ellegaard · 5 months
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I'm sorry for the slow down in activity here!! I've had a few changes to my health that are making small things a lot harder, and I wanted to apologize in advance if my activity gets more sporadic as a result!! 💜
(I'm nearly always around, even if I don't seem active!!! So if you'd ever like to plot, scheme, or even just say hello, you never have to be afraid to drop in!! ☺️)
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Ellie's quiet as PAMA speaks, and only speaks again once it's clear that they're done.
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"..Circuits," she mutters. "I'd heard about the rebellion here, for sure; but I don't think I ever really considered just how much that took." She hadn't been anywhere near Beacontown when the world started to end again- Olivia had filled her in on what she could, of course, but it would never be the same as experiencing the real thing.
She sighs. "I'd hoped it wouldn't be the case, but it seems like our worlds have a lot of the bad things in common." She trails off uncertainly, giving herself a moment to think. Surely there had to be something nice to compare, right?
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"...Let's see here, um.. Well- Jesse and Petra are out traveling the world. Or this one, at least." She chuckles a bit, both at her sorry attempt to lighten the mood and the thought of where those kids had ended up. "I get the feeling you care about them a good bit- Jesse, I mean. It's been nice to see them go on an adventure that isn't to stop some world-ending evil, and I think it's been good for them."
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Now PAMA is silent for a whole different reason. They do their whole 'processing phase' for a good few moments. "Yes... I had the misfortune of meeting the Admin, in a way. I never saw his true appearance, but I did see him take the form of my Jesse." They recoil reflexively.
"I am not sure if you have heard of Beacontown's rebellion against him, but I had joined that effort. I ended up fighting Jesse. I would have killed her if she had not proven to me that she had not done those awful things. I must admit it... Haunts my mind sometimes. I also shudder at the thought of what would have happened if it was not Jesse I tried to fight at the time. What would the Admin have done to me?"
PAMA stops before they provide any more morbid details.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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"Oh, I see exactly how it is. This is a training trip we're going on, huh?" Ellegaard punctuates that with the best mock-scowl she can muster, but Gabriel's laughter is quickly rendering that useless. Ah, well. Gabriel did have a pretty contagious laugh.
Conceding, Ellie gives Audrey a final rub before standing back up. (And silently cursing the way her back cracked as she did.) "Well! It just looks like I'll need to up my game a bit more. Nothing I can't handle." And on that note, with her chin held high, she picks her bag up- looking half ready to march herself right back to Redstonia already.
"Did you sleep well?"
Gabriel laughs at Ellegaard's reaction. After a good long while he calms down enough to say, "I couldn't help myself!" He takes a deep breath, calming down so that he isn't laughing anymore (not to say he isn't grinning though), "Yes. Your reflexes need a lot of work, I won't always be able to sprint to the rescue." He teases, crossing his arms whilst Audrey wags her tail proudly and licks Ellie's hand.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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". . .Simply fascinating," she breathes, staring as if she could she the wires from the outside. With her examination complete (for now), and PAMA drifting into an interesting sort of silence, Ellie fixes her eyes back on PAMA's screen.
"I can't even imagine how long this must've taken. I mean-"
She waves a hand as she talks, gesticulating along with each swell in her voice. "I know I've said it already, but it's really very remarkable. Especially to me." (Her other hand finds her hip, and sits on it proudly.) "Excitement is subjective, I suppose. Someone from Beacontown might have a different take on you than Jesse or Lukas might. But this is my first time interacting with any form of you; my experience is based entirely on what I'm seeing now." She smiles a bit. "So yes; I'd still call you exciting. I was excited before I ran into you here at the thought of someone like you."
She thinks for a moment. "..Would you have witnessed the entire- admin.. Debacle thing too?"
Honestly, PAMA doesn't know much. They weren't really that involved in the process, not exactly, but they do remember overhearing some of the process.
Although, the quickest way to confirm it would be rather... Unpleasant.
"I think it is a system of wires that powers it." They try to hide the uncertainty of that. Sure, there was that own little hand-made upgrade of theirs, but one's hands don't necessarily indicate the structure of the entire body.
They realize they nearly missed the last part. "Oh? I am not used to being seen as 'exciting,' I am more used to---" PAMA stops and looks away.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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With a startled, cut-off amalgamation of speech and a yell, Ellegaard whirls around- digging one foot into the ground as her elbows jut out, and her shoulders hunch. She whips her head around to see-
". . .Gabriel- Well, thank- circuits it's you!" She exhales, shoulders shaking in a soft, breathy laugh. Her posture loosens as if trying to mask how quickly she'd gone into full alert. "I didn't even see you sneaking up on me! ..Although I guess that's the point, hm?" If Ellie had a repeater for every time someone had gotten the jump on her recently, she'd have two repeaters. (Which wasn't a lot; but it sure was strange that it had happened twice, wasn't it?)
"Good morning, Gabe. Thanks for the reminder to start reflex training again." She bends down to give Audrey a small scratch behind the ears. "And good morning to you too, sweet-thing. I didn't hear you either! You're just that much of a natural, aren't you? Yes you are. . ."
