense the wolves and lead Bash, Rosa, and Josh there. I see Elijah walk down the steps and I'm quick to follow motioning for the three to stay where they are at. Elijah sits down the stone a motions to it and I knew what he was doing.
"Go ahead, take it," I say and Elijah looks at me knowing I know what his plans are. The first person the moves Elijah rips out his heart. Then there was two more people that move that I take their heart out with to see Damon with a 'not bad' look on his face. Elijah and I walk over to where the group of wolves where standing to see the one guy crouch down and put his hood over his head. Pathetic, I say in my head as I roll my eyes.
"What about you sweetheart? Hmm?" Elijah asks the crouching guy as he stands up and is meet with my face.
"Come on take a shot," I say, "No? Yes? No?" I say as he shakes his head scared.
"Where's the girl?" Elijah asks and Damon gives him a 'why the hell would I know' look.
"I don't know," he says.
"It really doesn't matter," Elijah says and looks at me.
"Bash," I say and look at him, "you've triggered your curse right?" he nods again, "good," I say with a smile, "dinner," I say and shove the guy over towards the three. Without hesitation Bash speed over and sinks his teeth into the guy as I move over and help Elijah pull the chains off of Damon.
"So you realized this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Elijah asks him before turning and walk back over to the stone and picking it up before walking out of the house.
"You need to watch yourself or you are going to die again. One day no one is going to save you or clean up your messes. Just be glad that Elena cares enough to keep you alive, that's why Elijah was hear and it's because of that that I was here," with that I walk up the steps and out of the house with Bash, Josh, and Rosa following me.
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elisha-mikealson · 5 years
2. Slater
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The next morning I woke up to a text from everyone.
Damon: Are you okay?
Damon: Elisha, please text me back I need to know that you are okay.
Damon: Were you kidnapped or something?
Stefan: Damon said that he texted you and got no response, Elisha please call or text someone we are all worried.
Elena: Elisha were are you? We haven't heard or seen you since yesterday afternoon. Please just call or text when you get this.
Bonnie: Elisha what happened? First, you and Elena go missing then she comes back with Stefan and Damon. I was going to do a locator spell but I have nothing of yours, please let us know if you are safe.
Caroline: Elisha what is going on? Damon, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie aren't telling me and Matt anything.
I sigh at all the text as I get dressed in black leggings, blue top, black leather jacket with a white scarf and black boots as I prepare for the lecture I'm probably going to get when I go into town. Once I got down to the kitchen I see that Elijah is already there leaning against the counter with a glass in his hand, "I see that you're making yourself quite at home," I laugh as I grab a mug while I start making coffee, "want some?" he nods so I grab another mug. I hear what sounded like shuffling coming down the steps and grab a third mug pouring coffee in each of the mugs as my brother came into the kitchen. I put some milk in the coffee for him before sliding it over to him looking at Elijah and he nods slightly knowing what I was asking, "drink up Cuan, I need you sober today."
"I told you not to call me that," Cuan growls at me.
"It's the name mother chose for you and Cuan fits you better than King brother."
"Says the one who is running from a ghost," he whispers knowing that I heard, I stay calm as I hand Elijah the mug with his coffee.
"This ghost you speak of is very real and wants me very dead, under your father's wishes," I say looking at him, "if you saw his eyes when they burn with furry you would understand why I run. Not to mention he isn't trying to turn you against your own father and his siblings."
"Some alpha you are," with that comment a grabbed him by the throat.
"Watch it brother, I might let my hand slip one day while we're training."
"You know that won't kill me," he smiles at this.
"If I want you dead you will be dead," I tell him letting go of his throat straightening out my jacket sleeve, "drink your coffee, like I said I need you sober."
"I'm going into town today because people are apparently freaking out because I didn't meet them back at the Salvator's place yesterday. I'm just going to show up and be like 'so yeah I took care of Elijah's body, he is dead, well deader than dead now. Then I went to my place and crashed since he was actually pretty heavy to move then I had to dig a six-foot hole throw him in and bury him. Oh, and I sang some songs jokingly and played some Jazz music.' Or something down those lines."
"Should I be insulted by that?" Elijah asks.
"No, I'll call it muscle mass," I say patting his shoulder as I walk into the living room.
"Flattery will get you nowhere," Elijah comments turning to look at me.
"That is where you are wrong, flattery will get me most places, maybe not with you but with some, it will get me everywhere," I tell him.
"Why do I have to be sober?" Cuan asks me confused.
"Your reason is coming down the steps now," I say leaning back on the couch to look up the steps, "come one little wolf no need to be scared," with that Rosa runs down the steps to me.
"Cuan's back," she whispers.
"Yeah i know, but he is going to watch you for a little bit today while I go into town to take care of a couple things," she looks a little sad at this, "Elijah will be here also," she looks semi-hopeful, I could tell that she already trust Elijah even though she has never spoken with him.
"I'm coming with you to the town," Elijah says stepping into the living room.
"You can't come into town, if they find out you're not dead they might think that I'm no longer a friend and an enemy. I'll figure out their plan and we can go from there," with that i stand up and look at Rosa, "make sure they behave, if they don't just bit them," Cuan just glares at me as Elijah looks confused, "don't worry Elijah she won't actually bite anyone," I laugh at this as I start to walk to the door, "oh and Elijah," he looks at me, "don't kill my brother, just snap his neck or something, I'll be back as soon as I can." I walk out of the house and to my car quickly driving into town to the Salvatore boarding house.
I open the door and walk into being tackled in a hug. I know from the smell that it was Damon so I laugh slighting hugging him back, "I glad you are okay," he whispers as I hear someone walk into the foyer.
