elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
Acme Corporation
my goal is to make a fun interactive acme corp online data base with video of the product along with some information i am thinking of doing a mix of stuff from the tv show along with stuff i made up. thinking of making something for like 10 products with at least 3-4 being stuff i made. 
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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this is my interface idea i want to have a lot of background movement.
1 the circle upper left
2 the graph on the middle left 
3 the white lines on the nave bar and the top of the main window 
4 along with some kind of sup information in the top right idk yet 
i want it so every time some one  clicks something on my nave bar the main window will do some kind of fast flickering and the top of the bar will change and tell u were u are along with the upper right will have some sup info about the page.
i want to have some kind of random change image thing in the lower left to add to the syfy feel of the image. idk what i want to do and i might just remove it. 
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
Tumblr media
Art Class 366 Flash project Idea
this images is an idea of what i been working on to navigate my site. i will have 4ish parts to my site that all relate to me. the reason i picked this tech syfy lay out was how much syfy and techy stuff influence me. 
tab ideas 
1 art work i produced 
2 my interests ( video game art 
3 bio / resume ( information about me)
4 infancies in my life  ( artest companies people ect)
5 might have a 5th dont think so
most of my interfaces will have a light that will follow a path and give it some kind of active motion. button will get lighter when moused over. and i will keep the tech theme going on though out the back round and sides. 
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
this is a color chart like program thing 
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
this is a cool figure drawing generator with lots of life drawing poses 
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
cool illustrations
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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elliotpessahstuff · 13 years
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