Wings of Glory: Part 1
The Price We Pay
“This is Gamma Leader, all systems operational,” Jaya said before she took a deep breath and gripped the control stick.
    “Clear for departure, Gamma two and three stand by,” The flight controller’s monotonous voice came through Jaya’s helmet comms.
    The K-Type fighter lurched forward as the launch rack carried it over the hangar bay floor before dropping it down into the black void below. Jaya hit the accelerator and took off towards the transport that was a few dozen kilometers ahead. It started off as a dot that was barely distinguishable from the stars beyond it, but as Jaya got closer she could see it was a battered tri-engined  passenger ship that was several decades old. Jaya had rode in one similar to it the first time she left her home planet. But the people aboard were refugees, not tourists. Jaya switched her comms to a high-priority open channel.
    “Transport Green Valley this is Lieutenant Jaya Valion of the Dominion Starfleet. Return to port immediately, there are individuals aboard who were not cleared for departure.” Jaya said in an authoritative tone.
    There was silence from the transport, which began to pick up speed as it headed for a gate point. Come on you moron, don’t make me have to shoot at you, Jaya thought. She’d already added a couple of pirates and smugglers to her kill count in the past few months after graduation, but shooting down an unarmed transport wasn’t something she wanted to add to her records. She switched her comms back to the frequency that linked her to the Battlecruiser.
    “Admiral Brymarr, the vessel has not changed course,” Jaya did her best to keep her voice steady as she shook.
    “You’re too far out for boarding craft to catch up, use lethal force immediately,” the Admiral had an intensity to his voice that sent chills down Jaya’s spine. The Battlecruiser could easily vaporize the transport at that range, so Jaya wondered why she was necessary. It quickly occurred to her that this was a test.
    “It will be done, Admiral,” Jaya said before she switched to her flight’s private channel. “Gamma Two, Gamma Three, lethal force is authorized. I’m headed for the engines, stay with me.”
    “Copy that Gamma Leader,” one of them replied.
    The fighter’s targeting computer activated and within a split second Jaya had a lock. She pulled the trigger and a twin stream of gold-white bolts lanced through the transport’s weak shields and hull. The three ion engines went dark, but the ship continued to glide through the vacuum of space. The other two fighters fired late and all their shots went wide. Jaya decided she’d deal with them later, or let Admiral Brymarr do that for her. She understood why they did it, but not following orders always lead to problems.
    “Admiral, their engines and Gate Drive are disabled,” Jaya contacted the Battlecruiser as she circled around for another pass.
    “Make an example of them, Valion. Destroy the transport,” Admiral Brymarr’s reply was exactly what Jaya feared it would be. Now she had to make the choice between honor and duty, obedience and mutiny. A bolt of fear shot through her. If she didn't do it, the battlecruiser would and it would take her down with the transport.
    “Yes Admiral.”
    Jaya took a deep breath before she fired again. Tears blurred her eyes as the second volley tore through the transport’s midsection, causing it to break apart. The broken ship vented gasses and bodies into the void and the way the system’s golden star illuminated the wreckage was burned into her memory forever. Jaya ground her teeth and desperately tried to keep her lunch down. Vomiting in a sealed suit was not something she wanted to do again. I’m fine, I’m just following orders, this is the price we pay for order and security, Jaya repeated that over and over in her head until she believed it again.
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Rey possesses Kylo’s everything.
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Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian 
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You guys, you must stop doing this. You must. We cannot keep yelling at you about it because it makes us so angry, and we are already angry all the time, about real things, like how our lives are turning into a real world Handmaid’s Tale, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha. We cannot keep spending our energy being mad at mediocre men for writing mediocre books that inexplicably win awards and that people tell us to read, for some fucking godawful who knows reason.
So men. My guys. My dudes. My bros. My writers. I am begging you to help me here. When you have this man in your workshop, you must turn to him. You must take his clammy hands in yours. You must look deep into his eyes, his man eyes, with your man eyes, and you must say to him, “Peter, I am a man, and you are a man, so let us talk to each other like men. Peter, look at the way you have written about the only four women in this book.” And Peter will say, trying to free his hands, “What? These are sexy, dynamic, interesting women.” And you must grip his hands even tighter and you must say to him, “ARE THEY, PETER? Why are they interesting? What are their hobbies? What are their private habits? What are their strange dreams? What choices are they making, Peter? They are not making choices. They are not interesting. What they are is sexy, and you have those things confused, and not in the good way where someone’s interestingness makes them become sexy, like Steve Buscemi or Pauline Viardot. Why must women be sexy to be interesting to you? The women you don’t find sexy are where, Peter? They are invisible? They are all dead?” He is trying to escape! Tighten your grasp. “Peter, look at this. I mean, where to begin. ‘She could have been any age between eighteen and thirty-five?’ There are no other ages, I guess? Do you know what eighteen-year-olds really look like, in life? Do you know what thirty-SEVEN-year-olds look like, god forbid? And not that this is even the point, but why are these supposedly sexy and dynamic and interesting women BOTHERING with your boring garbage ‘on the skinny side of average’ protagonist? Why did you write it like this, Peter?” 
And maybe Peter will say at last, “I don’t know.” Maybe he will be silent for a long long long time, and then maybe he will say, “I guess it’s scary and difficult for me to imagine the interiority of women because then i would have to know that my mother had an interiority of her own: private, petty, sexually unstimulating, strange: unrelated to me and undevoted to my needs. That sometimes I was nothing to my mother, just as sometimes she is nothing to me. That I was not at all times her immediate concern.”
“I know, Peter,” you can tell him gently.
“I don’t want to know that my mother was a human being with an internal life, because to know that would be to risk a frightening intimacy with her,” Peter will say, maybe. “Because to know that would be to know that she was only a small, complicated person, no bigger or smaller than I am, and I am so small. To know how alone she was. How alone I am. How alone we all are. That my mother survived with no resources more mysterious than my own. And yet she gave me life. My God: she gave me life. How can I pay her back for that? And how can I forgive her for it? How can I ever repay her for the good and the evil of it, my life, every day of my life?” He will be sobbing probably. “I am frightened of her. I am frightened of loneliness. I am frightened of dying. O God. My God. I didn’t know. I didn’t know.” Drool will run from his mouth as he cries. The way babies cry. He will be ashamed. You must hold him. You must say, “Shh, Peter. Shh.” Wrap your man arms around him. Hum into his thin hair as your own mother hummed once into your own sweet-smelling baby scalp. Kiss him gently on his mouth. There. You did it, men. You fixed sexism. Thank you. You’re the real hero here, as always, you men, and your special man powers, for making art. 
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Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra in Solo: A Star Wars Story
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Star Wars | Chris Trevas - Follow Artist on Facebook // StoreEnvy // Twitter
“The Force will be with you. Always.” - Obi Wan Kenobi
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“I wish Rian had paid attention to the plot points JJ had set up.” You mean Luke blaming himself for what happening to Ben so putting himself into exile?  (TFA, Han Solo says it) Snoke not being as mysterious as everyone thought (Literally at no point in TFA is Snoke alluded to being anything more than what he is in TFA) Rey being a nobody (”whoever you are waiting for on Jakku is never coming back” no actual allusions whatsoever aside that she is powerful with the force that she is related to anybody in that movie.) Bond between Rey and Kylo (”Don’t be afraid I feel it too”, JJ: They have a very interesting relationship moving forward, Databank: A strange connection seemed to link the two, intertwined destinies, etc) Which part of the plot did Rian ignore? I’m honestly curious.  Sure JJ likes his mystery boxes so would never clarify when asked, but let’s face it.  He never truly alluded to anything more.  
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