"I'm sorry I worried all of you," I say pulling out of the hug, "I may be a vampire, but Elijah was heavy. Then once I dug a hole deep enough and shoved him in then filled it in it was already late and I just went home and crashed. Well on a more serious note, what are we going to do about the entire doppelganger thing?"
"Well, I'm going with Rose to met up with someone in Richmond to figure out more about it you are welcome to join us," Damon afford.
"Where is it in Richmond?" I ask.
"It's a small place, there is a guy by the name of Slater," a girl I recognize as Rose says.
"Is this small place a cafe?" I ask.
"Yeah, you know it?" Rose asks.
"Yeah, I stop in there time to time when I meet up with some people or just need to get away from the drama here," I say.
"You know Slater then?"
"The name yes, him personally no."
"Okay well we should go now," Rose says.
"I'll meet you guys there," I say making them both look at me, "I left my phone at my house, not to mention I have to make sure my brother didn't destroy my place while I was here."
"He's back in town?" Damon asks and I nod, "maybe you should bring him around some time so we can meet this mysterious brother of yours."
"I'll talk to him about it, but I'll see you guys there okay?" they nod before I vamp speed out to my car and drive to my house making sure the two didn't follow me. When I walk into the house I see Elijah sitting on the couch with Rosa in a serious chess match as Cuan was nowhere in the house.
"You're back sooner than expected," Elijah states making his move ending the game.
"One: I see where I get my chess skills from and two: Damon and Rose are heading to a place in Richmond to meet a guy by the name of Slater," I tell him and he nods standing up, "Where is Cuan?"
"You got three guesses and the second two don't count," Rosa says making me sigh.
"I can trust that you don't burn down this place right?"
"Yeah and if anyone comes to the house don't make a sound, keep calm and there are daggers in every room if someone decides to come in," I give her a look and she sighs, "I know I know, don't aim to kill aim to wound."
"Good and if Cuan comes back drunk out of his mind snap his neck for me," she nods with a small smile before I look at Elijah, "Let's go, I don't want to be late getting there and have them leaving when I show up," he nods and we leave the house.
Before I knew it I was pulling up to a curb telling Elijah where the place is at before pulling into the garage next to the SUV that I know belongs to Rose, "You're finally here," I hear Damon say making me laugh slightly.
"How long have you guys been here?"
"About five minutes," Rose says, "now come on, Slater is waiting."
With that we walk into the cafe style place, "what about the sunlight?"
"Double pained and tempered glass, UV rays cannot penetrate. See the appeal?" I tell him making Rose smile.
"That and the free WI-FI," a guy says before Rose hugs him.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Good, I saw you come. What are you doing here?" he says, after that, I zoned out on the conversation until the guy looks at me and says, "Elisha Mikaelson, original," this got Damon and Rose to look at me weird.
"You must be thinking of an ancestor of mine, my mom always said I looked like her. My last name is Smith," I say thinking quick on my feet they nod to this and I zone out again until we walk over to a table and sit down. I keep an eye out the window as I see Elijah appear with coins in his hand. I knew that he was listening and waiting for the right time to throw the coins. I see him move his arm back like he is about to skip a rock before the glass shatters. I put my head down on the table as people start to scream. I lift up my head to see him disappear before a grab Slater and get out of there.
I pull him off to the side, "Where do you live?" I compel him.
"An apartment not too far from here in the Roosevelt apartment complex, top floor," he answers.
"Good, now forget I asked you and go home," he nods and runs off to his car.
There was a flood of people leaving the door now and I see Damon pick up Rose and take her to the SUV, "Who was behind that?"
"I don't know, it's not Slayter," Rose answers.
"How do you know that?"
"He wouldn't betray me."
"Who would?"
"Its Klaus he wants us dead were all dead," Rose cries.
"It wasn't Klaus unless he hijacked a body," I tell them.
"How do you know that?" Damon questions.
"I've seen him before and he would stand there and watch as ever vampire suffered, everyone out there didn't know what was happening, it was someone else," Damon nods to this and shuts the door, "I'll meet you back in town there is something I need to take care of first here in town."
"Okay, just be careful, whoever it was knows you're here, be careful please."
"I will. I'll call you when I start leaving here and then when I get to my house if I don't go back to yours," Damon nods before getting into the car and driving away, "you're clear to come out now Elijah," with that he speeds to in front of me.
"That was handled nicely," he comments.
"Eh i could have done better," i shrug walking around my car, "more importantly I got Slater's address, well location where he is living," he raises an eyebrow, "what do you say to giving him a visit?" he nods to this before getting in the car, "Since you destroyed that place, do you mind if we stop somewhere for food?"
"What kind of food are you talking about?"
"Actual food, I know a restaurant that is close to here, and you won't look overdressed in your suit," I tell him as I pull out of the parking garage.
"That is fine, it will allow me to make a call," he says nodding.
"You can make the call now, if you don't want me to hear I won't listen, I respect people's privacy," I glance over at him as we come to a stop at a light, "I feel like either way we will be waiting for someone to show up," he looks at me and sighs slightly pulling out his phone. The light turns so I started driving again, I can hear him start talking but as promised I tuned him out. Within minutes I was pulling into another parking garage and parking my car. I turn to Elijah which was hanging up the phone so I got out and he followed, "so how long are we waiting?"
"I thought you said you weren't going to listen?" he says with a raised eyebrow.
"Wasn't, you making the call after I said about waiting for someone to show up just confirmed my suspicion."
"That makes sense," he nods, "it will be about an hour and a half give or take."
"Okay, well come on this place is really nice and I'm starving," he laughs at this and vamp speeds over to me.
"If what you say is true about me not being underdressed then you wouldn't mind letting me escort you," he says as I shut the door.
"Normally I would say no, but why not?" I say shrugging and putting my arm on his as we walk into the restaurant.
"Elisha, it's wonderful to see you again," the women says.
