chandrahairclinic · 1 year
Hair Thinning Solutions: Which Treatment is Right for You? | Dr. Urvashi Chandra
Worried about hair thinning? There are many hair thinning treatments available to help you get back the hair you once had. In this video, Dr. Urvashi Chandra talks about the different treatments available for hair thinning and ways to regain lost hair density. She talks about the effects that treatments like minoxidil, peptides, and finasteride have on your hair, as well as the potential adverse reactions that can occur. The doctor at Chandra Clinic recommends growth factor concentrate, low-level laser therapy, and derma roller as the finest hair loss treatments in Delhi. These are excellent hair loss treatments for both men and women. See how other people have been able to successfully control the thinning of their hair and regain the appearance that they want. So, if you are on the lookout for hair transplant treatment in Delhi, check out this video, before zeroing in on one.
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eternaesthetics · 3 years
Is the threat of infection advanced with hair transplant in summer?
PRP hair treatment clinic in Delhi ,Ultra modern hair transplants ways are safe and minimally nosy . The pitfalls and complications associated with it are veritably low. Still, since hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery and has an impact on how people look if commodity goes wrong, it can have a massive cerebral impact on the case.
Every case must be apprehensive of the complications and pitfalls associated with hair transplants so that they're suitable to make an informed decision. Cases also need to be apprehensive so they can address their enterprises with their surgeon during discussion. Discussing the pitfalls and enterprises also helps the croaker in creating an personalized surgery experience for the case and plan according to their specific requirements and circumstances.
The threat of infection is an important cause of concern for hair transplant cases. It's also important to know that infections can be prevented as well as managed if they do be. Infections can be treated using drug before they cause any detriment to the patron or the philanthropist spots on the crown.
In general, infections aren't uncommon; when the skin is bruised, wounded, or cut, it basically can mean that complaint-causing microbes can enter our body leading to an infection. But they still are fairly rare when it comes to hair transplants.
Cases are frequently concerned about summer hair transplants and believe that the heat and moisture may be bad for mending and indeed beget an infection fluently. That is n’t so. Summer is a impeccably good time to have a hair transplant. Blood rotation is advanced during the summer months, and so is skin rejuvenescence, which is all helpful when it comes to hair regrowth post a transplant. Although hair regrowth isn't significantly different in different rainfall, summer is as good a time to have a transplant as any.
Still, is the threat of infection advanced in summer? Not directly. But hygiene is an important thing that should be in mind when it comes to avoiding infections post a transplant. Thus, during summer, especially in tropical countries, the threat of infection is a real concern if a person sweats too important and is living in unsanitary conditions. But if proper post-operative care procedures are followed, and the person isn't spending too important time in direct sun, not engaging in emphatic physical activity leading to sweating, their chance of an infection is minimum, and the same as in any other season.
Still, it's important that if we notice signs of infections like inordinate itching or greenishness on the crown, swelling, discomfort, or a burning sensation, we should inform the Doctor incontinently we provide the hair transplant in south Delhi . These infections can turn serious if not taken care of properly on time. They aren't just dangerous to the transplant but to your general health as well. An infection can lead to poor growth or indeed scarring. It can also ruin the hairline designed by the surgeon for the case.
So, how can you help an infection post your surgery, Then are a many tips 
● Don't unnecessarily touch the donor or the transplant areas past surgery. You can wash your hair a many dayspost-surgery but avoid touching the scalp constantly. 
● Don't scratch or pick on your scabs. Scabs are a sign that the operation wound is mending, they will fall off on their own anyway.
● Follow all the post-operative care instructions on how to keep your scalp clean and sanitary. 
● Avoid being in direct sun especially when the sun is at its hottest between 12-3 pm.
● Avoid engaging in too important physical exertion that can cause inordinate sweating. You can walk or do light exercises, or yoga, but nothing too emphatic while you're in recovery.
● Avoid smoking or drinking. These may interrupt the recovery process 
● Go for all your follow-up visits and inform the doctor if you have had any kind of bleeding or notice anything unusual on your scalp.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
6 Natural Ways to Moisturize your Hair
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Tired of fighting rough and dry hair every day? Sometimes using excessive artificial products can cause hair damages and for some people, chemical products can negatively react and cause hair damages. Nothing can beat a natural and conventional way to keep your hair moisturized and shiny. We have broken down some DIY natural ways to moisturize your hair.
