ellidoesstuff · 4 years
“So What’s Band Like” pt. 2
aka random stuff people in my marching band have done but make it reminiscing on my freshman marching season edition and more focused on general events then what specific people have done
okay so like just to cover bases that one good percussionist from part one is the only percussionist that continued on into high school band
which is a fucking upgrade if you ask me
also i’m the only flute of my grade so i was flute baby™ last year
and then oboe baby when concert season came around
or as i like to call it
oh and don’t fool yourself into thinking we have an oboe section either
it’s literally just me and my friend
anyway lets get deeper in to it then your boyfriend/S.O will ever be in you
or then you’ll ever be in your girlfriend/S.O
I ain’t gonna assume your situation
first band competition of the year we got stuck in a very hot band bus in a thunderstorm for like probably over an hour
we ended up being one of the only bands that actually stayed and performed which was cool 
what was also cool is that we sang the 99 bottles of beer on the wall song and actually made it to 0
i’m also proud to say that one of the people who started that was my crush at the time, and my boyfriend now
how chaotic of him 
but then again
he’s a percussionist
also my section leaders piccolo decided to just d i e and she couldn’t play for our entire performance at that competition
moving on
catch us drooling over a 200 plus member band at an away game with an elaborate Aladdin themed show
that same band played megalovania as a stand tune and when I say my band dropped all conversation and bopped to that shit I mean it
also the sunset that night looked like the teletubbie sunrise
when i informed my now boyfriend and my section leader of this they both looked at me like “why the fuck did you just ruin that beautiful sunset”
it is what it is
one time we had a flute hangout after school and before a Friday night away football game 
except make it like the flute section featuring the alto sax section leader and my now boyfriend (who if you don’t remember is a percussionist)
oh and also briefly featuring one of our drum majors from last year and a trombonist 
anyway we ate little caesars pizza at a playground in a neighborhood near the school
we also played on said playground
in the process putting my kermit plushie, who will most likely be a reoccurring character in this series, in the baby swing and pushing him
we then made friendship bracelets but my now boyfriend didn’t know how 
so i did what anyone who knows how to make friendship bracelets and who’s crushing on someone who doesn’t know how to make friendship bracelets would do
i taught him how to make friendship bracelets
we also sat on the band bus together to and from that nights away game where I continued to help him make a friendship bracelet and then we looked at memes on the way back
some of them were funny, some of them weren’t
i laughed at all of them 
because i was and am…
a fucking simp
we hosted a competition the same day that we marched a two mile parade so basically everyone went home and crashed that night
Me, my friend, and my now boyfriend spent like over fifteen minutes trying to find this one band just so we could hand them a single candygram to give to some kid
that kid better have appreciated that candygram
My two friends and I also received a joint airgram from our moms so we all prompted to split the tiny piece of card stock into three and we each have a piece
It’s almost like a friendship bracelet
but one hundred times easier to loose
moving onto big boy competition territory 
aka the Atlantic Coastal Championships 
or at least i think that’s what ACC stands for 
We were the first people to perform that day so we had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to get to the competition in time
Like legit imagine a bunch of tired band kids on a school bus at 6am
It was actually kind of nice and very quiet
My now boyfriend and I watched Coraline on my chromebook on the way there
We also watched Coco on the way back but we aren’t there yet
I brought my Kermit plushie, as I should’ve, but he did not escape unscathed 
My now boyfriend accidentally dropped him in his spilled chocolate milkshake which had made a fairly accurate rendition of Willy Wonka’s chocolate river on the stands
He was more upset about it then I was honestly and apologized a bunch while frantically trying to scrub the chocolate stain out of Kermit’s green plush flesh with his jeans
My now boyfriend also decided to spin Kermit up in the air like a helicopter and Kermit nearly flew over the back end of the bleachers since we were sat in the top row
Luckily he didn’t fly over but we quickly stopped throwing him around and Kermit promptly sat on the bleachers next to us for the rest of ACCs
Moving forward, I would highlight the game directly after I actually got together with my boyfriend but not a single fucking thing happened
Other then the fact that the concession stand ran out of hot chocolate 
But not before my boyfriend, our two friends, and I could get our hands on some
Flash forward, our football team, in an act of what was probably some form of witchcraft or just downright luck, qualified for playoffs and the first playoff game was a FOUR HOUR drive away
They really said “okay everybody lets travel to the other side of the state for a single football game”
And before you say “well it would take a lot longer to get to the other side of my state!”
