eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy- Bonanza for Hair
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Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is widely in use for treatment in various medical fields like dentistry, dermatology, veterinary, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, etc. It has established usage and shows promising results in various procedures. PRP acts as supplementary healing factor in our body as it is targeted on specific parts requiring healing and regeneration. PRP has been now popularly been in use for hair and skin as aesthetics have become greatest concern for most individuals.
What is PRP?
Plasma Rich platelet, as the name suggests is plasma rich in platelets. Such plasma is derived from the patients’ body with minimum invasion. It involves extraction of blood which is then subjected to centrifugal force to separate such plasma and buffy portion of blood which contains high concentration of platelets.
1.On hair (generally)
Among various Growth factors mentioned above, PDGF, EGF and VEGF play important role in proliferation of hair face, angiogenesis, cell differentiation on site needed and remodeling of extracellular matrix.
Injecting PRP to the hair affected area gives skin the necessary catalyst to boost proliferation of hair follicles, its’ growth structure and density. This leads to thickening of hair and increase the density of the hair.
Rejuvenating scalp with PRP reduces inflammation and irritation on the scalp thereby solving the most common issue of all i.e. Dandruff which is friend for Hair loss.
2.Androgenic alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is a common chronic Hair loss disease in both male and females. It is characterized by patches of hair loss on the body. This brings a major setback for most people (especially young) in life due to change in outlook of others. In spite of various hair growth treatments available, some treatments have least effect on various people. Introducing PRP into the treatment regime has shown to have increased the growth of hairs. The Biologically active proteins and cytokines is released on activation of the Plasma as mentioned in Step 3. Such proteins when introduced into the affected are leads to hair folliculogenesis and activate the anagen growing phase of dormant bulbs.  This leads to proliferation of the hair follicles and rejuvenate scalp to sustain hair growth.
Why do you need it?
Knowing about stuff and how it works doesn’t mean anything unless you know if it will be helpful to you and whether you need it. Considering the modern society where we are more concerned about our looks than anything else, Hair loss is not just a disease but a grave issue. With a few patches of bald skin you not only lose your hair but also the confidence, self-esteem, self-image and beauty. Most people are sub consciously stressed about it, which is said, might promote hair loss. If you are among the type I just highlighted than you need the treatment to return yourself to the image you once were.
Core Benefits for Hair
PRP rejuvenates scalp.
It reactivates hair follicles to sustain hair growth.
Reduces irritation on the scalp.
Helpful in treating hair loss affected individuals.
Restoring the aesthetic value and beauty.
How we treat at ELITE CLINIC
PRP is performed by various methods by different doctors. The main difference is in the process of extraction and concentration of platelets. We at ELITE clinic perform differentiation and concentration of platelet in plasma by double spin method. This method is used by us to give higher yield in results giving us minimum concentration of 12, 00,000 – 15, 00,000 platelet in the plasma injected in a patients’ affected portion.
Let us now overview the steps followed at ELITE clinic:
STEP 1: Extraction of blood from patients’ body.
STEP 2:  Blood subjected to centrifugation for 10 minutes which separates the RBCs and Platelet rich plasma.
STEP 3: This supernatant plasma is subjected to centrifugal force again for 10 minutes which further concentrates the platelet count. The resulting Plasma contains at least 4 times concentration of the platelet count than the blood extracted in Step 1.
Step 4: Such plasma is then injected into the site on body requiring expedition in healing, which in our case is scalp to boost the growth and rejuvenation of the hair follicle.
What have we learned?
PRP is used in various medical fields to promote regeneration and healing of various body parts. Use of PRP in Cosmetic and Dermatology is popular due to lack of multiple alternatives and cost of other treatments. Hair loss treatment has been an issue for mankind for long time. Modernization has only worsened the situation. PRP has proved to be potential treatment plan for the regaining the lost hair and beauty. Since the injection contains plasma that is derived from your body, the side effects of the treatment are inconsiderable to the benefits.
For knowing more about your skin and hair follicles, visit your dermatologist.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Dent-Busters: Dental Implants v/s Dentures. Which is better?
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Most humans in their lifetime face issue of lost tooth or teeth. It is an unnerving experience which takes away your beauty, perfect smile and self-esteem together. The issue has been persistent. Humans have tried to fix it for years. Humans had attempted dentures thousands of years ago with ivory, bones and metal fasteners. They realized the importance of having tooth back.
Dentures are removable replacements for lost teeth. It can be a full denture or partial dentures. It has been used as a restorative treatment for many years but is it that efficient? Is it the right choice especially since advent of Dental Implants? Let us review and analyze how Implants surpass expectation that Dentures could never fulfill.