"Jasmine, it's wonderful to see you again," I smile as Elijah and I stop in front of the small desk that she was standing at.
"Table for 2?" she asks and I smile and nod, "please follow me," she says walking into the restaurant to the outdoor deck sitting area, "your waiter will be around in just a minute to get your order, if you have any problems please let me know," with that she walks away.
"I see you are known here," Elijah comments.
"This is close enough to mystic falls that if I come to get away from all the drama but if something comes up I can get back in a matter of hours."
"Not to mention I'm here," a familiar voice says.
"Josh!" I say excitedly, "I didn't know you were working today," I say giving him a hug which he returns.
"Well I do and my shift ends in like 5 minutes, but I'm willing to go over just for you," he says before looking around to make sure no one was really paying attention to us before pecking my lips and letting me out of his grasp.
"Josh right?" Elijah says as I sit back down.
"Yes, sir?" Josh responds.
"How exactly are you connected to Elisha?" Elijah questions.
Josh looks at me weird so I answer, "Elijah this is Joshua Martin, I turned him about 300 years ago, and we have been dating for about 200."
"When were you going to tell me this?" Elijah asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Now maybe, or never," I say rubbing the back of my head.
"I'm lost who is this?" Josh asks.
"Elijah Mikaelson," Elijah says and Josh realizes almost immediately who he was.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir," Josh sticks out his hand which Elijah takes.
"Hey maybe you can convince him to move up to Mystic Falls," I say to Elijah.
"Elisha, I've told you multiple times why I can't move to that town," Josh starts.
"Yeah because Damon will kill you," I say and roll my eyes, "trust me he won't hurt you, I and Damon are friends and if he thinks he can just hurt someone I care about without any repercussions he's wrong."
"Will you drop the subject right now if I say that I'll think about it?"
"I'll drop it if you come and live in my house for a week to see how things go," I say and he sighs ever so slightly.
"Okay fine, I'll have to see when I can get off so we can do that," he looks at me with a small smile on his face as I smile, "now what can i get you guys to eat?" with that Elijah and i both order and Josh disappears then comes back only a moment later with two wine glasses and a bottle of red wine.
"I hope you don't mind the wine, it's one of my favorites," I say as Elijah takes a sip.
"It's not that bad, I had some that is of a much higher quality."
"Yes, but this was made right here in Virginia, it is the most popular one this place has," I inform him and he nods. We talk for a little bit basically just trying to get to know each other more as we eat. Once we were done Elijah escorted me back to the car where we waited for Josh to come out.
"So I talked to my boss and he said that I have a week starting now," Josh says once he walked out the back door.
"That's great, you should go home and pack and I'll come by your place so you can follow me to Mystic Falls."
"You sure you want to make that drive tonight? You both can crash at my place and we can go back tomorrow morning."
I look at Elijah and he nods slightly, "okay, then I guess we'll meet you back at your place then," Josh nods and gets in his car and drives away, "okay where are we supposed to be meeting these people at?"
"Here, he should be here in a couple minutes," I nod and sit on top of the trunk of the car as Elijah simply leans against it as we talk more.
A car pulled up next to mine and a guy got out of it, "wait, Dr. Jonas Martin,?" I ask and he looks at me, "well I'll be damned," I say with a smile hopping down from the trunk and shaking his hand, "how's Luka, he was quite the magician that last time I saw him."
"Keep Luka out of this," he says stepping close to me.
"Still very protective of him I see," I say looking at him, "I also was simply asking a question, I did help you guys out in the last town you were in."
"Which got Greta taken away from us," he says.
"That wasn't me I told you that, I know why Niklaus wants a witch and honestly I would've done it but she went to him before I could," I look him straight in the eye when I say this, "I'm guessing you have a deal with Elijah to get her back?"
"Yes, which is why I called him," Elijah says.
"Okay," I say walking around to the driver side of my car, "are we going to Slater's or not?" with that Elijah moves and tells Jonas to get in the car and he does. The drive to Slater's place was kinda short but it was completely quiet which bugged me beyond belief so I turned on the radio to one of my favorite stations. Once we got to the apartment complex I parked the car and got out so I could take them up to the apartment. Elijah was saying something to Jonas but I ignored it until we got to the door where Jonas stepped up and knocked.
"Who is it!" I heard Slater yell.
I look at Elijah when I say, "It's me, Elisha," the door opens just a little bit but it was enough that I could make eye contact with him, "invite me and my friends in," I compel him and he nods opening the door more.
"Please, come in," he says allowing us to walk in and shut the door, "who's your friends?" he asks.
"That's Jonas Martin and this is Elijah Mikaelson," I say motioning to the two.
"How is that possibly Damon killed you," he says looking at Elijah.
"With a regular stake, it had no effect on him," I say as I walk into the house more and sense someone else here, but they are scared, I could smell it, "We have a message for you to deliver to Rose."
"You're friends with her why don't you do it?" he questions as I walk further into his house and found a stake sitting in one of the cubies for the desk.
"You see it's not a message from me it's from him," I say pointing the stake at Elijah, "you have to answer to him."
"I'm not delivering a message," he says shaking his head so Elijah compelled him and told him everything that he wanted him to say. Slater then picked up his phone and called Rose.
"Hello?" Rose asks.
"Rose," Slater says.
"Slater, are you okay?"
"Yes, I took off I was freaked."
"No, I'm sorry, I involved you."
"Look, I don't want any part in this but I did some digging."
"Okay, what did you find?"
"You can destroy the cure, but you need the moonstone.
"How? What do you mean I don't follow."
"Can your friend get the moonstone, you need it."
"Yes, he can get it. What next?"
"You need a wich. You get the moonstone and a witch should figure out the rest. Good luck Rose," with that he hung up the phone.