pack it up west coast/midwest
I live on the east coast our states are  t i n y
we had to leave for this game in the middle of the school day right after lunch which meant i had to bring two separate book bags to school that day 
one bag for band and one bag for school
regardless we drove on the bus through mountains and trees for four hours before stopping off to have dinner at some rando restaurant
and no offense to old white people but like it must have been senior night or some shit because when I tell you the only people in that restaurant were like 70 to 80 band kids and a bunch of old white people I am not joking
It was terrifying
And I mean like I’m not inherently scared of old white people  
But what I am is non-binary growing up in a conservative area of a conservative state
And I was also holding the hand of my wonderful boyfriend who happens to be a person of color
I was scared I was about to be hate crimed 
Or he was about to get hate crimed
Luckily I think the fact that we were part of a flock of like 80 other teenagers all wearing red shirts and sweatpants scared them off
Or maybe they didn’t even notice and my social anxiety just said “they’re looking at you, love ;)” when they probably weren’t
We also ran the ice cream machine at that place dry
Anyway this was like November and it was super fucking cold outside so the home schools band invited us inside the school building when we got there since it was still a bit before the game
I got to talk to some of the flutes and they were super chill
We also made this weird ass dance circle where we went back and forth doing steps that I forget but remind me of the cotton eyed joe for some reason
Maybe that’s what we were dancing?
I don’t remember I just know like the entire low brass section plus a select group of the upper woodwinds/percussion were all in on it
I also remember what I think was one of the flutes looking at me and my boyfriend who was hugging me from behind and being very physically affectionate, as he usually is, and mentioning something about wondering what instrument he played
If in some miraculous event you are reading this mystery flute girl, he’s a percussionist 
you’re welcome
Nothing really stands out about the game itself other then how fucking cold it was and the fact that our football team won…
by a single point
We then all enjoyed the four hour ride back to the school
Most people spent it sleeping as it was like ten pm
Yeah you do the math we left at like 10pm
JK I’m not gonna make you do math we got back to the school at like 2am
Also notice how I said most people spent it sleeping
I probably would have been one of those people
However my lovely boyfriend, who again I do love, decided that a can of Mountain Dew at 10pm was a good idea
Baby, I love you, but why
10pm is too late for a Mountain Dew
We did end up sleeping for like an hour tho which was nice while it lasted
But then we had the glorious “Everyone we are about thirty minutes away from the school please call your parents to come pick you up” wake up call from our band director
And when I tell you that in that moment it felt like I was in between two different plains of existence
I am not kidding 
It is a very interesting vibe
Anyway I apologize for how painfully long that was but I literally could go into so much more detail. This is just grazing the surface of the experience that was my freshman marching season. However, I’m stopping myself here. If for some reason you want to read more of this and aren’t willing to wait for me to make the part three that will be directed toward this years socially distanced band season, you can read the first one of these which has a remarkably funnier collection of events and a lot less cussing. What can I say, I was an eighth grader in middle school band with an instructor who was very lenient on what we did when we weren’t playing. Until next time, this has been Elliot, signing off until i inevitably find something else interesting to share with the internet. 
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ellidoesstuff · 4 years
“So What’s Band Like?”
aka random crap people in my band class have done
sat on trumpet cases and slid across the floor while saying the dialogue to “i’m in me mums car”
climbed on top of band lockers and sat up there like it was just an everyday thing
Spent 17 minutes huddled around one persons chromebook watching ‘the history of the entire world i guess’ and resighting iconic parts.
“Except for Turkey, Turkey makes a brand new Turkey!”
