ellerean-blog · 12 years
Arching his brow, Ellerean pompously responded, "You have no buisness in my affairs, seeing as though I met you just now -- and the fact that hostility was the first thing you showed me makes me even more hesitant to share anything with you. Sneaking up on you? I was merely walking this way." 
Although bitter, Ellerean decided to not continue walking, curious about the girl he had encountered. Now that she was talking, she did not seem particularly dangerous, but Ellerean prepared himself just in case.
ellerean started following you
Elleran. The name sounded familiar to her. She thought of where she might have heard it from. Maybe I overheard that name in a tavern? Thats right! Ellerean is the leader of a mage army. She was right on her initial guess about him. The only real mages she associated herself with was Ewan and Saleh, and this man was certainly nothing like either of them.
“Alright Ellerean. What are you doing here? And why did you sneak up on me?” she asked him.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
(( Heeeyy~ \o/
Sorry for being MIA; it's a long story ajsdklsa.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
"Really? Interesting," Ellerean mused, though it was clear that he was not entirely interested in Erk's association with the other sorcerer. He studied Erk, wondering if it was possible that he had been to Khadein before. Ellerean was good at recognizing mages he had seen before, but only if they had particularly stuck out to him. The boy was somewhat memorable, deeming Ellerean curious. He came to the rushed conclusion that Erk was a traveler. 
Ellerean smirked. "My friend? I would not call him that that. He is merely a powerful sorcerer whom I give my most humble respects to," he explained, drumming his fingers against his side. Ellerean's tone was almost bitter, but hardly readable through his smooth voice. "Though rest assured, such respect has not been ill-placed. He is quite powerful, as you should already know."
ellerean started following you
Right, right—he remembered that Etzel was never one to stay still. They were both wanderers in search of things to learn, things to know, and things to do.
“We met some time ago.” Erk replied, recalling the time by the river, “I’d like to say we are friends.” They were friends, weren’t they? He felt that he could actually say that statement and feel a little pride in having a friend rather than an acquaintance. He felt a small part of his mind recognize Etzel as someone to look up to—almost like an older brother type figure. Erk had not seen him in quite some time and briefly wondered where he was. “Are you two friends as well?”
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
"Divided loyalty might as well not be classified as loyalty at all," Ellerean sneered, wrinkling his nose and tossing Merric a hate-filled glare. "You can pick and choose who you wish to be loyal to; whichever place suits you better at the time. Disgusting, really! You have no right to say that your loyalty lies with Khadein, Merric. Don't try to make yourself look better by degrading her."
Pursing his lips, Ellerean growled, "If you really think that one man has such a profound effect on things, then maybe you could have helped Khadein, the city you are supposedly so loyal to that you would die for. I can see straight through you, Merric." Livid, Ellerean's speech became even more snippy. Jealousy bled from his voice when he exclaimed, "They always do; they always forgive you! You could murder the entire populous of the city you care so little about and her people would still come crawling back to you like starving mutts! Your wretched influence is being abused, you manipulative scum!"
Ellerean retorted to quickening his lumbering pace to something more fitted for an angry bear, on the verge of snapping and murdering his infuriating rival. He was not sure how much longer he could stand him, and Merric's sneeze seemed to bring Ellerean to the teetering edge of his crumbling will. "Will you stop?!" he yowled through gritted teeth, forcing himself to remain passive with the thought of staying humane for the sake of Khadein briefly caressing his enraged mind. Mindlessly, he threatened, "I will break your jaw."
“Pretend?!” Now extremely angered, Merric absolutely did not enjoy it when his loyalty was questioned. He clentched his fists in rage, but continued to keep himself from getting violent. “My loyalty to Khadein is true! I would give my life if it meant to protect her! Quit spatting out lies Ellerean.”
His eye gave a twitch at the rather rude mentioning of his best friend. “Even one man can make a difference when a war is involved. There were some things in which I was knowledgeable in and proved to be quite useful. Again, do not go around saying things you know nothing about.” Merric gave Ellerean an irritated glare. He knew that there was some truth in what he was saying, but he took a chance when he left to help out Altea. “..Perhaps you may be correct, or perhaps you may be completely wrong. Nevertheless.. it seems as if Khadein forgave me for my actions.”