1.Compatibility: Getting a treatment compatible with you and your needs is important. Dental Implants are made up of bio-compatible substance which are fixed in the bone as a replacement of the missing teeth. Once fitted, you won’t even realise that there are any implants in your mouth.
Denture has a major flaw which affects your daily routine. Daily habits like chewing won’t feel natural anymore. There is something foreign moving along with the food that you chew. Hence dentures are not very compatible and comfortable in your daily routine.
2. Restoration v/s Replacement: Dental Implants treatment is a Restorative procedure for the lost teeth. It mimics to what was originally lost and provides with best alternative to natural teeth available
Dentures, on other hand, are mere replacement for the lost teeth. It provides with false teeth which does not fulfill many functions of a natural tooth.
3. Cleaning hassle: Dental implants do not require any special cleaning process to maintain it. The routine cleaning and maintenance of oral health is all it needs.
Dentures, especially the removable complete denture, require daily removal and careful cleaning for proper oral health. For most people it is a hassle to add it to routine and remember it every day.
4. Bone Structure: Dental Implants are implanted in the roots of teeth, giving the simulation required by the bone to stay intact.
Dentures are false teeth. They lack roots to maintain bone structure. This leads to loss of jaw bone; changing its density, structure and shape. Therefore, dentures make you lose natural shape of your smile.
5. Durability: Implants once implanted into the roots of your missing tooth can last a lifetime. Implants require daily maintenance and care of your oral health as you would do for other natural teeth.
Dentures, although cheap, can incur much more expenditure since it requires frequent replacement due to breakage, getting lost, change in jaw bone shape and density, etc.
6. Adjustment: Implants once fitted would not feel anything unnatural. It would not require any interval for it to feel innate. Usage and comfort is same as any other natural teeth in your mouth. As soon as treatment is complete it would feel natural to chew with it.
Dentures require a brief amount of adjustment period. Until you get adjusted to the unnatural feeling in your mouth, there will be trouble with chewing, speaking, yawn, etc.
There is a difference between fulfilling your purpose and fulfilling your needs. Denture solves purpose but defeats your needs. We live and cloth according to the requirements of 21st century. Why should we not do the same with oral health and aesthetics? Busy life requires permanent solution to the problem. Maintaining appearance with care for oral health makes Implant the best choice for patients. Choose better to live better. For more information and guidance on Dental Implants visit: https://www.eliteclinic.in/dental-implants-why-is-it-the-new-trend/ , and your Dental surgeon & Implantologist.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Chemical Peeling- Why is it popular?
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Chemical exfoliation, Chemoexfoliation or colloquially known as chemical peeling is a non-invasive treatment. Chemical peeling is popular due to its impact in improving in the aesthetic value of the skin. It also improves the quality of skin, medically speaking. It has been commonly in use since 18th century.
How is it works?
The procedure followed for chemical peeling is fairly simple but involves caution and tailoring to meet needs and requirements of a patient lest complication and side effects could not be minimized.
Chemical peeling is done by application of caustic agent to the desired area of skin to cause a controlled simulation of Epidermis and dermis. By inflicting controlled injury to the skin, it proliferate the accumulation of collagen, elastin, and reorganization of structural dermal tissue and protein.
The application of caustic agent i.e. type, number of layers, agent used, etc. depends on the depth of treatment required. The treatment may be Superficial, Medium or Deep.
Types of Peel and Chemicals used
It can be more understood by discussing its type and variation in chemicals used.
1.Superficial Peels:
Superficial peels are the least penetrating peels in skin. This treatment is done to improve extrinsic aesthetic value of the skin. It improves the quality and beauty of the visible skin i.e. epidermis.
Penetration: Only upper layer epidermis is penetrated by superficial peel.
Chemicals Used: Glycolic (30–50%), salicylic acid (30%), pyruvic acid (50%), etc. is commonly used agent for treatment.
Downtime: Least downtime compared to other peels. Patient experiences mild irritation, redness and burning sensation. For a day or two which can be minimized by protective ointment.
Uses: Exfoliating the outermost layer of the skin, treating fine wrinkles, acne, uneven skin tone and dryness.
2. Medium-depth Peels:
Medium Depth Peels penetrates deeper than superficial peels and solves much deeper problems of our skin.
Penetration: It penetrates complete epidermis and the uppermost layer of dermis.
Chemicals Used: Glycolic (70%) and Jessner’s Solution (30-50%) is used to achieve depth. Multi layered application of 20 to 40% salicylic acid and pyruvic acid can also be used.