"Very nicely done," Elijah says.
"Thanks, I have a degree in theater."
"Of course you do," I say sarcastically to myself.
"How can either of you compel me? A vampire can't compel another vampire."
"We are very special vampires," I say with an innocent look.
"Why because your an original?"
"Hmm," Elijah says almost bored sounding, "now I want you to take this and drive it through your heart."
"But that would kill me forever."
"We know," I say, "but it is necessary," I compel him, but before he did I say, "and you were right, I am related to the Mikaelson family, but I am that ancestor I mentioned," he looks at me shocked, "carry on with what you were doing," I say as he drives the stake through his heart and falls to the ground.
"Was it really necessary?" Jonas asks.
"It had to be done," I say as we both turn to look at the witch that entered the room.
"He delivered his message, it won't be long now," Elijah says as he starts to walk out of the apartment and I follow behind with Jonas behind me. I drive back to the parking garage as Jonas gets out and he makes plans with Elijah to meet when he gets back into town before leaving.
"Ready?" I ask him as I start my car.
"Yeah, but you need to tell me more about this Josh," he says looking at me.
"There's not much to really tell," I say shrugging, "he is very respectful and wouldn't hurt a fly, not to mention a hybrid."
"A hybrid?" Elijah asks shocked.
"Yeah, just like Niklaus, half wolf half vampire," I say as I stop at a light, "I only changed him because he was going to die if I didn't give him my blood then my brother unknowingly snapped his neck."
"Why did he do that?"
"Because I actually cared about someone and he hates that," I sigh slightly as I pull up to Josh's apartment building, "once he learned that he had my blood in him he learned to accept that I actually cared about someone and that I would still be by his side."
Elijah laughs a little at this, "your brother is kind of like Niklaus."
"From what I heard, he could be his kid with how he acts sometimes," I say getting out of the car and Elijah follows, "he's not though, I know that for a fact."
"How though?"
"Magic," I say making a rainbow shape with my hands before hitting the button for the elevator, "how do you think I knew which spell to show you?"
"But you need blood for that," he says confused.
"Yeah not necessarily, I just needed an object of yours. I asked for blood because that's the easiest way to show you," I explain as I step into the elevator and hit the number for the top floor.
"What did you use then?"
"Well, I used my brother's blood and the shirt that Niklaus had on when he first transitioned, my brother's blood barely merged which showed a distant relationship to him," I say and Elijah looks at me weird as the doors opened. "Funny story, my uncle- my mom's brother- is Niklaus' father, Mikael killed him right in front of me, but I really wasn't fazed since I never liked him," I lied, but I didn't make it noticeable.
"Why is that?"
"He always knew that I was a threat to him since he was alpha of the pack," I explain walking down the hallway, "all I needed to do was trigger the cures and learn how to control it I would rule. Little did he know that all that I needed was to become a vampire and I was good," I say stopping at a door which I was about to knock on but it opened up before I could do so.
"The question is where is that pack now?" Josh asks with a smile on his face, "come on in," he says stepping back and allowing Elijah and I to walk in.
"To answer that, the entire pack is dead hybrids that are still with other wolves in Mystic falls, or dead," I answer, "anyways, what have you been up to these last couple of weeks, Josh?"
"Nothing much just working and making sure Bash doesn't go off the rails," he says shrugging as he sits down on the couch.
"So the usual?" he nods to this and I look at Elijah which looks semi-confused, "Bash is his roommate, that is a wolf."
"Just a wolf?" Elijah questions me making me laugh a bit.
"Yes, I only change people if they are going to die, not to mention Mikael killed a considerable amount of my pack when I came across him in New Orleans then in New York he killed another section of my pack. He said that I was no better than Niklaus himself."
"And you actually started to believe that until I convinced you that you weren't," Josh says.
"Neither of us know him to say that I could be exactly like him for all we know."
"But you are the opposite," Elijah says looking at me with a serious look, "I've only have known you for a short period of time but I can tell that you are nothing like my brother."
"See?" Josh says as he puts his arm over my shoulders, "nothing to worry about."
I hit Josh up alongside his head, "you need to just stop with that, I don't feel like getting into any kind of argument about this. My feelings towards this won't change until I meet Niklaus and see for myself," with that the conversation about it was dropped instead it turned into Elijah asking Josh questions about himself which I simply just laugh at.
"I think I'm going to retire for the night," Elijah says standing up from the chair and so does Josh.
"Follow me I'll show you to my room and grab something for you to sleep in," with that they both left down the hallway. I ignore what they start to talk about as I pull out my phone to text Damon letting him now that I was just staying in Richmond for the night with a friend. The next thing I know is clothes hitting my face and I pull them away to see that Josh had changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, "you can sleep in Bash's room, he isn't supposed to be home till tomorrow morning."
"I'm going to change, but I want to watch a movie with you so pick something out by the time a get back," I say to him before leaving the living room to go to the bathroom and change. When I come back I see him on the couch scrolling on Netflix for a movie and he looks up to see me and smiles, "why are you smiling?"
"Because this is the first time in almost 6 months that we can spend together where you won't be called away because something comes up in mystic falls," he says as I lay on the couch basically on top of him but it was comfortable.
"So what we watching?"
"Well depends how awake are you?"
"Awake but as soon as I'm comfortable I'm probably going to be out," I admit.
"Twilight it is then," he says putting on the movie, I just snuggle into his side more and fall asleep with ease before the movie really even started.
