elleharperbcu · 3 years
https://jennifer-anne.co.uk/collections/dresses-petite 19.03.21
https://www.thereformation.com/products/petites-cynthia-high-relaxed-jean?color=Tahoe&via=Z2lkOi8vcmVmb3JtYXRpb24td2VibGluYy9Xb3JrYXJlYTo6Q2F0YWxvZzo6Q2F0ZWdvcnkvNWE2YWRmZDJmOTJlYTExNmNmMDRlOWM4 19.03.21
https://www.boden.co.uk/en-gb/womens-petite-range?page=3 19.03.21
https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/petite-clothing-brands 19.03.21
https://www.jeetly.com/our-story 19.03.21
https://www.thejc.com/lifestyle/fashion/jennifer-anne-i-couldnt-find-petite-clothes-so-i-set-up-my-own-business-1.483656 19.03.21
https://www.myfashionlife.com/archives/2013/08/13/style-muse-twiggy/ 22.03.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=60%27s+fashion+twiggy&tbm=isch&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjT9I3R5JvwAhUG_IUKHXVsBDYQrNwCKAB6BQgBEPQB&biw=666&bih=736#imgrc=e-QyXMOVq9gg9M 22.03.21 
https://www.ukmodels.co.uk/blog/petite-modelling-height-and-work/#:~:text=Other%20than%20Moss%2C%20most%20petite,as%20commercial%20and%20catalogue%20models.&text=It%20is%20very%20rare%20for,t%20restricted%20when%20finding%20work 22.03.21
https://thephotostudio.com.au/all/modelling/9-petite-models-changed-fashion-industry/ 22.03.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=size+0+models&sxsrf=ALeKk02LFDVq2KjCJPrjKCCTJ3gVl1mk-Q:1619442562148&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYm5rV_ZvwAhXNRBUIHex-ASoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=666&bih=679 22.03.21
https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2017/sep/06/french-fashion-giants-pledge-to-stop-using-underage-and-size-zero-models 22.03.21
https://www.businessinsider.com/petite-problem-story-2015-12?r=US&IR=T 22.03.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=kylie+minogue+fashion+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjG3YqDj8TvAhVMgRoKHdT2Cw0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=kylie+minogue+fashion+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIECCMQJzICCAAyBAgAEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgYIABAIEB4yBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeMgQIABAYUOygBlidpQZg9qYGaABwAHgAgAFkiAGfApIBAzMuMZgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=jKpYYMbnL8yCatTtr2g&bih=821&biw=1440&hl=en 22.03.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=kourtney+kardashian+fashion&sxsrf=ALeKk022emIDKN4XOMe-09oAcfHBGT2muA:1616423629327&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL6u2hj8TvAhWBYcAKHTC8BJ8Q_AUoAXoECBoQAw&biw=1440&bih=821 22.03.21
https://blog.petitedressing.com/petite-designer/#Kim_Rogers 24.03.21
https://www.ralphlauren.co.uk/en/women/brands/lauren-petite/201053 24.03.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=ralph+lauren&sxsrf=ALeKk02Hn8xqiCJPkAxELmQdAZ34HpZt5Q:1616589445043&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj94vn8-MjvAhUdQRUIHew7BUsQ_AUoAnoECAkQBA&biw=1440&bih=821#imgrc=18q6_uLnrsEgEM 24.03.21
https://www.anntaylor.com/all-petites/cat4190023?goToPage=2&N=0 24.03.21
https://www.jeetly.com/style-advice_the-10-most-stylish-petite-bloggers-in-the-world_141 26.03.21 
https://www.extrapetite.com/about 26.03.21
https://www.instagram.com/jeanwang/ 26.03.21
https://stylishpetite.com/about-me 26.03.21
https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2017-ready-to-wear/gareth-pugh 7.04.21
https://1granary.com/designers-3/schools/parsons/bugs-garson-dressing-the-letters-my-grandmother-wrote/ 7.04.21
http://www.michaelangove.com/portfolio/jo-malone-london/ 7.04.21 
https://www.google.com/search?q=is+petite+beautiful%3F&oq=is+petite+beautiful%3F&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.9210j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 16.04.21
https://www.google.com/search?q=the+history+of+petite+sizing&safe=strict&sxsrf=ALeKk01GELhnNBJOhMGVXcS95nhRHmYBHA%3A1618571037988&ei=HW95YJjnO9n_7_UP6MGt4Aw&oq=the+history+of+petite+sizing&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgAEEcQsAM6BggAEBYQHjoICCEQFhAdEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BQghEKABUJysAVj4wAFg18IBaAJwAngAgAFyiAHHBZIBAzguMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXrIAQjAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjY6Yz-zoLwAhXZ_7sIHehgC8wQ4dUDCA4&uact=5 16.04.21
https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=87117 16.04.21
https://www.petitefashion.org/what-is-petite/#:~:text=Petite%20fashion%20as%20a%20concept,typical%20woman%20was%20short%2Dwaisted 16.04.21
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Overall, I really enjoyed this module my narrative was very personal to me and something I have struggled with most of my life. My narrative communicates my story on being extra petite. For me having my own extra petite clothing brand has always been a dream and future goal so being able to have a snake peak into what it will be like has been amazing and very interesting. I have been able to learn so many new skills which I can take with me through my fashion life and use in the future. 