Downtime: As the penetration is deeper, downtime increases. Redness, Swelling and stinging sensation may be experienced depending of the skin type. The effects can be felt for 7-14 days on the treated area. Cool Compresses and protective ointment reduces the sensation of the effects.
Uses:  Treatment of fine rhytides, chronic actinic photo damage, superficial hyperpigmentary disorders (e.g., melasma), superficial acne scars, and even premalignant actinic keratosis is possible with medium depth peels.
3. Deep Peels:
Deep Peels has most penetrative effect on the affected area and works on root causes of the problem on the visible skin.
Penetration: It penetrates complete epidermis and dermis all the way to the mid-reticular dermis.
Chemicals Used: Baker-Gordon phenol peel is commonly used agent for the Deep peel. It provides maximum penetration of the skin to provide maximum results.
Downtime: As the penetration is deeper, downtime increases. Redness, swelling, stinging and throbbing sensation may be experienced depending of the skin type. The effects can be felt for a month or more on the treated area. Painkiller and surgical dressing helps in reducing the sensation and effects.
Uses: Treatment of deeper wrinkles, scars or precancerous growths, chronic actinic photo damage and chrono damage, extensive hyperpigmentary disorders (e.g., melasma), acne scars, and even premalignant actinic keratosis is possible with Deep peels.
Do you need it?
There are various indications on skin which helps in determining whether you need chemical peeling for treating and improving the quality of skin.
PIGMENTARY DISORDERS such as Lentigines, Ephelides and Melasma.
Scarring issues such as Acne Scarring, Traumatic scarring, Surgical scarring.
Chrono-Aging effects such as Superficial and medium depth Rhytides.
Pre-cancerous Lesions on the skin such as in Actinic Keratoses.
If any of the diseases and skin issue has been your concern, then chemical peeling is treatment for you. Ignoring the problems would only worsen it and reduce the beauty and texture of the skin.
Where to get it done?
Chemical peel in mainly used to address cosmetic issue, therefore it is widely believed that it can be done at any Beauty salon or at home. Chemical peeling requires tailoring on the basis of different skin types, skin tone, texture, medications, etc. Although a simple procedure, requires utmost care and caution lest increase in downtime and the side effects and be experienced. Chemical peeling includes controlled injury to skin to improve the feel, volume and tone of the skin. A Dermatologist are officially certified to do chemical peeling and provide and medication required post-treatment.
Maintaining your beauty is important to boost confidence and esteem. Visit your Dermatologist to know more about the procedure and how it can benefit you.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
23 Skincare Tips if you want to have Clear Skin
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Looking for the skin care tips for DIY? Well keeping your skin perfect isn’t a easy task it takes time and lot efforts. However, if you follow some simple tips regularly you can get off from damaged skin. Dermatologists shared some tips generously that you can do DIY.
So here are the skincare tips you can follow to clear your skin:
1.  Be gentle to your skin when washing. Avoid using harsh scrubs or puffs
2. Avoid spicy food, steam rooms, saunas and skip intense heat to protect your skin from redness
3. Use humidifier to hydrate your dewy skin all year-round.
4. Make your skin moisturize when you are getting into bed that makes your skin smooth in the next morning
5. Regularly perform face wipes with cleansing cloths or cleaners, especially if you are living on city where pollution is high
6. Try multi-mask on your face like glycolic acid to reduce breakouts and any other creams
7. Take time when you applied any product, each product take up to two to three minutes. So wait!
8. Use sunscreen, SPF 30 or higher on your face if you go out daily in sunny day
9. Apply chemical peels once in a week it helps in healthy bacteria grow while abrasive scrubs opposite the effect
10. Glycolic acid is best agent for your skin must try it for once
11. To remove old dark spot from your skin try brighteners like vitamin C
12. Clean heavy oil from skin with foaming face wash
13. Sheet masks are best to push hydrating ingredients to skin directly
14. Retinol is best agent to clean your pimples fast but it can irritate. So apply it only once over a moisturizer
15. Use dermatologists suggested acne products only
16. Salicylic acid is known for whiteheads and blackheads; if you have you can apply
17. Include fatty acids in your diet that can produce moisturizing oils
18. Apply sunscreen gently after you wash face and apply it everywhere
19. Set up your bedtime and follow it strictly
20. Use cotton towels and soak your face water gently and do not rub into your face
21. Limit your sugar consumption
22. Ditch smoking is can make acne worse and depletes the moisture
23. Sleep in your back is helpful in order to remove wrinkles
So these were the pro-tips to make your skin healthy and lively.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
11 Mistake you make while Brushing your Teeth
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cxvcAre you ready to check out the 11 mistakes that you are making every day while brushing? Brushing your teeth is a daily activity, but how do you know that you are doing it correctly. And if you are brushing twice a day then it should be important to know what you doing wrong every day while brushing your teeth. In this post, we will tell your 11 mistakes that you are doing while brushing your teeth.
