ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietips: When going to a concert or a rave, I take root in one of two places: The very front, in the gate, or the very back with distance behind everyone. I find these to be the two least stimulating spots. #autisticandproud #rave #allofthelights
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: I found this place on a hot day while waking for fun. Shade, water, and quiet nature in the middle of a neighborhood. I'm adding it to my list of calm places to visit when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Do you have a list of calm places? #autismlife #creek #summerdays
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Every social encounter with someone new, I feel like I'm walking on a creaky bridge. I'm trying to step carefully, pour over my internalized social scripts, and say all the right things. Sometimes I have to remember: When someone says an awkward thing to me, I usually brush it off and forget about it quickly. Shouldn't I hope the best of people who I talk to, believing that they aren't counting up my wrongs? #aspieproblems #treadlightly #socialanxiety
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Find friends with what I call "same vein" special interests. A same vein special interest is like a group of related things, for example geek things (anime, superheroes, cosplay) or the arts (museums, sewing, drawing). While this new friend may not like exactly what you do, you can relate to one another and be better listeners. #actuallyautistic #geekgirls #cosplay
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Be alone. Hang with yourself. Unashamedly indulge in your special interest while alone for at least one day a week. Don't try to be someone you're not! #aspielife #hangoutwithyourself #blackandwhite (at Guthrie Green)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: My special interests are like storage rooms in a multistory building. You can peer in from the outside, and you'll get a peek at these collections of knowledge I've acquired, but you might also be overwhelmed by the piles and piles of ideas, thoughts, and opinions I want to share. #aspergersawareness #metaphor #windows (at The Brady Arts District)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Many aspies are mesmerized or calmed by flowing water. Whenever I'm stressed or worried, I find a walk by river soothes me. #aspergirl #riverside #takeawalk (at Riverside Running Trails)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Being diagnosed late, I mourned the loss of my teen years. I often wondered how my life could have been different if only I had received support earlier. But then again, being diagnosed late gives me the ability to take control of my own treatment, be my own advocate, and truly appreciate how I can persevere through adversity. #autismspectrumdisorder #mural #diadelosmuertos (at The Brady Arts District)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: I'm a dreamer, and my big goals are usually in view. But since I lack executive functioning skills, I often lose my path on my way to my dream. One way to combat this is to sit down with a friend (and a notebook) and chart out the baby steps as a checklist. I'm able to turn to the checklist when I feel discouraged or need guidance. #aspieproblems #achieve #makeaplan
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Call for help. When I'm lost, scared, or worried about my safety, I always reach out, whether by phone or to an obviously trustworthy person (police, event staff, etc.) for guidance. I have to acknowledge that sometimes my autistic brain could navigate me into further trouble. #aspiegirl #princesspeach #damselindistress
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Shade yourself from "helpers," or people who insist they want to "help you be a better you." Friends give advice when asked; manipulators try to morph you into the person they think you should be. You deserve better than that! #autismpride #mentalhealth #findfreedom (at Utica Square)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: I always make sure that my feet are comfortable. Whether I'm picking out my shoes for the day, or using a pulse massager at night on my soles, I try to prioritize this part of my body, because I know that my sensory pain will get worse if my feet are hurting. #sensoryissues #canvassneakers #comfyday (at Spinster Records Tulsa)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Reach out and grasp your goals. Just because we're on the spectrum, doesn't mean we can't steer our lives toward what we want. In fact, if your goal is related to a special interest, your intrinsic motivation and genuine passion set you up to succeed! #aspiepride #dowhatyoulove #youcandoit (at Cox Business Center)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Sometimes I have to watch myself when my energy is flickering. I may say something rude in my confusion. Instead of letting this give me anxiety, I simply approach the person afterward and apologize for my behavior. #aspieproblems #burningdimly #itsoktomakemistakes (at Elgin Park)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Find any excuse to be surrounded by people who love your special interests. It might feel scary at first to attend a huge convention, loud concert, or hectic event, especially if you go alone, but you'll feel proud and better able to go again next time! #aspiesofinstagram #harleyquinn #blackcosplayer (at Tokyo in Tulsa)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Aspergirls are usually satisfied with one close friend or partner, but watch out! If another person becomes your special interest, you may be headed toward heartbreak or manipulation. #aspiegirl #diadelosmuertos #friendship (at Living Arts of Tulsa)
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ellem-nop · 7 years
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Aspietip: Even when the sun is shining and the air is fresh, I can't feel balanced unless I've gotten enough sleep. I have to remind myself to turn off the computer and put away my phone, or else I'll pursue special interests all night long. If I don't, I'm much less able to cope the next day, or worse, my stomach is in knots from needing to drink coffee. #aspielife #balance #sunnyday (at Guthrie Green)
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