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elisha-mikealson · 5 years
1. After 1,000 Years
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My name is Elisha, Elisha Mikaelson, I've learned that I'm named after my father, Elijah, but I've never met him. I turned about 1000 years ago and I haven't left where I am at today, Mystic Falls, Virginia I haven't left here since my first transition. I've transitioned thousands of times and somehow I've been able to control it. To change whenever I want, wherever I want. It's quite freeing actually. Anyways, I've stayed around Mystic Falls as it came to be what it is nowadays. I lost contact with anyone in the Mikaelson bloodline, but Esther does come to me in dreams telling me that everything will be okay. Until one day she came to me and said that my father would be arriving outside of town and that I should meet with him. It was easy enough since I hang around the Petrova doppelganger, Elena, so after the founders masquerade ball when she gets taken I get taken as well. It was part of my plan and it worked. When I woke up from being knocked out I see that I'm sitting slumped over on the couch as Elena is curled up on the other side.
"You realize that they aren't going to hurt you right?" I ask looking at her.
"How can you be so certain?"
"Because they want to hand you over to a guy by the name of Elijah Mikaelson to try to get off his naughty list, but I have a feeling that that's not going to happen- them getting on his good side I mean."
"How do you know that?"
"Because I have ears Elena, and I may or may not be a supernatural creature of wonder," I laugh a little at my clever response when I hear the front door open as a guy that I recognize the smell of walks in the room quietly. I only partially listen to the conversation between the female and Elijah before they both walk into the room.
"You're here great," I say getting up and vamp speeding over to the women, "I'm leaving but I figured I would say goodbye and your friend over there won't stop fidgeting which is making the slightest noise but is annoying the crap out of me."
"I'm sorry who are you?" Elijah asks.
"Well, I'm insulted that you don't recognize me," I say fake hurt and he gives me a confused look, "1001," I say before walking past him, but he grabs my arm, "I'm not leaving the house Elijah, just simply leaving the room, I know you have more questions for me, but you have more pressing matters to attend to," with that I walk out of the room into one of the side rooms.
After about five minutes Elijah walks in, "Who are you, and I want an answer this time."
"Elisha Mikaelson, born 986 to a Mariah Addams and her side guy Elijah Mikaelson. When Nicholas found out I wasn't his he started to beat me, that's when my mother found Esther and made a deal with her to teach me magic since I am a witch, but my mother was a wolf so that made me a hybrid. Then when your brother, Henrik, died when him and Niklaus decided to watch the wolves and they got attacked, I was the one that drew the wolf away from them to make their escape."
"You were the little girl that was at the edge of the woods," he says.
"Yeah, it was the pack that I was in that did it, more specifically Nicholas, he was the guy I called father before I knew that he wasn't, he knew what he was doing when he attacked your family. He thought it was one of them that was my father, but it was neither, like I said before."
"You said that I am your father which is impossible."
"I happened before we were turned," I say as I take down one of the boards on the windows, "can you have your moles give me back my daylight right?" I ask turning to him, "I know I don't need it but it's nice to have, it was my mother's, and if I have to get it back heads will roll," after I say this a see a small smile on his face as he nods.
"Gladly, but how do I know you are telling the truth?"
I sigh at this and motion for him the come closer as I pull out a pocket knife and pull over a table, "it's a simple spell, our blood mixes fully then you are my father, if it doesn't well Esther will have a pretty pissed off tribrid and frankly I'm not fun when I'm pissed," with that I slice my hand and hand him the blade for him to do the same. Once there was enough blood pulled on the table I start the spell. Within 2 minutes our blood was fully mixed together and I look at him, "there you have it, and if you don't trust me, I know other witches that can do the same spell and come out with the same result."
"I don't think that will be necessary," he says standing up, "we must be leaving soon, let's go collect the Petrova doppelganger," he says as we starts to walk away and I follow. Once we get back into the room I see the two from before just standing there as Elena is sitting on the couch. The guy starts talking and I ignore him as Elijah starts to circle him. I walk over and sit next to Elena and I can sense her uneasiness.
"You'll be fine, just calm down," I tell her as Elijah slaps the guy so hard that it decapitates him, now that's how you make heads roll.
There was the sound of glass breaking and Elijah looks at the girl, "who else is in the house?"
"I don't know," there was another crashing sound and I was able to smell who it was. Salvatore's, of course.
Elijah grabs Elena and we move to the entryway, "come out now," he announces as one of the Salvatores speed past us.
"Up here," Damon says and Elijah speeds up the steeps.
"No down here," he comes down the steps and I try to focus on where the two are at.
"If i have to come and get you I assure you someone's head is going to roll and it won't be mine," Elijah says.
"You think you can beat us, but you can't." I say as Elena walks out from one of the hiding places and Elijah walks up the steps.
"You're right, I'll come just don't hurt my friends," that's when I notice the grenade thing that she had right before she threw it. I was quick and took most of the vervain.
"I tried to play it nice and let you guys walk out of here but I don't know if I can let that now," Elijah says as he makes a stake out of the coat rack. I stayed back as Damon and Stefan fight Elijah before Damon stakes him.
"Come on let's go," Damon says to me as I continue to just stare at Elijah's face.
"Go, I'll take care of the body, I'll meet you guys back in town okay?" they nod and leave. I wait to make sure that the car is out of hearing range before pulling the stake out knowing that would only be minutes till he wakes up. I sit on the steps as i wait until I hear his heartbeat return to normal and look up, "would you look at that sleeping beauty woke up," I laugh slightly at this, "oh and here," I say tossing him a blood bag, "it was empty but I found a nice rabbit outside, figured would help you gain some of your strength back till you can get some actual blood."
"It's better than nothing at this point," he sighs drinking it.
"Do you want to go back to my place, it's right outside of town and you'll be able to watch over everything," i say standing up and walking down the steps, "just say the word and i'll take you there, unless of course you already have a place," i say and he smiles slightly.
"I would love to see where you have been staying," he offers me his hand which i just basically high five it before walking out.
"I'm not about that in times like this, you should learn some things about me," i laugh at this as i walk over to his car, "you coming?" i ask as i shake the keys in my hand which i so expertly slipped off him.
