ellendegreat · 6 years
Very nice edits and awesome interviews, well done
((znjdopskndm thank uuuu glad you guys liked it!!))
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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For our final segment of the evening, I’d like to invite our heir and future king to the stage...
Prince Benjamin Schreave
E: Welcome Prince Benjamin, we’re so excited to have you with us tonight. To begin, do you think you could have a similar relationship to your parents with any of the final three girls?
B: I can only hope and work towards a relationship like theirs, yes. It won’t be exactly the same as many aren’t, but I believe with the right girl? We can be just as happy.
E: Speaking of the right girl, do you believe you’ve fallen in love with Vivienne, Ophelia, or Danielle during the Selection?
B: Yes, I… think I have fallen in love. My only dilemma still is who with. They’re all so lovely in their own ways and have each formed special places in my life, it’s nothing to be taken lightly.
E: We look forward to seeing what that decision will be. In the end, what would you say is going to be the final deciding factor in your choice? Love or duty to the crown?
B: Both. I know whoever I choose will be someone I love and in turn embodies what it takes to be a future princess and queen. The same qualities that have endeared me to the Selected will no doubt carry through to royal duties and a future life. For me, love and choosing for the crown are synonymous.
E: An ideal mindset. I’m confident I can speak for all of Illéa when I say we anxiously await the announcement of your decision and your future lives together. Thank you for your time and good luck!
What a wonderful evening, wasn’t it? Now, I’d like to provide a special sneak peek for a future royal edition of the Report. There can only be one winner and one featured cover star. Who will it be? Take a look and I’ll see you next week!
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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e l l e & b e n → kindness and flowers
—selected and prince, 19 and 21, daughter and royal of illéa
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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Last but certainly not least, let’s invite the uniquely lovely Selected up to speak with us this evening...
Danielle Leblanc
E: Hi Lady Danielle, lovely to sit with you for the final edition of Prince Benjamin’s Selection? To begin, what was your first impression of Ben and how would you compare it to your impression of him now?
D: Good night, Ellen and everyone. Umm... can we skip to the present impressions? *embarrassed face* I think he’s a very honest guy. reliable and caring and fully engaged in what he does... with some incredible hidden skills at the circus arts. And I can say that compared to the previous ones they are like the opposite. *chuckles*
E: Well luckily your impressions have changed for the better. Did you ever think you would make it this far when you first arrived?
D: *raises an eyebrow* I only could hope so... but I preferred not to think much about it.
E: Reasonable considering the high stakes. Additionally, if you don't win, what do you think you'll do after the Selection?
D: I have been thinking about it now and then... my skills doesn’t seem to fit among the Threes. Not many jobs for someone that does pirouettes and stuff in the air...  but I will come out with something.
E: I’m sure someone as talented as yourself can adapt to any situation. For your final question, do you think you would have dated Prince Benjamin if you’d met in real life and he was simply another typical guy?
D: Thank you, and yes, I mean the spontaneity and bad jokes would’ve done the trick.
E: We do love our charming prince. Thank you for sitting down with me and best of luck!
Be sure to stick around for the finale of the Report: a sit down with our resident Prince Benjamin for his thoughts on merely the beginning of his love story.
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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l i a & b e n → smiles and authenticity
—selected and prince, 22 and 21, daughter and royal of illéa
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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If you’re just tuning in, we’re bringing up the second of Prince Benjamin’s final selected, miss...
Ophelia Gardinier
E: Hello Lady Ophelia, such a pleasure to have you on the Selection’s final report. For your first question, what was your first impression of Benjamin and how would you compare it to your impression of him now?
O: Thank you, Ellen, I'm glad to be here. It feels like it's been a lifetime since I first met Ben, but I remember thinking he was funny and nice, which is something I still think. However, now that I've gotten to know him better I know it's much more than that.
E: He’s certainly not lacking in depth. Moving on, did you think you would make it this far when you first arrived?
O: I definitely hoped I would, especially after our first meeting. I'm not sure I thought I would make it this far though. Still, I'm happy to have.