Here is:
Number 1- Choosing the wrong toothbrush: There are two types of toothbrushes available: Manual and Electric. Choose which is comfortable for you according to your mouth size.
Number 2-Brushing in the wrong way: Start from the gum line and slowly go down and up, brush little circular and again up and down. It is the most common mistake we all do. Think you are massaging your teeth not scrubbing.
Number 3- Quit brushing early: It is clinically recommended to brush your teeth for a minimum 2 minutes.  So set a timer and stick to the 2-minute brushing routine.
Number 4- Brushing for too long: Brushing is good under the recommended time. Brushing too frequently for a long time can damage your teeth and gums. Abrasive present on toothpaste and bristles starts friction if you brush for too long.
Number 5-Not brushing the inner surface of the teeth: Be mindful, the same amount of germs is present on the inner side of your teeth and it is important to remove them by brushing.
Number 6- Keeping toothbrush wet: A wet toothbrush can be a breeding ground for bacteria and brushing with the same is too dangerous. So dry your toothbrush before storing it.
Number 7- Continuing with an old toothbrush: Change your old toothbrush or it will start removing your gum lines. Old brushes have broken bristles that can start rubbing on your teeth and brush and left sensitivity.
Number 8-Rinsing mouth after brushing: Rinsing mouth can washes out the fluoride coat from your teeth which is meant to protect your teeth. So it is nothing just then a bad habit!
Number 9- Avoiding floss: Not only brushing can clean your teeth. Start flossing every day to remove deposited plaque in order to maintain your oral hygiene.
Number 10- Forget cleaning your tongue: Like brushing your teeth, cleaning your tongue is also important. It can be a breeding ground for bacteria so it is important to keep it clean too.
Number 11- Using bad quality toothpaste: We always forget the quality of toothpaste. Toothpaste contains chemicals and abrasives if it is too hard it can be dangerous for your teeth. Therefore make selection wisely.
So these were some common mistakes mostly everyone does while brushing teeth. Hope you will remember these points and avoid these mistakes.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
6 Natural Ways to Moisturize your Hair
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Tired of fighting rough and dry hair every day? Sometimes using excessive artificial products can cause hair damages and for some people, chemical products can negatively react and cause hair damages. Nothing can beat a natural and conventional way to keep your hair moisturized and shiny. We have broken down some DIY natural ways to moisturize your hair.
Have a look:
Way 1st- Apply Avocado on your hairs
Avocado is the best moisturizer for your hair. It is enriched with lots of nutrients and vitamins. It contains natural oils that work as deep moisturizers for your dull hair. Just peel and mash and apply on your hair. Also, you can apply it with other ingredients too.
Way 2nd- Apply Egg on your hairs
Eggs have high protein content that gives strength to hair follicles. Moreover, it repairs all your damaged and dry hair. The nutrients present in eggs act as a deep conditioner that adds shine and texture to your dull hair. In order to apply crack two eggs in a bowl and add some olive oil on it and mix well. After that, apply on your hair and wait for half an hour and clean your hair.
Way 3rd- Apply Banana on your hairs
Try a banana mask on your dull hair for making them healthy and shiny. Banana has excellent moisturizing properties that are best for dry and rough hairs. Importantly, it is enriched with essential minerals and vitamins that strengthen your hair roots.  It has properties to remove dandruff too. Just ripe two bananas and apply them to hairs.
Way 4th- Apply Honey and Olive on your hairs
The combination of honey and olive is perfect for hair care. Both can add moisture and repair split ends. Natural content will infuse extra shine to your rough hair. Mix equal quantity in a bowl and mix well after that apply on hairs and wait for 25-30 minutes.
Way 5th- Apply oil on your hairs
Nothing is good then natural oil.  You can apply and massage any of the oils for making your hair stronger. Use coconut oil for the best results, it will restore everything that you have lost.