By this time, Gabriel had already been up for a few hours, thanks in part to Audrey. So naturally he saw it as a good excuse to sneak up behind Ellegaard. When he saw her, that is.
Ah ha! There! Neatly combed hair and subtle makeup.
Signaling for Audrey to be quiet and Shadow to stay where he was, he locked eyes on his target. He gave an approving nod to Audrey when he saw her. Her fluffy belly was pressed to the ground, prepared for a good old fashioned stalk.
Moving silently forward, Gabriel smirked, reached Ellegaard, and then
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ellegaard · 5 months
He has come to say hi and that he wishes you a pleasant day
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Ellie's eyes brighten, out of both pleasant surprise and mild intrigue. She takes in the picture with a curious gaze, eyes roving over unfamiliar features.
"That's awfully kind of you and him both! Mine's been nice. I do hope you have a pleasant day too."
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She tilts her head, and her hand finds her chin. "You know, I don't think I've seen any sort of creature like him before. What is he? He seems sweet."
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Ellie watches them both go, a lingering smile at her cheeks. "Goodnight, you two." She turns in not too long later- and by turn in, she really meant check into a room and sit on the bed. It was no matter, though; sleep claimed her, as it tended to do every now and then when she could no longer hold it off.
She woke the next morning to a golden glow in the room, filtered in through translucent curtains, and to curls well on their way to becoming messy. With a strained grunt accompanying her standing- (it was what she got for falling asleep in such an unceremonious position, hunched over the side of her bed)- she hobbled off to freshen up.
By the time she makes it back outside- last night's makeup replaced with a newer, subtle iteration, and hair pressed into submission- she's not entirely sure how awake she is. But it doesn't stop her from making herself comfortable while she looks around for Gabriel.
Gabriel's chuckles mingle with Ellie's, "You're right, both about talking all night and about the fact that you were a terrible cook." Even if it wouldn't be the first time he's been up all night.
And then he subtly shifts nervously. What if she doesn't come back? What if this had all been a dream?
He takes a deep breath. No. That would not happen.
"Goodnight, old friend. Come on, Audrey!" With that, he turns in to the inn for the night.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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"You're quite welcome." Ellie seems content with that response- although she does appear to notice how taken aback PAMA is. She returns her focus to an uninteresting, unfocused point somewhere ahead of her, biting back questions for as long as she can bear.
That works for all of thirty seconds.
"How did we figure out how to power this new framework of yours?" Her attention is right back on PAMA, though she seems to realize she's getting a bit intense. She gives a sheepish sort of chuckle. "You're the most excitement I've had in a while, in case I haven't displayed that already."
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PAMA's taken aback by this. They're not exactly used to people commenting on them like this, usually they're seen neutrally or worse. And especially not on the handiwork of their form???
They take a few moments to process this, but struggle to find words.
"I--thank you?" They manage, but are still a bit confused. Flattered, yes, but also definitely not used to this.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Such a random appreciation moment, but this is my favorite Ellie icon to use!! She looks so full of whimsy, and there’s just something about it that’s absolutely adorable!!!
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Ellegaard's next expression is something between bemused and mildly indignant. "There's no such thing as unworthwhile in engineering," she utters, marveling at handiwork that- now that she's examining it more closely- does seem rather familiar.
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She'd helped do this, somewhere else- and that sparked a solid helping of.. Well, she wasn't sure what. But it was good, and she decided she liked whatever it entailed. Could she implement that here? Could it be remade for other uses? Her mind was buzzing.
"Even if it doesn't seem to accomplish anything at first. And especially if it's improved your quality of life." She smiles. "Which I can only hope it did. And I can only assume the version of me in your world feels the same. I'd remake it a thousand times over if it meant we could keep making things better."
PAMA takes a moment to process before they laugh a little.
"Well, I kind of, was that project." They gesture to one of their hands. "If not for that, I would not really be here, like this. You would be talking to a tiny screen, I mean."
They hesitate once they realize what she was saying before about Magnus, but does not bring it up.
"I am sorry if I made you think we had actually done something... Worthwhile I suppose."
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Her index finger finds its way back to her chin, rhythmatically tapping along with each thought. "Not.. Not since the early days, you're right.. Well, I can only hope my cooking's gotten a little better since then."
Ellegaard sticks her chin up. "I've been practicing quite a bit." And success rates aren't really relevant in this, are they? No, Ellie decides, they are not. Which is exactly why she chooses to omit hers. No other reason.
"..I should probably let us both get some shuteye, hm? I'll get to talking all night long if you let me, and then we won't have nearly enough energy for schematics." A chuckle.
At his friend's words, Gabriel's delight peaks and it shows. A broad and some how even more eager beam makes its way onto his face. Perhaps Audrey had rubbed off on him more than he'd expected. Oh well, she's a cute dog, who's he to complain?
"Thank you." His smile becomes softer, bordering nostalgic, "How long has it been since we've gone on an adventure, not since the early days?"
There he was again.
Getting nostalgic.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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"Yeah." A dry chuckle. "Yeah, that would be the storm alright." It was.. Strangely comforting to know that it hadn't been just her world- but it stung to know it had all happened again somewhere else. PAMA spoke about meeting her, which meant that Magnus had--
She clears her throat, although she doesn't really need to.