E: And we’re happy to see you here. Now, if you were to become queen, what would be the first initiative you took? Queen Isobel, for example, focused her efforts on the education system and bettering it within each caste.
O: Like Queen Isobel, I would focus on something important to me. If I were to become queen the first initiative I would take would be to decriminalize out of wedlock births, as well as some of the other outdated laws that our country has.
E: An ambitious feat indeed, but surely a welcome change. For your final question, do you think would have dated Prince Benjamin if you'd met in real life and he was simply another typical guy?
O: I'd like to think so. Though there's nothing typical about Ben, prince or not.
E: A fair point indeed. Thank you for joining me tonight and best of wishes during the end of the Selection!
Be sure to stick around for some more quotes from the wonderful prince and Selected themselves. Meanwhile, enjoy a sneak peek into Illéa’s newest reality television show: Selected in Paradise!
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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v i v & b e n → sweetness and joy
—selected and prince, 19 and 21, daughter and royal of illéa
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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And we’re back from the break to speak with our first of the final Selected, the ever entertaining...
Vivienne Loyola
E: Hi Lady Vivienne, so nice to have you back on the last edition Illéan Report for Benjamin’s Selection. To start, what was your first impression of Benjamin and how would you compare it to your impression of him now?
V: Oh god, first impression? I hate to say it but I didn't get a really good first impression of Ben. There was a tiny misunderstanding that made our first meeting not so pleasant. It's safe to say though that Ben's definitely redeemed himself in my eyes.
E: That’s a relief considering how far you’ve made it. Speaking of which, did you think you would make it this far when you first arrived?
V: I didn't even think I'd make it a day after what happened in our first meeting, how much more this part of the competition? I would have never thought  anything happening right now was going to happen.
E: An understandable reaction. Considering your experience, if you could offer advice for Selected of future generations, what would it be?
V: Be sure you really know what you're getting into. This whole Selection business is not for the faint of heart- and mostly ask your maids to put pockets in your dresses. Makes hiding food easier.
E: How innovative, yet charming. For our final question of the evening, do you think you would have dated Prince Benjamin if you’d met in real life and he was simply another typical guy?
V: Hypothetically speaking, I probably would have met him while I was saving his butt from drowning at a beach in Bonita. Probably after lecturing him about waiting thirty minutes after meals to avoid stomach cramps, things could have worked out in a similar way.
E: We have no doubt of your wonderful skills, Lady Vivienne. Thank you for joining us and good luck!
When we come back we’ll be speaking with yet another of the people’s favorite, stay tuned!
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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e l l e , v i v , l i a → future princess
—ben’s final choices, remaining selected
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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Wonderful to have you back! Here we have the supportive sisters and brother of Prince Benjamin to offer us some insight on the Selection...
Princess Hazel, Princess Layla, Prince Wyatt
E: Wonderful to see you all here. To begin, if you could sum up each of the girls in one word what would it be?
H: I haven’t talked with them as much as I’d want, but I can come up with something from what I’ve seen. Vivienne is...unrelentless, Ophelia: spontaneous. Oh, and Danielle is sweet.
L: After knowing them for a bit I’d say Danielle is authentic, Ophelia… unique, and Vivienne strong, though a lot more come to mind.
W: They’re all stubborn, weird and somewhat nice in their own way. I guess Ben has a type.
E: He certainly does. Going off his type, do you think Prince Benjamin is a good “boyfriend?”
H: Define “Good.”
L: *laughs* Would a good boyfriend throw his dates in the ocean?
W: Define ”boyfriend.”
E: An undoubtedly supportive family. In your opinion, who would you pick out of Danielle, Ophelia, or Vivienne to make the best queen?
H: Me. We just need to get rid of Ben because no incest, y’know
L: I don’t think I could pick between Vivienne or Ophelia. Viv is fierce and would be an advocate for the people, but Fee is just as determined in different, though still great ways. In the end they’d both be my top picks.
W: Danielle because I… um, owe her one.