Way 6th- Apply Yogurt on your hair
Yogurt has the same properties as eggs. However, it is recommended for summers as it cools down your head.There are many other natural ingredients you can try to. If you are looking for natural and quick remedies for frizzy and dull hairs above-mentioned ones are perfect for you.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
How to get Radiant Glowing Skin
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dfsdgsdg Everyone wishes to have a radiant glowing and healthy skin. However, not taking proper care of your skin or inappropriate skincare could lead to a dull skin appearance. You do not need expert solutions or expensive treatments always to get a radiant and glowing skin.
You just need to follow certain simple steps which would lead you to the results with barely any effort. You can get glowing and radiant skin by adding these to your skincare regime or doing them otherwise.
1.  Exfoliate To remove the dead skin cells, dirt and impurities, exfoliation is the best. Gently exfoliating your skin in a circular motion will efficiently remove all impurities. This maintains the health and glow of the skin.
2.  Massage Massaging your face with oils like olive and avocado improves blood circulation and provides your skin with essential nutrients. Slowly massage into your skin in an upward circular motion and achieve healthy, radiant and glowing skin.
3.  Mask Applying masks on your face would nourish and restore the health and glow of your skin. Masks serve as great moisturizers too. Applying a mask once a week would rejuvenate your skin and replenish the radiance and glow.
4.  Moisturize Moisturization is very important for glowing and radiant skin. Also, it hydrates dry or dull skin as well. Aloe Vera and Glycerin can be used as excellent natural moisturizers. They have healing as well as nourishing properties.
5.  Hydration For a soft, healthy, plump and glowing skin, adequate hydration is essential. Drink plenty of water in a day or just stay hydrated throughout the day.
6.  Vitamin C Vitamin C serves as an excellent ingredient in maintaining the radiance of your skin and nourishing it. Consuming plenty of Vitamin C rich food is great. Applying lemon juice mixed with honey excellently nourishes your skin.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Top 5 Foods for Healthy Teeth and Gums
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Do you visit your dentist regularly? Do you follow the entire thing required to maintain good teeth and gum health? Do you brush twice a day, floss and do mouthwash too? However, do you think only brushing, flossing, dental appointments and mouthwashes are enough for good teeth and gum health?
For maintaining healthy teeth and gums, maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial. However, your diet also significantly contributes to your teeth and gum health. Therefore, you should eat foods that are best for your oral health. The top 5 food for the best gum and teeth health is as follows:
1.  Seeds and Nuts Seeds and nuts have plenty of health benefits. They are full of nutrients like potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus etc. Also, the crunchy factor helps in disturbing and preventing dental plaque.
2.  Cheese Like other dairy foods, cheese has a high content of Vitamin D and Calcium. It helps in neutralizing the acid levels in your mouth. It triggers saliva secretion that washes the bacteria out of your mouth.
3.  Fatty Fish These are the best sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is essential for your body to absorb calcium as it protects your teeth and gum from damage or diseases. It also has Omega-3 which improves oral and overall health.
4.  Onions Eating raw onion can do wonders for your teeth and gum. It has antimicrobial sulfur-containing compounds that kill all the bad bacterial infestations. Eating a few pieces of onion every day can be beneficial.
5.  Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits are rich in fibre that requires you to chew them properly. This is effective for your tooth and gum strength. Also, are rich in plenty of essential vitamin and minerals which boosts overall immunity and health. Dental Clinic in Delhi Dentist Clinic in Delhi Dental Implant Clinic in Delhi Teeth Whitening in Delhi
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
How to use Aloe Vera Gel for Hair Growth?
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Apart from magnificent skin and health benefits, Aloe Vera is a great agent to boost your hair growth. Aloe Vera acts as an excellent agent in stimulating your hair growth and improves scalp health. You can efficiently benefit your hair growth with Aloe Vera gel in the following ways:
1.  Honey and Aloe Vera: Honey has the qualities to reduce dandruff and acts as a conditioning agent. Mixed with Aloe Vera, it strengthens the hair from within and moisturizes your hairs shafts.
2.  Egg and Aloe Vera: Egg serves as an excellent source of protein for hairs. Egg yolk with Aloe Vera aids hair growth and nourishes the hair. Also, it boosts your hair growth rate.
3.  Coconut Oil and Aloe Vera: Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizing agent. It penetrates the hair shaft which nourishes and strengthens the hairs. Aloe Vera and coconut oil mask will provide deep conditioning
4.  Onion and Aloe Vera: Onion serves as a hair growth stimulant that boosts the growth in the dormant follicles on your scalp. Aloe Vera and onion juice prevents hair fall and support the regrowth of hairs.
5.  Lemon and Aloe Vera: Vitamin C is essential for boosting collagen growth and lemon juice has it. It also helps in maintaining optimum scalp pH levels and scalp health. The mixture is also a nourishing agent.
