ellixxirr · 3 years
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“I don’t know how many times I have to say this. This is why you don’t hook up with men, Elli,” Tiva said, reaching over and nudging her foot into the blonde’s thigh with a toss of her hair. “You were asking for it, really.” 
“Trust me, never. Again,” Elli affirmed with a laugh. She let out a small squeal at Tiva’s nudge, and her hand lifted to rest lightly on the girl’s calf. “Excuse me, I’ll have you know he was asking me for it. I can’t help that I’m irresistible and used to be confused about my sexuality,” she defended, though her mock up offense was mostly lighthearted. “Look, I like a little bit of tongue, but that was just excessive. I learned my lesson, for sure,” Elli concluded with a shudder.
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ellixxirr · 3 years
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ellixxirr · 3 years
Leo could at least appreciate her honesty, especially since he couldn’t help but agree with what was said. “I hate that it doesn’t even sound like you’re exaggerating,” he mused, a chuckle threatening to escape through his words despite expressing his distaste. Leo’d be hypocritical if he ridiculed anyone who engaged in destructive activities rather than studying, but there had to be at least an attempt of a balance, right? Sure Leo would jump at the chance to go to any party for nothing else but the free alcohol, but at least for the most part in between, he stayed on top of any work he had. “You know, it’s almost impressive. Both the fact that they still manage to get half decent grades, but also the fact that this school hasn’t burned to the ground yet.”
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She easily matched the mild amusement the other seemed to get at her critique, and her lips curled up in a haughty expression of superiority. “Please, I don’t even need to. It’s like a cartoon of bad fucking decision-making over here,” Elli announced. In a split decision, she moved beside Leo and took a seat, deciding their kinship over Luxor’s stupidity was enough of an invite. She scoffed, tilting up her chin with a crinkle of her nose. “I don’t know that impressive is the word. Maybe pathetic. Unfair. Absolute bullshit,” Elli critiqued bitterly. “Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
Gossip was a natural part of any social ecosystem, though Elli had forgotten how shitty it could feel being on the receiving end of it. During her time at Luxor, she'd mostly kept her head down and her nose buried in her textbooks. Still, the incident at the New Year's Eve celebration persisted in her mind. It wasn't Elli's concern, not really anyway, but the look of Ruby's face when she'd saw how upset Elli'd gotten stayed glued in her mind. "Oh, um...." Elli smiled tightly, clenching the straps of her backpack tighter. "Yeah, that was kinda the point, Ruby. Hope you don't mind but I thought we'd have a girls' day," she offered with a raise of her shoulders. She didn't need to know if what they said about Ruby had any shred of truth to it, she wanted to be the one to protect her from it anyway.
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date: anytime post nye event
location: corridor
for: @luxorstarters​
It felt like ever since the stupid New Years party, whispers had followed Ruby everywhere she went. She wasn’t used to being the subject of rumours or exposes. If anything, she’d done her best to avoid her name ever being in anyone’s mouth for the majority of her academic career, and it was an unfamiliar and very much unwanted feeling to see people look at her and awkwardly turn away. Even more so when the looks were so obviously hostile. She’d hidden out in her room at first, of course, but she knew if she gave in and allowed her grades to slip, she’d only be proving everyone right. What she needed right now was to prove herself, more than ever before, more than she’d already been doing. Overwork wasn’t a word that applied to her at this moment in time. It was like she was playing catch up all over again. Maybe she always would be.
But it was incredibly difficult to play catch up when you couldn’t actually access your own books. And as much as she really wanted to never speak to anyone again, there was an obvious solution, so Ruby sighed slowly before crossing her arms to address the student, avoiding eye contact. “You’re standing in front of my locker,” she muttered quietly. “Could I … get in, please?”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
Elli’s brows were furrowed in an obvious look of disdain, though she was all too familiar with scrappy brawls and their aftermath. Still, that didn’t stop her from jumping to conclusions with other people. “Think it’s ‘cause yours is especially gruesome. Ugly, really,” she commented in a blase tone. Elli brought her attention down to her nails, deciding her commentary was a sufficient enough response to the other.
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Who: open ( @luxorstarters​ )
Black eyes hurt, if he could avoid it, of course, that he would, that didn’t mean he was always capable of it. In general, he wasn’t a violent person, he did fight before, always for a good reason and he would do again if he had to, but rarely he was the one that started a fight. The guy was the one that punched him first, without a reason, since he was the wrong one, as he kept on harassing someone, despite the fact they were clearly not interested and said that more than once. They looked at Rich with pleading eyes, because while there were some that could deal with the situation alone, others couldn’t, so he tried to help them, the guy wasn’t happy about it, “A few people stared at me on the way here, it’s like they never saw a black eye before,” his tone was more amused than bothered though, he understood why it caught people’s attention.