Have a look:
Way 1st- Apply Avocado on your hairs
Avocado is the best moisturizer for your hair. It is enriched with lots of nutrients and vitamins. It contains natural oils that work as deep moisturizers for your dull hair. Just peel and mash and apply on your hair. Also, you can apply it with other ingredients too.
Way 2nd- Apply Egg on your hairs
Eggs have high protein content that gives strength to hair follicles. Moreover, it repairs all your damaged and dry hair. The nutrients present in eggs act as a deep conditioner that adds shine and texture to your dull hair. In order to apply crack two eggs in a bowl and add some olive oil on it and mix well. After that, apply on your hair and wait for half an hour and clean your hair.
Way 3rd- Apply Banana on your hairs
Try a banana mask on your dull hair for making them healthy and shiny. Banana has excellent moisturizing properties that are best for dry and rough hairs. Importantly, it is enriched with essential minerals and vitamins that strengthen your hair roots.  It has properties to remove dandruff too. Just ripe two bananas and apply them to hairs.
Way 4th- Apply Honey and Olive on your hairs
The combination of honey and olive is perfect for hair care. Both can add moisture and repair split ends. Natural content will infuse extra shine to your rough hair. Mix equal quantity in a bowl and mix well after that apply on hairs and wait for 25-30 minutes.
Way 5th- Apply oil on your hairs
Nothing is good then natural oil.  You can apply and massage any of the oils for making your hair stronger. Use coconut oil for the best results, it will restore everything that you have lost.
Way 6th- Apply Yogurt on your hair
Yogurt has the same properties as eggs. However, it is recommended for summers as it cools down your head.There are many other natural ingredients you can try to. If you are looking for natural and quick remedies for frizzy and dull hairs above-mentioned ones are perfect for you.
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eternaesthetics · 3 years
What Causes Hair Loss And How To Stop It
Hair loss is a condition where hair falls out in patches. Hair grows from two areas on the scalp, called follicles. Normally, each follicle produces hair for 2-6 years and then rests for several months before producing new hair. There are many reasons why hair loss occurs. Causes can be genetic, medical disease, or even stress. It is possible to stop hair loss with the right treatment plan. Hair loss is a side effect of chemotherapy, due to stress, or simply an inherited trait. But now there are treatments available that can help you regain your hair. Hair loss is common in both men and women. It can be caused by a hormonal imbalance or deficiencies in nutrients. If you are suffering from hair loss, there are natural remedies that can help. Many of us lose hair every day, but it grows back quickly. This is called normal hair loss, and it’s usually temporary. Hair loss can be normal if you’re shedding the outer layer of your hair, or if you’re losing your hair follicles. 
Hair loss, also known as alopecia, can be caused by a variety of factors. While some forms are temporary and treatable, others are incurable. On this page, you’ll find information on the causes of hair loss, its symptoms, and how to treat it. In this article, we will look at the causes of hair loss as well as some natural methods to help prevent hair loss. In order to evaluate the problem, it is important to understand the physiology of the hair growth cycle. The hair growth cycle has 3 stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Hair loss is a serious matter. It can shatter your confidence, affect your personal relationships, and even cause you to lose your job. There are many reasons for hair loss. Some are temporary, while others are much more permanent. But there are steps you can take to prevent hair loss Treatment and regrow lost hair. Hair loss is a common complaint of men and women. It is a normal part of the aging process, but some people experience excessive hair loss due to certain conditions. Hair loss can also indicate an underlying medical condition. The type of hair loss can be treated, but you should see your doctor. Hair loss is not the result of a single cause. It can be caused by a variety of factors, both physical and emotional. Unfortunately, hair loss can be an embarrassing problem for many people, especially if it occurs on the scalp. Many people are interested in knowing what causes this problem so they can treat it effectively. The average person is born with about 100,000 scalp hairs. About 85% of men and 40% of women will suffer from hair loss by age 50. The most common form of hair loss is androgenic alopecia (AGA), which affects both men and women. It is caused by genetics and hormones. Hair is a dead structure that we think we can do nothing about. If you suffering from Hair related problems then contact the Best Hair Treatment hospital in Delhi.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy- Bonanza for Hair
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Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP) is widely in use for treatment in various medical fields like dentistry, dermatology, veterinary, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, etc. It has established usage and shows promising results in various procedures. PRP acts as supplementary healing factor in our body as it is targeted on specific parts requiring healing and regeneration. PRP has been now popularly been in use for hair and skin as aesthetics have become greatest concern for most individuals.