6.  Vitamin E and Aloe Vera: Vitamin E is very effective in reducing oxidative stress and hair loss. It maintains better health of your hairs. Applying Aloe Vera and Vitamin E mixture for 20 minutes will do wonder for your hairs.
7.  Fenugreek and Aloe Vera: Fenugreek has hair growth properties and helps in rejuvenating split ends and reducing dandruff. It cleanses as well as nourishes your hair.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
7 Powerful Coconut Oil Face Mask for Flawless Skin
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Coconut oil has been a part of skincare and beauty regimen for ages. It has excellent healing and medicinal properties which help in keeping maintaining clear and healthy skin. Moreover, it serves as an essential ingredient in treating various skin problems. Alongside, it helps in keeping your skin moisturized, hydrated and glowing.
Coconut oil face masks have been used for long owing to its benefits. We have listed down 7 effective and great coconut oil face masks for several skin concerns.
1.  Mask or scrub for clear skin Mask or scrub of coconut oil, ground rolled and raw organic honey, when applied for 20 minutes, can offer a clean skin and brighter complexion.
2.  Mask for dark spots Lavender oil, frankincense oil and coconut oil massaged on the face for 5 minutes provide healthy and radiant skin.
3.  Mask for skin firming Applying coconut oil, turmeric and yogurt face pack 2 to 3 times in a week can help a firm, moisturized, clean and soft skin.
4.  Mask for dry skin Mix honey and coconut oil and apply it to your face. Leave it for 30 minutes and wipe off with a damp cloth. You’ll get rid of dry and flaky skin.
5.  Mask for skin brightening Mix coconut oil and vitamin-E oil and apply it to your face and neck. The mask acts as an anti-oxidant and provides healthy and nourished skin.
6.  Exfoliation for deep cleaning Baking soda and coconut oil exfoliation are effective for clean and glowing skin. Exfoliate your skin with the mixture for 2-3 minutes and wash with normal water.
7.  Mask for anti-ageing Mix coconut oil and pomegranate oil and apply all over your face and neck. Keep it for an hour and wipe off for glowing and youthful skin.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Heal Tooth Decay and Reverse Cavities Naturally
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On hearing of tooth decay or cavities in your teeth, you might immediately book and dentists appointment. You have an opinion that only dental treatment can tackle decay and cavity issues. However, they can be easily reversed at home naturally. We have listed down some simple and natural ways to prevent tooth decay and reverse cavities. 
1.  Change your diet and eating habits Helping to boost your health alongside benefiting your teeth, changing your eating habits is great. Consume more calcium, dairy products and avoid fizzy, carbonated or sweetened beverages.
2.  Keep your toothbrush clean Keep your toothbrush clean as it the primary thing you clean your teeth with. Also, always change your toothbrush after 2-3 months of use.
3.  Regular dental visits Regular dentist visits will ensure that any plaque or tartar is removed and cleaned. This is important as brushing, flossing and mouthwash cannot reach certain areas.
4.  Chewing sugarless gums is great You might have heard of gums being harmful. However, chewing sugarless gums have a natural sweetener and prevent tooth decay. Also, it prevents tooth decay.
5.  Try coconut oil pulling To pull bacteria out of your teeth and heal them naturally, coconut oil pulling is the best. It can protect your teeth from decay and help in preventing cavities.
6.  Consume supplements and vitamins It can help you in fighting dental plaque and establishing good teeth health. Consume fibre-rich food, whole grains and seafood for best results and oral health.
7.  Develop and follow an oral care regime Along with brushing your teeth, flossing and mouthwash are important too. Flossing pulls out any remaining germs and food while mouthwash provides antibacterial effects.
Follow these simple and quick tips. They can be an effective and excellent way to heal tooth decay and reverse cavities naturally.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
12 Natural Ways to Enhance Hair Growth and Thickness
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1.  Coconut Oil: Massaging coconut oil into your scalp can help in reducing the loss of protein. Also, it reduces hair loss.
2.  Yogurt: Having a serving of yogurt daily can prevent hair damage and facilitate accelerated hair growth.
3.  Onion Juice: Applying onion juice to your scalp twice a week can induce hair growth as it has phytochemical compounds.
4.  Gooseberry: It can help you in promoting hair growth by extending the anagen phase. Massage the oil twice a week into your scalp.