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ellixxirr · 3 years
A wide grin spread against Elli’s lips, a light chuckle following the other’s outburst. She threw her head back, nearly falling back on the bed covers. “I wish I was kidding but,” she paused, pressing her upturned lips together. “I mean, does anyone’s first kiss go well? I don’t know what I expected giving a boy a chance.”
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~ @luxorstarters​
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Tiva choked slightly on the sip of beer she had just taken, hand going to wipe across her lips before she spoke. “You can’t be serious,” she said with a slight laugh. “Like, please tell me you’re joking.” 
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ellixxirr · 3 years
“Is that a threat, Elli-Jelly? ‘Cause I’ve always thought prison would suit you. Attempted murder could be a great option for you,” Jack cooed, grinning widely as her expression visibly soured. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just that loveable. Everyone’s favourite child, right? You wanna ask Claire who she adores more?” He suggested, his tone remaining playful, evidently enjoying pushing her buttons. “I get it must be hard for you. Seeing people with birth families who love each other so much they’d fly across the world to see them. I feel for you,” the tone of his voice shifted to condescending, faux sympathy, “truly. And your concern for my future is appreciated, honestly, but I like to think my engineering degree will be excellent for career prospects. Unlike, I don’t know, art history? But I guess following your passion should be admired too. I mean, the tortured impoverished artist may be a stereotype, but it works, right?”
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“If I was going to murder you, I wouldn’t get myself caught. It’s more like I’m just holding out ‘til your will to live gives out,” she replied boredly. Jack was always quick to gloat about his family’s affinity for him, but Elli couldn’t be bothered to win the affection of those people. She had bigger priorities than seeking love from a group of strangers. “The way I see it, we’re just her fucking pet projects. The fuck do I care if Claire thinks she can fix you?” Elli spewed, her posture poised and stiff. She rolled her eyes at Jack’s gloating, his fake attempt to comfort her. Even with her remaining tight-lipped about her upbringing, her family was an easy shot Jack was always willing to take. Her mother would have certainly come, after all.... if that could have been an option for her. Whatever love spread between Jack and his family, Elli didn’t want it. “Not if you flunk out, overdose, or get arrested before that happens,” she snipped. “Uh, hello? Ever heard of curating? Or anthropological research, you fucking dimwit. Sounds a lot more fulfilling than a future of stupid numbers and meth mouth.”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
“Honestly?” Elli echoed with pursed lips. She watched with mild amusement as the boy on the floor slammed his sketchbook closed. “Probably,” she answered nonchalantly. She tapped the toe of her white-heeled boots against the ground and let out a triumphant hmph. “I don’t think quiet is a part of anyone’s dictionary here. You tell them ‘study’, they think you’re talking about an all-night drug bender that ends in an orgy of some shit. Honestly pathetic.”
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open ( @luxorstarters​ ) location: the campus gardens
Leo was taking advantage of the beautiful weather and scenery as he sat outside drawing from observation in his sketchbook. Any anxieties he may had been feeling from the new setting subsided, or at the very least temporarily muffled, as he was able to focus on capturing how the light hit the flowers and stones with layers and layers of intricate cross hatching with his pen. The style always was extremely time consuming, but the feeling of getting completely lost in the details and rhythm of carefully placing each parallel mark was always worth it. Unfortunately, the peace and quiet was short lived as he heard someone close by behind him. Not only did the sudden noise startle him out of that calm and meditative state, it was also enough for him to nearly jump out of his skin - resulting in a think black line of ink going straight through the drawing. “Honestly, would it kill people to be a little quiet for once?” He asked rhetorically though a heavy sigh before hypocritically slamming his sketchbook closed.
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ellixxirr · 3 years
i think it is healthy for me to be a judgmental bitch and cunt etc
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ellixxirr · 3 years
♪ - A song that is on my muse’s ipod.
i'm not a vampire - falling in reverse.
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ellixxirr · 3 years
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ellixxirr · 3 years
[ 🤷‍♀️ ] how does your muse approach strangers? how does this compare to how they interact with close friends or lovers?
From her childhood, Elliott has always viewed strangers as potential threats rather than potential allies. She's actively hostile and haughty toward strangers, though this is not much different from how she is with her friends. Elli is hypercritical of her friends' and lovers' decisions, mostly because she wants them to be as happy and successful as possible. At times, this can translate into her preaching about knowing what's best for them, and despite her good intentions, she can come across as controlling and undermining. However, she is loyal almost to a fault, and she loves with every inch of her soul.
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ellixxirr · 3 years
“Fuck, I don’t know, now I wanna gouge out my own eyes and wipe my memory. Rather live as a vegetable than remember your face,” he retorted, before raising an eyebrow. “If you really wanna see Nate’s penis go knock yourself out, I’m not delivering him to you on a gold table or nothing.” Showing no signs of leaving, if anything Jack shifted to make himself even more comfortable leaning against the wall, giving Elli a slightly predatory look before going in for the kill: “I guess I could always go see my family. But you know, I have loads of time for that. Must suck for everyone who couldn’t get theirs to show up, I suppose…..”