"How did you-"
"Slip them off you?" he nods, "i'm sneaky, i am a tribrid after all, i could use magic to lift them up and my speed to take them. Oh and you may be older than me body wise, but power wise no one stands a chance."
"Now you kinda sound like Katrina," Elijah laughs a little at this.
"Do not compare me to her, god I want to kill her, i almost killed Elena thinking it was Katherine, whoops," i say starting the car.
"You almost killed the doppelganger?"
"That was before i knew she was a doppelganger obviously, i wouldn't purposefully take out the person that could possibly help some people."
"Is my brother one of them?" he asks curiously.
"Depends if he wants to be a 100% asshole to me then hell no," he laughs at this again as i start to drive, "but know i found a couple wolves on the outskirts of town then i've been trying to help, they are trying to go after the moonstone," there was silence for a minute, "they don't know what has to be done and if the do they don't care. I've grown close to Elena and her friends and i don't care if i have to be stuck with the wolf cures, i beat it pretty much."
"How though?"
"I forced myself to change until i could do it without any pain and i could change at will," i sigh slightly, "it was hell, but it feels good to be free, these wolves are asking for my help, and i plan on give it to them. They have been good to me so i'm willing to help unless they start causing trouble for me."
"I can kinda see how we are related now," Elijah laughs a little at this.
We were driving in complete silence which got boring after about two minutes, "okay how do you drive in silence?" i ask as i turn on the radio. The music was soft and mellow but it took away the silence that was defining. It was close to fifteen minutes later when i was pulling into the driveway then into the garage, "home sweet home," i say getting out of the car tossing Elijah the keys, "follow me," i walk into the house sensing almost immediately one of the wolves, "who decided to come into my home uninvited?" i ask rather loudly as i put my jacket on the back of a chair walking over to the fridge, "stop hiding, he's not going to hurt you," i toss Elijah a blood bag as he looks of me confused and i motion to my ear, "come on, any day now," i call once more as one of the wolves i've been working with comes out.
"Elisha, i thought you were dead," Oliver says.
"I actually have to laugh at that," i tell him, "i told you, it would take a lot to kill me," i say walking over to Oliver, "now why are you here?"
"It's Rosa, she's going off the deep end again," he sighs.
"Why does this concern me exactly?"
"She triggered her curse this time, all the others were near misses, but this time-"
I cut him off, "why weren't you watching her? You had one job," i vamp speed over to him pinning him against the wall.
"I had to go see my sister, she was sick," he tries to reason to me, "i would have taken her with me, but i didn't want her to also get sick."
"Who did you leave her with?"
"Jessica, she was supposed to keep her in the house for two hours, but she let Rosa out of her sight for five minutes."
"It only takes one to kill someone Oliver, you of all people should know that," i let him go before walking over to the fridge to grab the bag of blood i opened last night as i grab a glass and poured it in i also grab the bottle of Wolf's Bane that i have and pour it into a glass, "here, you need to calm down, i will help her like i helped the rest of you," i hand him the glass and he downed it choking almost immediately, "but that still does not change the fact that you went against your word to me, i don't take that lightly," he looks up at me with terrified eyes, "bring her to me, and i'll think about giving you my forgiveness, but don't count on it," he nods before running out of the house as i grab the glass and walk over to mine that is sitting on the counter.
"Who was that?"
"A puppy that i've been working with, he is one of the most loyal out of all of them. A slip up from him means a sip up from the rest of them. Rosa is like the younger sister i never had and i ask them to watch her for one day and this is what happened. She is just a little girl, she is too young to have to deal with the supernatural world," i through the glass that once had the wolf's bane at the wall, i can tell this caught Elijah off guard as i look at him. That's when i realize my eyes changed and i looked away, "sorry, i just can't believe it happened to her. Jessica's gonna pay though, and she better be ready," i take a drink of my blood and caught a little bit, "god i forgot to mix this up."
"What's in that?" Elijah asks picking up the glass to smell it.
"Vervain and Wolfsbane mixed with blood, i built up a tolerance so i'm not phased by it if someone thinks they can torture me since they can't kill me."
"That's not a bad idea," he nods to this, "but why am i not affected?"
"Because i mix it as i go, that was an unopened bag so it wasn't mixed in any way."
"Okay what about earlier today with the Vervain grenade?"
"I didn't know that they had that, but as soon as i saw it i knew i would be less affected by it then you so i made my move. It hit me and by the time your skin was just starting to heal i was already healed," i say as i walk to the fridge and grab the bottle of vervain, "here let me show you," i sit the bottle down and open it up and pour a little bit in the glass. I stick a finger in and pull it out when it started to burn, "if you put your hand in there you won't be able to keep it in there for to long."
"You can't be compelled anyways so why do you do this other than the entire torturing thing, which makes no sense since you are strong."
"To be honestly, i don't know if you could compel me, i was changed after you and your siblings, but i'm a tribrid which makes me stronger. I don't want to take that risk though, i prefer that when i'm around people to be me and to have level head."
"That's understandable," he nods as the door opens and i use my speed to pin the person to the wall.
"Elisha, it's me," Oliver says.
"Slip up number 2 Oliver, three strikes and you're out," i push away from him and turn to see Jessica walking with Rosa.
"Elisha!" Rosa running over to give me a hug.
"Hey little one, how are you?"
"I'm good, i feel like i'm a lot stronger than i used to be, but that's it," i smile at her.
"Well come on i got something i want to give you," i say as i take her hand walking into the kitchen were Elijah was still standing.
"Who's that? He smells weird," Rosa says wrinkling her nose up in disgust.