This module has based on all the skills and knowledge I have learnt throughout this year put into one. I have had to work much more independently. At the start of the module we was told we could pick our own narrative and create our own brief and I knew straight away mine was going to be about being petite. Being petite is what got me into fashion in the first place, as I love fashion but being extra petite makes it very difficult and frustrating half the time as you find an outfit you love and it never fits perfectly. This is when I started to think about having my own extra petite clothing brand for young women. 
Throughout this module I designed my own extra petite clothing brand for women called ‘HARPER’ after my second name as it is very personal to me. HARPER is an extra petite brand for stylish young women who want to feel confident, chic and comfy at the same time. I have accomplished my aims and objectives to fill customer's wardrobes with extra petite stylish and comfortable clothing you can dress up and down. I have created my own sizing for women 4″11-5″1. 
During this module I have learnt many new skills and knowledge starting with adobe illustrator and Indesign. I learnt how to do technical drawings, designs and brand boards. At first I found technical drawings very confusing and quite difficult but after lots of practice I started to get to grips with it, I realise I still have far to go and there is plenty of room for improvement but I have come along away since the start of the module to now. I am very proud of the technical drawing outcomes I have designed. I have designed my own logo on illustrator which took a lot of experimenting and development to find the perfect logo but I am very pleased with my final logo outcome. I have also designed my own website which I really enjoyed as I have designed websites before and have always found it fun to do. 
In conclusion, I am very proud of the work and samples I have completed I believe I have been successful in completing all my objectives from my brief and designed a successful extra petite brand. If I did the module again I would definitely use my time better as I believe I could have completed my work in more detail and depth if I had of used my time better. I also would have included a trend to take inspiration from but I could not find any I liked that clearly linked to my brand as there is a gap in the market for an extra petite clothing brand. I would also add a page on my website about delivery and return options, and put more work into my promotion page. Ideally I should have added discounts for when customers buy their first purchase with me and a student discount as my brand is for the younger generation. However, I am happy with my overall outcome and what I have achieved and learnt from this module. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Website
Home Page 
Throughout my website I wanted to include the colour pink which links with my logo, brand name and my packaging. I decided to put my logo at the top of my website right in the middle as catches your eye straight away and keeps customer aware of my logo and brand name. I added pink boxes and white lines to keep in link with the colour throughout my brand. I add pictures from a trend that are similar to my brand which I took inspiration from. I them added the most popular items on the home page which customers can shop straight away. Then at the bottom of each page is the information and quick link box. 
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Shop Page 
The shop page is really simple to understand find your fit choose your size and colour and add to bag. I have also added information and details about each design. 
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I also created my own size guide for extra petite women, using fair measurements to help customers shop the correct size for them. 
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About Page 
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Blog Page 
For my blog page I wrote about me and my story and opened up about my life as an extra petite women and the struggles I have encountered. To improve upon this page I would add photos of me wearing petite outfits and standard women's clothing to show the difference in sizing. I would also post outfit of the day pictures and link where my petite outfits are from to help out my viewers. I would also post images of me wearing my designs from HARPER. 
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Contact Page
The contact page is a simple way customers can get in touch with me with any questions or issues they may have. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Brand Boards
The promotion page shows my instagram account which I will use to promote my brand and advertise my designs to grow my customer base. 
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Size Guide 
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Overall, I am very pleased with my brand boards they all include the colour pink which has been used throughout my brand and include clear pictures and information about my brand. To improve upon my brand boards I would take extra care with my images as they have gone a bit blurry which does not show my designs clearly. I would also add more text with important details about my promotion and packaging. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Brand Boards
All of my brand boards are 4″11 in size which is my height and relates to being extra petite and my brand, which I love and think is very clever. 