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“For the love of fucking God, get it over with already, won’t you? All this talk but no fucking action. I’m tired of this extended fucking pity party you’re in the middle of. Really you’d be doing us all a favor if you accept there is no fucking significance to your life and you’d probably be happier dead,” Elli said and pursed her fuchsia lips. “Who the fuck is Nate? Is that, like, one of your desperate ass groupies or something?” she asked pointedly, crossing her arms and not bothering to look over to Jack. Her face soured at the mention of family, and for a brief second before Elli realized who she was facing off, she thought her strength might crumble. Still, she’d accepted she had no family at this point. “Hm, how is it that you convinced your idiot brother to come all this way? After, you know, fucking up his whole future... Kinda funny, especially considering you never had one.”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
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“You’re welcome,” Jupiter took a seat as they pretended that the awkward silence wasn’t taking over the atmosphere, they didn’t understand what was going on but they didn’t want to question it so instead they waited on the other to speak again. When she did, they looked up with a smile, “I’m sure it’s not just me, I’ve seen the way the crowd looks at you, gets me a little jealous and makes me want to keep you all to myself.” She smiled even wider when the other took another drink from her cup, satisfied that she likes it. “Friendships can grow based on just chemistry and not just things in common, haven’t you ever heard of opposites attract?”
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Elli kept a close eye on Jupiter as they sat down, unsure what the brunette’s angle was. Was she looking for something from her? Did she need her help with her homework or something? The mention of the crowd made Elli choke on her coffee, and she coughed and the hot liquid burned the back of her throat. “I can’t say I’ve ever noticed stares that weren’t just dirty looks,” she laughed, a bit of nervousness in the tone. “And why would you be jealous?” Elli’s smile faded into a look of uncertainty. Since she had moved to Luxor, most of her encounters had been superficial, if not plainly antagonistic. She nodded her head slowly at Jupiter’s point. “I’ve heard, but I can’t say it’s ever really worked for me... Do you really think we’re opposites, though?”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
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“Wait a minute,” Elli asked and held up a hand. “You wanted to be a lawyer growing up?” she repeated and let out a hearty laugh. “That’s like a kid saying they wanna be an optometrist or an accountant,” Elli said with an eyebrow raise. She meant nothing ill by it, but truly, it seemed a peculiar dream for a kid. Wasn’t that something people chose to do once they were old, and like, hit with the reality that money rules everything? She laughed again at Nova’s inquiry about a time machine. “If there was, I’d probably constantly jump myself.”
open: @luxorstarters​ location: study hall when: mid-morning 
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“I want to be a lawyer, Little Nova said. It’ll be fun, Little Nova said,” Novalee muttered, more so thinking aloud, as she glared at her laptop, as well as the plethora of books surrounding it. “You ever just wish time machines were an actual thing so that you could go back and punch your younger self in the face? Because that’s where I am,” she continued, intentionally voicing her thoughts this time as she felt a presence near her. At this point, she was desperate for a distraction. Procrastination was her favorite pasttime anyway and she wouldn’t be Nova if she didn’t push things off to the last minute. 
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ellixxirr · 3 years
“Wanna dance with me?” Jack asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows, leaning against the wall right next to Elli without showing any signs of caring about whether that was okay by her. If anything, the less okay it was the more he wanted to be there. “Yeah. Everyone sees your mardy fucking face and thinks, cheer the fuck up. Like, way to bring the mood down. Can’t blame us for trying to raise it again.”
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“Ew, what the fuck, you little freak. Why are you even looking at me?” Elli scolded, sneering at Jack with a scowl of absolute disgust. She huffed at Jack’s closeness and shifted away from him, turning her head like depraving Jack of attention would force him away. “If you're so concerned with raising my mood, make yourself useful and get me like, a cocktail weenie or something. Better yet, go jump off a bridge. That’d make my fucking week.”
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ellixxirr · 3 years
Libby’s expression of disgust made it quite clear how she felt about that, before she had even opened her mouth. “I support the backhand. This whole ball is fucking swarming with disgusting old dads looking for affairs and college bro brothers so far up their own privileged asses they’re probably looking at their prostate instead of your expression. Fucking gross,” she agreed wholeheartedly. “Then again, they’d probably take a punch as an invitation too.” 
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“Yeah, I can’t decide which is worth. The old people smell is unbearable but hearing a college bro talk about himself makes me want to blow my brains out,” Elli snickered, smiling over at Libby. It was a nice change of pace to run into some as unapologetically ruthless as she was. “A kick to the balls then? I swear, there’s no winning.”
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