E: Now for my last question, this is directed to you Princess Layla. There’s been speculation on a possible relationship with you and a certain stable hand in the palace. Can you confirm or deny these rumors?
L: Right. *small laugh* I suppose this is a good as time as any… Yes, I can confirm them. Wes Colton and I are in a relationship. Though I ask you you respect our privacy in this, well, very new time for the both of us.
E: We would ask nothing else from the wonderful people of Illéa. Thank you for joining me tonight, Your Highnesses!
It seems love is in the air all around the palace! We wish the newest royal couple best wishes for their future time together. Don’t go anywhere, we’re bringing up the girls you all have been waiting for. 
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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b e n , l i a , e l l e , v i v → the selection
—final trio, future monarchs of illéa
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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Hello and welcome to tonight’s edition of the Capitol Report! We’re excited to bring you a night filled with all the nation can talk about: the ending of Prince Benjamin’s Selection. To begin, I’d like to bring up where Ben’s story truly began...
King Christopher and Queen Isobel
E: Welcome, Your Majesties. For my first question of the evening, what advice would you give Prince Benjamin on making his final decision?
C: He has to figure out who he sees himself with in the end. *chuckles* Sounds like very vague advice, I know, but when it comes to the Selection… there’s no one way to go about it. You inevitably grow close with more than one girl. It becomes a matter of realizing what type of relationship you have with who. I was fortunate enough to know early on who stood out in that particular way for me, but there were moments when I was confused. Ben will have to face his different feelings head on to make any final choices.
I: To add onto that, Ben needs to figure out how he loves each girl. I’ve no doubt he loves all of them in their own ways, that happens as relationships like these progress. Though not every love is the same, some are lifelong friendships and only one can really progress to the romantic one he hopes for. It’s difficult to differentiate, though once he does the answer will be clear.
E: Indeed it will. What would you say are your impressions on each of the final three girls?
C: There's been a lot of talk about the last three lately, but I can't say I’ll issue judgement on any of them. The three seem like lovely ladies during our meals. Of course, I wouldn’t know much outside of that… Except I do because I’m the King *wiNKS and laughs lightly* Lady Vivienne was great company during the dinner we had for the visiting families. It’s good to see someone who’s willing to work hard for what she needs. It’s a strong character. I’ve heard Lady Ophelia keeps spoiling our horses, but I think they appreciate her kindness there. As for Lady Danielle, she’s as lively as anyone would expect from a performer, but she’s also thoughtful. I hope Illéans take that into consideration before misjudging.
I: What I’ve noticed all three Selected have in common is their undeniable kindness. They each portray it in their own ways—Vivienne is bolder, Danielle has a quiet consideration for others, Ophelia continually helpful—which has made a significant impression on myself. I worry for Ben *chuckles* though any of the girls he decides on in the end would leave me more comfortable. They suit him.
E: Elaborating more on the Selected, do you believe Lady Ophelia, Danielle, or Vivienne would make good future queens of Illéa?
C: Well, I do tell my daughters they could’ve been great Queens if they’re brother hadn’t won that race. I’m not complaining about them being my little princesses though. The remaining girls seem like a bunch that could also pull it off— if they have the determination. Maybe not all of them will have the same ease adapting to life as a royal, but I can assure you they seem like the type that would try.
I: With the right guidance and mindset, I’m confident they’d all make wonderful queens. Like Chris said, they’ll progress differently than one another, but I see them making good partners for Ben not just for life, but as a royal. That’s wildly important with this kind of life, continually supporting one another through every trial. Any of the Selected could use their unique skills to make the best of the job.
E: And we’re looking forward to see which of their particular skills will last through another wonderful reign. Thank you for your time!
Such wonderful words given by our monarchs, this evening. When we come back from the break, we’ll be joined by the younger Schreave royals to hear their thoughts on their future sister-in-law. Stay tuned! 
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ellendegreat · 6 years
The report was awesome! Thank you so much!