Merric couldn’t help but make a sound that seemed to be a mix of both a chuckle and a grunt. ‘Shut up’. Was that all he could come up with? Hilarious. He turned his gaze back towards the path and sneezed. The cold getting to him even more now, he pulled his hat over his head, hoping it’ll give him some more warmth. “..I will shut up when I am rendered unable to speak anymore.”
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
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 treasuretime replied to your post: OOC - Replies!!
[Oh it’s basically a set of questions that you record yourself answering and then you post the recording. I gave Merric the link too but the original is here: code-rage.tumblr.com/po… Have fun! :D]
(( thanks! aaaa i did it~ here everyone ajskdla ))
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
"Since you asked so nicely, my name is Ellerean," he replied, voice dripping with sarcasm and agitation. Ellerean was visibly less antsy when Marisa lowered her sword, but was still not happy to be in her presence. Ellerean glared at her, dampering the tense atmosphere even further. He kept his guard up -- as anyone with common sense would have done after being questioned under the sharp point of a blade.
Though he was curious, Ellerean did not subdue to weakness by asking the lady who she was. He decided to go by his own assumption that she was merely a mercenary and carry on with his life.
ellerean started following you
Marisa lowered her sword but kept it in her hand.”Fine. Who are you?”
The man did not seem very friendly. She didn’t notice a weapon on him but could tell he had a few tricks up his sleeve. A mage? she thought. That was highly likely. Judging from his attitude he definitely wasn’t just a regular traveler. Possibly a threat she decided.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
Ellerean controlled himself enough not to slam his ready fist into Merric's face and tried to keep his breathing steady and calm, too appear less chaotic on the outside than he felt on the inside. He was ready to tear Merric apart like a rabid beast, but something so inhuman would have to be exchanged for his well-protected dignity.
"You pretend to be on Khadein's side for your own self benefit. You could care less what happens to Khadein or her people! All you care about is yourself and your Altean friends," Ellerean spat jaggedly, glaring at Merric. His eyes flared with jealous rage at Merric's mention of Wendell. Ellerean knew that he could not argue with such a blatant reality, so he reamained dangerously silent on the issue, letting the rage stir within himself.
Impatiently, Ellerean crossed his arms. "I'm sure Prince Marth could have handled his rebellious task without the support of one man. You would have been much better suited and useful to stay in one place," he growled. Ellerean's face lightened in crooked, faux surprise. "Oh? You helped out Khadein when it more or less rubble on the ground. Good for you, Merric -- you did something that emulated the behavior of someone with morals. You didn't stay and you hardly helped enough for your aid to even count. I don't care what you have been doing, Merric! All that matters is what you should have done, especially when a place suffering because of your so-called split loyalty needed you the most!"
Growing hysterical, Ellerean treated the aftermath of his explosion with complete silence. He usually became silent when he was too enraged or upset to form words in his mouth; and at the time, he felt both emotions in overwhelming doses. Merric's last comment caused him to curl his hands into white-knuckled fists one again, but he dainty willed himself to stay civil. "Shut up," he hissed.
“Self-absorbed?” Merric felt his anger boil a bit at that remark. ”You have never been more wrong, Ellerean! I’ll have you know I’d be more than willing to give my life up if it meant saving those precious to me! Plus, Master Wendell actually gave me support to join Altea, where he later joined up with us as well.” He glared at the blonde-haired Sorcerer. “I will choose no side.”
The Mage snapped his head away from Ellerean, anger slowly rising. “Believe me, Ellerean. I thought about it everyday. And I wanted to help, but I had to help out with Altea for a little bit. Unlike I, you don’t understand Prince Marth’s situation.” He pointed his finger right at the other, eyes narrowed. “I did, however, help out Khadein a bit after finishing my part in Altea. Perhaps I should have helped earlier, but nevertheless, I did help out. So do not go around saying I should not be welcomed to this beautiful city when you don’t even know anything of what I have been doing.”