What is PRP?
Plasma Rich platelet, as the name suggests is plasma rich in platelets. Such plasma is derived from the patients’ body with minimum invasion. It involves extraction of blood which is then subjected to centrifugal force to separate such plasma and buffy portion of blood which contains high concentration of platelets.
1.On hair (generally)
Among various Growth factors mentioned above, PDGF, EGF and VEGF play important role in proliferation of hair face, angiogenesis, cell differentiation on site needed and remodeling of extracellular matrix.
Injecting PRP to the hair affected area gives skin the necessary catalyst to boost proliferation of hair follicles, its’ growth structure and density. This leads to thickening of hair and increase the density of the hair.
Rejuvenating scalp with PRP reduces inflammation and irritation on the scalp thereby solving the most common issue of all i.e. Dandruff which is friend for Hair loss.
2.Androgenic alopecia
Androgenic alopecia is a common chronic Hair loss disease in both male and females. It is characterized by patches of hair loss on the body. This brings a major setback for most people (especially young) in life due to change in outlook of others. In spite of various hair growth treatments available, some treatments have least effect on various people. Introducing PRP into the treatment regime has shown to have increased the growth of hairs. The Biologically active proteins and cytokines is released on activation of the Plasma as mentioned in Step 3. Such proteins when introduced into the affected are leads to hair folliculogenesis and activate the anagen growing phase of dormant bulbs.  This leads to proliferation of the hair follicles and rejuvenate scalp to sustain hair growth.
Why do you need it?
Knowing about stuff and how it works doesn’t mean anything unless you know if it will be helpful to you and whether you need it. Considering the modern society where we are more concerned about our looks than anything else, Hair loss is not just a disease but a grave issue. With a few patches of bald skin you not only lose your hair but also the confidence, self-esteem, self-image and beauty. Most people are sub consciously stressed about it, which is said, might promote hair loss. If you are among the type I just highlighted than you need the treatment to return yourself to the image you once were.
Core Benefits for Hair
PRP rejuvenates scalp.
It reactivates hair follicles to sustain hair growth.
Reduces irritation on the scalp.
Helpful in treating hair loss affected individuals.
Restoring the aesthetic value and beauty.
How we treat at ELITE CLINIC
PRP is performed by various methods by different doctors. The main difference is in the process of extraction and concentration of platelets. We at ELITE clinic perform differentiation and concentration of platelet in plasma by double spin method. This method is used by us to give higher yield in results giving us minimum concentration of 12, 00,000 – 15, 00,000 platelet in the plasma injected in a patients’ affected portion.
Let us now overview the steps followed at ELITE clinic:
STEP 1: Extraction of blood from patients’ body.
STEP 2:  Blood subjected to centrifugation for 10 minutes which separates the RBCs and Platelet rich plasma.
STEP 3: This supernatant plasma is subjected to centrifugal force again for 10 minutes which further concentrates the platelet count. The resulting Plasma contains at least 4 times concentration of the platelet count than the blood extracted in Step 1.
Step 4: Such plasma is then injected into the site on body requiring expedition in healing, which in our case is scalp to boost the growth and rejuvenation of the hair follicle.
What have we learned?
PRP is used in various medical fields to promote regeneration and healing of various body parts. Use of PRP in Cosmetic and Dermatology is popular due to lack of multiple alternatives and cost of other treatments. Hair loss treatment has been an issue for mankind for long time. Modernization has only worsened the situation. PRP has proved to be potential treatment plan for the regaining the lost hair and beauty. Since the injection contains plasma that is derived from your body, the side effects of the treatment are inconsiderable to the benefits.
For knowing more about your skin and hair follicles, visit your dermatologist.
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eliteclinicdelhi · 4 years
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