5.  Rosemary Oil: Applying and massaging rosemary oil into your scalp and enhance hair growth and quality significantly.
6.  Green Tea: Drinking green tea twice a day has proven results of promoting hair growth and thickness.
7.  Fenugreek: Applying the paste of soaked fenugreek seeds as a hair mask once a week can promote healthy hair growth.
8.  Ginseng: Gently massaging a few tablespoons of ginseng oil is beneficial for hair follicles and promoting hair growth.
9.  Chinese Hibiscus: The paste of hibiscus leaves mixed with coconut oil applied to the scalp can prevent or reduce hair fall.
10. Geranium Oil: At least once a week, massaging your scalp with geranium oil can significantly boost hair growth and thickness.
11. Coffee: Brewing a cup of coffee once in a day and promote and stimulate hair growth by extending the anagen phase (active growth phase).
12. Fish Oil: The omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil reverse thinning and balding impact on your hairs by inducing hair growth.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
9 Dental Care Tips for Healthier Teeth
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Dental and oral hygiene holds immense importance not only for your teeth but for your overall health too. Poor hygiene can lead to various dental problems and diseases. Therefore, it is important to keep your teeth in the pink of their health.
1.  Brush your teeth properly. It ensures that no food residue or bacteria is left which could accumulate and lead to bad breath and other issues.
2.  Use a soft-bristled-brush. Brushes having hard bristles can be abrasive and damaging for your teeth. Soft brushes would do clean them properly without damaging.
3.  Limit your intake of carbonated drinks. Too much of these beverages make your teeth appear dull and discoloured and effect teeth enamel as well.
4.  Ensure calcium and vitamin intake. This will ensure healthy teeth and bones. Also, it protects your gums and maintains healthy dental hygiene.
5.  Mouthwash and flossing. Mouth washing kills the harmful bacteria in your mouth. With flossing, you can clean the difficult areas of your mouth which are otherwise not cleaned by brushing.
6.  Take care of your tongue too. Bacteria and plaque buildup can be on your tongue as well. This leads to bad mouth breath and other oral health issues. Clean your tongue gently after brushing every time.
7.  Consume crunchy vegetables and fruits. They contain more healthy fibre and ensure the best working of your teeth and jaw as well.
8.  Avoid tobacco and other food that can stain your teeth. This will prevent staining and other serious dental and oral complications.
9.  Regular Dentist Visits. They can keep you updated on your dental health and provide with solutions which will ensure proper health and hygiene of your teeth.
Following these tips would ensure healthier and whiter teeth. This would be beneficial for your overall health and hygiene.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
15 Skincare mistakes to Avoid
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Having a skin regimen ensures the radiance and good health of your skin. You might take the utmost care to do the best for your skin. However, there can be certain mistakes you knowingly or unknowingly are making.
1.   Avoiding facial cleansing twice a day. This ensures that all the dirt, sweat and oil are removed.
2.   Not removing your makeup before bedtime. It could lead to the accumulation of particles and clogged pores.
3.   Improper or no use of sunscreen. Not wearing or inadequately applying sunscreen leads to wrinkles, fine lines skin pigmentation and acne.
4.   Applying makeup directly to bare skin. This can lead to clogged pores and acne buildup due to direct makeup deposits.
5.   Working out with makeup on. Exercises make your body sweat and release toxins. When mixed with makeup it can lead to infections.
6.   Not exfoliating properly. Exfoliation is important but over-exfoliating can lead to dry and damaged skin.
7.   Incorrect skin care products. Always ensure the correct products according to your skin types and needs.
8.   Ignoring the health aspect. Your skin reacts to what you eat as well. Ensure drinking lot of water and healthy food intake.
9.   Improper product application. Follow the instructions and apply the product as needed.
10. Over cleansing your face. It removes the protective oils making your skin dry and rough.
11. Frequently changing skincare products might not provide the complete effect and benefit of them.
12. Popping your acne and blemishes results in skin infection leading to inflammation or pigmentation. It could lead to scars as well.
13. Following an unhygienic skincare routine causes poor skin, breakouts and even infections.
14. Not appreciating and taking care of your skin will never lead you to healthy and happy skin.
15. Drinking less water lessens the glow and might increase skin problems.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
How to use Aloevera Gel for Hair Growth
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Aloe Vera has its fame for providing you with a glowing, healthy and happy skin. However, its benefits are not just limited to the skin. It can do wonders to your hair as well. Explore the ways in which you can use aloe vera gel to stimulate your hair growth and get lustrous, shiny and frizz-free hairs.
1.  Honey and Aloe Vera Gel
Honey can lessen dandruff and moisten your scalp and hairs. When mixed with coconut oil it nourishes and strengthens your hair roots. When used along with Aloe Vera gel it can do wonders to your hairs.