At this time, Merric’s anger was beginning to reach a dangerous level. The thought of laying a hit on Ellerean had passed through his mind, but he tried to shove it away. He didn’t want to get into any trouble at the moment as the cold would have prevented him from giving 100% of his power. Continuing to walk behind the other, Merric grunted and began to calm himself down, a smirk passing through his face. ”Khadein will never be yours. Guess i’ll always be welcome.”
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
OOC - Replies!!
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wielderofexcalibur replied to your post: (( this has nothing to do with anything but i am...
[Bahaha, when I first heard the name Ellerean, I thought it was a girl. OTL]
(( dude, his name sounds like the name of the next disney princess!!! i feel like there was a fairy tale princess with a similar name as him, actually lol. dsjakljd i think i thought ellerean was a girl the first time I played FE3 orz;;; ))
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merciful-renewal replied to your post: (( this has nothing to do with anything but i am...
((you should totally do the FE voice meme if you haven’t already :D and hi!))
(( eeeeeee hiiiiiiiiii!!!!
oh man, that sounds fun but i don't know what it is sjdsklajds;;; ))
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treasuretime replied to your post: (( this has nothing to do with anything but i am...
[Ah yes I agree, you should do the voice meme! :D Also hello and welcome to FET! Great to have you and it’s good to see you’ve jumped right into the thick of things, haha.]
(( hi there!!! :D thank you! i like it here even though i'm a nervous mess djkslajdskla. you guys seem really cool, though~
oooh what is this fire emblem voice meme i keep hearing about? o: sounds fun! ))
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eirikaofrenais replied to your post: (( this has nothing to do with anything but i am...
[I doubt it could be any weirder than my German accent of failure. ^^” I have no idea how to pronounce most names of the series haha :D]
(( ahaha who knows! 8D;;;
aw man, i don't know how to properly pronounce anyone's names either. ESPECIALLY with FE8!!! ;;;; the thing is, when i read the game text, there is no voice in my head reading the names so i realize awkwardly that i honestly do not know how to pronounce them djsakldjs ))
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
*notices a blonde man within sight range and proceeds to approach* Good day, young lad, I haven't seen you in these parts. *Upon observing the mage* Ah... So, you're another student of the fine arts of casting Anima spells, it seems. >
Ellerean was clearly not happy about the knight's terminoligy for him, and passive-aggressively made him aware of this by returning his greeting with a dirty glare. Sounding bitter, he replied shortly, "Good day."
When Kyle began talking about magic, however, Ellerean's eyes lit up. He seemed surprisingly well-informed for a knight. Perhaps he was just keenly observant and equipped with a proper brain. Quietly looking over the knight, Ellerean assumed that the man was not at all potent in magic himself, and his respect for him slightly grew.
"Hardly," Ellerean replied with less hostility than before. "I have mastered the Anima arts, you see, but you are mostly correct in your assumptions. I am impressed."
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
"It is rude to point your weapon to someone non-threatening, especially if you have hardly uttered a word to them," Ellerean stated sharply, narrowing his eyes at whom he assumed to be a common and inexperienced sell-sword. He was beginning to regret saying anything to this lady at all and wondered if he should have just enganged in combat rather than dealing with her through words.
Matching her hospitality and raising his brow for the sake of being difficult, Ellerean replied haughtily, "I would rather not introduce myself under a threat."
ellerean started following you
Marisa was resting from a long hike. She sat down on a nearby downed tree and decided to something that calms her down. As she was polishing her blade she noticed a figure approaching her out of the corner of her eye.
“Who’s there!” she shouted and raised her blade at the mysterious newcomer.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
Curious that Erk seemed to be familiar with his name, he reverted to being fully engaged in the conversation, looking Erk in the eyes. "Ah, Etzel," he mused, with a hint of disappointment that word had not spread about him based solely on his expertise in the field of magic.
