elizabethrubyd · 5 years
here goes nothing
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah, alright. Stay safe around here. Until we talk again, Eliza.
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You don’t need to waste your breath wishing me such things. Goodbye.
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Honestly, families are like that. It's a sad truth, and children are just naive when it comes around to it. They latch onto adults expecting the most out of them. I'm glad you looked out for your family's well being though. Also, while I don't know what happened with the maid, I hope it sorts itself out. Sometimes things will linger, but coming to terms with what happened might help you heal from what happened. Not saying to rush that process though.
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No...Nothing happened...It just reminds me of how long i’ve been gone from home. It’s all too complicated for my brain to make sense of right now. I have a job I must get ready for. Someone is supposed to be here soon... Yes... Very soon I think I will return to that place sooner than I had planned.
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah, sorry I zoned out. Though, i understand. I just wished I could've been there when my sister needed me the most, but I gave a blind eye to it. She was a good person, thank you. Also, to me you don't seem dangerous. Well, I just met you so time will tell then. Perhaps that was the best call, though. My sister was the only family I knew growing up. I never met any of my parents. They didn't abandon us or die, I just never met them.
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Families are a sad and confusing thing. I’d rather not keep children around someone commonly targeted for unsafe work. I am trying to be more of an open book, because I have nothing else to do but talk, but it is hard to admit that I am not safe for my family, and left them much longer ago than I’d like to remember. Maybe that is why seeing that maid has hurt me...It’s only been 7 months since I got stuck in that place... And yet... 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah yes, I had a sister. We lived together since we were kids. We used to get along well, she was bratty but in that sisterly way. She was older than me by two years so she was "the older sibling." She normally took care of the kids around the town. She was never home but did come home later in the night so it was nice when we could talk.
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That sounds nice, she sounds like a good person. I wish I could have been a better sister to my siblings, though, I think leaving was the best thing I could do for them. I’ve become a very dangerous person, it’s best to be un-involved. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah, interesting and nice to know. Also yes, I carry little of my plague doctor stuff with me when I travel though since I don't want it to get lost or even stolen, since some of it was my sisters and my hometown would kill me if I did lose it or let it get stolen. I digress. That's fair point, I respect your wishes to keep such matters private. It's not my business anyway.
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Oh? A sister? Do you two get along? I used to have a pretty big family. I’ve never felt connected to home though, I left that all behind years ago. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Mhm, have you sold much yet since you've got here? I heard moreso people were curious about what wares you sold. What exactly do you sell, if you don't mind me asking? I normally sold medicine and other things of the sort, well mostly. I have another area to my shop which is other items i've been provided graciously by my hometown. I was a plague doctor in my hometown, technically still am. That's where the medicine aspect of my shop came from.
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Baked goods, magic items, and potions. Basic stuff, really. Oh? really? Does that mean you carry around leeches? I’ve always liked them since I was a kid... I used to keep them as pets. My other...services are for people who find out on their own or know of who I am and no one else. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
It's alright, Eliza. You're not bothering me, so don't worry. Time here does move so slowly here it's very hard to pass time here. Maybe talking would speed things up a bit, if not we can always take a walk around to attempt to pass time. Whatever you deem best.
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Yes, I don’t mind talking and walking. Though, I wish some of my goods would sell, I barely see anyone outside here. A strange place indeed. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah, I see. Maybe try not to dwell on it too much and do your best to stay away from them. While I don't know how to help you regarding the fact that you can't remember and perhaps resolve your lingering issue with them, my advice would try to distract yourself from them for the time being.
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You’re indeed correct, though, thing in this town seem to move so slowly, I almost wish something would happen. My boredom unconstrained can lead to even more problems than I started with. I’m simply a mess, aren’t I? I’m so sorry for bothering you like this.
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
Ah, are you feeling alright? Or did something happen that made you feel like such?
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It seems a part of my past has chased me to this town. Or, perhaps I followed her without realizing. I didn’t intend to say here for long, anyway. Yet...I keep thinking back to that day all those months ago and part of me can’t even remember why it hurts my heart so much. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
How are you since we last talked, Eliza?
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At best...I’m nauseous.  
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
what is it about the maid that freaks you out so much, eliza? :o
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A past wiped clean. One I am sworn to keep quiet about. For the sake of everyone involved. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
I’ve changed my face over and over, running away from myself over and over and over and yet...You. You have to show up and turn my face back to blank. 7 months have passed and 3 since I’ve laid my eyes on you. I feel as if I am reminded of something unpleasant. I wish I had someone to counsel me but I am as lowly as a worm 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
‘a maid’ to clean up past mistakes. ‘a maid’ to wipe your slate clean. yes, she was a maid indeed. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
eliza x jax anyone?
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I don’t understand what it is with you people and trying to get me in relationships, but I am quite happy as I am now. 
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elizabethrubyd · 5 years
I hope you do too, Eliza. I'll talk to you again tomorrow if you're available. Until then.
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Yes... I shall be. Until then.
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