"Rosa this is Elijah, he's a friend, you can trust him," i tell her as i let her go and grab a glass and put a little bit of wolfsbane in it then diluted it with water, "here drink this," she nods and takes a sip coughing a bit before drinking the rest, "what happened to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Rosa you know what i mean," i say picking her up and sitting her on a chair, she looks over at Jessica and Oliver then back at me, "you two can leave, i'll find you later," they nod and leave the house, "you're safe now okay?" she nods as she starts to cry.
"I didn't mean to, he was coming after Max and me, he hurt Max and the only thing i could do was stop him," i pull her into my chest as she continues to cry.
"Shh, it's okay, it's okay."
"I don't want to change," she cries more.
"You have to now, but i'll help you," i pull her away from me slightly and wipe her tears away, "i'll get you through this, i promise you," she nods and i hug her again, "Elijah can you grab her a glass of water?" i whisper knowing that he heard when he moved and got the glass. I motion for him to follow me as i pick her up and carry her to one of the extra rooms and lay her down taking the glass from Elijah's hand, "drink this and get some rest, we will fight this tomorrow okay?" she nods taking the glass before drinking some of the water. She sits the glass down and crawls under the blankets. "Somnus," i say placing my hand on her head as she falls asleep easily. I motion for Elijah to leave as i make sure everything is put away in the room that would need to be put away.
"What was that?" he asks.
I motion for him to sit on the couch as i sit across from him, "Somnus, is a simple spell i learned that will put someone to sleep, i could do it to you right know if i so please," he nods to this, "so i'm guessing you want to know a little bit about myself since i'm the mystery Mikaelson child that should not in all means should have been born, but i was."
"Yes i would certainly like to know, especially since i never knew you existed. If i did trust me i would have kept you with me, or at least hid you so no one would find you."
"When you say no one do you mean Mikael?" he nods to this, "don't worry, he wants me dead for being anything similar to Niklaus," he gives me a confused look and i sigh, "let me start from the beginning," he nods to this so i begin, "My story is really confusing when you think about it because the guy i was calling father was never actually my father and the women that lived by me and taught me magic was my grandmother. I didn't know that at the time. Nicholas, the man i called father for the first 15 years of my life, hated me when he found out that i wasn't his. He only found out because i was a hybrid. My mom and 'dad' were both in a pack of wolves with no magical background, but my actual father had to be a witch, leaving only your family, the question was which one was it. My mother tried to protect me from Nicholas's raft but it never worked so when I started to show signs of magic she sent me to the only other person that knew who my true father was, Esther. She taught me how to control my power and what herbs i could use to help heal people. It was wonderful until Esther's husband, Mikael, showed up one day in a bad mood and it scared me. Granted Esther had hid me so he wouldn't see me, but i didn't want to return to their home after that so Esther and i started to meet in the woods, just outside of the village and my pack's territory. I would never meet her on a full moon knowing that my pack would be out waiting for someone to come into their territory to attack.
"I was out wandering one day on a full moon, watching my pack and observing what they did when i noticed that there were two people also watching. Before i could do anything someone from the pack caught them, attacking. I jumped out of my hiding spot and distracted the wolf as i saw the one guy grab the other and run out of the woods. I was able to get under cover again and have the wolf lose the track it had on me quickly before running in the same direction as the two guys. Once i got to the edge of the woods i could see a family morning and i basically stop dead when i recognize Esther. When i look at the family i notice two people staring at me, the one i recognize as Mikael, the other i want to say was you from the way he was dressed and his mere appearance. You started to walk towards me but i saw Mikael stop you before i ran back into the woods to my home. It wasn't long after that that Esther told me that she doesn't want to lose and of her children or grandchild. I was confused at first then she explained everything to me about how my mother and her son were secretly together but broke it off when i was born. That's when she showed me the spell she was going to do to make her family imortal, i was included. I told her that i would do it, if i didn't have to be there when she did the rest of her family, she agreed. That night she turned her family and once they were all lying on the ground unconscious i came out of the shadows and she did it to me, except she hid me when i was unconscious.
"When i woke up i saw the family sitting around the fire and i wanted to go over to them, but i knew i couldn't. Then the hunger sunk in, i was hungry not for food, but blood. I new it was to dangerous for me to stay around the village so i ran to my pack. I found Nicholas sitting in the small living room in our home and it looked like he was attacked. I questioned him about it but he never answered, just got up and walked over to me, that's when i noticed the cut on his arm and i could feel the hunger grow. When he was close to me i used my small size to duck under his arm before using my strength to pin him to the wall as i sink my teeth into his arm. I pulled away after a little bit and i could feel the pointed teeth poke through my gums as the veins come out of my eyes. Nicholas looked terrified as i sunk my teeth into his neck and drained him. I regretted it once i let his body drop because i knew i killed him triggering the cures. I screamed in pain as every single done in my body broke until i was a wolf. I ran out of the house and into the woods to a location i knew all too well. That's when i see people standing there and i stay hidden, waiting, to see what their move was going to be. I smelled blood when i see the one guys face, it was one of Esther's sons i wasn't sure which one though. Once he let the body drop to the ground and turned to face Mikael he dropped to the ground screaming. He was a wolf. Something felt off when i was around him, but i couldn't place it. I could see something in Mikael's eyes when he said something about the guy not being his own. Then i saw him grabbing a stake and moving to the guy as he was still on the ground. I had to do something so i jumped out of my hiding spot and stood in between the guy and Mikael.