((uMM YES HELLO BRIANNA DESERVES ALL THE LOVE AND HUGS FOR HER WONDERFULL FORMAT. Bless her and her skills. send her all the acknowledgement pls. i loVE U BRINNA -ester)) 
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ellendegreat · 6 years
That was so much fun 💕💕
((avieurhlskjhsfg omg yes I’m so happy you guys liked it))
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ellendegreat · 6 years
Marry me, Ellen. I don't need Ben, just you.
I’m flattered, but my wife would be a little upset
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ellendegreat · 6 years
(( That was great! Thank you ))
((thANKS twas a lot of fun, hope everyone enjoyed it ❤️))
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ellendegreat · 6 years
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If you’re just tuning in, we’re on our final segment of tonight’s Report. Our first Selected of our final group is someone you may recognize, the talented...
Natalya Bloom
E: Hello Lady Natalya, thanks for sitting down with me tonight. Is there anything else you hope to accomplish from the Selection besides a future with His Highness?
N: Well, Ellen, I’d like to build strong friendships with the other girls. So far all of the ones I’ve met have been really kind and I’ve already become pretty close to Lady Glimmer.
E: How wonderful. Any other specific Selected you’re hoping to build a stronger friendship with?
N: None really come to mind. I guess I’ll have to make more of an effort to reach out to the others.
E: Looking forward to see how that progresses. For my last question, if you had to pick any superlative for yourself what would it be?
N: Thoughtfully quiet.
E: Thank you for your time, Lady Natalya.
We love hearing about the genuine connections made during this experience. Nothing quite compares! Here to talk more about Illéa’s heir is...
Raven Dyer
E: Hi Lady Raven, so nice to speak with you again. What’s your impression of Prince Ben so far?
R: The prince is pretty sarcastic, but genuinely kind.
E: Anything more you’re willing to share about His Highness?
R: He’s a total coffee addict! *laughs* But really, there’s a lot more to him than the cameras show.
E: I know we’d love to see more of that side of him as well. For my last question, if you had to pick any superlative for yourself what would it be?
R: *thinks* Most musical.
E: Thank you for sitting down with me, Lady Raven.
Our prince is filled with more and more surprises. For our final Selected, she’s known for being bold and certainly doesn’t hold back tonight. Let’s bring up to the stage...
Vivienne Loyola
E: Hello Lady Vivienne, wonderful to talk with you again. Tell us a fact you’ve recently learned about the prince that no one knows.
V: A fact that no one else knows... hmm... Oh! I think people would just love to know how admirable the prince’s pain threshold is. He’s a survivor of a jellyfish sting years ago and almost blacked out, but he didn’t! Such a display of nerve, right?
E: Of course, it anyone has enough nerve it would be our own Prince Benjamin. Any more recent stories to share of His Highness?
V: Maybe I do, but then what’s the fun of having these stories and exposing all of them right away?
E: Intriguing point. There’s no denying you’ve piqued the interest of all of Illéa at the moment. For my last question, if you had to pick a superlative for yourself what would it be?
V: Easy. Most likely to save your life. I’ve been told that my first aid skills are quite lifesaving.
E: They of course go hand in hand. Lovely to sit down with you tonight, Lady Vivienne, thank you.
And with that, we have ourselves a wrap! Before we go, why don’t we go through each of the Selected’s superlatives? Beginning with...
d a n i e l l e → most likely to say something embarrassing in public
z a r a → most grateful
g l i m m e r → best dressed
g a b r i e l l a → most likely to find the cure for the common cold, then lose it
n a t a l i e → adventurous
a m a l i a → most likely to run off with the circus
c a n d y → the sweetest
s t e l l a → bravest or daringest
a h m a r a → honestly gawky
d a r c y → most likely to wake up with half a burrito in bed
o p h e l i a → most likely to get kicked out of the selection for feeding the horses too many grapes
b r i a n n a → most curious
c e l a e n a → most likely to trip on air
t o r y → hungriest
f a r a h → imaginative
n a t a l y a → thoughtfully quiet
r a v e n → most musical
v i v i e n n e → most likely to save your life
And there we have it Illéa! I’m your host, Ellen Degreat, signing off of the Report tonight. We’ll see you next week!
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