Stanislavski, C, (1863), Brainy Quotes. www.brainyquote.com/authors/constantin_stanislavski 30/11/17 date retrieved
Brecht, B, (1898) Brainy Quotes. Www.brainyquote.com/authors/bertolt_Brecht 30/11/17 date retrieved
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Dreamgirls VS the Wizard of oz
Dreamgirls is a contemporary piece and the Wizard of Oz is classical, the way people dress and their style is very different, alternatively they are both similar as they link in to stanislavskis 7 steps and the techniques used.
Bertolt Brecht states that “sometimes it’s more important to be human, than to have good taste.”
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We have been given a new script which is a contemporary piece called Dreamgirls, i will be playing the character Effie who is strong willed, stubborn and a Diva we read through the script as a group and then had a look a who we were playing this helped us create our own ideas on how we will play our character for our filmed piece, I then decided Effie would be sassy and I then tried this out in our next session and felt it fitted in well.
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Reading though the script
Following our last session we all dd a read through of the script in our groups this helped as it showed us what we had done wrong such as speaking too fast or speaking too loud etc.
As a group we decided to add humour and emotion to our piece.
we began to block the scene usually this would be the first thing that gets done but I think the analysis and the research helped when it came to the blocking because we now understand our characters wants and needs.
We performed what we had blocked and i found that my character needed to be less aggressive and tone it down slightly, this helped and the next time we performed it I think it was a lot better due to the tips and criticism I was given.
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Using Stanislavski through acting
In our session today we read through our scripts again adding the information we gained from research, using the elements of acting from Stanislavsk’s system. I know understand my character more, for example at the beginning i knew to be very distant with Dorothy. 
After our last session i have began to split my lines into actions, for example when i say “Dorothy please we’re trying to count” i point at her. This line shows Aunt Em is otherwise compromised counting chicks.
After this i started thinking about Aunt Em’s inner monologue. In our lesson we were given a scenario were two people had to perform a break up, the scene was performed 3 times, all in different styles. The first was improvised with no direction, The second time was completely over the top and the third was spoken with an inner monologue after each line. this forced them to think about what their character was feeling therefore exploring Stanislavki’s techniques.
The main idea is to ask yourself ‘what would you do if you were them’ i then began to add this to my character.
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In my previous blog I stated that we were working on the Muny version of the Wizard Of Oz. Throughout the process we will look at different people, one of which is Stanislavski and his acting system. He is often referred to as the founding father of acting. “The Main factor in any form of creativeness is the life of a human spirit, that of the actor and his part, their joint feelings and creation.”
Stanislavski’s 7 steps:
Who am I?
Where am I?
When is it?
What do I want? (the objective)
Why do I want it?
How will I get it?
What do I need to overcome?
We also looked at the elements of acting during our rehearsal process. Aunt Em’s objective in the scene is to count chicks but she faces the obstacle of Dorothy trying to get her attention. Analysing the script made it much easier to portray my character.
Using Stanislavski’s elements of acting we have been told to split up all of our lines into actions and feelings so when it comes to blocking we understand our characters wants and feelings.
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Introduction- Acting for Musical Theatre
In the acting for musical theatre class we explored different types of acting. This is to make us more advanced and versatile as actors. To achieve this we will be performing two 5 minute pieces that will be filmed. One piece will be comtemporary and one will be classical. To further improve my understanding of the two styles i have started some research which will help me further along the line when it comes to performing these styles.
Classical musical theatre was considered to take a new form of narrative storytelling, many refer to this period as the Golden age of Musical Theatre.The Golden age lasted until around 1960.
Contemporary Musical Theatre is very different although it evolved from classical theatre, it shows a lot more emotions and thoughts and may also contain more monologues as it is considered more socially acceptable to show emotions.
For our piece we are studying the 1942 version of The Wizard Of Oz. I will be playing Aunt Em. My rehearsals will be logged on here to show my progression.
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