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Alexa Poleman, a fashion designer and artist who experiments with wearables and futuristic concepts
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After collecting photos which reflect on authority in the home and the reflection on the power of High-vis, I have decided to install them as if it was at home on the wall in frames
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Man Ray , ‘cadeau’, 1921/1972
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Ai Weiwei ‘grapes’, 2010
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After thinking about authority within the home, I began to reflect on the concept of the naughty step
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Mona Hatoun
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Here I used the wigs I created to take family like photos which would be kept on a wall etc .
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Here I was playing with the Colours of high visibility in the home on my own parents
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After a lot of thinking, I am still torn on my stance with authority and I’ve decided to reflect this by showcasing an established system of ruling into the home. I’ll be looking at how we dispicline our children and the changes they face when they become an adult in the eyes of the law
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The wigs gave the impression of Punk art and anti establishment art // these are some photos taken from my research that are pushing me to look at how I stand on the idea of the ‘system’ and authority. Through this research it is clear that I’m torn and don’t know where I stand. I will be making my own punk banners that show conflicting messages
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Bill Baranski // uses cardboard to create objects with an aesthetic of handmade and flimsy . I specifically like how he mocks the security system with the handmade created uniforms and technology
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Spray painted neon judge wigs // wigs reflect the design of construction workers high vis jackets
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High visibility burkas in NY. I take inspiration from this as they are using the controlled use of high -vis colours taken from people in authoritative roles to make their statement of being noticed. I will be using similar colours and patterns to create my Aesthetic
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Sketching initial ideas // 15.02.18 // I’ve started mind mapping ideas based around law and Disorder in order to synchronise some ideas. From this I have decided to mainly look into the act of performance in the court room and also the police force. Their use of judge wigs and high - vis creates a sense of play and performance
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We also took part in a fake crime scene challenge which allowed us to view a crime scene from a professional point of view. Questioning a fake crime brought up questions on how we know what is fake and real. Being told it is fake doesn’t necessarily mean it is fake?
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BCU // school of law // fake court room As a group we visited BCUs fake court room which is used to teach criminology students. The rooms atmosphere was strange and held a feel of authority. The varying levels of seating gives the impression of class levels and levels of respect and authority.
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Edmund Clark // Video installation, the videos are continuous videos of the perimeters of the prison, highlighting the repetitiveness of a prison and it’s surroundings. The movement in the video also accents as a zooming effect again giving a sense of examination
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