"I growled at him as i showed my teeth, i could see his hesitation before he came after me and i lunged at him tackling him to the ground snapping at his face. I let my teeth graze over his skin and i left a few scratch marks before getting off of him to see the guy fully transformed. I heard a howl and looked at him before running off I knew he followed me. It was maybe an hour or two when i started to grow tired and i could tell that i would be changing back and i knew it was the same for the guy so i ran back to where he was at before and he followed. He changed back first and i could see that his energy was drained, but i was able to find his clothes giving them to him. He somehow found the energy to at least put on his pants before collapsing. I grab his pant leg and dragged him back to his home somehow undetected before running back to my home where i curl up onto the door step and fell asleep. When i woke up the next morning i was in my bed with blankets over me. My brother was sitting next to me, he told me that he also somehow triggered his curse but was able to bounce back a lot easier."
Elijah almost looks shocked, "how do you know Mikael wants you dead?"
"I stayed here in Mystic Falls for most of my life, but i did make a trip to New Orleans when i heard you were there, but when i got there all that was left was Mikael, he thought I helped you all escape since he recognized me. He was going to kill me, but i was able to use my power to stop him. That's how he knows that i'm a tribrid. I first tried to just scare him off by showing my wolf side, but that just seemed to enrage him, probably because my eyes are so recognizable compared to other wolves. When he knew that i was the wolf that stopped him from killing Niklaus all those years ago he came after me so i used my magic. He told me that once he took down Niklaus that he would come after me, with all his children at his side. I tried my best to find any of you. I talked to Marcellus Gerard to see where i could find any of your possessions. I tried every tracker spell possible but i couldn't find you. Esther came to me in my sleep and told me that if you don't want to be found you can't be found, not even by magic. She assured me that you all were safe and if Mikael came close to finding you that she would let me know where you were at and if she thinks that you would need my help so i could come," i look down at the ground.
"She never contacted you," he says and i nod.
"But she did when you came into town. I purposely got myself kidnapped with Elena so i could met you because i know you never knew i excited and i didn't want to be my mother's secret anymore. I want to help my family, even if it is only you," i look at him with serious eyes, "my mother, i somehow turned her into a hybrid, she bowed down to everything i said, but she would never tell me anything about you, i hated her for it. Then again she told me that i should have never been born, called me a disgrace, the list goes on," i sigh slightly at this, "i know that none of it was true, if it was she wouldn't have been so loyal to me. That was until after i went to New Orleans and she followed me, she told Mikael everything how i am nothing more than an unwanted child just like Niklaus. That was of course after he recognized me, she also told him that i would always help you and your siblings run, just as i promised, Always and forever. She used my words against me, i told her that family to me is always and forever, but that didn't matter. When i ran back here to mystic falls she followed and i killed her."
"Where did you get the phrase always and forever from?" Elijah asks looking up at me.
"It was in a dream i had, i don't remember it in detail, but i just remember the phrase Always and Forever and that's how i see family. I didn't want to kill my mother, but i knew that Mikael had a which put a spell on her so he could track her and in teams track me, if he came there would be a bloodbath and i was not about that. Then you have my brother-"
"Which is wondering why there is a guy in the house," my brother says.
"Brother its so nice to have you home," i say standing up and walking over to him, "so what did your adventures bring this time for me to clean up?"
"Nothing at all dearest sister," he says, "that's what i got Mathew for."
"When you go away but when you're here it's my job to clean up after you, and frankly i better not here that people in the town start going missing, or anyone around here for that matter."
"Why is that?" i could smell the alcohol on his breath.
"Well the dearest Salvatore brothers are back in town and animal attacks are on the rise. Meanwhile i don't need you eating people that can play a key factor in a plan of mine, if you're hungry there are plenty of blood bags in this house," i tell him and he just kind of smirks.
"Whatever you say," he laughs, "still who is the boy toy over there?"
"One he is not a boy toy he is like me to a point and if you so much as try to go against him you won't have to worry about him you'll have to deal with me."
"Still not answering my question."
"My name is Elijah," said person says standing up and walking over.
"Elijah as in your father Elijah or is this someone else?"
"Cuan, you're drunk, go up to your room and sleep it off, we'll talk about this tomorrow when you are in your right mind."
"When do you think you could start telling me what to do?" he asks stepping closer to me, but i was quick to pin him to the nearby wall.
"The moment i turned you 1000 years ago, and the fact that i am your alpha," i could tell that my eyes where my werewolf blue ones.
"Okay," he says as i let him go and he walks away.
"Sorry about that, he is quite a nuisance when he is drunk."
"I don't mind, he reminds me of my siblings."
"Please tell me it's not one in particular because if it is they sound like they need a babysitter."
He laughs slightly at this, "no not one in particular, but he does remind me a little but of Kol and of Niklaus."
"I want to know more about your siblings, all Esther ever said was their names and a little about them, but that's it."
"Well those are tails for a latter date," he says and i'm confused till i look at the time: midnight.
"Do you have a place to stay for the night?"
"No, but it shouldn't be to hard to find somewhere."
"It won't because you are staying here, i can grab you some clothes," i offer and he smiles a bit, "follow me," with that i lead him up to a spare bedroom before going into my brothers room to grab one of his shirts and a pair of sweatpants, "here, these should fit you."
"Thank you."
"It's not a problem, i finally have someone that i'm related to by blood, i'm going to help you, always and forever."
"Always and forever," he says back to me with a small smile as i leave the room. Once i get to mine which was just next to Elijah's i change quickly checking my phone.
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elisha-mikealson · 5 years
The Cast (Poeple you don't know)
Brenton Thwaites as Caun Griffyth
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Sean O'Donnell as Josh Martin
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AnnaSophia Robb as Rosa
Ross Lynch as Bash
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Everyone else you know so no need to put them!
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elisha-mikealson · 5 years
His Daughter
When a certain original comes to Mystic Falls and finds out that he has a daughter from before his family and him were turned what will he do? She is an original, not like her father, not like her aunt, or her other uncles, she is more powerful then the vampire who hunts vampires. She changes this family completely, even the last person you'd expect.
PS: this is not suppose to be read as a reader insert but you can read it as such
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