Sounding surprisingly docile, Ellerean explained, "It is hard to tell -- Etzel is a traveler. I am sure you know this, as you seem to be well-acquainted with him. Am I wrong? Though I have met the man before, but I am certain that he is not from the same nation as myself. Continent, yes, but not nation." Ellerean pursed his lips in curiosity. His next question was less polite, as if he was emphasizing Erk's non-existent inferiority. "How do you know Etzel?"
ellerean started following you
Erk could tell that the other man was pleased with something about him. He had only hoped that his greeting didn’t pass off as half-hearted as it seemed. Normally, he wouldn’t even bother to care, but he’s progressively trying to make an attempt to be nicer and more sociable.
“Ellerean…” He had definitely heard that name before… But where… Oh!, “Might you hail from the same land as Etzel?”
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
Boiling with rage, Ellerean felt his face grow hot as he burst, "No cost? This is why I hate you, Merric! You're too self-absorbed to even look around you. All you care about is your revered status and that stupid game you're playing in Altea." Ellerean had not meant to snap, but Merric had irritated his short temper enough -- and he was truly unable to contain his fury. "Choose a side."
"Did you ever once think about Khadein when you ran off with your traitorous Altean friends? The city didn't just magically recover from the war, Merric, and you should have been there -- should be there -- to help rebuild it. But I suppose if you're so intertwined with Altean affairs, then you should not be welcome in Khadein at all." Ellerean ended his rant abruptly, fumning in anger whist forcing himself to breathe normally. Yelling at Merric was surprisingly dissatisfying.
Ellerean ignored Merric's clarification, letting the merciless wind blowing his blood-red cloak behind him do the taking. He knew that he was being obnoxious, but was too irked to do anything further that did not involve high-level magic and bloodshed. Ellerean gritted his teeth and kept walking, jealous that Merric's temper hardly ever got the better of him. He did not object to Merric trailing behind him, as he did not want the sorcerer to die of something as stupid as a cold. Ellerean wanted to kill Merric himself, preferably when he was in the best of health -- a fair match to the death of either of them would the only suitable end.
"When Khadein is mine, you will not be welcome there," was all that Ellerean murmured.
“There was no cost, Ellerean. At least, none that I have seen.” His eyes stared off to the side as he thought about something. There was no cost.. correct? Shaking the thought off, his eyes went right back at the other. “While perhaps it may have been easier, you seem to not understand my reasoning for it.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Altea is my homeland, and Prince Marth is my best friend and was the first true friend I ever had. The priority of my loyalty belongs to him and his country. And if fighting for his side meant becoming a traitor..” The Mage was silent for a moment. “..Then i’ll take my chances.”
Merric was about to make a remark at Ellerean’s talk of not knowing him, but closed his mouth at his last comment. “Disgusting disease? ’Tis but a potential cold!  Harmless, I say.” Seeing the man turn away, aiming to walk away, Merric narrowed his eyes. “Well, seeing as how the closest means of shelter is in Khadein, I suppose I shall follow along with you.” With that said, he began to walk towards Ellerean, giving another sneeze. The both of them would need to find shelter quick as the temperature was falling rather fast.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
(( this has nothing to do with anything but i am cRAZY and read my posts out loud before i post them to see if they make any sort of sense at all... but my inner southern american accent comes out
and ellerean's name sounds ridiculous; it's hilarious hahaha /shot
/back to rping;;;; lol hey guys~ ))
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
"Good day," Ellerean responded, though with significantly less stoic enthusiasm. He sharply looked over the young man and was pleased that he could immediately tell that he was a mage. In Ellerean's mind, true mages had a certain demeanor about them -- one that this young man's essence was swelling with. Ellerean did not know what to think.
After a short pause, Ellerean tore his eye's off of Erk. "I am Ellerean," he said. "It is good to meet another mage -- especially one who seems quite serious about such an honor."
ellerean started following you
“Hello there, fellow mage.” he acknowledged, bowing his head in greeting, “Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Erk.”
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
Ellerean could feel himself grimacing at his rival's infuriating pride. For as long as he could remember, Merric always had enjoyed rubbing salt into his wounds and criticizing his every movement. Scowling, Ellerean tried to pretend as if that portion of their fight had not occured, giving Merric a cold glare, in every attempt to not be defeated.
