elkuwin · 23 days
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When she griddle on my harrow till I hark. Is this anything
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elkuwin · 23 days
I see Harrow is the designated driver- is this usually the case? Is she a good driver?
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shes poor with turning
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elkuwin · 23 days
I'm the "voting is good" guy but I intend to direct basically all of my you-should-vote energy next year towards the reelection of the 18 progressives who've stuck their necks out to call for an Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire. They've dedicated themselves to a basic standard of human decency, and for it they will be punished with an immense tidal wave of financial and political resources seeking to get them kicked out of office, to say nothing of the threats against their lives. Biden's on his own.
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elkuwin · 23 days
The news keeps saying that “aid in Gaza is running dangerously” low, but with Israel seizing the Rafah-Egypt crossing there is literally nothing. That was the lifeline of Gaza. Now that Israel is encroaching on Rafah full force there’s nowhere for aid to go & people are dying a slow painful death
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elkuwin · 29 days
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elkuwin · 29 days
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When she griddle on my harrow till I hark. Is this anything
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elkuwin · 29 days
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Utterly blown away by the kind words and responses to the previous Harrow piece everyone! ❤️
Here’s the matching Gideon Nav, in the same Alphonse Mucha x The Locked Tomb series! (I know, armour isn’t strictly canon, but it’s badass, so yeah. No apologies) Enjoy!
PS: Both this and Harrow will be available in 11” x 17” print form at Otafest this upcoming weekend! (I’ll be at the charity Sketch Drive all three days) Anyone who won’t be making it out but would like to buy a print, message me directly so we can figure out how to ship it to you! :)
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elkuwin · 1 month
Watcher google drive
i think the title is pretty self explanitory
Only ghost files on it atm but Mystery Files and Puppet History are next. Watcher has back pedalled on deleteing all their free content to lock it behind a pay wall but y'know what? maybe I just dont want to give them ad revenue anymore, which is evil but screw them. Also they may still back pedal on their back pedalling, which is to many pedals anyways.
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elkuwin · 1 month
Here are my thoughts about the watcher situation:
1) my PERSONAL issue is not the fact that the content is being paywalled. I understand and believe that an artist should be able to charge what they think their work is worth. I have paid for patreons and memberships before when I had a bit of extra money so I fully support creators getting adequate compensation. HOWEVER, the way this was rolled out was almost comically bad. The video felt tone deaf at times and it felt like this decision was only halfway thought through. There were many steps they could have taken to try to mitigate production costs before jumping ship.
2) Why did people suddenly decide that everything had to have been Steven’s fault? I’m not even a Steven fan, but this is ridiculous. Even if it was Steven’s idea, Ryan and Shane still sat and filmed the video. They are still the co-founders and have repeatedly supported Steven’s choices as CEO. Where did this narrative that Steven is an evil, corrupt, greedy, leader and poor Ryan and Shane are forced against their will to do these things come from? I’ve followed Ryan and Shane since Buzzfeed Unsolved like many of us here, but we can’t let them escape criticism because the idea of them doing something bad hurts.
3) As someone currently going to school for stuff like this, I would LOVE to see the research they used to come to this decision. That’s not even me trying to be shady. I genuinely want to know. The community response has been so overwhelmingly negative that I have to assume that they either 1) did not have enough data, or 2) did not collect any data themselves and relied on outside sources that didn’t fully understand the landscape of watcher’s viewership. Either way I want to know.
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elkuwin · 1 month
Okay look. Yall are being dumb about this. Steven food shows aren't what's expensive in watcher.
One of the easiest ways to go under as a business is not managing your cash flow. And that's exactly what's happened here. Buzzfeed has a number of pans on the fire, if they need to shift budget around that's something they can do. A single studio on the other hand, cannot.
But guys come on. Let's not be dumb here. It's not Steven's show that's costing them too much money. Like, i'm not a fan of Steven, I don't watch his content so I can't speak on its quality. And the optics of the golf leaf tesla caviar situation aren't good. But I'm imploring yall to consider this from a more realistic perspective.
They've made some really poor financial decisions for ghost files and they're pretty plain as day to recognize. Firstly, the studio. A fixed cost. Every month they have to pay rent for a place that by their estimate is expensive. This is an expense that adds ... very little? To the viewing experience if we compare it to the buzzfeed set up. Hence, no new revenue from this investment.
Second of all. 25. People.
25 people =25 people's salaries. And not just anyone, these are producers and sound people and graphics animators and all that jazz, thats not chump change. You have to pay salaries every month whether youre making money or not. Once again, fixed cost with very little direct impact on revenue. No one is watching the show that wasn't watching it before based on its production value.
Plus, a bunch of upfront costs. Booking the venue for ghost files, the transport, lunging your whole crew with accommodation to who knows where.
Consistent cost every month + massive irregular costs for your main revenue source + a long production period = cash flow shortages . These videos are definitely filmed way before they're released, meaning you have to pay these costs before you can actually start making any money.
They make a ton of money, enough for teslas and caviar and all this jazz.... just not consistently. Some videos do better than others, they push their podcasts and low cost shows to try to fill the gap between high income series but like I said, fixed costs. You still have to pay rent this month even if you're planning to make a million dollar next month.
This is 100% about getting a more predictable and more stable source of revenue to fill the holes in their poor cost management. I promise you the expensive food isn't what's making the $100 000 dollar hole in their pocket.
This is why they didn't do a transition or try alternative forms of revenue or whatever, they looked at their costs, they looked at the revenue problem and they looked at the costs of doing this internationally and they said huh this would be alot easier if revenue was consitent and didn't think further than that. Steven's show was mentioned because on YouTube the costs wouldn't justify the additional expense, but if you've got consistent revenue to play around with you get better utilization of your staff, particularly for editing back to back shows instead of one block of production with majority of your staff idling the rest of the time.
This was a terrible financial decision because they didn't do enough market research and aren't controlling thier expansion. It is not because Steven Lyn wants to eat caviar or whatever. Yall are being Dicks.
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elkuwin · 1 month
I am curious about what Watcher’s response is going to be (if they respond at all) since I really don’t think they anticipated the level of backlash that they’ve been getting for their streaming service
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elkuwin · 1 month
funniest take I’ve seen during this whole mess with Watcher is someone getting mad about the paywall and calling Ryan, Shane and Steven greedy & then saying “this has ruined Taylor Swift day”
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elkuwin · 1 month
Hi! It's kinda shameful to go this route , but being diabetic person .Now over 6 months my unemployment still pending This has been the worst couple of years of my life. Our house was destroyed in a storm. Then I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.🙏
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elkuwin · 2 months
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elkuwin · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone that helped us with our last goal! We were able to pay rent and utilities as well as our miscellaneous household bills!
Currently I’m set to start my new job on the 15th which is great news but unfortunately with this start date my first check will be on the 26th well past the due date for household bills, particularly the payment to our lease guarantor, and it will only be $439 leaving a very large gap in funds for rent and utilities due May 1st.
In addition to pay links we also have a fundraiser setup as well as a gift registry for a few day to day things needed around the house that would eat into funds raised otherwise!
Thank you to everyone that’s helped us both through sharing and donating. We appreciate your support so much!
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elkuwin · 2 months
If there's one thing this bitch (affectionately) gonna do its raise her eyebrow
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elkuwin · 2 months
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March 8 posters throughout the years: Happy International Women’s Day from Palestine
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