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My vision and purpose board explains what my brand is about and the reason for designing it. To improve upon this page I would add images related to my brand. 
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The customer board explains who HARPER customers are and a bit about them.
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The brand identity board explains the typeface and font I used for my logo and text. It also shows my brand logo and instagram icon. 
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My main colour palette is the core colours which are very neutral and monochrome, colours that everyone likes and wear on a day to day basis. For my seasonal colour palette I added more colourful colours to add a bit of colours to my designs.  
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My product board shows each garment I designed and a description with each one explaining  more about the garments in detail, I have also added prices for each garment. 
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The pricing board explains how much each product will cost to make including material cost, timing cost and a final price.
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To improve upon my packaging page I would add text to explain why I did my packaging the way I did and explain more about the material and sizes of boxes available depending on how much a customer orders. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Brand Board Development
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Designs
I am very pleased with my final designs, my extra petite brand is for women who want to feel confident, chic but comfy. Outfits you can dress up and down and still feel comfy but look classy. I think I have successfully achieved that through my designs. To improve upon my designs I would add patterns to make my garments more interesting, however my aim for my garments were to be simple that everyone can wear on a day to day basis but also you can dress them up. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Instagram Logo
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For my instagram logo I decided to use the letter H from the first letter of my brand name and logo inside a circle, using the same two pink colours in my logo however this time the colour of the behind is white as the pink clashed with the pink circle. The white stands out much more. 
I am happy with the final instagram icon as it links with my brand so far and is simple but effective just like my logo. To improve upon it further I would add a white design to the circle to add more of an effect, however I do like it simple. Sometimes if you add too much detail to something it can look over the top. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Instagram Logo Development
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Technical Drawings
After lots and lots of practice and experimenting I started to get to grips with technical drawings and using adobe illustrator. I think you can see a clear improvement with my drawings including more detail and stitching. I am very pleased with my final technical drawing outcomes, especially my blazer. I became much more confident. 
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To improve I would make sure the stitching is perfectly straight and I’d make the jean leg wider at the bottom, but overall I am happy with the outcome. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Technical Drawings Development
This was my first time designing technical drawings on adobe illustrator, below you can see how it started. I started off by practicing with simple tops and leggings it took me awhile to remember each step and get to grips with using illustrator. 
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This was my first technical drawing of a blazer, which I found very difficult. Here I have just done an outline of the blazer. At this point I was just getting to grips with using the tools and experimenting. 
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Tops like this I found much easier and simple as you only had to do a few clicks and drags with the pen tool and mess around with the anchor points so that the edges were smooth. 
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My first technical drawing of shorts, as you can see the edges at the bottom are very sharp and curved not smooth.
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First technical drawing of a dress, I think this went much better the curves are much smoother however the end of the sleeves are too pointy and the neckline is way too low and long. 
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Overall, for my first time doing technical drawings I am not too disappointed but I know there is a lot I need to improve on. I will keep experimenting and practicing until they’re full of detail and perfectly drawn. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Packaging
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Packaging Development
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For my packaging I chose the website mockuptree.com where you can find packaging templates and download them to your laptop. I then opened it up onto photoshop and edited the box, each side separately. I decided to use the same two pink fonts from my logo and website on the packaging too so it all links together. On the outside I used the light pink and added my logo to the top of the box with white lines around it in a square linking to the white lines used on my website, I then added my website link to the side of the box in white to link with the white font colour on my brand boards, with an instagram icon above it to entice customers to follow the HARPER insta account. For the inside of the packaging I used to darker pink from my logo. Inside of each packaging will be a small poster informing customers of have to return. 
Overall, I am pleased with my packaging the colours used link well with my logo and website. I like how my logo looks on to top of the packaging it is clear and effective. The white lines match with my brand boards and website very well. To improve I would add a tight plastic bag around the box to avoid any damage to customers orders. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Website Development
Home Page 
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Shop Page 
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About Page 
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Blog Page 
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Contact Page 
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This is the development of my website, I chose a simple template and changed the colour to pink linking to my logo and added white longs for a simple effect. I decided for my pages I’d have a home page, shop page, about page, blog page and contact page. I then added a basket and login button at the top where customers can create an account with us. 
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elleharperbcu · 3 years
Final Logo
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