Walked around the band room playing the following fat people song on the baritone
Played Joy to the World to celebrate Halloween
Attempted to learn All Star on various instruments and preform it for the talent show
Threw pencils into the air attempting to get them stuck on the ceiling
Roasted the entire percussion section (except for one player)
Played the jeopardy theme song while waiting for everyone to assemble their instruments
Played the Rugrats Theme Song on the bells in between numbers
Blew out lights because of how loud we had to play
Played Tag outside because the air conditioning stopped working in the band room
Tried to match pitch by whistling with the only flute in the class (me)
seeing who could play the highest note (it was me)
having jam sessions at the end of class between the tenor sax, the only good percussionist, and the bells.
putting a baritone on someones head after finding out they got into honors band
 put a trumpet to the back of peoples heads and played a note (it felt fricken weird okay)
found a random picture of our band director making a weird facial expression on the schools website and tried to convince everyone to make it their computer background 
Stood on desks while wearing flannel attempting to embrace our inner scarecrow
got complemented by the strings teacher on our good behavior and laughed about it when she left because, well have you read the rest of this post?
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ellidoesstuff · 5 years
Can Shane Madej be a profession?
My friend Shelby 
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ellidoesstuff · 5 years
a tragedy
i was reciting the “oh my god they were roommates” vine and my friend didn’t get it. Turns out he hadn’t seen that vine before. I don’t know if we can be friends anymore.
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
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i did a thing!
do you guys like my thing...cause i do.
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
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47K notes · View notes
ellidoesstuff · 6 years
“So What’s Band Like?”
aka random crap people in my band class have done
sat on trumpet cases and slid across the floor while saying the dialogue to “i’m in me mums car”
climbed on top of band lockers and sat up there like it was just an everyday thing
Spent 17 minutes huddled around one persons chromebook watching ‘the history of the entire world i guess’ and resighting iconic parts.
“Except for Turkey, Turkey makes a brand new Turkey!”
Walked around the band room playing the following fat people song on the baritone
Played Joy to the World to celebrate Halloween
Attempted to learn All Star on various instruments and preform it for the talent show
Threw pencils into the air attempting to get them stuck on the ceiling
Roasted the entire percussion section (except for one player)
Played the jeopardy theme song while waiting for everyone to assemble their instruments
Played the Rugrats Theme Song on the bells in between numbers
Blew out lights because of how loud we had to play
Played Tag outside because the air conditioning stopped working in the band room
Tried to match pitch by whistling with the only flute in the class (me)
seeing who could play the highest note (it was me)
having jam sessions at the end of class between the tenor sax, the only good percussionist, and the bells.
putting a baritone on someones head after finding out they got into honors band
 put a trumpet to the back of peoples heads and played a note (it felt fricken weird okay)
found a random picture of our band director making a weird facial expression on the schools website and tried to convince everyone to make it their computer background 
Stood on desks while wearing flannel attempting to embrace our inner scarecrow
got complemented by the strings teacher on our good behavior and laughed about it when she left because, well have you read the rest of this post?
124 notes · View notes
ellidoesstuff · 6 years
Water is not wet because 
1) it makes things wet so therefore how can it be wet and
2) my science teacher says so
Water is wet
I have proof
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
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Day 2: Tranquil
“Nature in her green, tranquil woods heals and soothes all afflictions.”
-  John Muir
(my signature can be found in the top left and bottom right corner)
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
someone take my computer away from me
You’ve heard of:
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Now get ready for:
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i hope you can appreciate this even though it was made with my mediocre editing skills
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
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It’s October and ya’ll know what that means!
Its inktober time my dudes
Day 1: Poison
(my signature can be found in the upper left hand corner and the lower right hand corner)
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ellidoesstuff · 6 years
reblog if you’re nonbinary!
if you don’t identify with male or female, or you consider yourself a bit of both, neither, or something else entirely, feel free to reblog!
because yeah, we’re real. we’re here. we’ve always been here. we may not have the words to describe it before now, but the nonbinary has always existed. the context of binary genders is incredibly eurocentric/western, anyhow.
the nonbinary is real. we’re real. if this post happens to blow up, the numbers will prove it.
hey, if you’re here to comment that “nonbinary isn’t real”, just know that your comments are being deleted and that the hundreds of people reblogging this post are living proof that you’re wrong.
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