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When they fall into heavy silence, Ellie stalls for a moment. She never was particularly good with quiet spells in conversations.
"..A project, huh?" She tilts her head, a prompting smile at her lips. "What sort of project? I imagine it must've turned out well if it was our brainpower going into it."
"I assume you are talking about the witherstorm. My world, or worlds I suppose, since the Portal Hallway is something here, does have that similar constant."
PAMA pauses for a moment.
"That's... Strange. You and I did meet in my experience. I remember---" PAMA pauses, refusing to mention the stolen memories. "We met in person, yes. Only for one project, however. I do have to admit that I do not know my version of you well. But! We met a while after..." PAMA, despite the fact that they can usually get words out, despite the fact they usually plan ahead, cannot manage to mention their past mistake. The guilt would have them choked up (if they even could choke)
For once in their life, their mind seems to go blank.
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ellegaard · 5 months
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Ellie grins. She hasn't seen this sort of excitement in a while, much less on someone she knew this closely."
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"Well, then, I'd suppose it's settled." She claps her hands together. "Of course I'll come! It's been a minute since I've gone on any sort of adventure that wasn't to Beacontown. Not to mention getting some more use out of this old armor here.."
Gabriel smiles slightly, a calm but firm look in his eyes. "Ellie, no confrontation is necessary. Although I do appreciate it."
His heart gives a particularly strong pang and his brow furrows. A soft expression of guilt comes over him. Of course she'd blame herself. Curse him for speaking out.
"And it isn't your fault. Never has been, never will be. But... But I can't say I'm opposed to you tagging along." He dare not allow his hopes to rise too high, "Will Redstonia be alright without you? I wouldn't want to cause any problems or anything of the sort!" Unwillingly, a note of panic enters his voice.
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ellegaard · 6 months
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Ellegaard thinks for a moment. (First, about how someone like her might not be ideal for a simple answer.) There were so many variables to this world, that made it both exceptionally unique and rather mundane; and each was subject to anyone's individual experience.
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After a moment, she finally settles on a contemplative "Loud. And busy. Not always in a bad way." Yes, that was.. Some way to start. "Cities here are booming, and we're going places we've never really gone before." Who was we? Ellie wasn't so sure. She hoped PAMA would understand.
"But there's moments of silence sometimes. I'd think a lot of us here have survived at least one major, life-threatening occurrence- so there's hefty doses of rememberance here and there."
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"..I didn't- ever meet you in person," she admits, the hopeful gleam returning to her eyes. "But I've definitely heard of you from others. Is.. Your world any similar?"
PAMA seems a bit lost in thought at the confirmation, unsure what to ask. Do they ask the most morbid question, about the fate of this world's version of themself? Do they ask about small differences? If so, where do they start?
If they didn't have a screen for a face, they'd probably be standing there slack jawed.
They decide with a simple, (albeit cliche in the context of what they have had asked before) question.
"What is your world like?"
The familiarity of it would have them laughing, if not for how curiosity had overtaken them.
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ellegaard · 6 months
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A bit of a smile again, though it's a joking one. "If you say so. Although you know I'm always on standby."
When the thought of traveling with him becomes less of a half-baked idea, and more similar to one ready to be taken out of the oven, Ellegaard finds herself.. Strangely excited. It surprised her how readily she'd even suggested something so sudden. (The surprise wasn't entirely unwelcome, either.)
"Oh, Redstonia'll be just fine without me for a little while. Olivia should be back in a day or two, and Calvin's more than capable of heading things up in the meantime." She taps the toe of her boot, entertaining a train of thought.
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"I could stop by to make some arrangements, and get some light things packed up to bring, and show you this wonderful bakery that just opened, and. . ."
Gabriel smiles slightly, a calm but firm look in his eyes. "Ellie, no confrontation is necessary. Although I do appreciate it."
His heart gives a particularly strong pang and his brow furrows. A soft expression of guilt comes over him. Of course she'd blame herself. Curse him for speaking out.
"And it isn't your fault. Never has been, never will be. But... But I can't say I'm opposed to you tagging along." He dare not allow his hopes to rise too high, "Will Redstonia be alright without you? I wouldn't want to cause any problems or anything of the sort!" Unwillingly, a note of panic enters his voice.
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ellegaard · 6 months
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┉┈◈◉◈┈┉ For @pamabutnormalthistime
"I am intrigued at the prospect that... you are familiar, yet unfamiliar. From another reality, I assume." PAMA does a double take. "Unless I am mistaken."
“No.. No, I’d say you’re correct.” It’s more of an uttered realization than a declaration, but it’s a simple fact she knows to be true. How else could there be a whole other PAMA, when the heart of the one she’d heard so much about sat on a quartz pedestal?
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“Wow… Wow. Where to begin with the comparisons, huh?” A wry little chuckle does little to mask the excited inflection to her voice, and the roaring curiosity it means.
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ellegaard · 6 months
    • even if i may not be able to ᴇʀᴀsᴇ ᴀʟʟ ᴍʏ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇs i can 𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝒶𝑔𝑒 •
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