"At quite a cost," Ellerean retorted snidely. He subtly drummed his numb fingers against himself in anger, itching to test out a new spell or two on Merric. Scoffing, though it was hardly audible, Ellerean inquired defensively, "Would it not have been easier for you to just stay loyal to one faction during a war, to avoid jumping around and becoming a traitor? -- but you're Merric. My mistake."
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Ellerean balled his hands into fists, knowing that Merric was -- once again -- completely right. He was jealous at the mage's ability to read him like a book. Merric's sarcasm did not go over well with Ellerean. Crossing his arms and fighting the cold with his rage, Ellerean snapped, "You spout lies, Merric. You don't know me at all!" At Merric's sneeze, Ellerean backed away in exaggerated aggravation, growling, "Well, I don't know about you but I'm going to be on my way towards shelter before I catch that disgusting disease of yours." Of course, Ellerean was lying, and could not stand the dropping temperature any longer. Lividly disregarding Merric with pursed lips, he flaunted a turn and began walking away.
Score one for Merric. Seeing as how Ellerean dropped the first subject, the Mage knew the victory of that was his and smirked. And the sorcerer called him an idiot.
A sudden breeze blowing his hair straight into his vision of sight, Merric brushed the strands of hair away from his eyes. “Perhaps. But I got through this recent war quite well, didn’t I? Having sided with Altea and all.” He shrugged. Though he did end up having to fight some fellow Khadein’s, his loyalty and cause in the war belonged to his best friend Prince Marth, and it always would. Of course, if Khadein needed support, Merric was more than willing to give it.
He placed his hand on his right breast and gave a look of fake shock. “I’m an idiot? Well who would have thunk!” Giving a small chuckle, he looked right at Ellerean. “If I know you well enough, even when you’re numb and cannot feel anything in your body, you’d still have those Fire Tomes unused. And come now, Ellerean. You were shivering when I saw you. You cannot possibly expect me to believe you were not being affected by this weather.” Merric gave a small sneeze after he finished speaking. Hopefully that wasn’t a cold settling in.
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ellerean-blog · 12 years
Livid, Ellerean retorted with jealousy consuming his tone from the inside out, "I'm Wendell's successor, Merric. Not you. Therefore, the city belongs to --" ...Merric was right; not himself. Mentally cursing his stupidity for not thinking this through beforehand, Ellerean dropped the subject entirely, knowing and hating the fact that Merric was in fact more than welcome within the boarders of Khadein. Merric was perhaps even liked by her citizen's more than himself. Ellerean's brow knitted together in aggravated defeat.
Ellerean scoffed, though too tense to appear unaffected by Merric's words. His tone was potent than before. "You of all people should know that paying your allegiance to more than one place only leads to trouble and bloodshed, but I won't force that fact upon you if it won't easily pass though that thick skull of yours." For the first time since they had begun their quarrel, Ellerean took his eyes off of Merric.
His lips formed into a bitter scowl at Merric's snide boasting. Flustered, he hesitated before snapping, "You're an idiot, Merric. I wouldn't freeze myself to death on purpose -- I happen to have more than one fire tome with me," he said, in a way that was more threatening than practical. Snidely, he added, "Plus, I'm not even cold." 
“Your city?”  The Mage scoffed. “Since when was Khadein your city? This city belongs to its founder, which was obviously not you.” Merric shook his head at the mans arrogance. “And furthermore, I need not choose a side. It is possible to both visit those important to me in my homeland of Altea and be quite serious about magic and study here in Khadein!” He was becoming quite annoyed with the way Ellerean was acting- not that it was new or anything.
Seeing Ellerean bite his lip, along with his remark, Merric clapped his hands together, knowing what that meant. ”Oh ho! So I was correct! Well, can’t say I expected any less from you. I probably should have taken a longer route. It would have been quite a sight to see a human popsickle!” He knew that he probably shouldn’t be edging the other on like this, but it was too much fun! Ellerean may have been Merric’s most powerful rival, but man was he a riot to mess with.
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