2.  Egg and Aloe Vera Gel
To improve your hair proteins, you should use eggs mixed with Aloe Vera gel on your hairs. Also, it boosts your hair growth rate and makes it shiny.
3.  Castor Oil and Aloe Vera Gel
Use castor oil with Aloe Vera and reduce hair damage. Also, it is effective in treating split ends and enhancing hair lustre. The mixture will provide deep nourishment and conditioning to your hairs.
4.  Onion and Aloe Vera gel
Considered to be an excellent hair growth ingredient, onion stimulates the follicles on your scalp and alongside aloe vera promotes hair growth and health.
5.  Aloe Vera Gel and Vitamin E
Known for the reduction of hair loss and relieving oxidative stress, Vitamin E applied along with Aloe Vera Gel keep your hair and scalp healthy ultimately boosting hair growth.
6.  Baking Soda and Aloe Vera gel
Cleanse your scalp with baking soda and maintain the pH balance of your scalp. Mixing it with Aloe Vera would double the benefits for your hair and scalp.
7.  Aloe Vera and Apple Cider Vinegar
Full of anti-microbial properties, when used with Aloe Vera, it improves your scalp’s health. It improves the health of your hair follicles and boosts hair growth ultimately.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Reality of Stretch Marks
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Skin, as you know it, is largest sensory organ that our body has. But does it play only that role? I don’t think so. Today it has as much to do with appearance as its bodily functions. Who doesn’t like to look good? Everybody wants to look perfect with shiny skin, especially women. But the perfection of look is lost by women while being pregnant. Women are not comfortable especially at beaches once they have been pregnant. The cause of discomfort is nothing else than Striae or you can call it stretch marks.
Stretch marks are the grooves and lines on the surface of the skin which can vary in color depending on the skin tone. Usually asymptomatic but is itchy in some cases. To cut it short they are scars and lesions on your skin.
What did I do to deserve this?
You did nothing because pregnancy is not the only cause of stretch marks. They occur also due to obesity, sudden gain or loss of weight, growth, puberty, etc. The main reason for stretch marks is elasticity of skin. Consider a rubber band, there is a point to which you can pull it after which it snaps. The same things happened to different layers of your skin. Due to stretching beyond the tensile of the skin there is breaking in different layers of the skin which results in the appearance of Striae. Hormonal changes during pregnancy also contribute to it.
Will I ever look the same?
That’s the main concern isn’t it? Who cares what it is? We just want the treatment so we can look our best. The common places where stretch marks occur are
1)    Abdomen,
2)    Breasts,
3)    Hips,
4)    Flank,
5)    Buttocks and
6)    Thighs.
No matter which outfit you prefer whether it is Indian Saree or a Western dress, some part of the skin (of the above) is always exposed which cause most women discomfort. Treatment then becomes necessity.
Treatment of stretch mark is tricky. Variety of options are propagated and available, most of which can be self-employed. But these treatments prove to have none to least effect on such scars in most cases due to lack of consultation on your skin type, its elasticity, extent of scars, etc. with a Dermatologist. Getting yourself treated with advertised ointments might only result in heavy strain on your pockets without consultation.
Available options for treatments include:
-      Light and laser therapies
-      Radiofrequency emitting high frequnecy alternating electric current.
-      Microdermabrasion
-      Galvanopuncture
-      Micro-needling
-      Pulsed magnetic field
-      Ultrasound device
-      Over the counter cosmeceuticals
-      Silicone gels
-      Tretinoin cream, not prescribed during pregnancy.
-      Platelet rick plasma Therapy
-      Fractional CO2 Laser
The results of each treatment depend on your skin. Either of these treatments should be taken only after consultation.
How do I keep this from happening?
Since it is result of stretching of skin due to rapid gain or loss of weight, during pregnancy you can completely prevent it. You are bound to gain weight on abdominal segment which is good sign of growing baby. But we can make an effort to curb the extent of stretch marks and its visibility.
Things to do to rejuvenate your skin and reduce the extent of stretch marks are:
· Start moisturizing your skin in all the likely places of stretch marks.
· Massaging your skin will increase the strength of your skin and its elasticity.
· Maintaining your weight not by dieting but by balanced diet that is best for the baby.
The main effort in all these preventive measure is to keep skin supple and healthy to help it maintain its elasticity.
Consult well and get yourself a guide. Lack of proper care gets you a lifelong scar on your body that won’t leave easily, if it does.
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